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ASEAN Summit: Myanmar, South China Sea, and East Timor Challenges

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), numbering
10 countries and member-to-be East Timor, also known as Timor
Leste, is meeting in Jakarta this week in a summit fraught with
Leaders will meet from September 5 to 8, in Indonesia’s capital,
with United States Vice President Kamala Harris, Chinese Premier
Li Qiang and other prominent politicians flying in. But whether
ASEAN can reconcile the differences over Myanmar, and stand up
for East Timor and the Philippines, is seen as key to its survival as
the pre-eminent diplomatic grouping for Southeast Asia.
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China calls on Philippines to move grounded warship from disputed reef
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Thailand to host meeting to ‘fully re-engage’ Myanmar’s generals
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Thailand’s outgoing military-led government broke ranks with the
bloc, which collectively had decided to suspend Myanmar’s generals
from top meetings, and embraced the neighbouring country’s
regime with support from China.
Then, last month, Myanmar’s coup leaders expelled East Timor’s
top diplomat in Yangon after the Timorese joined a long list of
countries in meeting with Myanmar’s National Unity Government
(NUG), set up by removed and elected lawmakers mostly associated
with now jailed civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Addressing ASEAN foreign ministers on Monday, Indonesian
Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi acknowledged the “many difficult
circumstances in the region”, including Myanmar.
“The eyes of our peoples are on us to prove ASEAN still matters,”
Marsudi said.
The bloc also faces continuing challenges over the disputed South
China Sea where there has been scant progress on a much-talkedabout code of conduct.
The Philippines last month accused China of using water cannons to
attack resupply vessels off Second Thomas Shoal. China’s release of
a new map depicting its expansive claims has also caused upset.