Spring 2021 Home Announcements Course Syllabus unread spontaneity of physical processes Top Explain free energy and how it relates to spontaneity of chemical reactions Write balanced electrochemical equation Meeting Times Calculate the potential of an electrochemical cell and predict its spontaneity Determine rate laws from experimental data and Contact Information mechanisms Description Explain the role of catalysts and enzymes Objectives Draw structures of organic molecules and identify functional groups Name alkanes, haloalkanes and cycloalkanes Outcomes Predict the physical properties of organic molecules Materials Explain the different types of strain and how they lead to different energy conformations Distinguish different types of isomers Evaluation Modules essages.3 Grades People Zoom Videos Materials Course Policies Institutional Policies Additional Items Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight Author: Atkins and Jones Edition: 7th ISBN: 978-1464183959 Previous version OK. However, I based the lectures / chapters based on the 7th. edition. Laptop & webcam We will meet in person once a week and do group work. A laptop and webcam will be very useful. Schedule Meeting Times Contact Information Description Objectives Outcomes Materials Evaluation Course Policies Institutional Policies Additional Items Schedule Smartphone / Tablet You will be required to upload scanned pages of your work. Office hour will also be conducted on Zoom and SLACK channel. While it is possible to do both with a laptop, a smartphone will streamline most of the process. App that can scan pictures into PDF You will be required to upload your work online as a PDF document. An app that can convert your smartphone into a scanner will be very useful. I recommend: