Growth Mindset Activity 1 Time management Parts of the learning process Growth characteristics Challenges Embraces challenges What will you do to adopt a growth mindset? I have been thinking of simply putting off doing things, but I will make sure that rather than procrastinating important things, I will eliminate the non-essential things. Obstacles Persists despite setbacks As an engineering student, I pretty much always have a lot to do, but I will organize things into the 4 quadrants of productivity Efforts Sees efforts as a path to success I will eliminate distractions from my dedicated work time. I will still have times to relax, but I won’t have my phone on me when it’s my time to be productive Criticism Learners from criticism I will talk with a college counselor about scheduling Success of others Finds learning and inspiration in the success of others There are several students that are further along in the program that I look up to. I will copy the methods and suggestions that they give me to be successful