CLARENDON COLLEGE, INC. Roxas, Oriental Mindoro Tel fax: (043)289-7056 / Jayvee Charles D. Cawaling Mary Ann M. Casapao The Tadyawan is one of the eight Mangyan tribes in Oriental Mindoro; they are found in the towns of Naujan, Victoria, Socorro, Pola, Gloria, Pinamalayan, and Bansud. They have dark skin, curly hair, a slim build, brown eyes, and distinct facial features such as high cheekbones and full lips. Similar to most Mangyans, Tadyawans’ traditional clothing comprises a red cloth on the chest and a white waist wraparound called talapi for women, and a g-string called abay for men. Men and women adorn themselves with bracelets and necklaces made of beads.