lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Complete NEW NLE 2019 2 fdgfnhgmnhfgdfsasDAFSGDFNBGFSDAS Bachelor of Secondary Education (Mindanao State University) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Nursing Practice 1 – Community Health Nursing Situation: DENGUE Which of these is a competent vector for the transmission of dengue infection? Aedes aegypti What are the classic signs and symptoms of early dengue fever? Fever, arthralgia, maculo– papular rash, retro-orbital pain Which one of the following Dengue NS1 protein dengue proteins is an early diagnostic marker for dengue virus infection? Rumple Leede (Tourniquet) Test positive More than 30 petechiae rash Breeding site of dengue Stagnant clean water Prevention , except No to fogging 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation 10.Reduce inequality within and among countries 11.Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 12.Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 13.Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts 14.Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development 15.Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss 16.Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels 17.Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development Situation: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT Key Question Situation :SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Key question Answer key Target year of SDG 2030 SDG which is healthcentered 3 Disease focus malaria Sanitation centered SDG 6 Cities and communities 11 17 Sustainable Development Goals 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Answer Key Which of the following is not true environmental health refers to responsible and concern of government Hazardous waste energy non toxic Color of bag for Radio active waste disposal orange Which of the following cannot be recycled empty drug vials Which is not a gas produced by green house effect Oxygen What are the signs and symptoms of global warming (Select all that applies) 1. Melting ice glaciers 2. Warming planet 3. Increase vector-borne diseases How to mitigate global warming Plant more trees Situation:MALARIA Key question Answer key Cause of Malaria vector-borne Female mosquito anopheles Page 1 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Causative agent (most common) Plasmodium falciparum Specific signs and symptoms High fever and chills Treatment chloroquine Prevention Breed animals like pig in front of the house Paragonimus westermani is mistakenly diagnosed as Pulmunary tuberculosis (PTB) Nurse is going to duty when Flashflood occurred, flash flood is A flood brought by heavy rains Disaster is? It is a community wide occurrence disrupting the normal conditions of existence and causing a level of suffering that exceeds the capacity of adjustment of the affected community PDCA is Plan Do check act #1 cause of mortality in the philippines Chronic Heart diseases Bubonic Plague Key Question Answer Key Dark age of Europe "BLACK DEATH" is Bubonic plague Father of antibiotic Alexander Flemming John snow is Father of Epidemiology what disease outbreak in 1800's in Soho District London Cholera Situation: 4 P’s Who isolated TB infection Robert Koch's 4 p’s Situation: PHC and public health surveillance Key Question PURPOSE 1. social assistance, 2. s o c i a l development CASH GRANTS • Answer Key First Alma ata international conference of PHC was held on RUSSIA First Asian country that adopts and implements PHC is Philippines The pillars of PHC Active community participation Multisectoral linkages Use of appropriate technology Support mechanism made available Public health surveillance the continuous, is systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of healthrelated data needed for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice. Percentage in statistics means Pantawid pamilyang Pilipino program h e a l t h grant: P500 per household every month • grant: P300 per child every month for ten months • P1,400 every month (No free housing benefits) Situation: therapeutic nurse-client interaction Key Question Acceptance, trust and boundaries are established during which phase of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship? Answer Key Pre interaction or Orientation phase "per hundred" “out of every 100”. Page 2 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 The nurse is caring for a patient with tuberculosis and finds that the patient has suicidal thoughts and feelings of helplessness. According to Peplau, which phase of the nurse-patient relationship does this indicate? Working phase The phase of the nursepatient relationship that may cause anxieties to reappear and past losses to be reviewed is the Termination phase How to say goodbye to Anton Goodbye and thank you Anton, don’t forget my teachings to you Anton Which phase of the nurse client relationship includes exploration of the clients feelings and participation in identifying his or her own problems? A. Working Serve as ANTIUROLITHIASIS (KIDNEY STONE) SAMBONG ANTIHELMITHIC herbal med Niyog-niogan For Fungal worm parasites AKAPULKO Bawang ideally must be taken AFTER MEALS Key Question Factors affecting health status best addressed by changes in public policies Environmental conditions Characteristics affecting death statistics All Focus of DOH plans and policies Health promotion and disease prevention Community Health involves members, government, private NGOs this statement is True Example of primary level of prevention Teaching pregnant women on nutritional practices during pregnancy Intervention wheel, not relevant based on the idea that public health services are provided outside the hospital system Situation: FILARIASIS Key Question Answer Key Answer Key Female mosquito causing filariasis Aedes poecilius Causative agent causing filariasis WUCHERERIA BANCROFTI S/Sx of acute Filariasis Fever, lymphangitis, orchitis, epididymitis, lymphadenitis Entreprenurse project of DOLE, what services are offered All Diagnostic test procedure Immunochromatographic blood test Management of resources and environment Treatment of choice Hetrazan Proper storage of vaccines, area of responsibility Equitable health service to Filipino’s under the banner of Universal Health Care “Government should give It may be free but we pay health services free of for them through our tax charge” implication of this Situation: Traditional health care (Herbal meds) Key Question Use for treatment of COLDS, fever and cough Answer Key lagundi Key Question Answer Key Page 3 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 The nurse counsels the use of ramp assistive devices is under what level of prevention? TERTIARY level Rabies 99% mode of transmission Saliva of infected animals RABIES caused by DOG BITEs Confirmatory diagnostic test for leprosy SSS – Slit skin smear Girdiasis is caused by Food borne- unsanitary food sources Taeniasis (tapeworm) Caused by ingestion of raw beef or pork products Key Question Answer Key Organizational structure illustrated in the chart type of work/ levels of management/line and staff relationship Accountability can be done by all except asking assistance from doctor Nurse can earn CPD units engagement in research project/ peer reviewer Primary purpose for continuing education improve nursing competency after registration True statement about membership to PNA voluntary and encourage by the PRC code of ethics Nurse deployment program, salary is P 18,000 (as per implementing rules) Avian flu Other name in Italy Fowl plague What is the strain of Avian Flu that can mutate to spread from birds to humans? H5N1 caring newly admitted client with increasing dyspnea and dehydration , possible avian influenza (bird flu). actions first? Provide oxygen using a non-rebreather mask. Vaccine for avian flu None SITUATION; QUALITY MANAGEMENT, BIRTHING CENTER Key Question SITUATION; FIELD HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION SYSTEM (FHIS)- RECORDING AND REPORTING SYSTEM Key Question Answer Key Basic clinical service equipment,except ambulance First step to do refer to DOH guidelines One requirements to stablish nurse-led birthing home PRC license What classification is the birthing home primary care facilities Birthing home service capability, except detection & referral of high risk pregnancies Answer Key Objectives ,except complete the picture of acute and chronic diseases Fundamental block family treated record Monthly FHS activity report,component tally report Tally sheet, recommended frequency daily Monitor long term regimen,reporting system target/clients list SITUATION: PHN, NURSE DEPLOYMENT PROGRAM Page 4 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Key Question Answer Key McKinley, upstream thinking Strict enforcement of age requirement purchase of cigarette and alcohol Home visit with stroke, practice Community-based practice Community-based practice means Service is provided in the natural environment of people Population focus means Community health plan designed to prevent frequent encountered problem Family is the basic unit of care, because Health of people is strongly influenced by family situation Primary concern of CHN Develop capacity of clients in dealing with health needs Equality is illustrated by this concept Support and implement health policies that uphold social justice Present day idea of health Search and destroy campaign for breeding places of mosquitoes Example of phenomenological community Faith community Conditions can be changed thru individual and community efforts Physical environment Key Question matter,energy,inform ation with invironment Most suitable situation for bandura social learning theory preparing solid for 6 mos.old infant Instruction on proper case of umbilical cord, aspects of bandura’s SLT motivation Key Question Increased taxes on tobacco,and alcohol to decreased smoking and drinking,application of what theory Answer Key milio theory Study on correlation on level health belief model knowledge on immunizations and compliance to schedule,theory to serve as frame work Mothers remarks that immunization schedule is conflicting,with working hours, base on health belief model, indicates perceived barriers Breastfeeding best up to 2 years,example of cues to action Milio’s frame work,focus on prevention changes in capacity to provide environment supportive of healthy choices of individuals Answer Key Theoretical all except nightingale foundation of CHN, theorist included CHN perspective, WHO Definitions state that the theory all, (purpose,system,organizes,pro vides way) Based on general system theory,fanily as an open sytem means exchange Key Question Answer Key Assumption of milio’s framework person choose most convenient course of health action in a given situation Goal of health promotion model-pender health promoting behavior Variables that influence behavior modifications all Page 5 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Marrie,28 y/o called by MD and calls her obese and needs to lse weight.capacity to follow diet,exercise is an example of perceived self-efficasy Marrie,jogging outside activity-related affect enjoyed 30 mons. Will make jogging regular, which variable Key Question Key Question Answer Key Best describes maturational crisis marriage Assessment-situations not causing strain selective inattention Ecomap connection and rapport within and outside family Paraplegic,home modification,level of intervention tertiary prevention Best description of strengths,observed in the family resilience Answer Key Grandmother +2,aunts,describe extended Format role of father taxi driver Most commonly used by PHN 1.nursing process 2.collaborate,coordinate 3.health teaching,guidance 4.data collection for research 5.resolving conflict 3 and 4 Nutrition,rest,activity,level of prevention primary prevention SITUATION; PHN ASSIGNED TO WORK WITH ELDERLY WOMEN Key Question Elderly as priority because they are growing fast In providing health needs,considered,except religious affiliation Try to circumvent hearing loss while giving health teaching to a group of elderly by face client while speaking Spousal abuse assist women to feel empowered On BSE, a finding that requires follow-up would be irregular shaped,nontender lump SITUATION: CHN Key Question Answer Key Answer Key Most appropriate description of family type notify the physician Father’s role, formal role taxi driver Most commonly used by PHN caring for families providing health/ teaching/ resolving conflict among family members Key Question primary level of prevention Most sensitive index infant mortality rate Crucial before planning meeting ask other health members Primary goal of CHN enhance capacity of individual General needs of a family, level of prevention Most appropriate related meet the emotional needs good for the affective family function SITUATION; LOCAL MORBIDITY DATA Answer Key Important in providing care culturity congruent To develop alliance in community organization building condition SITUATION: CRISIS SITUATION, FAMILIES Page 6 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Rice watery stool cholera SITUATION: EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIES Key Question Answer Key Epidemiology triad example spaghetti, food poisoning,outdoor picnic 10 new diagnosis of diabetes,event represents incidence Prevalence is a community 2,500 known cases of of 100,000 population with asthma Model used to guide health health belief model promotion(measles vaccination) Outbreaks of various gastrointestinal diseases endemic Key Question Answer Key Refer immediately if the baby cannot drink Lesbian,bisexual,transgender,psycholog constantly ical consideration guards everything to say No erection erectile dysfunction Antihypertensive side effect on male impotence and dizziness Peri/post-menopausal,best describes relationship to osteoporosis limit alcohol intake SITUATION: MOTHER DELIVERED BABY IN THE COMMUNITY Key Question Answer Key Key Question Answer Key offer pacifier when baby cries Osteoporosis, r/f 1.decreased estrogen 2.active lifestyle 3.Smoking 4.Young 5.Low bones 6.Low calcium intake Baby hospitalization if –(1-4-5) jaundice sole/ convulsing/ altered respiration 8 months pregnant, disqualification for home delivery G5P3 Returned to the hospital immediately if she exhibits jaundice to the sole/ convulsion/fast or slow or difficulty of breathing Mother receives TT4, baby protection for how long 1 year Children bottle feed, true statement about breastfeeding initiated within 90 mins.of baby’s age Danger sign of labor: 1. DOB 2. Bright red vaginal bleeding 3. Clear amniotic fluid 4. Uterine contraction 90 secs.duration 1,2,4, A month after delivery, which will be given retinol 200k IU, 1 cap Ensure warmth,except expose the baby under heat lamp Vaccination at birth BCG and hepa B Advocating breastfeeding,emphasize,exce pt Key Question Answer Key For discharge,except feces is red 9 mos,old vaccine MMR 37.6 immunization go on with immunization Rr 42/min,4 month old normal Page 7 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 SITUATION; MANG PISIO, 38, 3-DAY HOLIDAY Key Question Answer Key Most usefulAge 1. Address 2. Guardian 3. Socio-economic status (1,2,3) Appropriate NDx potential for substances abuse leading to juvenile delinquency Beginning RN, what topic for a 6 year old orphan dancing talent Most important to bring for long drive water To eliminate risk factor for accidents,remind to use the car’s seatbelt Which will most of all demonstrate safety checking condition of car To gain confidence of the group, what role friend PHRN advise on safety,what role counseling Acrobatics,prevention of injury wear safety gadgets List of agency to go in case of emergency health provider SITUATION; FIGHTING LOOTING TEENAGERS IN CITY OF MALUSAW SITUATION; SANTOS FAMILY,HEALTHY AND RELIGIOUS,VERTUES TO LIVE LIFE Key Question Answer Key Typology,nature of family to recognize readiness for enhanced spiritual well-being PHN role for santos family supporting role Determine health needs,conduct what home visit Inculcated the sense of responsibility by assigning tasks for each member Raising good children,understand the most loving and understanding strength and weaknesses Key Question Answer Key Understanding the meaning of risk predicted from particular hazard caused by fighting and looting Important principle to teach avoid wars, nobody wins if gang war occurs a war Peace and unity, PH RN response; peace starts from oneself Possibility of children to join gang,Nxl- community assembly Not easy to handle,recognize role as health care provider SITUATION; COMMUNITY HEALTH PRACTICE SITUATION; OUT OF SCHOOL YOUTH, DEVASTATED BY FLOODS Key Question Answer Key Key Question Care for community through HP and maintenance 1. Coordination and collaboration 2. Continuity of care Answer Key Page 8 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Reducing risks, improving health, except individual diagnosis Leader, able to influence others Supportive function,except epidemiology Understand by beginning RN 1,2,3,4 SITUATION: INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION Key Question Answer Key Attributes of collaborative teamwork, except Professional turfing Stage of collaboration defining relationship and responsibilities Collegiality Work together to improve patient care, do not support this statement Forge independent relationship Community project, most Be frank will remain appropriate things to do in flexible and open-minded disagreeing Partially satisfies parties concerned Fundus at the Level of umbilicus 20 weeks Phocomelia is caused by Antiemetic drug use in pregnancy like thalidomide Chief ingredient of prenatal vitamins Folic acid Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is Presumptive- subjective Nausea and vomiting is caused by increased level of ESTROGEN 35-45 days interval of menstruation OLIGOMENORRHEA IM to infant and children to prevent peripheral discomfort Z-track technique (Vastus lateralis) inform consent (SATA) consent is voluntary Consent performed by a mother if a child is under minor connection between to atria- foramen ovale March 30 ovulation occurs at march 16 Leukorrhea due to progesterone Position to close foramen ovale - right side lying - moral dilemma Compromising SITUATION: HEALTH EDUCATION Key Question Nursing Practice II – Care of Healthy/ At Risk Mother and Child Answer Key Correct sequence of designing a health education program Assess. Prioritize. Write Outcomes. Select teaching strategies. Best example, clients do not feel threatened Exercise, nurse begins to share her difficulties Taught variety of skills, domain of learning Psychomotor domain Colleague commit mistake other nurse report it to supervisor but the supervisor didn't take heed because they are understaff Dental hygiene starts When the first too erupts Hallmark of nephrotic syndrome generalized edema / anasarca Health promotion classes for older adult clients, include in the parmphlet Lessons should proceed at slower pact incubation period of chicken pox 10-21 days Page 9 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Right time for toothbrush? First eruption of tooth Start to drink from a cup 2 years old 6 months milestone observed 1st tooth bud eruption Play of infancy solitary 8 months old toy Large blocks 2 years old toy Wagon cart first prior giving medications : to pedia identify med to the bracelet of pt. stated name and date of birth post op interventions after sitting position (feeding) cleft lip Not taking folic acid in pregnancy causes Neural tube defect Initiate of breastfeeding within 30 mins (½ hour) room in baby to mother up to 24 hours Placenta is fully developed at 8 weeks SITUATION; POSTPARTUM Key Question z track technique IM site for 1y.o baby vastus lateralis patient is scheduled for CS then request for lab to whom will you relay the result OB start solid food 4 months Gives antibiotic to toddler without parents’ consent assault (choices ay malpractice, negligence, assault, libel) Scurvy to take Fruits Abdominal panhysterctomy is removal of Cervix, uterus, fallopian tube and ovaries Mang Raul a 42 years old balut vendor roaming around the barangay to sell balut. He is about to enter one of the houses in the community when he entered the gate he was suddenly attacked and bitten by a dog. Key Question Answer Key The part of the body most commonly affected by rhabdovirus in dog bite is? Head undergo treatment against rabies? Balut Vendor Answer Key Successful teaching, episiotomy care wipe from front to back using biotting motion Small constant trickle of blood, suspects perineal lacerations Severe abdominal cramps, explain the cause release of oxytocin during breastfeeding session Unrelieved pain by ibuprofen, assess for what Presence of perineal hematoma Above umbilicus deviated to the right best nursing action ambulate & assist to void Equine antirabies vaccine is Horse derived from Death of livestock in community, believing there’s a Vampire (aswang) killing their animals. What is the nurse approach? Encourage them to form a task force that will hunt the vampire and report to veterinarians SITUATION: POSTPARTUM MOTHER Key Question Answer Key Page 10 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 multiparous patient, 28 hours after caesarian delivery (CS), who is breastfeeding, complains of severe abdominal cramps. Nurse explains that these are caused by which of the following? B. Release of oxytocin during the breastfeeding session Law provides reproductive health care program to all A. 1,2,3, & 4 citizens prioritizing, which of the following? 1. Women 2. The poor 3. Marginalized 4. Those invulnerable or crisis situations Three hours postpartum, a primiparous patient’s fundus is firm and midline. On perineal inspection by nurse observes a small constant trickle of blood. What will the nurse suspect B. Perineal lacerations Reproductive Health services include the following, EXCEPT: B. Finding the correct partner Factors that affect reproductive health are, which of the following? Select all that apply. C. 1, 2, 3 & 4 (ALL) Violence against women and children Act RA 9262 a primiparous patient B. Perineal hematoma complains of perineal pain that was unrelieved by Ibuprofen 400mg given two hours ago Twelve hours after C. Encourage patient to vaginal delivery, nurse ambulate and to void palpates the fundus of a primiparous patient and finds it to be firm, above the umbilicus and deviated to the right. What is the best thing for nurse to do SITUATION: 6-year-old boy has arrived at school to take her child home because the school nurse has verified that he has an inflamed throat Nurse urges his mother to seek treatment because if the causative agent is beta-hemolytic streptococcus, he may develop a disorder characterized by inflamed joints, fever, and the possibility of endocarditis. Key Question SITUATION; Reproductive Health Key Question Nurse will discuss is RA 10354 which is entitled__________. Answer Key B. