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Science 9 Biological Diversity Review Booklet

Name: ____________________
Science 9 Biological Diversity Review Booklet
Topic 1 - Biological Diversity and Survival
What does the term biological diversity refer to?
What are the main components of biological diversity?
Explain the difference between structural and behavioral adaptations with examples of each.
Explain why it is important to preserve the species of the Pacific Yew Tree.
What is the value of variation?
Describe how biological diversity is measured within a specific area (ecosystem).
Explain the arrangement of species. (Individual, Population, Community, Ecosystem)
Explain the difference between variation in a species and variation between species.
Topic 2 - Habitat and Lifestyle
1. Explain what is included in an organism’s niche.
2. Explain resource partitioning in the spruce tree and briefly explain what warbler populations
would be affected directly, if lightning hit the top part of the tree. (p. 18)
3. Why is there little diversity and large populations in Northern Canada and high diversity with
small populations in Central and South America?
4. Explain the difference between the type of niche specialists and generalists have.
5. Give an explanation and an example of each type of symbiotic relationship: Commensalism,
Mutualism, Parasitism, Interspecies competition
Topic 3 - Passing It On
1. Briefly describe the difference reproductive processes that can occur asexually.
a. Binary Fission
b. Spore Production
c. Cuttings
d. Budding
e. Vegetative Reproduction
2. Explain the process of sexual reproduction in plants and label the parts of the flower.
3. Explain the process of sexual reproduction in animals.
4. Explain the process of conjugation in bacteria.
5. Some organisms can reproduce sexually and asexually. Explain the advantages and
disadvantages of each process.
Name: ____________________
Topic 4 - Wearing Your Genes
1. Explain the difference between the 2 different kinds of inherited variation.
2. Give 2 examples of dominant traits and 2 examples of recessive traits.
3. Certain characteristics are non-inherited and depend on factors other than genetics. Explain
what some of the factors might be.
4. Explain the Nurture vs. Nature debate. (pg. 42)
Topic 5 - When Plans Change
Explain what mutations are and what can cause them.
Illustrate the chemical structure of DNA that was modeled by James Watson and Francis Crick.
What is the genetic code?
What enables DNA to have so many variations with only 4 chemicals?
Different human cells (somatic cells) have different life spans – fill in the table. (Pg. 50)
Brain cells
Red blood cells
Stomach lining cells ___________________________________
Liver cells
Intestine lining cells ___________________________________
Skin cells
6. Explain the detailed process this illustration demonstrates
7. Explain how biotechnology can increase or decrease variation.
8. Describe some of the positive effects of biotechnology.
9. Describe some of the negative consequences of biotechnology.
10. Illustrate a Punnett Square (outlines possibilities in offspring)
11. Identify the Classification system used by biologists to identify specific organisms. (KPCOFGS)
12. How did Carolus Linnaeus determine a naming system that would enable scientists around the
world identify specific organisms?
Topic 6 - The Best Selection
1. Explain the drawbacks of the process of Artificial Selection.
2. Explain what occurs during the process of each type of artificial selection technique. (Cloning,
Artificial Insemination, In vitro fertilization, genetic engineering).
3. Identify the purpose for the selective breeding.
4. What did Charles Darwin observe on the Galapagos Islands?
5. Darwin explained his theory of natural selection, which could be summed up in which four
Name: ____________________
Topic 7 - The Sixth Extinction
1. Identify different ways that natural extinction can occur and give examples of species lost as a
2. How does overspecialization cause extinction?
3. Explain the difference between extinction and extirpation.
4. What human activities can have an impact on species populations?
5. What is the most recent species that has become extinct?
6. What caused it to become extinct?
Topic 8 - Pains and Gains
1. How do zoos preserve biodiversity?
2. What are some organizations doing to preserve plant species and avoid species extinction?
3. Explain the difference between ex-situ and in-situ conservation programs to preserve biological
diversity around the world. (Give examples)
4. What strategies are used to preserve biological diversity in Canada?
Ways to Study:
Make flashcards of either these questions/answers or the vocab from the textbook/powerpoints
Read through your textbook to refresh all of the concepts in context.
Answer all of these provided questions thoroughly on another sheet of paper.
Take a large sheet of paper and re-do the concept map that was given out at the beginning of the
unit with far more detail. This will help you create a “big picture” in your mind. Knowing where
all of the details fit into the big picture is a great way to organize and therefore remember the
5) Find all of the vocabulary that you need, write out an explanation and draw a mini picture to
help jog your memory about what it means (make sure this doesn’t turn into a useless doodling
activity though!) Don’t just find the dictionary definition, make sure you actually understand the
concept and how it fits into the course.
6) Verbalize your explanations to each of the above questions either to yourself, someone else, or
to no one in particular (verbalizing will help you keep it in your head longer)
7) Go through these questions with a study buddy and teach each other the concepts. (Even if one
or both of you says that you know it already, the act of teaching it engrains it into your head)