DESIGN 10 Prototyping Principles Unlock the power of prototyping. Resist the temptation of spending time and energy refining one direction only. Rather, use the principles described here to explore multiple directions with the same amount of time and energy. You will learn more and discover better value propositions. Make it visual and tangible 2 3 4 77 7 88 8 999 Embrace a beginner’s mind Beginner’s Beginner’s Beginner’sMind Mind Mind Start with low fidelity, iterate, and refine Don’t fall in love with first ideas — create alternatives Feel comfortable in a “liquid state” Expose your work early — seek criticism Learn faster by failing early, often and cheaply -- - -- - -- - mindset. mindset. mindset. efine fine tives tives tives to toto find find find the the the best best best option. option. option. 90 —— — Seek Criticism Seek Criticism Seek Criticism Use creativity techniques Create “Shrek models” Refine Track learnings, insights, and progress Written by Alex Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Greg Bernarda, Alan Smith Designed by Trish Papadakos • Copyright Strategyzer AG The makers of Business Model Generation and Strategyzer - - -