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 Answer Key If left untreated, condition can progress to left sided heart failure (80%) In addition to carditis, which of the following should the nurse assess the child? It should be for the presence of ________. C. arthralgia, low fever Which of the following would be the possible disorder? B. rheumatic fever Page 11 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 After throat swab for culture and sensitivity, the nurse would expect the physician to prescribe an appropriate antibiotic. Which of the following is the purpose of this medication? It is to prevent_________. recurrence mother questions whether B. It is caused by an her other children can autoimmune reaction catch the same disease. and is not contagious Which of the following should be the nurse’s response? HIV/AIDS Key Question Answer Key Which statement by the nurse is correct when discussing AIDS prevention and transmission? 1. Sharing needles 2. dry kissing 3. casual contact 4. breastfeeding anwer:1 and 4 HIV test should be repeated every 3 to 6 months most number of HIV cases? NCR Least HIV transmission DERMIS of the SKIN HIV major mode of transmission SEXUAL INTERCOURSE responsible person if patient result of hiv test of 18 years old is breached , who will file a case What race is at the highest HIV risk case? Black MSM and Gay Hispanics treat HIV wasting syndrome? Megestrol Acetate Low rate of patient undergoing ART Due to stigma SITUATION: CLEF PALATE Key Question Answer Key Unilateral clef lip/palate rubber tip syringe Closure of the palate, should be close before 6 MOs, response speech pattern Predispose to infection because mouth breathing, dries oropharyngeal membranes Repair of cleft palate usually at Between 6-8 months Nursing care after surgical repair cleft lip prevent from crying Significant statement, predisposed to client lip/ palate asthmatic, use of steroids SITUATION: CLEFT LIP AND PALATE Key Question Most risky behaviours MSM anal sex Cases per day by 2019 42 per day Best antiretroviral treatment for HIV Using 3 drug combinations HIV infection in the Western blot body the confirmatory test is ? Answer Key Priority nursing diagnosis for parents anticipatory grieving Feeding method for clef lip rubber tipped Priority after surgical repair high risk for infection First repair before development of speech Feeding utensil for cleft palate cup after surgery of cleft lip palate refer to. Speech Thearpies Page 12 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 SITUATION: DR Key Question SITUATION: RECORDS MANGEMENT,PEDIA WARD Answer Key Earliest feeding cue drooling First step to prevent hypothermia drying thoroughly and cover Prevent hypothermia, ensure correct temp 25-26 centigrade Not included hypothermia is dangerous to NB tetralogy of fallot Not to do for umbilical care use binder Key Question Answer Key Best describes, documenting for 5 patients case of 5 patients regularly Proper recording and reporting, legal not written/ not done Affixing signature was the one who provided care for 5 18 y/o, orphan,died in accident, living will from being a competent person to incapacitation SITUATION: COMPLAINTS, CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SITUATION: 15 YEARS OLD: MALNUTRITION Key Question Answer Key Legal risk, incoming next duty RN should first identify herself Address patient preferred name Establishing rapport all Emphasis on communication listen to complaints and queries Rapport professionalism Key Question Answer Key Normal weight for 5 feet tall 115 pounds Help her with obesity problem exercise 3x/week Not correct statement; malnutrition underweight increased with income Contributory to malnutrition check nutritional content Advice to cut,intake CHO, fats,salts SITUATION: MANAGEMENT Key Question Answer Key Time management good and feasible NCP Not permit watcher to help you when- administering medications 1st of all, keeping patients and all safe Conserving water reporting leak ang closing faucets (1 and 3 only) Best strategy to manage supplies inventory of supplies SITUATION: PRETERM NEWBORN Key Question Answer Key Effects, of cold stress; NOT included increased ICP Alert when caqring for preterm newborn hypoglycemia Page 13 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Exception to the appropriate nursing intervention to prevent heat loss place crib bedside to wall Stabilize temp; does not drop below 97.7 ‘F Preterm Exhibits elbow past the middle of chest Key Question SITUATION; TWINS, 3 YEARS OLD (38 WEEKS), NO HISTORY OF ABORTION; LMP: FEBRUARY 7,2017 Key Question Function of placenta SITUATION: 10 YEARSOLD; SECOND DEGREE BURN Answer Key subtance are exchange without mixing blood/ nutrients Growth of fetus ovum,zygote,morula,embryo,fetus,in fant G2,T1,P0,A0,L1 GTPAL EDD; naegele’s Rule November 14,2017 Hematologic changes; 1st trimester increase in blood volume Answer Key Most accurate guide to determine adequacy of fluid resuscitation neurological assessment Appearance at burn site bright red with blister Indication of adequate fluid replacement urine output 30 ml/hr Character of pain extreme pain Pain meds IV, rather than IM; rationale bypasses,impaired,peripheral,circulat ion SITUATION: OSTEOPOROSIS Key Question SITUATION: G3 P3003 POSTPARTUM UNCOMPLICATED Key Question Answer Key Lactation, amennorhea,breastfeeding 4 to 6 months Signs of postpartum infection foul smeeling lochia Breast engorgement breastfeeding on demand Taking constantly normal reaction Urinated 4x; initial action assess uterine consistency Answer Key Increased risk for osteoporosis prolonged immobility Vitamin needed for better absorption of calcium vit.D Desired effects of meds increased mobility Fracture pt. most prone to pathologic Menu for osteoporosis ice cream SITUATION; 14 YEARS OLD, HEMATOMA,BRUISES Key Question Answer Key Decision in joining clubs,refer to? adolescent family counselor Medico-legal cases;first recorded security blotter Page 14 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Aside from external signs of hating, he should include? all Who should the nurse inform parents Fraternities rituals secret refusal to give information; talk to a school authorities Correct health teaching( rubella vaccine no pregnancy for 3 months Rubella can be transported pinocytosis Correct route of rubella vaccine SQ Correct nursing intervention rubella vaccine Cardiovascular effect of rubella vaccine when first month SITUATION: DVT Key Question Answer Key Antidote: heparin protamine sulphate Medical term for “milk leg” phlagmasia Alba Dolens Avoid which meds that can aggravate bleeding salicylates Adverse signs and symptoms to be monitored by heparin hematuria, ecchymosis,epistaxis Lab values; closely monitor(heparin) APTT SITUATION: LABOR,100% EFFACED,3CM DILATED, +1 STATION Key Question Answer Key ROA; where to place Doppler below the umbilicus, right side Arrange order of priority: deceleration of fetus change position to left side lying oxytoxin OFF, oxygen ON,IV infusion,lower head of bed +1 station,head of fetus beginning to end of the same contraction Frequency of contraction 15mins SITUATION: CHILD ABUSE SITUATION: IV OUT OF VEIN Key Question Answer Key Fails to report a case breach of duty Prevention for incidence to not happen again in-service training Slapped hand;charge for direct assault Appropriate remarks during blood extraction its alright to cry Did not show up,during hearing default Utmost important document findings rested Proven guilty suspension We cannot present the witnesses and other documents; one’s a case is rested Bad mouth,sue for unjust vexation Did not attend to the needs of client; charge for dereliction of duty SITUATION:DYAD OF MOTHER AND BABY Key Question Key Question Answer Key Answer Key Page 15 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 SITUATION: INTRAUTERINE DEVICE (IUD) Key Question Key Question AGN description auto-immune, inflammation,signs and symptoms Diagnosis mild protenuria, marked hematuria,support of glomerulonephritis Priority intervention limit activity, safety Worsening increase in weight Sequel ( saan siya galing) impetigo contagiosa Answer Key Primary indication parity Further teaching replace every 3 years Use of IUD prevents sperm from reaching the vagina Most frequent side effects excessive menstrual flow Common problem expulsion of devise SITUATION: POISONING Key Question Answer Key Answer Key SITUATION: DELIVERED BABY, 3400 g, NSD Key Question Answer Key Common among (age group toddlers Immediately after delivery,palpate the fundus in between symphisi pubis and umbilicus Earliest sign easy fatigability, pallor Intervention for dysuria all of these Safety measures, not included medicines placed in purse of bags Fundus deviated to the right assist to empty bladder Irreversible damage to brain Considering the condition,nurse will initiate urine collection Read labels safety markings Dysuria during postpartum damage to trigone of the bladder SITUATION: LYING-IN FIRST PRE-NATAL VISIT SITUATION: CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS Key Question Answer Key Key Question Answer Key Work using computers, recommends to the client walk for a few hours Restrict salt intake, best response salt is essential, no need to restrict Contraindication for sexual activity during pregnancy all except DM Diet for fluid retention drink fluids & elevate Form of contraceptives that oral contraceptives have estrogen-like/ progesterone-like compound Internal examination(IE) appropriate response have you ever had an IE before Norplant/IUD Pills contains progesterone inhibits LH Teaching about oral contraceptive report irregular vaginal bleeding Danger sign, warrant stoppage of pills elevation of BP Pills contains estrogen inhibits FSH SITUATION: ACUTE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS Page 16 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 SITUATION: 15 YEARS OLD TONSILITIS Key Question Answer Key Indicates bleeding frequent swallowing Prevent highest risk of aspiration during surgery presence of loose teeth Post tonsillectomy, begins to vomit bright red blood,initial nursing action turn to side Physician’s order that nurse should question suction every 2 years Laboratory value most significant to review prothrombin time SITUATION: 3 MONTHS, NEUROLOGICC ASSESSMENT Key Question Answer Key Reflex to observe to determine muscle tone landau Characteristic expected litting of head and chest when prone Reflex not yet observed parachute reactions Describes babinski reflex toes will hyperextend and fan Reflexes is a tes for neurological integrity moro reflex SITUATIONAL: BIOETHICS Key Question Answer Key RN reports son has cardiac arrest go and assess yourself Dealing with discrepancies, role of the nurse advocate Watching religious program let the patient continue Student nurse refused to be assigned to HIV patient explore student’s feelings Aide shouting to patient call the attention for lack of professionalism SITUATION: ABRUPTIO PLACENTA, Key Question Answer Key Violation of confidentiality malpractice of inequities Determine the veracity complain and actual violation of standards by checking the medical records Nurse participate in the rehab program, except pt decided not to undergo procedure Patient inquired about functions and abilities, the nurse should refer to the attending physician Absence of consciousness, secure the consent spouse SITUATION: HIV MOTHERS Key Question Answer Key Feeding technique can put baby at increased risk for transmission of HIV mixed feeding Causative agent retrovirus How it is determined that a CD4count<200 person has AiDS other than a (+) HIV test Manner of delivery CS before onset of labor Condition affect her baby,appropriate response immediately take antiretroviral drugs SITUATION:BACTERIAL MENINGITIS Page 17 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Key Question Answer Key SITUATION: RESEARCH RE: PATIENT’S SATISFACTION Diagnosis confirmed brcause spinal fluid has elevated CHON level Route ener infants CN’s cranial apertures or sinuses Maintaining isolation for 48 hours after antibiotic therapy No researchers who singly focused on the said study in the past statement of the problem Post serious complication peripheral circulatory collapse Immediately available non-probability sampling Alert for increased BP vomiting, seizures,complaints of head pain SITUATION: PYLORIC STENOSIS, 2 WEEK OLD Key Question Key Question Answer Key End result, focus on which improve patient primary purpose satisfaction Appropriate data collection device to determine patient satisfaction questionnaire To avoid ethical liabilities among samples informed consent Answer Key Palpate abdomen,expects olive-shaped mass Returned to the pediatric unit with IV,priority nursing action assess IV site for infiltration Observe the infant,tentative diagnosis sign of dehydration To prevent,vomiting, position infant seat Appropriate post-op feeding regular feeding SITUATION: PRETERM LABOR Key Question Answer Key True about preterm length of gestation <37 First intervention monitor for contraction and fetal-being Possible complication hemorrhage Highly considered, except preparation for CS Demographic risk factors, except excessive physical activities SITUATION: PKU Key Question Answer Key Pattern inheritance autosomal recessive Refer to who else(collaboration) dietitian Criteria for the disease to be both parents must be transmitted carriers Teaching plan MLT mental retardation Father and mother is a carrier, pattern of inheritance 1:4 in each pregnancy SITUATION: HIGH RISK MATERNITY WARD Key Question Answer Key s/sx of RHD,except petechiae herpes management preparation for CS anticipate to occur, after eclamptic seizure abruption placenta monitor to suspect MgSO4 decreased deep tendon toxicity reflex SITUATION: FAMILY PLANNING Page 18 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Key Question Answer Key Menarche not correct precedes thelarche and adrenarche IUD provides contraception, how alters motility of sperm 28 cycle point of ovulation 14 to 15th day Clear and observable sign of fertility Clear and elastic slippery and stretchy Expect to ovulate,33 days cycle 19 days SITUATION: PHN 5 YEARS, ETHICS Key Question Answer Key IVT and foremost, patient did not want to go respect decision Profuse vaginal bleeding, exception to the rule epikia Dressing up properly,not exposing unnecessary parts inviolability of life Reach hospital alive,truthful answer veracity Do good to them beneficence Key Question What exercise is ideal and Swimming most appropriate for scoliosis? A 13-year-old has been 23 hours per day diagnosed with structural scoliosis and is fitted with a Milwaukee brace. How long should she wear the brace? The nurse identifies the mechanism of action of orlistat is as to the? Answer Key Among which of the following Chest X-ray is not a sophisticated technology? Mech vent is unavailable in ICU where to get the equipment Anesthesiologist department Water interruption call the Head nurse For a client with a menstrual cycle of 33 days, ovulation usually occurs on day 19 A client diagnosed with BP of 150/100 is classified as Hypertension Stage 2 adipocytes inch needle should be used for a morbidly obese patient.? 1" What is the disadvantage of computerized documentation of nursing process ? CONCERN FOR PRIVACY SITUATION : A 15-years-old accompanied by her mother presents with complaints of nausea and vomiting for two weeks. After her mother leaves the room, Pregnancy test comes back positive. The school physician confirmed that she is pregnant. has requested that you not convey to her mother that a pregnancy test has been sent. Key Question Key Question Answer Key Answer Key request that her mother not be told what is the ethical principle observed Veracity What advice should be appropriate to the patient? She is a minor, she need to tell the truth to her parent Based on the advice from Values clarification the nurse she then realized the importance of life and family. She is doing SITUATION; DISLOCATEDSHOULDER (5Y/O) BRUISES ON CHEST,ABUSE Key Question Answer Key Page 19 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Not effected it is okay to cry if you’re not More prominent change in GI elimination Priority, court of law- proper documentation Common significant others mother 48 hours failure to report breech of beauty Spiritual development Guilty, administrative suspension, revocation pray before meals and bedtimes Will not happen again beneficence SITUATION; 19 Y/O POSTPARTUM SITUATION: LEUKEMIA (6Y/O) Key Question Answer Key Key Question Answer Key major rationale of postpartum depression (PPD jealousy of the husbands attention to infant medications prescribed,appropriate anxiolytic symptoms of PPD all except delusion Action bring to nearby hospital Referral signed by MHO integrate health based ILHZ(inter-local health zone), except exclusion of private hospitals Charcoal crosses printed on body, except takes risks on behalf of patients and colleagues Pathognomonic sign of PPDF, rejection of the infant Personal,professional growth, best behavior and attitude Focus of psychotherapy fears and concerns SITUATION; HIV/AIDS IN CD WARD Key Question Answer Key Limitation, except writing style 5 respondents SITUATION; 4 Y/O MULTIPLE BRUISES SUSPECTED OF ABUSE Key Question Answer Key tell me specifically qualitative case study Most appropriate response In stating the significance of the study,except only identify the beneficiary Most accurate responsibility in reporting report to the person in charge Data collection semi-structured interview Suspect child abuse, most explanation & actual important criterion injuries are incomparable Frame work is base on research problem Valid ,except (living will) notarized document for a lawyer SITUATION. 1 ½ yrs old Key Question Best statement describe responsibility for written consent consent signed by parent,attached to chart Primary goal of play promote communication Answer Key Ritualism, definition maintaining sameness Touching almost anything,putting in the mouth,best response exploring his environment SITUATION; 23 Y/O, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH COUNSELLING Page 20 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Key Question Answer Key Possible disease she should avoid all Best way to check condition of mom and baby regular prenatal checkup Not to be followed during pregnancy massage from a pain Not included in the outcomes of folic acid deficiency to baby fracture of all types Best contribution,except normal development of baby may smoke once in a while Key Question Answer Key 2nd trimester IDDM, priority message achievement of optimal glycemic control HIV, priority evidence-based nursing information medication for HIV, infection is safe Mild variable fetal rate decelerations change the maternal position Complaints,immediate attention leaking vaginal fluid at 34 weeks gestation Severe nausea and vomiting advise limits fluids with meals SITUATION; PEDIATRIC UNIT Key Question Answer Key Primary purpose of evaluating nursing care achieve quality improvement Plan, DO, Check and act,design an assessment stool,phase of the process plan phase Team evaluate care as a being administered to pedia clients, this represents concurrent audit Sentinel events signal the needs for immediate investigation and response Not a goal of risk management reduce incident reporting system SITUATION: 4 WEEK OLD,PROJECTILE VOMITING Key Question Answer Key Nursing diagnosis fluid volume deficit Upon admission weight the infant Serum electrolyte imbalances,persistent vomiting all are decreased Acid base metabolic alkalosis Parenteral f/e potassium chloride SITUATION; 4 MONTH OLD ,INTUSSUSCEPTION (INVAGINATION) Key Question Answer Key Nursing diagnosis pain Most helpful did his his stool look like current jelly Pain related to cramping, no manifestations of expected outcome discomport NGT, no longer freely removing gastric secretions aspirate the tube with syringe Risk for an ileus postop, not included measure urine specific gravity SITUATION; HIRSCHSPRUNGS,7 MONTHS OLD Key Question Most pertinent data Answer Key often constipated Page 21 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Physical assessment scaphoid abdomen Barium adequately evacuated after procedure clay colored to brown stool Parents understand diagnosis nerves to the end of the large colon are missing 8 hours ,necessitate calling the physician increase of 3cm in abdominal circumference Decide to keep the baby and not abort,ethical principle beneficence Life will change regardless of her decision non maleficence Client’s autonomy, most appropriate ethical behavior only the safety of the clients should be considered Patient advocate,nurse must do the following,except only client social status and religious affiliation SITUATION; 2 YEARS OLD, TETRALOGY OF FALLOT Key Question Answer Key SITUATION; OB WARD, BED CAPACITY OF 40 Cardiac defect most associated P/V/O/R Polycythemia is compensatory tissue o2 First level management deal with immediate problems of operations Nurse expect clubbing of fingers Head nurse patient ratio Post-op, essential to prevent hard stools 8 staff nurses (1 nurse :10 patients) Clinical findings elevated hematocrit Essence of directing as a management process getting work done through others Increased nurse-patient ratio, type of nursing care delivery system functional nursing Best way for setting priority assessing nursing needs and problems Key Question SITUATION; LEFT TO RIGHT Key Question Answer Key Answer Key Major characteristic increased blood flow to the lungs Congenital heart defects (sata) acyanotic VSD,COA,PDA COA,,VS elevated BP in the upper arm Difficulty feeding ineffective sucking and swallowing PDA, correctly explains connection between pulmonary artery and aorta SITUATION; Key Question Whatever decision, primary ethical decision Answer Key respect autonomy SITUATION; SINGLE PRIMIGRAVIDA, 3RD TRI, MATERNITY CLINIC Key Question Answer Key Who can sign the birth certificate any health professionals involved PD 651 requires registration of births within 30 days Wrong entry, what recourse could be made petition to the court Family code of the Philippines,legitimate affiliation handwritten instrument signed by the father concerned Page 22 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Claim legitimacy during his/her lifetime SITUATION; RESEARCH MATERNITY WARD SITUATION; NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT Key Question Answer Key Protein-energy malnutrition 1-4 years old children Method of data collection weighing Tool for gathering data observation checklist Factors affecting PEM, which graph pie Soundness and validity of method, which section of the report method section Key Question Key Question Answer Key Phenomenological study approach in research maternal experience as they are live Appropriate title lived experiences of matertnal patients with complication Main objectives in conducting research in nursing improve nursing care Characteristics best describes phenomological research truth is lived experiences Saturation in qualitative research refer to data repetition