Uploaded by Valentina Galvan

Scholarship Essay: Art, Animation & Mental Health

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Valentina Galvan
June 30 2023
For a majority of my life, I’ve loved to draw. It’s always amazed me how much can go
into a single piece of artwork, the use of line, color, shapes, and composition that come together
to visualize a person's thoughts and emotions. As a result, the arts have played a significant role
in helping me cope with my anxiety and depression throughout my childhood. As a kid, I didn’t
have access to professional help for my mental health, so creating art was my only outlet.
Drawing and appreciating art of all kinds has helped me make sense of my emotions that I didn’t
quite understand as a child. I didn't realize it at the time but this adoration for art was going to
have a significant influence on my future.
This love for the arts became what I was known for at school. I was the kid who would
draw at school any chance I got. I’d finish assignments quickly so I’d have free time in class to
draw and doodle in notebook pages frequently. I was fortunate enough to have teachers that
embraced this passion rather than punish me for it. In fact, during my sophomore year of high
school, I was given the opportunity to participate in a statewide film festival regarding suicide
prevention. Drawing from my own experiences with mental health as well as some outside
research, I dedicated roughly a month to script and animate a short film on my own. Having the
opportunity to work on this film provided me with an outlet to express some of my personal
struggles as well as bring awareness to my community about the importance of mental health. In
addition, seeing other contest entries helped me feel less alone in my struggles with these
feelings. This project opened my eyes to the significance the arts have in our society: Artists
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sharing their skills to voice their own stories and struggles. In sharing, others can learn and relate
to, which brings us closer as a community.
I knew this was what I wanted to pursue. With my art, I hope to contribute to a world
where people feel less alone in their struggles with mental health. I want to create art that can
inspire people to learn about mental health as well as seek out help in their struggles. Animation
nowadays isn’t afraid to shed light on topics like mental health and trauma which has been
inspiring to me in my endeavors. By pursuing a career in this area, I hope to be able to lend my
voice and skills to bring awareness to such topics as well. A dream of mine is to create an
animated show that touches on topics of mental health to raise awareness and educate people on
these issues. This is why I intend to study animation in college. Here I am now, pursuing these
dreams at CSUF, which is an opportunity I am extremely grateful to have. With this opportunity I
hope to be able to move forward in my career and create a better future not only for me, but for
others who have struggled as I have.
However, I come from a low income background without much support from my family
to pursue my aspirations. This career path isn’t the most conventional and my father especially
doesn't see it as a worthwhile career choice. This in turn has caused tensions between us, more
than there already were. But I'm determined to prove him wrong and show not only him, but the
world the power art can hold. Despite the barriers I face, I am determined to work towards my
goals. One of the biggest obstacles for me right now is funding. Winning this scholarship would
be one step towards me overcoming this obstacle as it would help me pay for part of my tuition. I
want to achieve my goals without having to become a burden for my family. In doing so, I’d
even feel more accomplished knowing this dream was something I was able to achieve on my
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own through my own consistent efforts, especially after constantly being brought down by the
negativity of others.