MATH 559 Homework Assignment IV University of British Columbia

MATH 559 Homework Assignment IV
University of British Columbia
(due on Nov. 13, 2015 after class)
1. Use the Prager procedure to derive the evolution equation for the tensor < QQ > for a
dilute suspension of Hookean dumbbells.
2. Consider a dilute solution of Hookean dumbbells subject to startup of a homogeneous
uniaxial elongation along the z axis. Write out the rate of change of < Q2z >, and
demonstrate that as De → 1/2, the length increases without bound and no steady state
can be achieved.
3. Bonus problem [2 bonus points]: Evaluate the simple-shear predictions of the FENEP and FENE-CR models. For FENE-P, this involves numerical solution of nonlinear
algebraic equations and plotting of curves.