Answer Key Most sensitive health indicator index infant mortality rate A new RN, coming up with suggestions, what will be crucial for preparation ask other staff their perception of health needs Primary goal of CHN enhance capacity of IFC to cope with health needs Priority counseling refusing to breastfeed newborn Caring for community culturally congruent Correct term used to call the obstetrical score- 2-0-0-1-0 Not included in birth plan home delivery Key Question SITUATION; 4 WEEKS AOG, 2ND PREGNANCY (1ST SPONTANEOUS ABORTION) LMP: MARCH 31,2018 Key Question Answer Key Answer Key SITUATION: GENETICS Develop alliance to improve health build coalition 9 mos,old, vaccine MMR 37.6 immunization go on with immunization normal Genetic disorder most common in the Philippines maple syrup disease RR 42/min, 4 mos. Old Rice watery stool Cholera Definition of karyotyping pictorial analysis Refer immediately if the baby cannot drink Not genenetically inherited by the baby from the mother cardiac heart failure (CHD) Key Question Answer Key Page 23 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 True about rare disease all except occur in all countries of the wound Appropriate response, what if I deliver here you can tell what help you need True regarding of PKU if mother is carrier and father is not no chance her baby will be affected Time out regain control of emotions SITUATION; Key Question Answer Key SITUATION; INFERTILITY Correct definition of infertility tubal scarring and occlusion Cause of PID Chlamydia Correct response primary infertility never had any pregnancy SITUATION; LEVEL OF RISK Key Question Answer Key IMMUNIZATION FOR 9 MOS.OLD measles Assessed for immunization, temp 37.6 C, best action go on with infants immunization RR 42/min, using the IMCI, her breathing is normal 2 y/o, rice watery stool cholera IMCI, immediately brought to the hospital danger sign inability to drink Answer Key Tracks postpartum mother,what study prospective chart Interest as investigator maternal role competence Design, intrigued set of investigation triangulation Retrospective, null hypothesis not related Quantitative study focused group discussion SITUATION; 8 MONTHS PREGNANT, EVACUATION CENTER Key Question Key Question Answer Key Effectiveness of lorazepam medicine can relax me Most therapeutic communication you seem upset? Most effective therapeutic communication for anxious patient stand or sit at the center of visual field SITUATION; PROBLEMS WITH SEXUALITY, REPRODUCTIVITY Key Question Answer Key LGBT, psychological consideration I constanly guard everything I say and do fear of my mother Male complaining of not being able to achieve and maintain erection erectile dysfunction Antihypertensive meds, side effects empotence and dizziness Health needs during perimenopausal and postmenopausal, appropriate response woman should be encourage to limit alcohol, increased calcium excretion Woman at risk for osteoporosis estrogen deficiency/ smoking/low bone density/low dietary Page 24 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 SITUATION: Key Question Answer Key Disqualify for home delivery ob score G5P3 4th dose of tetanus, how long is the protection to the baby 1 year True statements about breastfeeding breastfeeding can be initiated within 90 minutes of the baby’s age Danger signs of labor Material reports of DOB. Bright red vaginal bleeding. Uterine contractions above 90. Within a month after delivery, what medication Correct time to administer Vit. K After the 1st hour after skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding Included in UNICEF and WHO All except birthing centers Minimum contact, antenatal care 8 contact or visit Included in the promotion All of care retinol 200,000 IU 1 cap SITUATION: VIOLENCE, 14 Y/O Key Question Answer Key Most important attitude of nurse Sensitivity Theories of child abuse, not included Holiday Sexually molested by uncle Incest Signs of abuse, except Boy’s bob hair SITUATION: 4 – YEARS OLD, JUN-JUN Key Question Answer Key Helpful to deal with frightened child Start conversation with Jun-Jun or to others Shows an aggressive behavior, nurse should do Ignore this behavior unless harmful to him or others Useful approaches when speaking, except Egocentric or self-center point view Key Question Answer Key Correct advice regarding fluid intake 21. Stand over and talk down to him Not true Pre-eclampsia to avoid salt Piagel’s cognitive development Should be avoided Alcohol Foods rich in Vit. A Squash Foods that will help development of fetus Bulalo Soup Indicate understanding of My child always her own child’s stage of growth and way. development SITUATION: TRAINING PROGRAM, NURSE EDUCATOR Key Question Not included in global SITUATION: HEALTH EDUCATION, PROPER NUTRITION Answer Key Reform SITUATION: 1ST TRI PREGNANCY Key Question Most appropriate action Answer Key Support Brenda Page 25 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Recommended weight gain 15 to 25lbs Ndx Fails to follow nutrition advise, nursing diagnosis Imbalanced nutrition: more self-esteem disturbance r/ t infertility PID etiologic factor Chlamydia (usually asymp) Antidiabetic drug instruction Time in taking Infertility- no pregnancy in 1 year Primary infertility never been pregnant Increased in blood sugar 6 mmcl PID- infertility because scarring . occlusion. SITUATION: IMMEDIATE NEWBORN CARE Key Question SITUATION; PREGNANT FOR 4 WEEKS,1ST ABORTED, LMP MARCH 31 Answer Key Stop breathing for 5 seconds normal for baby 2nd period of reactivity,notify pedia Key Question Answer Key G2P0 multigravid,nullipara 65-70 rmp GTPAL G2T0P0A1L0 Anthropometric measure for full term head circumference 13-14 Doppler Utz, how many 6-8 weeks more weeks Meconium characteristic odorless,blackish green 36 hours after discharge,normal output 50 rmp,irregular EDD january 7 Crisis maturational SITUATION: RESPIRATORY AND SKIN ALLMENTS FROM NEARBY FACTORY SITUATION: RULE OUT RHEUMATOID HEART DISEASE 14 YEARS OLD Key Question Key Question Answer Key Sign and symptoms to observe arthralgia,SQ nodules,elevated ASO titer Jones criteria 2 major + hx of step throat Psychosocial identity vs. role confusion Salicylates purpose anti-inflammatory St.vitus dance sydenhamm’s chorea Answer Key Do to help solve problem, response I suppose you gave a lot of thought Reffered to brgy,council ,solution,respo nse can you tell me about what you expect from them I went,he promised, residents agitated let us all settle down Give us now the medicines or we will leave its up to you , if you wish,problem will not be solved Who can help us who do you think, any suggestion? SITUATION: FAILURE TO CONCIEVE FOR 2 YEARS Key Question Answer Key Page 26 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 SITUATION: PRE-PREGNANT WEIGHT 47 KG. DOUBLES DURING THE 1ST TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY Key Question Answer Key SITUATION; MARTA G4P3, (+)PREGNANCY TEST,LMP: JUNE 25,2018, HUSBAND NAGLILIHI Key Question Answer Key Recommended weight gain 15-25 lbs Focus of nursing teaching (2nd tri) fetal growth and development NDx imbalance nutrition. body requirements. Naegele’s Rule, EDD April 1,2019 support client,avoid fatty foods Multiparous, feel quickening 16-18 weeks Best nursing action Husband is experiencing COUVADE SYNDROME Refer if FBS result is 6 mmo 1/L and above time to be taken 2nd tri, Rubin’s Theory, characteristics fantasy, separate identity Referred to internist,most important instruction IDDM, advise on her 2nd trimester, 35 years old optimal glycemic control HIV,G6P5,30 years old,example of evidencebased practice medication is safe and can reduce transmission 39 weeks AOG, variable deceleration intervention change position Immediate attention leaking vaginal fluid @ 34 weeks AOG Severe nausea and vomiting, intervention limit fluids to increase retention of food SITUATION: 1MONTH OLD; DEVELOPMENTAL CONGENITAL HIP DYSPLASIA Key Question Answer Key Notes that the dorsalis pedis is (-) on the right foot, next action notify the physician Sign of congenital hip dysplasia Galeazzi test, also known as the Allis sign Expect to note what sign (able to walk) characteristic limp Pavlik harness instructions removed only to check skin and for bathing Goal mgt Frejka splint SITUATION: PRIMIGRAVIDA 40 WEEKS, RUPTURED MEMBRANE Key Question Answer Key Significance of the position not flexed nor extended Attitude of the fetal presenting part longitudinal military attitude What Antero-Posterior diameter of the fetal head presenting occipitofrontal Dx test to determine water has ruptured Fern test Vaginal exam, able to palpate large diamond shaped fontanel brow SITUATION; GESTATIONAL DIABETES Key Question Best test to perform glucose tolerance test Answer Key 24-28 weeks Page 27 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Hormone secrete HPL (somatomammotropin) placenta that may have diabetogenic effect Indicate diabetes is controlled, HA1c 7% Is insulin needed, best response that depends if controlled by diet When to check glucose level before breakfast & 2hrs after meals Insulin requirement after delivery (Postpartum) Decreased Insulin injection in pregnant Abdomen Arterial blood gas increased PC02 levels Discharge teaching minimize exertion & exposure to cold SITUATION; BACTERIAL MENINGITIS (2 Y/O) Key Question SITUATION: 18 MOS,TEMPER TANTRUMS Key Question when temporary teeth is complete( next year) Best address to the concern assert independence (toddler) Age appropriate behavior possessive, simple directions Developmental milestone, teach importance accept external limits Strategy to suggest offer 2 choices SITUATION; ACUTE ASTHMA (2 YEARS OLD) Key Question Maintaining respiratory isolation for 48 hrs,after antibiotic therapy Most serious complication peripheral circulatory collapse s/s alert for increased ICP vomiting, seizures, complaints of head pain Causative agent Neisseria Meningitides Precaution Droplet precaution CSF analysis Cloudy, increased WBC, inc. protein, dec. glucose Answer Key When start taking to the dentist Answer Key SITUATION; PRETERM LABOR Key Question Answer Key True,about preterm length of gestation <37 First intervention monitor for contractions and fetal well being Possible complication hemorrhage High considered,except preparation for CS Demographic risk factors, except excessive physical activities Answer Key Discharge teaching to emphasize eliminate allergens,/ continue meds even if asymptomatic Healthy snack for 2y/o with asthma apple slices Assessments include expiratory wheezing tachycardia SITUATION; PYLORIC STENOSIS, 2 WEEKS OLD Key Question Answer Key Palpate abdomen, expects olive shaped mass Returned to the pediatric unit with IV, priority nursing action assess IV site for infiltration Page 28 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Observe the infant, tentative diagnosis signs of dehydration Unilateral cleft lip/palate Rubber tipped syringe / medicine dropper To prevent vomiting, position infant seat Speech pattern Appropriate post-op feeding regular feeding Closure of cleft palate, should be 6 months, response Predispose to infection because Mouth breathing dries oropharyngeal membranes Nursing care after surgical repair cleft lip Prevent from crying Significant statement, predisposed to cleft lip/ palate asthmatic ,steroids Situation : High Risk Maternity ward Key Question Answer Key S/sx of RHD, except petechiae Herpes management Preparation for CS delivery Anticipate to occur, after eclamptic seizure Abruptio placenta Monitor to suspect MgSO4 toxicity Decreased Deep tendon reflex Mother BP 160/100, how to determine if MgSO4 is effective If seizure does not occur or seizure are prevented Answer Key Preterm inheritance autosomal recessive Refer to who else (collaboration) dietician Criteria for the diseases to be transmitted both parents must be carriers Teaching plan MLT mental retardation Father & mother is a carrier, pattern of inheritance 1:4 in each pregnancy Milk formula LOFENALAC Avoid foods like Eggs and fish Answer Key No researchers who singly focused on the said study in the past statement of the problem Immediately available non-probability sampling Appropriate data collection device to determine patient satisfaction questionnaire To avoid ethical liabilities among samples Secure informed consent SITUATION: FAMILY PLANNING Key Question SITUATION: CLEFT PALATE Key Question Key Question End result, focus on which improve patient primary purpose satisfaction SITUATION: PKU Key Question SITUATION: RESEARCH ; PATIENT’S SATISFACTION Answer Key Answer Key Menarche, not correct precedes thelarche, adrenarche IUD provides contraception, how alters motility of sperm 28 cycle point of ovulation 14 to 15th day Clear and observable sign of fertility clear, sliperry and stretchy or elastic Page 29 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Expect to ovulate 33 days cycle 19 days Pills contains progesterone inhibit LH Teaching about oral contraceptive report irregular vaginal bleeding SITUATION: DELIVERED BABY,3400g NSD Key Question Answer Key SITUATION; ABRUPTIO PLACENTA, COLLISSION Immediately after delivery, in between symphysis palpate the fundus pubis and umbilicus Intervention for dysuria all of these Fundus deviated to the right assist to empty bladder Considering the condition, nurse will initiate urine collection Dysuria during postpartum damage to trigone of the bladder SITUATION; BIOETHICS Key Question Answer Key RN reports son has cardiac arrest go and assess yourself Dealing with discrepancies, role of the nurse advocate Watching religious programs let the patient continue Student nurse refused to explore students feelings be assigned to HIV patient on caring HIV Aide shouting to patient call the attention for lack of professionalism Key Question Answer Key Violation of confidentiality malpractice of inquiring of pt. financial ability Determine the veracity of complain and actual violation of standards by checking the- medical records Nurse participation, in the rehab program, except Patient decided not to undergo procedure Patient inquired about functions and abilities the nurse should refer to attending physician Absence of consciousness, secure the consent spouse SITUATION: 15 Y/O TONSILITIS Key Question Answer Key Indicate bleeding frequent swallowing Prevent highest risk of aspiration during surgery presence of loose teeth Post tonsillectomy, begins to vomit bright red blood, initial nursing action turn to side Physician orders that nurse suction every 2 years should question SITUATION: CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS Key Question Answer Key Danger sign, warrant stoppage of pills elevation of BP Pills contains estrogens inhibits FSH Forms of contraceptives that have estrogen-like/ progesterone-like compound oral contraceptives, norplant, IUD Laboratory value most significant to review prothrombin time SITUATION: HIV MOTHERS Key Question Answer Key Page 30 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Feeding technique can put mixed feeding baby at increased risk for transmission of HIV Causative agent retro virus How it is determined that a person has AIDS other than a (+) HIV test CD4 count <200 Manner of delivery CS before onset of labor Condition affect her baby, appropriate response immediately take antiretroviral drugs SITUATION: 3 MONTHS, NEUROLOGIC ASSESSMENT Key Question Answer Key Reflex to observe to determine muscle tone Landau Characteristics expected Lifting of head and chest when prone Reflex not yet to be observed First Phase to assess size, mobility, availability and consistency of a mass Key Question Fundal Grip (first maneuver) Answer Key What is the correct assessment of patient condition with difficulty of breathing, tachycardia cold supine vena cava Fetus is an a sacrum anterior ,posterior position toward maternal symphysis pubis Corie put the transducer of Right upper Quadrant Doppler ultrasound to detect the FHT right sacral anterior breech notify to the physician parachute reactions Contraction is 150/beat mins. Which of the following nursing action is appropriate? Describes Babinski reflex toes with hyperextend and fans The nurse expects to find contraction becoming which of the following More intense and more frequent Reflex which is a test for neurological integrity Moro reflex The nurse understand that the pelvic shape is Wedge shape and narrow and non-favorable LEOPOLDS MANEUVER The client BP 116/72, Presence of INFECTION Temp-98.6, pulse-68 at Day 2 and BP 114/80, Temp is 100.6, Pulse is 73, at day 3 , the nurse will suspect Suspect uterine infection of postpartum Key Question Odor of the lochia Answer Key Nurse palpated soft board like mass that moves out buttocks Correct function of fetal heart beat form can be heard right upper quadrant (right upper fundal ) Soft blowing sounds synchronous to mother’s pulse rate uterine soufflé Third maneuver is done by Grasping lower portion of abdomen /palpating symphisis pubis with single hand Key Question Answer Key Most common postpartal infection Metritis Greatest risk for postpartum endometritis CS delivery after 24 hrs labor Postpartal cloth worn could Knee high stockings possibly promote a problem to woman Page 31 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Fundus of uterine is expected to go down normally about how many cm per day 1.0 cm Positive test in PT Key Question NPH Answer Key As the nurse, legal responsibility, which appropriate agency should notify Board member of child protective services Zeny is a victim of incest and the agency opted her to be admitted in the hospital, where should she have placed Near the nurse’s station Abusive parent usually manifest which of the following , except Below low income group Key Question Answer Key Type 1 diabetes first concern for child & parents understand feelings Receiving NPH insulin the nurse understands nourishment counteract insulin activity Peaks effect occurs which of the following 4 to 12 hours BT, what is the most blood typing immediate laboratory exam that should be corrected Type 1 about dietary management. The nurse should food form concentrated Who is the right, to administer the BT DM at 6am Fasting Blood glucose level of 180mg/dl, priority Prescribed dose of regular insulin to be administered physician MENSTRUAL CYCLE Key Question PRENATAL CHECK UP Key Question Answer Key The client complains of lets discuss some way to feeling of tired and sick to deal her stomach, especially in the morning what is the nurse best response Hyperemesis gravidarum is high levels of Estrogen/ primary cause of HCG Pt ask nurse if there’s any prevention of nausea, nurse say Small frequent feeding Antiemetic thalidomide is not allowed during pregnancy because it causes Amelia or phocomelia Recalls the morning sickness as what pregnancy sign Presumptive-(subjective by mother) Answer Key The length of the menstrual cycle the nurse understand that response is due to variation of which of the ff proliferative Which of the hormones responsible for maturation of graafian follicles? follicular stimulating hormones Signs of ovulation 1,2,3 Menses last march 30, When did ovulation occur march 16 Implantation of mens cycle is the ideal time secretory STUATION; A 3 YEARS OLD Key Question What does behavior of angelo indication Answer Key a normal pattern Page 32 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Has difficult time to go in bed, which of the followingis appropriate for the nurse to suggest the mother inform the child a few minutes before it Safety toys for 3 years old a wagon cart Needs for further teaching regarding toilet training bladder control usually is achieved by vowel control Which indicates that the time is not yet right for toilet trining moves with family to new home Station -laboring women Key Question RHD Key Question Answer Key Help child to alleviate joint pain associated to polyarthritis Using bed cradle to avoid weight of bed linen Drug of choice aspirin/salicylates Develop carditis the nurse must be notify tachycardia/murmur Diagnosed RHD and developing carditis providing rest 7 years old with RHD during acute phase has been achieved Resting heart rate between 60-100 GPTPAL Key Question Answer Key Answer Key Small triangular shape fontanel the fetal is Vertex Triangular shape is palpated what is the position of fetus in the uterus Completely flexed What anteroposterior (AP) diameter of the fetal head is presenting? suboccipitobregmatic Identify the position of the fetus in the diagram below (picture at last page) LOA- left occiput anterior Passer of fetus to adopts to the passageway (pelvis) in which sequence Descent-flexion-Internal rotation, extention, external rotation, expulsion Key Question Answer Key The nurse should evaluate that the client normal Episiotomy ,which of the followingteaching was effective wash her hand What is the implication of small amt.of urine output retention urine Fundus is above umbilicus and defference the right over distress bladder In taking Gravida, Para and TPAL G5P2 T1P1A2L2 Foramen ovale,should nurse place the child right side lying Her alcohol consequences put fetus risk for what condition learning disability Congenital heart defect failure of foramen to close artialseptal defect Risk for toxoplasmosis Cats at home Castor oil for constipation how should the nurse response Premature uterine contractions Use of cocaine at least one Impaired nutrition, less per day, most appropriate than body requirements nursing diagnosis NEPROTIC SYNDROME Key Question Answer Key Page 33 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Medical diagnosis of neprotic anasarca The hospital may charge him Dereliction of duty for Administration of prednisone observe by the nurse all of the option He did not present witness during hearing he side to be on default He did not also present witness with and not allowed rested Which is not procession of law renew for her license 4 years True about the nursing law RA 9173,which two are not 2,3 Which of the following actions shield her from possible lawsuit 1,2,3 Injected cotrimoxazole, without consent nurse be possibly accused battery Side effect ,most prominent mooning of face on cario which should be prepared before administration Nursing diagnosis for child with severe edema caused nephrotic risk impaired skin integrity Appropriate diet sodium moderate protein FIRST PRENATAL CLINIC VISIT Key Question Answer Key ‘’ I guess I’ll be have you ever IE done before having in internal exam, ’appropriate response Job order nurses who will be accountable for role, function and response appointing officers Best moral right of counter/responsibility/ standard when accountability they refuse to hand and errors a time due to lack of manpower IV IS OUT OF VEIN Key Question Answer Key Felt annoted,agramed uncomfortable in front of other unjust vexations Slightly stepped and tone down, in case she decide to sue her direct assault RESEARCH Key Question Answer Key Most appropriate data collection tool for this study semi-structed Conceptual framework based primarily to research problem Fire need to evacuate priority post labor d&c and post normal deliveries (1,4,3,2) During medication preparation strictly followed closed always To prevent babies switching- roomed in Least priority to refusing to monitored nurse multipara Ob pt. With infection during delivery should be avoid doing soap sud enema SITUATION: FUNDUS JUST ABOVE SYMPHISIS PUBIS Key Question Answer Key Page 34 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Based on estimated age of gestation 12 weeks gestation Source of estrogen/ progesterone corpus luteum Nausea in the afternoon small frequent meals During 1st trimester focus vital organs Morning sickness pregnant characterized by nausea and vomiting presumptive Key Question Answer Key Slipped on ice, what to administer Factor VIII(8) Repeated bleeding hemarthrosis Sources of iron Ground beefy patty, lima beans,raisin,milk Pattern of transmission chance 25% daughter will be carrier Laboratory diagnostic test Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) SITUATION: 2 LABOR,3cm DILATED PERSONAL RECORDS, LEGAL DOCUMENTS Key Question Answer Key Key Question Answer Key Should be forwarded to the hospital record section, within how many hours Period Within 24 hours Pediatric ward, Who see the records for safe keeping Staff nurse of ward beginning to the end below the umbilicus Safe and quality performance of a nurse, what is the term Duces tecum ROA position, when should the tube place doppler Priority for late deceleration of fetus 2,1,3,4 Should be kept located in cabinet (Document required to be taken out for investigation purpose) Incident report Not be discussed to member of family p (Should not be disclosed) ELISA test +1 station now will interpret 1 cm below the ischial spine What is the frequency of contraction 15 mins. Assess the duration of patient contraction by timing SITUATION: 3 POSPARTUM 3,400 grams baby Key Question Answer Key Not normal during this period Retention of urine with over flow Fundus, umbilicus place to right side what is the indication over distended bladder Effective teaching in prevention infection first degree laceration wash hands, whenever she do perineal care Laboring mother- 39 weeks Key Question Answer Key What stage of labor, tremble, tense, painful contraction transition Hyperesthesia/hypersensitivitynurse coach Sacral pressure Establishing trusting relationship Introduce the staff When should the nurse take BP In between uterine contractions Hemophilia Page 35 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Husband tense, nervous, “ Is it best for me to leave?, best response of nurse “ I can see that you are tense and nervous” Incidence of Breast cancer research design Prospective cohort Cross sectional study except Relatively risk of heating food and risk of cancer Family planning UPDATING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Key Question True about the nursing law, (2 are not) Answer Key Civil service Doctorate holder Competent nurse allowed Licensure and to practice nursing registration Injected without the consent of parent, possible lawsuit battery Not a provision Renew every 4 years Possible law suit All except following doctors order Answer Key Primary indication of IUD parity Side effect of IUD menstrual flow Common problem of IUD expulsion of device Statement need further 1 year replacement --------------------------------------------------------- ECTOPIC PREGNANCY Key Question Key Question Answer Key Growth and development Key Question Answer Key Cognitive development of piaget understand environment Theory moral development punishment/reward Autonomy virtue self control and will power Intraperitoneal bleeding (+) Cullens sign Obsessive compulsive anal Risk factor of Ectopic pregnancy Pelvic inflammatory disease (scarring) 39 weeks testes in scrotum Chief complaint Sharp lower right or left abdominal pain Immediate attention Risk for FVD Indicate symptom of pain 6th week pregnancy in lower abdomen(rupture) Key Question Answer Key 12 hour after birth concern direct coomb,negative 3,400 grams 3.4 kg or 12 ounces BREAST CANCER, Research investigation heating food in microwave oven Key Question Answer Key Conclusion of the study Reject of Null hypothesis Control group Do not have breast cancer Prospective study; two sets of samples Heat food and do not heat food AGN Key Question Answer Key Correct for AGN auto immune disease Sign and symptoms of AGN periorbital,hematuria, mild proteinuria Page 36 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Sign of worsening condition increase in wt. Possible order prepare for CS Disease causing infection to AGN impetigo Late sign of hypovolemic shock hypotension Priority intervention limit activity/ provide safety measure What phase of hematuria response taking in 3 days after delivery expect fundus to be located 3 fingerbreadths the umbilicus Teenage Key Question Answer Key Most often afraid/fear- acne Least physical change enlarge prostate Most significant person friend Not correct teenager permiting ordered to sleep in other house Good for teenager of use of computer parenteral supervision is necessary SITUATION: OSTEOPOROSIS Key Question FDAR documentation Key Question Answer Key Primary consideration, chief complain objective, symptoms presented Primary focus ‘FDAR” stool 4x in 30 mins Nurse subjective data patient verbal complaint Response based of FDAR intervention made Cannot be source of data immunization record Answer Key Which possible refer to physician, should nurse monitor increase mobility High risk developing osteoporosis prolonged immobility What type of fracture is client prone to pathologic Osteoporosis client selection now ice cream Vitamin needed for edema absorption vit.d INFANCY Key Question SITUATION: ADDICT,COCAINE USER Key Question Answer Key Complication of client vaginal bleeding premature separation of normally implanted placenta Abruptio placenta caused by concealed hemorrhage The bleeding following abruptio placenta is usually caused by Hypofibrinogenemia Answer Key Play of infancy is important, which of the following physical development Signs of he/she experience maternal depression prone to illness Accident prevention teaching plan 4 mos.old infant cribs rail up Infant developmental milestone roll over 6 mos.old teeth that bud pretend to 2 lower Page 37 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Malnutirion SITUATION: IMMEDIATE CARE NEWBORN Key Question Answer Key Key Question Answer Key Not correct with malnutrition underweight/ under income Good advice for malnutrition prevention check nutritional content 5 feet tall normal weight 115 pounds Newborn circulation is initiated by pulmonary ventilation shunt between two atria during the feto placental foramen ovale Weight reduction, recommended to cut carbo,fat,salt Foramen ovale to close after the baby had delivered shifting of pressure R/L side To help for obesity problem exercise 30mins. Three times a week Xenical (orlistat) target Adypocytes tissue Findings, appropriate action more,toodler on room Key Question Epiglotittis Key Question Answer Key Virazole route of administration oxygen tent Health Teaching has been effective from may disease is serious Indication of epiglottitis or obstruction of airways leaning forward EPI to epiglottitis HIB vaccine Most needed resources in training program time Most emphasis Knowledge skill gained Most important responsibilities to thank them RESEARCH DM Key Question Answer Key Answer Key Key Question Answer Key Cross- sectional study that will identify the following except relative heating food plastic Research design should nurse bella use prospective chart Diabetes mellitus, nurse should first assess child development level Who will comprise the control group do not have breast cancer Prevent hypoglycemia during practice orange juice/grahams After 10 years ,two sets sample Insertion administration effective teaching 2-3 weeks before charging pt. those who eat food warmer and who do not eat When positive for ketones colon free liquids The conclusion of the..will reflect which of the ff rejection of null hypothesis Diabetic ketones,what to prepare normal saline Most important element that nurse Antonia should instructional design Page 38 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Key Question Answer Key Most important demonstration that should be conducted in workshop hand hygiene Injection in the operating room and delivery room Key Question Answer Key Sign of postpartal blues, best response normal reaction sterile gloves without powder Urinated 4x, initial action palpate to assess uterine consistency Training on suturing order obstetrician Sign of post prenatal infection foul smelly lochia Most recommended suture to be used absorbable,strengthen site, length BF mother resume demonstration 4-6 months Breast engorgement, management to continue breast feed let her continue bf on demand Key Question PIH- pre eclampsia Answer Key What is the GTPAL for her G2 T1 P0 A0 L1 Expected change on 1st trimester the nurse should recognize increase blood volume Function of placenta,teaching plan Key Question Answer Key Sign of mild pre eclampsia hypertension edema proteinuria Headache/blurred vision 4.5 Worsening sign of preeclampsia nov.14 Most important care for severe pre-eclampsia seizure precaution Naegels Rule, which is the correct The chronological order of growth fetus ovum,zygote, morula blastocyst embryo fetus Pre-eclampsia to eclampsia first action clear and maintain open airways Magnesium sulfate therapy is effective seizure does not occur Key Question Answer Key Definitive signs that labor is about to begin initiation of contraction true labor contraction Most accurately described by lower back, radiates to abdomen 75%,7cm,0 what is the correct interpretation Key Question Answer Key Best time to achieve pregnancy 14 days before Ovulation occurs, which condition LH fetal engaged presenting 24 to 36 Above data mean the cervix is 1/4 of its length Ovum viable for how many hours BBT,shown in the ff Membranes of pt are ruptured when active phase,peak of contraction drops slightly and increases again Chief function of progesterone Prepares uterus to receive fertilized ovum Page 39 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Key Question Answer Key Rate of growth during the period decline in growth rate Growth and development event rate and pattern can be modified Types of play in 6 years old make believe Normal age indicate for 6 yrs ability to try new things Moral naïve for 6 years old naïve instrument on irritation Key Question Answer Key Goal of temperature 97.7 Preterm for following signs hypoglycemia Sign of preterm newborn elbows brought post to midline Exception of hypothermia, placing crib inside to prevent heat loss When of the following not indicated effect of cold stress First food they can eat Rice cereals Food that can give to infants care the following except half cook egg, honey Introducing supplement feeding except offer new food at the same time ,each day 1 week Key Question Answer Key Ethical principle of autonomy Patient failed to sign a content Emergency Real abunition of the baby,what ethical principle does she violate veracity Used of antibacterial -autonomy She has to do good to all patient beneficence SITUATION:15 3 MONTHS PREGNANT Key Question Answer Key Sexually abused, which action should be notify doc. finding Typical assessment findings are observed to a victim of sexual abused uti What should the nurse action 4 months ICP Key Question Key Question Earliest age of solid foods Answer Key Answer Key Who among the following will accountable to patient none,all What applicable legal doctrine will this applicable proximate negligence Lack of necessary care and diligence the nurse conducted herself by testifying are being asked Medical record should be on valid doc. Of the data How many hours will a woman who had normal spontaneous vaginal delivery is expected to void 6-8 hours offer new food,offer some milk Page 40 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Pre eclampsia Key Question Answer Key undergo treatment against rabies? from? Balut Vendor Further evidence,to support pt. diagnosis mild edema hand and face Equine antirabies vaccine is derived Horse Indicate mild preeclampsia inability to working Priority nursing diagnosis fluid volume defect, related to fluid shift from intravascular Death of livestock in community, believing there’s a Vampire (aswang) killing their animals. What is the nurse approach? Encourage them to form a task force that will hunt the vampire and submit animals to veterinanrian Most appropriate patient centered goal bed rest, layer body tuned Additional infection,about her condition when she says that breech can lead the ff hydrocephalic inf. Key Question STD Key Question Answer Key Listen contraceptive which before I can help you, I method best for her to used need to know more about activity Best apply of condom Option (C,E ) Able to understand the ideal time for conception when the client states ovum 24 hrs. after ovulation They enhance their fertility 1,2,4 select, should be done It is a method of applicable only to whom with regular mens cycle between which of the following days SITUATION : A 15-years-old accompanied by her mother presents with complaints of nausea and vomiting for two weeks. After her mother leaves the room, Pregnancy test comes back positive. The school physician confirmed that she is pregnant. has requested that you not convey to her mother that a pregnancy test has been sent. Answer Key request that her mother not be told what is the ethical principle observed Veracity What advice should be appropriate to the patient? She is a minor, she need to tell the truth to her parent Based on the advice from Values clarification the nurse she then realized the importance of life and family. She is doing 26-32days What are the side HYPERKALEMIA effects of aldactone? Mang Raul a 42 years old balut vendor roaming around the barangay to sell balut. He is about to enter one of the houses in the community when he entered the gate he was suddenly attacked and bitten by a dog. Key Question The part of the body most commonly affected by rhabdovirus in dog bite is? Answer Key Head Set of guidelines for all ages for all times 10 commandments prenatal visit according to WHO? 8 visits tax exempted govt. practicing nurse? c. Professional tax Who is the prc president B. Teofilo pilando Page 41 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 6 hours discarded vaccine BCG H fever management except No to fogging How to detect GDM a. Glucose challenge test What is the cause of GDM to the baby A. Macrosomia What can be safely used by breastfeeding mother A. POP True about COC It is a over the counter medication To ease back pain of a pregnant women , what is the best position _______ D. Dorsal Recumbent How can a Philhealth member avail his philhealth upon discharge. Discount from the total bill plus the doctors Pf. Nursing Practice III – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part A) and Nursing Practice IV – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part B) Situation Triage nursing Key Question Answer Key To relieve edema of Lateral recumbent pregnancy position to highest priority for treatment is the one with sucking chest wound. Quickening of primigravida woman is felt during C. 20 A 56-year-old patient presents in triage with left-sided chest pain, diaphoresis, and dizziness. Emergent Examiner stroke the sole of the feet to check the reflex of the newborn. What will be the normal observation of the examiner. A. Fanning of the toes and extending of the big toe Triage first priority Client with FACIAL laceration Unconscious patient First action Assess vital sign A. Surgeon Marasmus. SATA 2. Muscle wasting 3. Prominent rib cage after surgery sponge left in the patient body Who is the liable, Protein deficiency B. Kwashiorkor BSE, start. Upper outer quadrant Legitimate power by the nurse License after board exam Contract as to liable and standard as to a. Accountability What is the first step in home visit? Greet the client and introduce self The annual contribution for Philhealth is c. 2400.00 SITUATION: Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) Key Question Where MERS corona virus did came from? Answer Key camel Page 42 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 first case were reported on April 2012 patient suffering from MERS cov must be placed into a? Respiratory isolation in negative room pressure high risk MERS cov infection? Patient with Cancer SITUATION: HIV Key Question Answer Key Which statement by the nurse is correct when discussing AIDS prevention and transmission? Sharing needles dry kissing casual contact breastfeeding anwer:1 and 4 HIV test should be repeated every 3 to 6 months most number of HIV cases? NCR SITUATION: Ebola Key Question Ebola sources can be the following ;select all that applies Answer Key all of these 1.chimpanzees 2.gorillas 3.fruit bats 4.monkeys 5.antelope 6.porcupines Which animal is considered a natural Ebola virus host? Fruit bat What is the biggest risk factor for infection with Ebola? Nursing a patient at home recent and largest West Africa outbreak of EBOLA as yet have been reported is from What is the current best option for preventing future outbreaks of Ebola? Rebuild scientific, medical and nursing infrastructure and train staff Non pathogenic to human Reston virus Viral strain of ebola Most pathogenic and fatal Zairre virus strain of ebola Least HIV transmission DERMIS of the SKIN HIV major mode of transmission SEXUAL INTERCOURSE Most risky behaviours MSM anal sex Cases per day by 2019 42 per day Best antiretroviral treatment for HIV Using 3 drug combinations HIV infection in the body the confirmatory test is ? Western blot What race is at the highest HIV risk case? Black MSM and Gay Hispanics treat HIV wasting syndrome? Megestrol Acetate Low rate of patient undergoing ART Due to stigma Key Question Answer Key Ph 7.36,PCO2 29, HCO3 20, SpO2 100 well oxygenated with compensated rr acid Emergency department,priority 1.abdominal pain 2.normal 3.head injury 4.meningitis 4-3-2-1 sided chest pain,diaphoretic, dizzy emergent Page 43 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 ED,priority action stablish unresponsiveness,call code,chin –lift Fractured pelvis,loss of blood volume,what type of shock hypovolemic shock SITUATION: ACUTE pancreatitis Key Question Answer Key The client is admitted to the medical department with a diagnosis of R/O acute pancre- atitis. Which laboratory value should the nurse monitor to confirm this diagnosis? C. Serum amylase and Which client problem has priority for the client diagnosed with acute pancreatitis? b. Alteration in comfort. Diagnostic procedure for pancreatitis lipase. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatograp hy (ERCP) Analgesic of choice for pancreatitis Meperidine /Demerol Pain reliever in pacreatitis with alleged effect to cause spasm of the sphincter of oddi Morphine RESEARCH- “Knowledge and practice of prevention of needle prick injuries of Staff Nurses in a certain private hospital in Metro Manila” Based on the research title which of the following will be the general objective? Question Answer key Ethics in Nursing Anonymity Research has always been an issue when it comes to the identity of the respondents. When the topics of research are very sensitive, which of the following rights of individual participants must be ensured when the researcher cannot link the information given by the respondent from the source of the information? This study aims to determine the level of knowledge and practice of prevention of needle prick injuries of Staff Nurses in a certain private hospital. All of these are specific objectives except: This study is for nursing researchers in the future As a nurse, you know the appropriate data gathering tool, this is? Questionnaire As a nurse, these are the following topics in the scope and limitations except: Limited to the hospital personnel of a private hospital Which of the following There is a significant is not a null relationship between the hypothesis? knowledge and sociodemographic profile of staff nurses Key Question Answer Key Page 44 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Adm isotonic IVF to a hyprtonic client (dehydrated: increased BUN,hct decreasd serum osmolality,decreased BUN, decreased Hct(reversal) Key Question Answer Key 70 y/o with nausea and hyponatremia weight same time/day Monitor fluid balance weight self daily Normal osmolality 270-290 mOsm/kg Type B, received (+) Rh before B (-), type O (-) High sodium diet American chesse and ham Transfusion related infection are less bc more sophisticated screening tests Hyponatremia and hypervolemia nxl restrict additional fluids PRBC,hemolytic reaction stop transfusion Kayexalate adm rectally Key Question Answer Key Key Question Answer Key Assess electrolyte imbalance contributory for potassium paralytic ileus Calcium glocunate antagonizes reverses K effects on heart conduction I will tell my doctor if I start having s/s of list you gave me Fast drip IV, trouble breathing, moist cough, nxl slow down infusion rate Kidney dysfunction,severe fluid restriction due tokidneys can excrete fluids,fluid restriction to protect heart and lungs Hypotonic adm, what to assess mentation and orientation Further teaching, hypokalemia 3% saline solution complication neuro status, lung sounds,serum sodium levels( d/t cerebral dehydration) 46 y/o,hypo K and postural the level of K is making hypotension her dizzy 3 days diarrhea 3.0 mEq/L Key Question Key Question Highest risk for FVD elderly, 76 y/o with NGT to low suction Not included for elderly use thirst as guide Hypovolemia BP- indicator of fluids balance IV infant(10 mos,old), 200 ml bolus infusion pump GI bleeding irrigation till clear,what to use normal saline ( isotonic) Answer Key HyperK,further instruction ican still use my salt substitute (has K too) Hypokalemia, ax findings: 3.3 mEq, irregular PR,shallow RR Hydrochlorthiazide,report to MD leg cramps, muscle weakness Spironolactone- hyperK, avoid cantaloupe Not warranted for patients with hyponatremia low sodium fluids Answer Key Key Question Answer Key Page 45 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 A client finished an hour of strenuous exercise increased osmolality Severe dehydration increased Na and CI Sodium imbalance p/f corticosteroid therapy Same osmotic pressure isotonic solution Not warranted for hyponatremia restrict fluids to 1,200 ml/ day (will further dilute sodium in the blood) Key Question Answer Key Post-op 3.6meq K, max rate 10 mEq/L of KCI s/e lasix and r/s to K III call MD if develop dizziness HT, spironolactone for discharge cut intake of additional K HypoK client with metabolic alkalosis Severe acidosis, IVT hyperK NaHCO3,to make client alkalotic=K influx SITUATION: HYPERNATREMIA Key Question Answer Key Hypernatremia lab findings 150 mEq/L Hypernatremia risk cerebral edema Sp. Gr. 1.030, sodium lab findings Insulin NPH Key Question Answer Key Receiving NPH insulin the nurse understands nourishment counteract insulin activity 155 mEq/L Peaks effect occurs which of the following 4 to 12 hours Atlantic ocean drowning p/f for hypernatremia food form concentrated Restricted for hyponatremia water further dilute salt in the blood Type 1 about dietary management. The nurse should DM at 6am Fasting Blood glucose level of 180mg/dl, priority Prescribed dose of regular insulin to be administered After injection not true Massage after injection Key Question Answer Key Elderly 78 y/o,IV infusion, client cough and asks head of bed elevated FVD is worsening( hypotremia) Low sodium diet grilled chicken Severe bleeding with fractured femur,what to administer NSS Patient with liver cirrhosis,weak pulse,delayed capillary refill FVD d/t 3rd space shifting Key Question D5W infusing @ 75 ml/ change infusion to the hr,ordered NSS, best action ordered solution Answer Key Hypernatremia lab findings 150 mEq/L Hypernatremia risk cerebral edema Sp. Gr. 1.030, sodium lab findings 155 mEq/L Atlantic ocean drowning p/f for hypernatremia Restricted for hyponatremia water further dilute salt in the blood Page 46 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 SITUATION: OSTEOPOROSIS Key Question Answer Key Which possible refer to physician, should nurse monitor increase mobility High risk developing osteoporosis prolonged immobility What type of fracture is client prone to pathologic Osteoporosis client selection now ice cream Vitamin needed for edema absorption vit.d Nursing diagnosis for child with severe edema caused nephrotic risk impaired skin integrity Appropriate diet sodium moderate protein PKU SITUATION: SEIZURE Key Question Side effect ,most prominent mooning of face on cario which should be prepared before administration Answer Key Priority nursing diagnosis for rabies risk for aspiration Lowest priority of child with seizure disease assess for ICP Seizure control most important are for nurse to teach the fam. maintain good oral hygiene Teaching parents about child psychological need wound indicate need for additional teaching cognitive delays Which of the following will risk for infection not be focus of teaching for seizure disorder Key Question Answer Key Among which of the following is the ideal milk formula for phenylketonuria (PKU) lofenalac Among which of the following foods should be avoided by patient with phenylketonuria (PKU) fish steak Collaborative care is at the crux of caring for a child with metabolic disorders. When a child has phenylketonuria, to who is he most appropriate to be referred? Dietitian A mother brings her 3-week- Negative old infant to a clinic for a phenylketonuria rescreening blood test. The test indicates a serum phenylalanine level of 1 mg/ dL. The nurse interprets this result as: SITUATION: NEPROTIC SYNDROME Key Question Answer Key Medical diagnosis of neprotic anasarca Administration of prednisone observe by the nurse all of the option What condition is associated with respiratory acidosis? Hypoventilation arterial blood gases: HCO3 38, pH 7.50, PaCO2 50. patient exhibit as a compensatory mechanism? Hypoventilation Page 47 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 metabolic acidosis due to diabetic ketoacidosis. expect to see in this patient? Kussmaul’s respirations FRUITY ODORED BREATH due to KETONES arterial blood gases: metabolic acidosis PaCO2 33, HCO3 15, pH 7. 