Literary conflict: Internal Conflict vs. External Conflict

Literary conflict: a struggle between two opposing forces. Can be internal or external.
Internal Conflict vs. External Conflict
 Happens internally or in the
mind of a character
 Types of internal conflict
o Man vs. Self
 Happens outside of a
 Types of external conflict
o Man vs. Man
o Man vs. Society
o Man vs. Nature
o Man vs. Technology
External Conflict
Man vs. Man
 When two or more characters in a story have a
physical or verbal disagreement
 For Example:
 My own Example:
Man vs. Society
 Occurs when a character goes against the
norms or traditions of society.
 For Example: _________________________________________
 My own Example: _____________________________________
Man vs. Nature
 Occurs when a character struggles to fight against problems
caused by elements of his/her environment
 For Example:
 My own Example: ___________________________________
Man vs. Technology
 Occurs when a character struggles against problems caused
by technology or technological advancements
 For Example: ______________________________________
 My own Example:
Internal Conflict
Man vs. Self
 Occurs when a character in a story has a problem that is going on inside of his or her mind
 For Example: _________________________________________
 My own Example: _____________________________________