ELITE Educational Institute Indonesia ONLINE DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (SAT) 1. We will use a Zoom Meeting. 2. Please use Laptop, Desktop, or Chromebook. Smartphones are not acceptable. 3. Laptop must have a built-in webcam or external USB camera because cameras will be on. 4. You must have camera and audio on for the 3 hours testing. You are not allowed to turn off the video or mute yourselves. 5. Please make sure that you will be in the distraction-free area to take the diagnostic test. In other words: - No people coming in and out of the room to talk to you. - No TV or music on in the background. 6. You will have to log into your EOS Gmail Account, then check your email or go to Google Drive to access a G oogle Sheet as an online Answer Sheet. 7. We will share the PDF of the test 5 minutes before you start. 8. The test consists of 4 sections. We will let you know when to start the section as well as the next section and 5 minutes remaining. 9. You are not allowed to leave the Meeting Room before we have confirmed all sections and all answers are on the right Answer Sheet. You will be individually dismissed once we confirm everything is filled out. 10. We will send the Zoom Meeting Invitation through Whatsapp and Email. ELITE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE 1