Uploaded by Shubham Gupta

Supply and Demand: Dumbbell Market Analysis

Supply and Demand Presentation
1) Your presentation should begin by an introduction to the company or industry,
including some history and if it is an industry the key players. (About 5 minutes)
Description of Dumbells as Gym Equipment
Dumbbell's are a type of exercise equipment used in weight training
Purpose of dumbbells is to strengthen the body and to tone and build muscles
There are many exercises that a person can do with dumbbells such as squats, lunges, bicep
curls, chest presses, tricep extensions, dumbbells rows and many more
Brands that sell dumbbells
o Living.Fit Hex dumbbells are a famous brand to get affordable dumbbells
Popular equipment stores: Rogue Fitness and Rep Fitness, Titan, Cap
o The Best Dumbbells For 2023
Best Dumbbells Overall: REP Fitness Rubber Hex Dumbbells
Best Adjustable Dumbbells: SMRTFT NUOBELL
Best Value Dumbbells: Powerblock Elite Series Dumbbells
Best Loadable Dumbbells: Titan Fitness Loadable Dumbbell Pair
Best Dumbbells on Amazon: CAP Barbell 150-Pound Dumbbell Set
Best Round Dumbbells: REP Fitness Urethane Coated Round Dumbbells
Best Budget Dumbbells: CAP Barbell Solid Cast Iron Hex Dumbbells
Best Rotating Dumbbells: Eleiko Evo Dumbbells
2) For each of the above time periods discuss supply and demand and any shifts using
the graphs we went over during our first class. It could be that both supply and demand
shifted or just one. Also discuss the changes not only in quantities demanded and supplied but
also prices. (About 10 minutes) I recommend choosing a physical product where it is easy to
quantify units and price/unit to make your analysis more straight forward.
Pre-Pandemic Sales
In 2019, the sports and fitness industry grew 3.9% in one year
Institutional fitness equipment and consumer fitness product sales grew 3.8 % and 3.1%
Barbells and dumbells were in stock but in less demand in the years before covid
In 2019, dumbells had a 100% availability
Could be found in stock both online and in store
The average cost of dumbbells is somewhere between a dollar and two dollars a pound.
However, their cost can differ depending on the
material they’re made from, their weight, and
whether they’re new or not. That is why you need to
first decide what kind you want before making the
decision to buy one or multiple pairs. When Covid hit, the
increased of price shift due to supply and demand.
As for as my research goes, typically, a pound of
dumbbell weight will cost around $1,50 to $2.
However, there seems to be a sliding scale when it
comes to really heavy weights, and the price there
can drop from $1 to $1,50 per pound. That means a
50-pound dumbbell can cost around $45 to $60. It
would be strange for you to have to pay $2 or more
for a dumbbell that’s this heavy.
Link to the marketplace selling dumbbells at a higher price
Pandemic Sales
During Covid: there was a sudden surge of demand that created shortage
Dumbbells, Weight benches, treadmills, squat racks were impossible to find in stock in store and online.
If the equipment was in stock online, it will take up to 5 months or more to be shipped because due to
labor shortage (Manufactures Struggled to keep up with demand)
People on Facebook market were selling their equipment to a high price due to the increased of demand
https://www.garagegymreviews.com/gym-equipment-availability (relatable graphs on gym equipment
supply through the covid years)
Traditional dumbbells saw the biggest increase in median price at 21.12%
This diagram above shows why prices for gym equipment are so high
Demand shifted from D1 to D2 which shows a steep price and quantity increase for the new
equilibrium E2
When covid happened a many of the gyms closed downs this led to rising panic amongst the
general public because their fitness goals were now compromised
o This led to a huge demand increase for gym equipment which resulted in increased
traditional dumbbells that saw the biggest jump in median price—21.12 percent
from April 2020 to September 2021
Post-Pandemic Sales
Post: Now is easier to find gym equipment but there is still limited amount of supply and the
prices won’t be going down
After Covid, people enjoyed working from home and have canceled gym memberships
Demand for gym equipment is still high
Reason why price will not decrease for gym equipment because of Increased demand
means companies will have to charge more for fitness products
increased demand and limited supply had a significant impact on the price point of most
fitness equipment.
Due to importing goods is costing more
To get product from oversees and inflation has cause the price to not go down
Cost increases due to supply and demand
Cost of steel
Cost of importing products
Useful Websites:
Distribution of Slides
Shubham – slide2,4,6
Brenda – slide 3,5,7
Conclusion – together