23. Which condition below is presenting? results are: pH 7.34, PaCO2 of 37, PaO2 of 79, HCO3 of 19. The nurse interprets that the client is experiencing: Metabolic acidosis Furosemide use metabolic alkalosis due to hypochloremia and hypokalemia. pheochromocytoma? Key Question What is pheochromocytoma? Hypoglycemia Key Question Answer Key priority action in case of give candy hypoglycaemia Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include all of the following except: Smoking diabetes mellitus for signs of hypoglycemia. Which manifestations are associated with this complication? Elevated pulse; shakiness; cool, clammy skin What is the most common predisposition of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2? obesity least complication of Diabetes Mellitus? Thrombophlebitis Answer Key tumor in the adrenal medulla affecting the chromaffin cells, results in an excess production of catecholamines symptom of pheochromocytoma? 1,3,4,5,7 (Hypertension Headache due Hypermetabolism Hyperglycemia Hyperhidrosis) urine test used to diagnose pheochromocytoma Vanillyl-mandelic acid (VMA) treatment of choice for pheochromocytoma phentolamine pheochromocytoma. diet is best for this patient High calorie diet adrenal medulla produce Epinephrine SITUATION: CVA Key Question Which of the following Sliding the client to techniques does the nurse move up in bed. avoid when changing a client's position in bed if the client has hemiparalysis? CANCER Key Question Answer Key breast cancer diagnose with T2N3M1 ? tumor more than 2.0 cm but not more than 5.0 cm in greatest dimension, extensive to ipsilateral internal mammary lymph node with distant metastasis to ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph nodes. In which stage of breast cancer, the disease spreads to the other parts of the body with distant metastasis? Stage IV What is Modified radical mastectomy? Removal of all breast tissue, nipple-areola complex, skin and level I and II axillary lymphnodes. Answer Key Page 48 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Activity after surgery Combing hair Most common site of breast tumor Left upper outer quadrant Position in breast selfexamination Lying Supine Start palpation Upper outer quadrant The most common and leading cancer in year 2010 is breast What is the rank of colorectal cancer among men in year 2010? 3rd What is the rank of prostate cancer among men in year 2010? 4th hoarseness of voice Assessment of bleeding haemorrhage Palpate back of the neck Hypothyroidism Key Question Answer Key hypothyroidism for discharge. 3, 4, 5, 6 Select all that apply. 3. Feeling cold 4. Loss of body hair 5. Persistent lethargy 6. Puffiness of the face SITUATION: Hyperthyroidism Key Question After thyroidectomy, which of the following is the priority assessment to observe laryngeal nerve damage? interventions in the plan of care for a client with hypothyroidism? Select all that apply. Answer Key client with hyperthyroidism. Which interventions are appropriate? Select all that apply a) instill isotonic eye drops as necessary b) provide several, small, well-balanced meals c) provide rest periods f) weigh the client daily a, b, c, and f Which of the following assessment findings characterize thyroid storm? increased body temperature, increased pulse, and increased blood pressure patient with hyperthyroidism is taking propylthiouracil (PTU). The nurse will monitor the patient for: fever and sore throat. A patient first trimester of pregnancy with hyperthyroidism. Which medication Propylthiouracil (PTU) A patient is 6 hours postopt from a thyroidectomy. position best Semi-Fowler’s 1,2,4,5 1. Provide a warm environment for the client. 2. Instruct the client to consume a low-fat diet. 4. Encourage the client to consume a wellbalanced diet. 5. Instruct the client that thyroid replacement therapy will be needed. drug of choice for the levothyroxine treatment of hypothyroidism? NOT Sign of hypothyroidism diarrhea Sign of hypothyroidism Weight gain patient was recently Myxedema Coma discharged home for treatment of hypothyroidism ,patient is readmitted with signs and symptoms of the following: heart rate 42, blood pressure 70/56, blood glucose 55, and body temperature of 96.8 ‘F. family reports the patient has not been taking Synthroid Page 49 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Key Question Answer Key GERD is also known as Chalasia nurse explains to the pt with GERD that this disorder: often involves relaxation of the LES, allowing stomach contents to back up into the esophagus. A patient with Cushing syndrome might present with any of the following EXCEPT: hyperpigmented skin A patient is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of Cushing syndrome. nurse would expect to find HTN, peripheral edema, and petechiae most appropriate for a client with Addison’s disease? Risk for infection client who was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of diabetes insipidus. manifestations are associated with this disorder? Select all that apply. The client with a major burn injury receives total parenteral nutrition (TPN). The expected outcome is to: ensure adequate caloric and protein intake. A client taking Dilantin for grand mal seizures is preparing for discharge. included in the client’s discharge care plan? The client will need a regularly scheduled CBC. What is the generic name of dilantin phenytoin During the seizure the nurse priority should be: Protect the client’s head from injury by placing pillows Key Question Key Question When caring for a male client with diabetes insipidus, nurse Juliet expects to administer: client with diabetes insipidus plan of care? Select all that apply. Answer Key vasopressin 1-2-4-5 1. Excessive micturation 2. Excessive thirst 4. Complaints of excessive thirst 5. Specific gravity lower than 1.005 A client has suffered an extensive brain injury and can’t make his own treatment choices. h written document is recognized by state law and provides direction for provision of care Answer Key Advance directive Encourage fluids. Monitor intake and output. Take a daily weight. 1-5-6 Page 50 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Which statements are true II, III & IV regarding advance directives? Select all that apply, II. advance directives are legally binding documents III. advance directives should be placed in the client's medical record IV. advance directives specify a client's wishes for health care treatment should the client become incapacitated A client is admitted to 45% the hospital after sustaining burns to the chest, abdomen, right arm,and right leg. The shaded areas in the illustration indicate the burned areas on the client’s body. Using the ‘’rule of nines ‘’ the nurse would determine that about what percentage of the clients body surface has been burned? A newborn has the score on the Silverman-Anderson index of ten (10). What is this score indicating about the respiratory status of the newborn? Severe respiratory distress A priority nursing diagnosis for a client with burns during the emergent period would be; Risk for infection Hyperkalemia emergency, when someone is unconscious, the physician signs the consent in behalf of the patient ability to give consent and administer emergency treatment. Paternalism During the Emergent phase of burns fluid shifting will result to? In a burn victim suffering oral 3rd degree burn the route for drug administration is A person who can mark an “X” on the understand and consent signature to comprehend spoken signify consent. English , but is physically unable to talk or write. If the subject verbally agrees to consent the patient should: exemption to the general rule it means Certificate of Registration of a professional nurse is issued and can be suspended or revoked by the: Epikia Philippine Regulatory Board of Nursing In a 3rd degree burn the affected area is fatty tissues Among which of the following is not to be performed by third degree burn Stretching part of fluid resuscitation following a burn injury? Lactated Ringer's anterior surface of the body including the upper extremities and head 45% least to be expected in burn patient hypocalcemia smoke upon passing the ward and finds a smoke action? Remove patients that are in the most immediate danger BURNS Key Question Answer Key Page 51 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 RACEE includes R: rescue everyone in danger; get all clients and visitors out of danger by following the fire plan set up and established by the facility you work in. A: pull the fire alarm C: contain the fire in the smallest possible area by closing all windows and doors. This prevents the fire from spreading to other areas of the health care facility. E: extinguishing the fire when it is small enough to do so safely. Evacuate ANAPHYLAXIS Key Question child was stung by an insect Answer Key Anaphylaxis after a bee sting. most urgent nursing action? Maintain a patent airway. anaphylaxis will usually occur within what time period following exposure 2 to 4 minutes to 2 hours drug to treat anaphylaxis? epinephrine Site of injection of drug Thigh endorsement to PACU Anesthesiologist and surgeon (2nd option: Anesthesiologist and Circulating nurse) Left os /gauze inside body Surgeon Key Question liver function test have a normal values of 0-1 g/dl Billirubin breast self-examination. purpose of performing the examination is to discover: changes from previous self-examinations. Glasgow Coma Scale score of 3? deep coma The usual stimulant for respiratory center? Carbon Dioxide How should the nurse prepare an injection for a patient who takes both regular and NPH insulin? Draw up the regular insulin, then the NPH insulin, in the same syringe Key Question Answer Key Time travel is _____ ability to travel backward in time to re-experience past events and forward in time to pre-experience future events What can AB + blood type patient can receive? Anyone OPERATING ROOM Key Question Answer Key for the patient safety in Operating room Anaesthesiologist labels the specimen Circulating nurse surgical team uses nursing process Circulating nurse Answer Key Page 52 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Nephrotic syndrome is a disorder of the kidneys that results from increased permeability of the glomerular filtration barrier. In nephrotic syndrome the patient may have Generalized edema nurse check first? Which of the following have least amount of Potassium? Apple The type of psoriasis that Guttate psoriasis often starts in childhood or young adulthood and is characterized by small, red, individual spots on the trunk and limbs is called? Decreases hospital stay for two days People concerned about the Inverse psoriasis spread of the disease. A type of psoriasis can be more troublesome in overweight people is called? routine use of nasogastric tubes after appendectomy is to It is a normal breath sound that can be heard all over the base of the lung field? Key Question Tension pneumothorax with slight tracheal deviation to the right Vesicular Answer Key Highest source of potassium? lima beans purpose of purse lip breathing is to: prevent bronchial collapse condom catheter to a client with urinary incontinence. Roll the condom into the glans penis and tape it spiral into the penile shaft How often should condom catheter be changed? If someone is bitten by a snake, what first aid can you give? Key Question Answer Key doctor prescribed a drug for the patient, pharmacist prepared the drug and the nurse administers it to the patient. incident of IV drug overdose occurred. Who is liable for the situation.? Nurse Everyday Disposal of Medical Records is 10 years Call for help immediately or get the person to an emergency room as quickly as possible Chest drainage of patient has continuous bubbling in the water seal drainage. An air leak While changing the tapes on a tracheostomy tube, the client coughs and the tube is dislodged. Which is the initial nursing action? Grasp the retention sutures to spread the opening. While helping a patient with a chest tube reposition in the bed, the chest tube becomes dislodged. What is your immediate nursing intervention? Place a sterile dressing over the site and tape it on three sides and notify the physician. Key Question Answer Key When positioning the neonate with an unrepaired myelomeningocele, which of the following positions would be most appropriate? prone with hips in abduction right orchiectomy. immediate postoperative period the nursing priority? Manage postoperative pain chest indrawing? lower chest goes in when the child breaths in Key Question Answer Key Page 53 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Nurse delegates the morning care to the nursing aide. Who is the most accountable in that care? The nurse who delegates the care Which of the following occurences requires an immediate response for help? emergency Nurses who use restraint improperly can be charged with: Assault and battery highest priority for treatment is the one with sucking chest wound. A 56-year-old patient presents in triage with left-sided chest pain, diaphoresis, and dizziness. Emergent Key Question IBS- irritable bowel syndrome and disease Key Question The client with IBS asks Nurse June what causes the disease. responses by Nurse June would be most appropriate? Answer Key “The cause of this condition is unknown” What is the most commonly affected site in ulcerative colitis? Rectum and sigmoid The drug of choice for the treatment of recurrent Irritable Bowed Disease? Sulfasalazine A patient is admitted with diverticulitis. The pain in diverticulitis is commonly felt at? Left lower quadrant What are the clinical features of ulcerative colitis? Diarrhea with passage of blood and mucus Tenesmus and crampy abdominal pain IBS can cause What is the most common- Colonoscopy primary screening test for colon cancer? 1 and 2 Answer Key To prevent leakage of fluid in the thoracic cavity, how will you position the client after thoracentesis? Turn on the affected side What is the action of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) in cancer treatment? used as a biological response modifier to boost the immune system in cancer therapy. A client with pancreatitis has requested pain medication. Which pain medication is indicated for the client with pancreatitis Demerol (meperidine) Among which analgesic of choice is allegedly can cause spasm of pancreati c ducts and the Sphincter of oddi in patient with pancreatitis? Morphine Which of the following is the antidote of opiates toxicity? Naloxone Key Question A client receives CPR in the emergency room but it is unsuccessful. The wife of the client indicates that the client is an organ donor and that they want to donate the client's eyes. Which should the nurse implement first to promote organ transplantation? Answer Key Cover eyes with wet saline gauze pads and small ice packs Colon cancer Page 54 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 The nurse checks for The contents aspirated placement of a nasogastric from the NG tube have (NG) tube prior to initiating a a pH of 3. tube feeding for a client. Which of the following results indicates to the nurse that the tube feeding can begin? Pancytopenia occurs when a person has a decrease in red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets What is the ethical principle demonstrated by the nurse upon telling to the HR about her impending application going to Australia? Veracity and Fidelity Not early sign of acoustic neuroma Hearing loss Key Question Answer Key Which of the following skin Bull's eye rash lesions is associated with Lyme's disease? Key Question Answer Key For tunneled epidural catheter insertion, the nurse must position the patient to? prone When the catheter was accidentally dislodged, the nurse can wash the catheter using? normal saline Among which of the following is correctly colorcoded by the Emergency nurse during triage? Green-closed fracture, sprain and abrasions correct understanding of the difference and similarities between a disaster and an emergency? Disaster is community wide and Emergency is personal A 40 year old, had Bilroth II (gastrojejunostomy) for intractable peptic ulcer disease. The nurse is instructing him concerning the potential complication of__? dumping syndrome Blood type risk for PID Type O When assessing the urinary Cherry-red urine that output of a client who has gradually becomes clearer had extracorporeal lithotripsy, the nurse can expect to find: The diagnostic work-up of a client hospitalized with complaints of progressive weakness and fatigue confirms a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. The medication used to treat myasthenia gravis is: Prostigmine (neostigmine) The physician has ordered aspirin therapy for a client with severe rheumatoid arthritis. A sign of acute aspirin toxicity is: Anorexia A client has an order for Dilantin (phenytoin) .2g orally twice a day. The medication is available in 100mg capsules. For the morning medication, the nurse should administer: 2 capsules Key Question Answer Key What is Actual nursing diagnosis for cardiogenic shock Impaired urinary implement The type of leadership with strict supervision and appropriate in cases of emergency situation is Autocratic Julius stresses the importance of promoting ‘ESPIRIT D CORPS’ among the members of the unit. Which of the following remarks of the staff indicates that they understand what he pointed out? ‘’Let’s work together in harmony; we need to be supportive of one another’’ Page 55 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Stephanie considers shifting Uses visioning as the to transformational essence of leadership. leadership. Which of the following statements best describes this type of leadership? A patient is diagnosed with What are you thinking stage 4 cervical cancer. The about the result? doctor tells the nurse not to inform the patient about the diagnosis and promise the doctor she will not tell it to anyone. patient asks the nurse if what the findings of the laboratory test are.Which will be the best response of the nurse? nurse did not tell the truth to patient about the patient’s condition what ethical principle did the nurse violated? Justice and VERACITY Panhysterectomy is the removal of the__________ Cervix,uterus Kathleen knows that one Let the staff ventilate her of her staff is experiencing feelings and ask how she burnout. Which of the can be of help. following is the best thing for her to do? She knows that performance appraisal consists of all the following activities EXCEPT: Focusing activity on the correction of identified behavior. Which of the following statements is NOT true about performance appraisal Patients are the best source of information regarding personnel appraisal. A nurse on the quality improvement committee understands that the step of quality improvement which analyzes current protocols of care and their associated outcomes includes all except: Can be used to discover areas for improvement and to analyze areas of excellence. Key Question Situation: Conflict Key Question Answer Key Katherine feels uncomfortable believing that she is the scapegoat of everything that goes wrong in her department. Which of the following is the best action that she must take? Identify the source of the conflict and understand the points of friction As a young manager. she knows that conflict occurs in any organization. Which of the following statements regarding conflict is not true? Is not beneficial; hence it should be prevented at all times Kathlene tells one of the stafollowing “I don’t have time to discuss the matter with you now. See me in my office later” when the latter asks if they can talk about an issue. Which of the following conflict resolution strategies did she use? Avoidance Answer Key Among which of the following Chest X-ray is not a sophisticated technology? Mech vent is unavailable in ICU where to get the equipment Anesthesiologist department Water interruption call the Head nurse For a client with a menstrual cycle of 33 days, ovulation usually occurs on day 19 A client diagnosed with BP of 150/100 is classified as Hypertension Stage 2 Key Question Answer Key What exercise is ideal and most appropriate for scoliosis? Swimming Page 56 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 A 13-year-old has been 23 hours per day diagnosed with structural scoliosis and is fitted with a Milwaukee brace. How long should she wear the brace? The nurse identifies the mechanism of action of orlistat is as to the? adipocytes inch needle should be used for a morbidly obese patient.? 1" What is the disadvantage of computerized documentation of nursing process ? concern for privacy Key Question Answer Key The nurse is planning the care of a hemiplegic client to prevent joint deformities of the arm and hand, which of the following positions are appropriate? 1,2,4 1=Placing the pillow in the axilla so the arm is away from the body. 2=Inserting the pilloe under the slightly flexed arm,so the hand is higher than the elbow 4=Positioning a hand cone in the hand so the fingers are barely flexed. Why antibiotics are not When mastoiditis develops, considered the mainstay it becomes difficult for treatment for mastoiditis? antibiotics to penetrate the air cells. What is the mainstay Mastoidectomy with treatment for mastoiditis? tympanoplasty What is the most detrimental complication of mastoiditis? Encephalitis Which is true regarding the management of clients with meningitis The patient should be placed on reverse isolation Situation: Eye examination should be done, frequently beginning the age of 40, if the client has history of glaucoma. The following question pertains to nursing ophthalmology and visual acuity. Key Question Answer Key The ophthalmologists would The cornea is avascular treat keratitis with steroid system. and antibiotic eye drops rather than using How does corneal scarring develop post keratitis? It is related to the deposition of collagen tissues during the healing process. A client with mature cataracts suddenly experience of loss of peripheral vision while seeing halos around light likely experiencing; Macular degeneration Situation: A 28 years old male client was admitted in the ER department after experiencing intermittent episodes of diplopia, systemic muscle weakness and shortness of breath. The doctor made an impression of Myasthenia Gravis versus Guillain Barre Syndrome versus Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis versus Multiple Sclerosis. Key Question Answer Key The nurse suspect occurrence of the diseases mentioned with which of the client following history? A client with history of frequent flu infection. Which of the following is not manifestation of Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis? Paresthesia The client was diagnosed Spontaneous intermittent with myasthenia gravis mandatory ventilation after Tensillon’s test was performed. Two days after admission, the client seteriorated and was placed in mechanical ventilation. What ventilation delivers extra tidal volume when the client respiratory rate falls below normal? Page 57 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 When the patient in ventilation is placed on Positive Expiratory Pressure, the priority intervention is to: Monitor the blood pressure Trajectomy of disease Key Question Answer Key What stage in the model depicts a patient with rheumatoid arthritis who is currently asymptomatic and presents only prodromal/ non specific signs and symptoms of the disease? Trajectory The patient woke up with bilateral redness,swelling, tendered and stiffness of the interphalangeal joints. The patient is in what phase of the model? Acute phase The patient suddenly developed pericardial tamponade and was rushed to the hospital for pericardiocentesis. The patient is in what phase of the model? Trajectory The patient went in to coma because of the cardiac tamponade complication of rheumatoid arthritis. At this moment, the patient in what stage of the trajectory model? Downward phase Key Question Answer Key Lung cancer true risk factor Smoking Anti inflammatory aroma therapy Ginger Aroma therapy for cough and colds Eucalyptus Overdosage of acetaminophen Acetylcystein Warfarin toxicity Vit K Key Question Answer Key Crisis is an acute, timelasting 4-6 weeks limited event that a client experiences an emotional response that can't be managed with normal coping mechanisms . displacement characteristics of crisis communication technique taking out our frustrations, feelings, and impulses on people or objects that are less threatening The nurse provides rapid assistance for individuals or groups. the initial task for the nurse it to provide a sense of safety by assessing clients potential suicide or homicide Crisis intervention What level of prevention is crisis intervention Tertiary level trial-and-error methods of resolution fail, and the clients anxiety escalates to severe or panic levels, leading to flight or withdrawal behaviors Crisis phase 3 client experiences overwhelming anxiety that can lead to anguish and apprehension, feeling of powerlessness and being overwhelmed, dissociative symptoms (depersonalization, detachment from reality), depression, confusion, and/ or violence against others or self Crisis phase 4 Key Question Answer Key Page 58 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Keep right signs in the hospital - to smooth the traffic and prevent accidents what is the proper patient position in caloric testing supine, facing up (30 degree angle) What is caloric testing? assessment evaluating the function of the lateral semicircular canal. Primary form of hearing loss in otosclerosis is Conductive hearing loss Conductive hearing loss affects Middle ear Key Question Myringotomy is Patient is preoperative position for detached retina Answer Key -Surgical incision into the eardrum (to relieve pressure or release pus from the middle ear Supine The nurse's first action for a patient who presents to the Emergency Department with manifestations of corneal perforation is to Place the patient in a supine position. nursing diagnoses is the priority diagnosis for a patient with Ménière's disease? Risk for Trauma A preschool-age child is Equalize pressures undergoing bilateral between the middle ear myringotomy with tubes and the environment. for the treatment of recurrent otitis media. The mother asks the nurse what the tubes will do. The nurse's best response is that the tubes will Key Question When the patient who has Avoid sleeping on the undergone cataract operative side extraction is preparing to go home, the nurse reinforces which of the following instructions? The nurse is caring for a patient who has a hearing deficit. Which of the following techniques should be implemented by the nurse to improve communication? (Select all that apply.) 2 and 4 Use a low voice pitch with normal loudness. Use short sentences. 23 year old man is admitted to the ambulatory surgery unit to undergo removal of a cholesteatoma from the middle ear. Which of the following post surgery nursing interventions takes priority? Treatment of nausea The client is admitted to the acute care unit for surgery. A labyrinthectomy will be performed on the client's left ear. Which of the following postprocedure nursing interventions must take priority: From the following list of signs and symptoms, identify those which are associated with angle closure (also called narrowangle or closed-angle) glaucoma. (Select all that apply.) Question KEYS As circulating nurse,which of the following is your priority, action to promote safety of your patient? standing on the client's unaffected side to speak to the client. 2 and 4 nausea and vomiting seeing halos around lights ANSWER KEYS D- Maintain surgical aseptic technique during the procedure. Answer Key Page 59 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Being the nurse in the Post- Anesthesia care unit, which of the following is your PRIORITY concern after surgery? Monitor vital signs SITUATION: the Write letter of resignation to following situations are your employer 30 days before related to ethical leaving. practices in the work place. Len, registered nurse, has signed a contract for two years in a medical center. A recruitment agency has offered her a ‘’fat’’ salary for foreign employment. If you are in the position of Len, what should you do? Riza is a BSN graduate but did not take the National Licensure axams. She is in dire need of money so she applied and was accepted in a health facility. As a nurse she submitted a fake PRC license in order to be given the job. Riza is liable to be charged of____. Misrepresentation Ms. Paras an R.N was D-Code of Ethics for invited as a resource Registered Nurse person in a nursing conference. The curriculum vitae she submitted to the PRC continuing Professional Development Council reflects the word Masters of Arts in Nursing (MAN) after her name. She only completed academic requirements but not her thesis writing. Which of the following did Ms. Paras violate? It is a hospital policy for nurses in a health facility that required time is 15 minutes before the official designated time. Nurse reported 30 minutes late and requested her co-staff to sign in, this is an example of _____________. Dishonesty The nurse is instructing the client to perform a TSE. The nurse tells the client B. That the best time for TSE is after a warm shower Which of the following statements by a 25 year old woman indicates that she understands BSE? C. I will do complete BSE on both breasts 7 to 10 days after menses A nurse is instructing a patient about a mammogram. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include during patient teaching? B. Do not use deodorant in the underarm area before the test A client undergoes a biopsy of a suspected lesion. The biopsy classifies the lesion according to the TNM staging system as follows: Tis, N0, M0. What does this classification mean? B. Carcinoma in situ, no abnormal regional lymph nodes, and no evidence of distant metastasis -Carcinoma in situ [Tis], no abnormal regional lymph nodes [N0], and no evidence of distant metastasis [M0] Which statement by the client indicates to the nurse that the patient understands precautions necessary during sealed radiation therapy for cancer of the cervix? B. "My 7 year old twins should not come to visit me while I'm receiving treatment" Page 60 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 The nurse is preparing a plan of care for a client who will be hospitalized for insertion of an internal cervical radiation implant. Which nursing intervention the nurse implements in preparation for the arrival of the client? A. Prepare private room at the end of the hallway An adult is scheduled for a radioactive implant for treatment of cervical cancer. The nurse has instructed the client about care following the procedure. The nurse determines that the client has understood the instructions when she says, C. "I will have an indwelling catheter while the implant is in place" A client is in isolation after receiving an internal radioactive implant to treat cancer. 2 hours later, the nurse discovers the implant in the bed linens. What should the nurse do first? B. Pick up the implant with long handed forceps and place it in a lead-lined container The nurse is giving D. Report symptoms of discharge planning to a dyspnea cancer patient on doxorubicin (Adriamycin). What is important to tell to the client? client with ovarian cancer is being treated with Vincristine (Oncovin). A nurse monitors the client, knowing that which of the following is a side effect specific to this medication? B. Numbness Right pneumonectomy for lung cancer. Which of the following positions shouldn't be used when repositioning her immediately following the procedure? B. Left side-lying position The physician schedules Mr. Pama for a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) under spinal anesthesia. Before surgery, the nurse should tell the patient that: A. He may receive continuous bladder irrigation after the procedure Which finding is an early indicator of bladder cancer? A. Painless hematuria A nurse is conducting a B. A sedentary 65 year old health screening for female smoker osteoporosis. The nurse would interpret that which of the following clients is at greatest risk of developing this disorder? Primary prevention of osteoporosis, includes which of the following measures? C. Maintain the optimal calcium intake The nurse knows that a D. Genetic predisposition 60-year old female client's susceptibility to osteoporosis is most likely not related to: Page 61 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Alvin, a client with B. Except 1, 2 and 3 lactose intolerance requires dietary teaching. Which of the following foods should the nurse advise him to eat to ensure adequate calcium intake? 1. Bananas and avocados 2. Beef liver and broccoli 3. Cheese and yogurt 4. Malunggay and kangkong For a client with C. 1,3 and 4 osteoporosis, the nurse shouldn't provide which dietary instruction? 1. "Limit intake of liver and beans." 2. "Eat more dairy products to increase your calcium intake." 3. "Decrease your intake of popcorn, nuts, and seeds." 4. "Avoid eating fresh fruits and vegetables." All of the following are manifestations of fractures EXCEPT: D. Osteophytes Nursing care specific for an adult in Buck's Traction would not include: A. Checking site of pins for bleeding or infection A 45-year old female client with rheumatoid arthritis tells the nurse, "I know how important it is to exercise my joints so that I won't lose mobility. But they are so stiff and painful that exercising is difficult." Which of the following is the MOST appropriate response of the nurse? C. "Take a warm tub bath or shower before exercising. This may help you with your discomfort." The following statements are TRUE concerning rheumatoid arthritis EXCEPT: B. It should be treated initially by corticosteroid Which type of medication is most commonly used to treat RA? B. NSAIDs Ralph is studying for his nursing boards when he comes upon different types of arthritis. At the course it was recommended to study the differences between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Which statement, if made by Ralph, demonstrates that further teaching is needed? C. "The disease pattern of RA is usually unilateral and in single joint, whereas OA is usually bilateral, symmetric, and in multiple joints." Rheumatoid arthritis is C. Occurrence of an currently attributed to: autoimmune response An infant with a A. Skin integrity over the dislocated hip is placed scapulae in Bryant's Traction. The nurse plans to assess which if the following while the infant is in traction? Which nursing A. Checking site of pins for intervention is bleeding or infection appropriate for a client with skeletal traction? A 69-year old client C. "OA affects joints on both asks the nurse what sides of the body. RA is the difference between usually unilateral." OA and RA. Which response is correct? A client with possible osteoarthritis is having X-rays performed on both knees. X-rays of an ostoeoarthritic joint reveal: C. Osteophyte formation Page 62 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Which of the following conditions or actions can cause primary osteoarthritis? A. Overuse of joints, aging, and obesity Which of the following symptoms wouldn't occur in a client with a detached retina? C. Eye pain The nurse is preparing a client with SLE for discharge. Which instruction should the nurse include in the teaching plan? C. Monitor body temperature Signs and symptoms of retinal detachment include: A. Painless decrease in vision, veil over the visual field, and flashing lights A. "I sleep using two pillows." In assessing a young woman just diagnosed with SLE, what characteristic observation is the nurse most likely to assess? A. Butterfly rashes Which if the following statements, if made by a patient who is suspected of having congestive heart failure, would support the diagnosis? When a nurse encounters a running burning client, which of the following immediate nursing actions is appropriate to intervene in the burn scene? A. Advise the client to stop, drop on the ground and roll Which of the following A. It is characterized by is true about glaucoma? irreversible blindness A client with openangle glaucoma will manifest the following symptoms: B. "I need to turn my head each time I locate my things on the side." The nurse is assisting in A Protecting the client from planning care for a infection client with a diagnosis of immune deficiency. The nurse would incorporate which of the following as a priority in the plan of care? The nurse is assigned Corticosteroid to care for a client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The nurse reviews the health care provider's prescriptions. Which of the following medications would the nurse expect to be prescribed? The following drugs C. Atropine SO4 may be administered to the client with glaucoma EXCEPT: The nurse further checks for which of the following that is also indicative of the presence of SLE? Jessie is diagnosed with retinal detachment. Which intervention is the most important for this client? client with systemic "I should take hot baths lupus erythematosus because they are relaxing." and tells the client about methods to manage fatigue. Which statement by the client indicates a need for further instructions? D. Preparing him for surgery D-Butterfly rash on cheeks and bridge of nose Page 63 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 A nurse is providing dietary instructions to a client with systemic lupus erythematosus. Which of the following dietary items would the nurse instruct the client to avoid? Steak Situation: nurse sinabi sa bata na pt. kung ayaw nia magpalit ng damit siya mismo ang gagawa. process of grieving DABDA - Denial-AngerBargaining-DepressionAcceptance -assault true definition of death irreversible loss or Cessation of all functions of the brain "current diagnosis" of patient can be found in Admission sheet pt. first initial visit – to assess use for quick assessment "coffee syndrome" More than 3 cups a day brain Tumor exam MRI Why people tends to drink coffee For well being BRUIT sound in the abdomen CAFFEINE WITHDRAWAL symptoms severe headache; fatigue or drowsiness; dysphoric mood including depression and irritability;difficulty concentrating; Abdominal aortic aneurism assessment finding Aorta is located in the EPIGASTRIC region Position of patient after AAA surgery Supine position (flat on bed) Serosanguinous color is Pink tinged Nurse performs nursing care Independent intervention Interdependent actions Collaborative intervention Urine specimen collection Dependent intervention Normal urine 12 hours, except 200cc 50% chance of success of operation Major problem to patient with tracheostomy bee sting after removal Give antihistamine drug check allergic reaction. Emergency drug (select Epinephrine all that apply) Best site of MgSO4 administration for injection is Buttocks Bond paper Make a living wil important to buy for requisition by the supervisor in training seminar SINGING cervical spine injury priority check vital signs Cervical spine injury that causes respiratory distress C4 Sign of cervical trauma respiratory distress T2 N1 Mx cell carinoma 1 tumor more than 2 cm, spread to the lymph nodes. metastasis can't be assessed. readmission of pt where to retrieve prev rec. Medical patient index Priority for pt in seizure Place pillow for heads Severe abd pain morphine A dialysis patient was B. Ineffective breathing rushed to the Dialysis pattern unit to do Emergency Dialysis. Patient noticed to have Ascites, Bipedal edema, BP of 180/100mmhg and DOB. What is the best nursing diagnosis for this patient? What is plasmapheresis? KARDEX Process of removal of antibodies in the blood Page 64 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Basic equipment in cardio unit Ambu bag Sign of buergers intermittent claufication Priority in reynauds Cardio drug which must Dopamine be always in emergency cardio unit avoid exposure to cold environment Reynauds female Spirinolactone causes Hyperkalemia Cause of pid chlamydia Prominent U waves in ECG Hypokalemia Cause of hepa C bloodborne Tool for survey questionnaires Tented peak T waves in ECG Hyperkalemia Sterile gloves withOUT powder Medication for breast cancer - cytoxan works by slowing or stopping cell growth. By damging DNA of cancer cell Gloves in OR for long period surgical operation Adverse effect of aldactone Hyperkalemia call a multidisciplinary meeting Diet of liver Cirrhosis high in calorieswith high carbohydrate content and moderate to low levels of fat. dying patient wants to commit suicide,nurse put the patient to suicidal prec. But the other nurse opposed since its a dying patient Welfare, safety of patient Phil nursing Act Right person to administer blood prod Physician doing good Beneficence - Blood trans. What to check. Sata Blood type,crossmatching,rh incompalibility,exp.date,tapo s lot no. -------all of these no harm Non-maleficence Right Ventriculo shunt - Left side lying position to affected sa acoustic neuropathy inner ear /COCHLEA (if wala inner ear) First food to infant rice receals NOT early symptom acoustic neuroma hearing loss(kasi gradual sya) Vaccine given at birth hepatitis B Not to be delegated medicine administration Fatty tissues Safe to be delegated taking height and weight Affected in 3rd degree burn? Hospital to buy new Equipment Capital budget Lax supervision laizze fairre Strict supervision authocratic In case of fire evacuation horizontal Priority in burn victim airway Priority in anaphylaxis airway Priority in buergers rest period when pain occurs Burgers is common among Males Prevention of buergers Quit smoing Compartment distal part fracture syndrome CHECK PULSE radiation therapy lie on supine position cervical cancer highest sex partner more than one factor patient d5w infusing 100ml/hr develops pulmonary emboli. What is the priority Slow down the rate Adrenal Medulla pruduces epinephrine. Posses most of the right to access patient chart patient herself Page 65 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 DIC sign and symptoms that will indicate DIC HEMATURIA Treatment of early DIC HEPARIN IV How to diagnose No menses for 3 months secondary amenorrhea? Furosemide adverse effect hypokalemia Writen defamation like noting in chart that colleague is incompetent is LIBEL Early sign of resp. distress restless and irritable Bee sting remove sting by scraping Bee sting anaphylaxis RA 10192 CPD LAW New CPD units Sample of biochemical terrorism Anthrax The following are signs and symptoms of avian flue (SATA) 1. Fever 2. Body weakness 3. Cough 4. Soar throat 5. Sore eyes All of the above What organization as set by the government should coordinate to the suppliers with vaccine suppliers on reasonable cost of influenza vaccine for human, especially for those working in live poultry. The incubation period of SARS is: b. DOH 5 to 7 days extended to 2 weeks The earliest case of Guangdong China in 2002 SARS were detected from: Signs and symptoms Chills, malaise, myalgia of Respiratory and headache Phase of SARS are following EXCEPT: First vaccine of anthrax in 1881 Louis pasteur All of the following are three clinical forms of anthrax except Peripheral form Correct doses of vaccines 3 dpt, 3Opv, 3hepa 1 bcg 1measles Fahrenheit to Celcius convert 100.8 38.2 Celcius to Fahrenheit convert 38.5 101.3 Reflexology Hands, feet, ears top 2 cancer for men 2010 Liver rank of prostate cancer 4th rank of colorectal cancer in men 3rd true in lung cancer smoking #1 mortality in the Philippines in 2014 Chronic heart Diseases Caring patient in radiotherapy SATA distance 6 feet, 30 mins per shift, lead apron with dosimeter badge Common disease of Elite person Heart diseases Which is a modifiable risk for developing OA? a. Being overweight osteoarthritis. Which sign/ symptom would the nurse expect the client to exhibit? b. Joint stiffness Page 66 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 part affected osteoarthritis finger joints Which of the following is the most common area affected by rheumatoid arthritis? Metacarpophalangeal joints Which intervention has the highest priority when caring for a client diagnosed with RA? use of warm compress heat and water bath in the morning to provide pain relief provides long term immunity active immunization The acid–base disturbances generally observed in Heart failure is? A. Metabolic alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis where to get supply anesthesiologist department if u will perform intubation the patient was in the icu According to the WHO ladder in training cancer pain, which medication is recommended for cancer clients suffering from moderate pain? Codeine The nurse committed a serious medication error and patient died. Who is responsible to revoking the nurse’s license and certificate of registration? Professional Regulatory Board in Nursing While administering Ombudsman a medication to a psychiatric patient, the nurse did enticing and seductive actions in order to encourage the client to take his medications. Someone can file an administrative case against the nurse to the Board of Nursing and the: Where will the nurse administer enoxaparin (klexane) or insulin subcutaneously? Outside the 2 inches radius from the umbilicus The family assigned to a community health nurse is very satisfied with her performance. They invited the nurse to be come a ninang to their newborn. How should the nurse respond? The nurse should politely decline the offer to maintain a professional relationship. The oldest sibling of the family told the nurse that she is a lesbian. How should the nurse respond? You just express to me that you’re lesbian. There are several approaches and tools used in ( QI). Fishbone diagram is one of which, which of the following statements BEST describes fishbone diagram? A holistic approach in problem identification Gantt chart is also used in quality improvement. It is useful for analyzing, planning, and scheduling complex project, which of the following is not true about GANTT chart? It Provides a graphical illustration of resources Page 67 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 POMR means Problem oriented medical record Telephone call orders Sign within 24 hours FDAR means Focus data action response PROGNATHISM PDCA is Plan Do check Act INITIAL MANIFESTATION of ACROMEGALY First sign of cervical cancer. Metrorrhagia Triad of ADHD: Inattention, Hyperactivity, Impulsivity Reducible hernia Protruding mass spontaneously retracts into the abdomen. Control the progression of glaucoma or IOP Latanoprost eye solution Atropine Increases heart rate. Oral Inhalation Therapy Breathes through the mouth. Viagra Sildenafil Mastoidectomy After a corneal transplant Avoid lying on the affected site , soapsuds and sex 50% of cases of MASTOIDITIS are required to Behavioral test used to measure hearing sensitivity Pure-tone audiometry Risk of cancer is nearly doubled in frequent users of Acetaminophen. Dopamine Surge in euphoria and increased energy/activity LYME'S DISEASE Deer ticks Lyme disease Bull's eye lesion REVERSE TRIAGE Military priority is high survival rate patient Most common cause Prolonged or improper use of corneal of contact lenses. ulceration is People who 50% experience a systemic allergic reaction will have a recurrent reaction when re-stung. If you see a small bubble of air get them out of the line - Get sterile syringe to aspirate air through a port. Flicking the tubing with your finger. Person with Superego and needs Antisocial immediate gratification. Personality Disorder lacks After a patient undergoes a femoral-popliteal bypass graft Closely monitor the peripheral pulses distal to the operative site and circulation. Parkinsonism Treatment Dopamine Theophylline/ aminophylline relieves Wheezes Side-effects of theophylline Diarrhea Z-Track Injection adult 22 to 25 gauge thick standing position Meningitis DROPLET PRECAUTIONS 3 feet distance or less Droplet The best position for inguinal hernia the client must be in a Best time for handwahing 60 seconds muscle weakness, U Hypokalemia waves on ECG Standard V/S monitoring Every 4 hours Diverticulitis LLQ pain Diverticulitis Diet avoid fruits and vegetables high in fiber and no seeds Page 68 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 In otitis media, the tympanic membrane is bright red Otic drug administration in infant pUll pinna down and back drug of choice for shock. Dopamine Hypoventilation Respiratory acidosis Hyperventilation Respiratory alkalosis Pulmonary Embolism Position to Left side lying How many nurse to log roll patient 3 nurses How to transfer to chair to the side of the and from a bed to a bed near the feet, on the chair or wheelchair strong side if the person has a weakened side; the chair should be parallel to the bed Position for ICP? Nursing Practice V – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part C) Question Key Answer key myths surrounding rape? (select all that apply): A-C-D-F-G a. women are usually raped by a stranger. c. most rapes occur away from home areas such as alleys and behind buildings. d. documented rape cases include women from 8 to 70 years old. f. rape is usually an impulsive, spur-of-themoment decision by the rapist. g. unless the assailant is armed, most women should be able to get away and avoid the rape Narcolepsy is characterized by, except Cessation of breathing for 10 seconds Cataplexy is Sudden involuntary loss of muscle control (SSRI's) is Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors 30-40 degree A nurse is caring for B. Lorazepam a client who is experiencing status epilepticus. Which of the following medications should the nurse anticipate administering immediately? The nurse is aware that the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include: d. Weight gain Thrombolytic answer dissolve clot What is the positioned of the patient for the first 8 hours post PTCA? FLAT ON BED. Digoxin effective Positive Inotropic increases force of contraction. Negative Chronotropic decreases heart rate (reduces conduction through the AV node) Champion rating scale (SATA) Patient tasted poison in her food 1. Glasgow Coma Scale 2. Systolic Blood Pressure 3. Respiratory Rate Gustatory hallucination Page 69 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 change a patient’s thought processes and behaviors Cognitive behavioral therapy Disorientation occurs first in TIME cognitive therapy. a type of psychotherapy that focuses treatment on the modification of distorted thinking and maladaptive behaviors appropriate therapy for the management of a child with ADHD Turner’s syndrome macular degeneration behavioral therapy Answer: (C) Amenorrhea, web neck, low hair line, short stature is a symptom of Turner’s syndrome, which appears at puberty. Loss of central vision. depression, feelings of hopelessness, poor appetite, insomnia, fatigue, low self-esteem, poor concentration, and difficulty making decisions. The client states that these symptoms began at least 2 years ago Dysthymic disorder. evidence from a rape victim Preserve the clothing in paper bag meniere’s disease Vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss most frequently affected by acoustic neuroma? inner ear surgical approaches for removing an acoustic neuroma; select all that apply retrosigmoid translabyrinthine approach middle cranial fossa approach (Facial nerve repair) Retention of peripheral macular degeneration vision diagnosis of detached retina a. A sense of a curtain falling across the field of vision a retinal detachment at the inner aspect of the right eye Left side lying appropriate surgical treatment for retinal detachment Scleral buckling that bleeding has Complaints of a burst of occurred as a result of black spots or floaters the retinal detachment acute narrow-angle glaucoma Acetazolamide (Diamox) preparation for cataract surgery, what drug is to be administered MYDRIATIC cataract removal indicates an understanding of the instructions “I will wear my eye shield at night and my glasses during the day.” right cataract removal surgery (walang left sa choices) supine otoscopic examination mastoiditis.tympanic membrane expect to observe red, dull, thick and immobile attacked by vertigo Let the patient to keep eyes open and stare straight ahead when lying down Crisis intervention level of prevention Tertiary level administer to reduce the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal Diazepam or ATIVAN effective for hallucinating clients is to: Practice saying “Go away” or “Stop” when they hear voices. Patay na nanay nya , pero sinabi daw sa kanyang patayin ang dalawang anak nya Auditory hallucination Sabi ng nurse maam palilalia ang ganada mo ngayon ah, Patient : Ang ganda ko! Ang ganda ko Page 70 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 % percentage of schizophrenia cases 1% only special sense is the last to go in a comatose patient hearing vital sign usually palpated below the jaw Carotid artery appropriate room lighting for a dying patient Well lit room How many nurses is needed to assist and log roll patient in bed? 3 primary nursing diagnosis Risk for Suicide Isolate the suicidal patient Contract as to liable and standard as to Accountability After passing exam Take the oath of professionals Dementia cognitive dysfunction and loss of memory. diagnosis of dementia is based on patient history and cognitive assessment Dementia unlike delirium is characterized by Insidious onset Confabulation patient fabricates events or experiences to fill in the gaps in memory Florence Nightingale Situation: Zosima was rushed to the Emergency Room when she was discovered to have taken over dosage of sleeping pills. Myths surround suicide but which of the following of these should the nurse take as reality? Antidepressant medication begins to raise mood suicide precautions except Slovin’s formula find 345 out what sample of a population of 2500 people you need to take for a survey if you have a margin of error of 5% (0.05). manipulating the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery is theorized by Zosima is on antidepressant treatment and was placed on the " Suicide Watch" list. The nurse must be alert that among depressed patients, suicide is likely to be committed when; Crisis intervention is under Tertiary level of prevention Elavil must avoid Aged cheese or any tyramine rich foods promote safety which of the following items will the nurse remove from the bag? Bottle of orange juice measures the electrical activity of the brain EEG responsible for sense of humor endorphin. first sign and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal Palpitation severely dehydrated client told you that there is a snake on the floor pointing the electric fan cord then she shouted, " snake . "Corazon, I’m Vilma Aunor your Staff Nurse, this is an electrical cord" Support groups of Alcohol abuse AL ANON Alcohol Withdrawal treatment ATIVAN All suicide behavior should be taken seriously. It is a cry for help Page 71 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 manipulates the group with attention-seeking behaviors, such as sexual comments and angry outbursts. The nurse realizes that these behaviors are typical of: Histrionic personality disorder. asking pt. to commit suicide. Remove all sharp in the room nursing interv.to pt. nausea vomitting,lethargy,fati gue -eat cracker with small water handicapped child, how should a nurse deal with the tantrums Justice burnout is? a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed, blood transfusion against the wishes of his family, who are all Jehovah’s Witnesses Autonomy Not a description of Glaucoma decrease iop fits a situation when the followers are selfdirected, experts and are matured individuals with lax supervision? Laissez faire Test for Brain electrical activity EEG dead mom telling the patient ti kill her 2 children is auditory command hallucination cannabis sativa Marijuana cancer client who reports moderate pain Codeine Therapy after patient discharge occupational therapy nurse has made an error in a narrative documentation Drawing one line through the error, initialing and dating, and then documenting the correct information Difference between delirium and dementia Patient said She was visited by her dead mom last night visual hallucination Time travel is Remembering the past and envisioning the future Binge-eating disorder can be characterized as: C) eating to avoid feeling and dealing with emotional pain. Delirium is abrupt onset while dementia is insidious D In PIE methods charting , P is , Except; a.Admission b.Problems c.Discharge d.Teaching Depression sign. ADHD cannot perform ADL’s Key Question Answer Key mania pt. appropriate -folding towel and linen activity What is the most effective Pharmacologic treatment treatment for patients with ADHD? Food for mania pt.. - Peanut butter sandwich and milk When is methylphenidate ( Ritalin) best given? pt with mania (nang aapi ng mga kasama) nsg action - drawing When can parents of During school vacation children with ADHD request for methylphenidate or drug holiday? After meals Page 72 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Situation: Personality disorders are very hard to treat since one’s personality is difficult to modify. Personality is totality of an individual which reflect his/her bahaviours, emotions values etc. Which of the following is a characteristic of a client with borderline personaliyy disorder? Goes to the mall every time he/she experiences stress to buy the newest /phone model What is the priority nursing Risk for injury diagnosis that must be considered in taking care of clients with boarderline personality disorder? A client was admitted to Anti- social personality the mental health facility disorder after several incidents of stealing goods from the vendors in their community market. The client would also offer sexual pleasures to the tricycle drivers in their place in exchange for money. During the mental assessment, the client appears apathetic about the situation and refused to answer questions. The client is exhibiting what type of personality disorder? When clients with personality disorders are required to sign an informed consent, what should the nurse do? Key Question Let the client sign his informed consent Answer Key Slovins 5% confidence level 3750 given population Answer: 361 Splitting is a symptom of Borderline personality disorder Restating clients message paraphrasing Rape patient, flashbacks with nightmare PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Question keys Answer keys The nurse is providing care to the victim of a rape that occurred over 1 year ago. Which symptom supports the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Select all that applies ***2. Flashbacks The nurse is caring for a client who is the victim of rape. The client refuses the emergency contraception offered to her. Which statement by the nurse is the most appropriate regarding the window of time during which emergency contraception is most effective? B. ***"Emergency contraception is most effective if administered within 3 days." The nurse is providing counseling to the incarcerated perpetrator of rape. Which finding in the client's history are known risk factors for those who commit the act of rape? Select all that applies ***1. Previously abused as a child ***3. Antisocial behaviors ***5. Alcohol or drugs ***3. Depression ***4. Nightmares ***5. Anxiety Page 73 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 The nurse is writing a plan of care for a client who is the victim of rape. Which nursing diagnosis does not support the client's psychosocial needs? B. ***Physical pain The nurse is assisting in the physical examination of a client who is the victim of rape. Which action by the nurse does not involve collecting evidence that can be used in a criminal case to convict the attacker? ***D. Drawing blood for a CBC from the antecubital area. The community health nurse is conducting a presentation regarding rape. Which common myth associated with rape should the nurse discuss in the presentation? (SATA) ***2. African American women welcome all forms of sexual contact because of their race. *4. Victims deserved the rape because they were dressed provocatively. ***5. Victims deserved the rape because of where they were located. A client who is the victim of rape arrives in the emergency department. Once the client's safety is ensured, the nurse begins the physical examination. The nurse may find which of the following injuries from being restrained? Question keys Answer keys What is FDAR charting Focus data Response What is POMR Problem oriented Medical record The ff are method of charting except: A.Focus B.POMR C.narrative D.sequential D.sequential In PIE methods charting , P is , Except; c.Discharge a.Admission b.Problems c.Discharge d.Teaching Doctors order via phone call Clarified with 2 nurse, record and sign Order must be signed Within 24 hours error in documentation Draw a single horizontal line with mistaken entry with initials after Situation 1The nurse is caring for an adult admitted with diagnosis of brain tumor. He was scheduled for craniotomy. ***3. Burns on the wrists ***4. Bruising around the neck ***5. Bruising on the ankles Question keys Answer keys A client has a supratentorial craniotomy for a tumor in the right frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. Post operatively,the position that would be most appropriate for this client would be B.Head of the bed elevated 45 degrees with a large pillow under the head and shoulders Documentation and charting Page 74 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 A client is regaining consciousness after a craniotomy becomes restless and attempts to pull out her intravenousline. Which nursing intervention protects the client without increasing her ICP? Following 3 months of rehabilitation after craniotomy, a female client is still having some motor speech difficulty.To promote the client’s use of speech the nurse should: client undergoes a craniotomy for removal of her brain tumor. The nurse notes that her dressing is saturatedwith blood. Which of the following interventions is most appropriate D.Wrap her hands in soft “mitten” restraints A.Respond to her crude efforts of speaking C.Reinforci ng the dressing and notifying the doctor immediatel y After C.Prevent craniotomy, what is your primary increased goal? ICP What type of cardiomyopathy is seen in the sudden death of young athletes? Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy What heart condition is Turner’s syndrome associated with? Coarctation of the aorta Signs and symptoms of complete heart block - Lightheadedness or dizziness. Palpitations ,Fatigue. Chest pain. Shortness of breath. Fainting spells or syncope. The patient has been diagnosed with leftsided heart failure. Which common finding of this condition should the nurse consider when planning care? C- Dyspnea Situation: PACEMAKER Key Question Answer Key Where will the procedure (pacemaker placement) take place? Cath Lab What is the time we teach the patient about the length of time the battery lasts for a pacemaker? Batteries last 5-10 years and require changing What is the most Troponin I sensitive and specific marker for a myocardial infarction (MI)? What is strictly prohibited from the incision until completely healed? Lotion and powder What is the most common cause of right sided heart failure? What is something the patient cannot be around, what is an example? No Magnets, No big power tools (MRI) ADDENDUM BOARD QUESTIONS Situation: CVD- cardio vascular diseases Key Question Answer Key Left sided heart failure What to assess after placement of pacemaker Persistent hiccups Page 75 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Examination of a patient in a increased supine position reveals distended central venous jugular veins from the base of pressure the neck to the angle of the jaw. This finding indicates: Situation: CVD- cardio vascular diseases Key Question When caring for a patient who has intermittent claudication, a cardiac/vascular nurse advises the patient to: Answer Key -walk as tolerated A cardiac/vascular projection. nurse reviews recommended activities with a patient who sustained a myocardial infarction. The patient states, "It doesn't really matter what I do or don't do. I will either get better or die." This statement reflects: A 55-year-old patient ventricular fibrillation. who is diagnosed with an evolving myocardial infarction (MI) insists on going home. The cardiac/vascular nurse encourages the patient to be admitted, because the greatest risk within the first 24 hours of sustaining an MI is: A patient comes to the emergency department with reports of a swollen and painful leg but denies sustaining any injury. Physical examination reveals a tense calf muscle, decreased sensation to the foot and leg, and absent pedal pulses. The cardiac/vascular nurse asks the patient when the symptoms began, because: irreversible anoxic injury to muscles and nerves can occur in as few as four hours. While a cardiac/ vascular nurse preceptor is orienting a graduate nurse on the telemetry unit, a patient experiences cardiac arrest. Which action by the preceptor, during the emergency cardiac care procedure, facilitates the graduate nurse's competence and professional development? Involving the graduate nurse in the resuscitation by assigning a basic task. A patient is admitted to the hospital for a carotid angiogram with stent placement. The patient's spouse states: "I don't want my spouse to find out there is a risk of a stroke connected with this procedure, because he or she won't sign the consent form." The cardiac/vascular nurse's most appropriate action is to: assess the patient's level of understanding of risks, benefits, and alternatives. A patient who is recovering from a myocardial infarction may benefit from meditation, because this technique: decreases sympathetic nervous system activity. Page 76 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 A cardiac/vascular nurse reviews risk factor reduction with a patient who is newly diagnosed with a myocardial infarction. The patient states, "I don't know why you're making such a big deal about this stufollowing I feel fine, and the doctor said that my heart attack was small." The nurse's most effective action is to: assess the patient's perception of the event with open-ended questions. A patient who clarifying when cardiac underwent coronary rehabilitation will begin. artery bypass surgery demonstrates effective understanding of discharge teaching by: A patient with negative troponins and stress obtain a 12-lead test results reports electrocardiogram. recurring chest pain that is similar to the patient's pain on admission. According to the American Nurses Association's cardiovascular nursing scope and standards of A patient with cardiogenic shock receives a nursing diagnosis of decreased cardiac output. With the appropriate interventions, the anticipated outcome is for the patient to achieve: baseline cardiac function. A patient has been report that the patient is receiving heparin IV for exhibiting signs of an the last three days. adverse reaction The patient's most current platelet count is 65,000 X 103/uL; the platelet count on admission was 350,000 X 103/uL. The cardiac/ vascular nurse contacts the physician to: The cardiac/vascular nurse encourages a patient with hypertension to adopt a low-sodium diet. The American Heart Association recommends limiting this patient's sodium to: 1500 mg per day. One of the Healthy People 2020 objectives is to increase the proportion of adults: W ith hypertension who are taking the recommended medications to decrease their blood pressure. A patient recently had a cardiac catheterization via right-radial approach. The patient has a compression device in place. The patient complains of numbness and pain in the right hand. The cardiac/ vascular nurse notes a diminished pulse, with a cool and cyanotic hand. The nurse: reduces the pressure on the puncture site. In an assessment for "Is the leg pain relieved intermittent by rest?" claudication, the cardiac/vascular nurse assesses for leg pain and cramping with exertion, then asks the patient Page 77 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Situation: PALMER Key Question Answer Key Which is most closely aligned with ethics? Morals One of the roles of the registered nurse in terms of informed consent is to: Serve as the witness to the client’s signature on an informed consent. Which of the following is most closely aligned with the principles and concepts of informed consent? Self determination Set of guidelines for all ages 10 commandments for all times Exception to general rules epikia Goal of triage Do the greatest good to the greatest number theoretical framework would you recommend that this committee should consider when addressing mutiethnicity and the culturally diverse nature of this facility for this philosophy? Madeleine Leininger’s theory Integrated board concepts Key Question ICP of 12mmHg Using therapeutic communication, how to communicate with stroke patient? Duodenal ulcer b-Gnawing pain after eating and at night Pt is having ventricular tachycardia, and unconscious what to do? a-Defib Pt taking ferrous sulfate what to avoid? a-Tea and antacid How to do oral care for coma pt? a-Side lying Elderly report no bowel movement for 6 days what is the possible reason? a-Sedentary Pt complain of constipation Assess for underlying condition Nsg diagnosis for Constipation Constipation related to slowed gastrointestinal motility Jaundice,clay colored stool and abdominal pain,what organ is affected? Gallbladder Mode of transmission of tuberculosis Airborne Sputum sample first 24 hours Take 2 sample specimen How many ml of sputum 3-5 ml Positive mantoux test what is the next procedure to confirm tuberculosis a. Sputum culture Answer Key a. Normal TB isolated by Robert kochs B.Facing the client and talk, and give the pt enough time to respond Page 78 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Pt is obese who is abdominal post-op which frequently coughing and vomiting what complication is mostly to develop? Central obesity is defined a a. Dehiscence Endomorph How to modifiy the odor of stoma: a. Diet intake Pt take the regular insulin at 6;00 am, what time will you expect for hypoglycemia? B. 8-10 am Airborne: B-Measles and varicella Skeletal traction: Weights must hang freely What to watch in digoxin and diuretics Potassium level Burn pt with dry and stable eschar,what to do? a. Hydrogel Color and odor of wound indicates D-Infection What to monitor in pt taking vincristine and methothrexate? blood cell counts, kidney and liver function a. Ambulation How to prevent spreading of infection a. Hand washing Swelling, cool skin and no blood return in IV site what should the nurse do? a. Stop IV infusion and remove Bleeding under cast a. Mark the blood stain document and notify the physician Nursing process gentle valsalva maneuver 2 days post hemi colectomy what to monitor? a. Gastric output Hx of 20years of smoking is risk for? b. Coronary artery disease Pt can continue for the procedure Action of propranolol b. Thyroid scan with shellfish allergy To decrease cardiac workload - - ADOPIE Stage of depression Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance, or DABDA. Post –op with 38 degrees Celsius what the nurse should do a. Remove the dressing, check for infection and change the dressing Post-femoral artery Strict bed rest angiogram intervention Neutropenic Removing chest tube, what to instruct? Action of salbutamol Post-op pt complaining of abdominal pain “gas cramps” nx intervention Monitor temp evry 4 hours 3000 g baby 4x a day feeding how many ounce of milk 3 ounce To check PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) potency - thyroid crisis What to consider with urinalysis Dilate bronchioles x-ray Fever and tachycardia - Indicate the time of collection Page 79 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Prevention for otitis media - Feed infant in upright position Blanching of stomach means? - inadequate blood supply to the tissues Purpose of draw sheet in repositioning of client - to avoid skin shearing Patient for organ donor, True definition of death - Cessation of brain function Brain death occurs - 6-8 mins A patient has had a High fever , Top of Form kidney transplant chills, body aches or flu, and and develops acute nausea organ rejection approximately 1 month after the surgery. Based on the nurse's knowledge of transplant rejection, the nurse knows that the patient will most likely exhibit symptoms of After your assessment of your client and the need to transfer your client from the bed to the chair, what is the best and safest way to transfer this paralyzed client when you suspect that you will need the help of another for the client’s first transfer out of bed? Use a mechanical lift. caring for a client Establish trust with the who has been client. assessed as having a past history of violent and dangerous behaviors towards others. What is the first thing that you should do to prevent violence towards others? hospice client who is at the end of life. Based on this client’s signs and symptoms, the client is comatose, dehydrated, free of pain, constipated, without distress and expected to die in a day or two. Which of the following is an appropriate client outcome or an appropriate intervention for this client? The client will remain free of pain and distress Caring for a group of clients who are adversely affected with phobias. Which form of group therapy will you most likely employ to treat these clients? B-Behavioral psychotherapy Page 80 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 caring for an acute D-Visual disturbances related care adult client in to delirium the medical unit who has no history of a psychiatric mental health disorder. This 76 year old client has suddenly and abruptly started to exhibit episodic and intermittent periods of time vacillating between periods of impaired cognition and periods of mental clarity. The client reports to you that they are seeing snakes in their room. This client is dehydrated and has just begun taking an anticholinergic medication. Which of the following is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client? A therapeutic milieu is: D-The provision of a therapeutic environment of consistency to promote health. Place the following 1,5,4,2,3,6 steps for mixing NPH and regular insulin in the proper sequential order from # 1 to # 6 below. #1 - Prep the top of the shorter acting insulin with an alcohol swab #2 Inject air that is equal to the ordered dosage of the shorter acting insulin using the same insulin syringe. #3 Withdraw the ordered dosage of the shorter acting insulin using the same insulin syringe. #4 - Prep the top of the longer acting insulin vial with an alcohol swab. #5 Inject air that is equal to the ordered dosage of the longer acting insulin using the insulin syringe. #6 Withdraw the ordered dosage of the longer acting insulin using the same insulin syringe. Which of the following clients is at greatest risk for extravasation? B-The client with cancer who is receiving bendamustine Your client is Exclude pregnant visitors receiving from the client’s room. brachytherapy. What nursing intervention should you implement for this client? Page 81 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Which of the following is an adverse effect to therapeutic radiation therapy? Nausea and vomiting, Anorexia, Diarrhea Where to refer alcohol substance abuse? Substance abuse counsellor Spinal cord injury that affects breathing - C4 Ruptured appendicitis position Fowlers (High) Maneuver for appendicitis blumberg test Care of Transge nder Pts How should the nurse address the patient? D. "My name is Ann. How would you like me to address you?" What to delegate in midwife maternal and child care Safe to delegate Physical history taking of height and weight Not to delegate Giving of medications Hepatitis C is blood borne Malaria is caused by vector borne Clostridium botulinum is food borne Indication of caloric testing Test for vestibul-ocular reflex TO Formula for gavage Glucolyte feeding Blaming other person projection RESEARCH QUESTIONS RESEARCH- “Knowledge and practice of prevention of needle prick injuries of Staff Nurses in a certain private hospital in Metro Manila” Based on the research title which of the following will be the general objective? Question Answer key Ethics in Nursing Anonymity Research has always been an issue when it comes to the identity of the respondents. When the topics of research are very sensitive, which of the following rights of individual participants must be ensured when the researcher cannot link the information given by the respondent from the source of the information? This study aims to RULE OUT CENTRAL ETIOLOGY OF VERTIGO. (Gold standard for detecting unilateral peripheral vestibular loss) determine the level of knowledge and practice of prevention of needle prick injuries of Staff Nurses in a certain private hospital. All of these are specific objectives except: This study is for nursing researchers in the future Position during caloric test supine with the patient’s head to a 30-degree angle As a nurse, you know the appropriate data gathering tool, this is? Questionnaire Affected organ - Inner EAR What is the description of hypothesis in research a tentative statement and testable prediction about the relationship between two or more variables. As a nurse, these are the following topics in the scope and limitations except: Limited to the hospital personnel of a private hospital Page 82 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Which of the following is not a null hypothesis? There is a significant relationship between the knowledge and sociodemographic profile of staff nurses RESEARCH QUESTIONS Question Answer key A public health nursing b.-a cost-effectiveness department seeks data to analysis. confirm that its service is most efficiently using limited resources. This type of analysis is known as: The author of a research Replication of a wellstudy states that the lack of designed study is statistical significance in appropriate. the results may be related to the sample size and suggests that the study be replicated with a larger sample. Which statement is accurate?An exact replication may produce the same results. Which rate is produced by dividing the number of deaths during one year by the estimated (mid-year) population? Crude deaths Within an epidemiological framework, interrelationships among a multitude of factors constitute the web of causation. What is Crude deaths A rate produced by dividing the number of deaths during one year by the estimated (mid-year) population? A statistical source for population age distributions, dependency ratios, and socioeconomic characteristics is: census data. The variable which is influenced by the intervention of the researcher is called: B. Dependent What is the symbol of dependent varriable “”y”” The most effective way to assess the health care needs of older adults in a community is to: conduct personal interviews with local health care and social services professional A tornado strikes a mobile Community leaders home community in a small activate the community rural town. Approximately disaster plan. 10 families are left without food and shelter. Which reaction demonstrates the community's viability? Mortality rates from two communities can best be compared after calculating: the age-adjusted rates. In planning a telehealth consultation system for a rural community, an advanced public health nurse first focuses on the: needs of the community's residents and providers. Two days after a tornado, Intense excitement an advanced public health nurse meets with a group of survivors. Which emotional reaction by the survivors does the advanced public health nurse expect? Page 83 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 An advanced public health nurse investigates a cluster of cases of learning disabilities, hearing impairment, and developmental delays in school-age children who live in an apartment complex that was built in 1971. The nurse suspects exposure to: lead. The results of a costeffectiveness analysis of a health care service are usually expressed in terms of: a particular health objective. The three essential elements of informed consent are: information, comprehension, and freedom from coercion. Which scale refers to levels Ordinal of magnitude or ranking? Which program is an example of secondary prevention? A program to immunize persons exposed to infectious disease with immunoglobulin G within two weeks of exposure A community receives a grant for a health promotion program in a local school. The community health department plans to appoint one representative from its nursing division to serve on the implementation planning committee. Who is the most appropriate representative? An advanced public health nurse who is the nursing supervisor for the school's geographic area A foodborne outbreak of salmonellosis has twice occurred at a day-treatment program. The environmental health worker has requested that an advanced public health nurse be included in the next inspection of the program's kitchen. During the visit, the nurse’s primary concern is to: educate the kitchen workers about safe food preparation.. Which type of power is associated with the role of the advanced public health nurse? Expert A grant proposal for a domestic violence prevention program addresses which characteristic of the target population? Prevalent risk factors Surveying clients' knowledge of resources, identifying resource eligibility criteria, and comparing income levels with agency fee structures are steps in which part of the grant proposal process? Needs assessment When assessing a community's health care needs, an advanced public health nurse interviews a first-grade teacher and the editor of the weekly news bulletin. The nurse is using which data collection method? Key informant The primary role of an advisory board for a community-based health organization is to: advocate for the community The normative-reeducative strategy of change theory assumes that attitudes and practices are determined by cultural norms and knowledge is insufficient to change behavior. The primary purpose for establishing nursing standards in public/ community health settings is to: provide guidelines for improving the quality of care. The most important initial step when developing a research study is to: c.identify the research problem. Page 84 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 A nursing researcher b.problem. determines that there is little information about the use of complementary practices in treating obesity. This represents the research: When writing a proposal for a research study, the researcher includes a problem statement that serves to: c.identify a gap in knowledge needed for practice In a research proposal, the d.research purpose. researcher states that the proposed study will explore children’s feelings about chemotherapy side effects. This statement describes the: Which is included in a statement of a research study purpose d.A statement about how the research problem will be studied. The statement in the introduction of a research study report—“while children who have higher asthma control scores tend to have fewer emergency department visits for asthma exacerbations, it is unclear how nursing interventions can impact these scores”— represents the: b.problem significance. The statements in the introductory paragraphs of a research report that cite results of previous studies about a research problem represent the: a.problem background. Which statement is a research purpose for a correlational study? d.“This study will use questionnaires and school transcripts to examine the relationship of dietary habits to grades among school-age children.” The nurse researcher states c.Outcomes that a research purpose is to measure the effects of bar code medication administration on medication errors. This is a study purpose for which type of research? Which statement in a study about preoperative education and postoperative recovery times represents a research question? c.“What preoperative teaching will shorten postoperative recovery time?” A statement about the significance of a study describes the: a.influence of results on nursing practice. What type of hypothesis is the following? “Children with cystic fibrosis who use a cough assist device will experience less anxiety about their disease and have fewer inpatient hospital admissions per year.” a.Complex, directional A reviewer assesses a potential researcher’s credentials and experience, the availability of funding and resources, and ethical considerations of a potential study. This represents evaluation of a study’s: b.feasibility. Identify the independent variable in the following hypothesis: “Mothers of infants born with spina bifida who participate in support groups report higher levels of confidence when caring for their infants than do mothers who do not participate in support groups.” d.Support group participation Page 85 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 In a research proposal, the author describes what is already known about the research topic. This would be included in the discussion of the study’s: a.background. Type I errors occurs A. when the null hypothesis is rejected but it should have been retained. The variable in an experiment that is known from the start and does not change is called the: C. independent variable. what is the symbol of independent varriable ”X” Deductive Reasoning is applied in: B. Quantitative research Which of the following is a C. Phenomenology qualitative research design where lived experiences of individuals are examined in their "life-world"? Which of the following is a characteristic of qualitative research? D. Inductive process Qualitative research design involves A. Emergent design Phenomenological study involves all the following features, EXCEPT Manipulation In qualitative research, a guiding principle in deciding sample size is: C. Data saturation Which of the following Ethnography qualitative methods focuses on description and interpretation of cultural behavior? When doing power analysis A. Eta-squared in ANOVA context, the estimate of effect size is Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test is used to C. Test the difference among the means of 3+ independent groups Which is the most appropriate inferential analysis to test the difference among the means of 3+ related groups o sets of scores? A. Repeated-measures ANOVA The F-statistic is calculated A. ANOVA in: Chi-square test is used to test: A. Difference in proportions The principles of ethics in nursing research include: A. Beneficence B. Respect for human dignity C. Justice D. All of the above D. All of the above The term used to indicate the placebo effect in which the knowledge of being included in a study cause people to change their behaviours, thereby obscuring the variable of interest: D. Hawthorne effect The degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to be measuring is its: A. Validity A fundamental ethical principle that seeks to prevent harm and exploitation of, to maximize benefits for, study participants is: A. Justice B. Beneficence C. Nonmalificence D. Coercion B. Beneficence Page 86 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 A method of data collection C. Delphi technique in which several rounds of questionnaires are mailed to a panel of experts, focusing on their opinions or judgment concerning a specific topic of interest is: Which of the following is a pre-requisite for the Chisquare test compare? C. Both samples should be mutually exclusive The Chi-square test is used to measure the degree of: B. Correlation between two variables The principle of beneficence include all the following, EXCEPT The right to selfdetermination The degree of consistency with which an instrument measures the attribute it is supposed to be measuring is called: B. Reliability In a drug trial, one group A. Chi-square test showed 40% response and the group with the test drug showed 60% response. The two results can be statistically compared for significance by: The reliability of a measuring tool has following aspects, except: C. Efficiency The extent to which the C. Stability same results are obtained on repeated administrations of the instrument is termed as: Studies that produce basic estimates of the rates of disorder in a general population and its subgroups is: D. Descriptive epidemiology The statistic used to explain B. Odds ratio the chances of being exposed to a risk among those with the diagnosis divided by exposure to the risk among those without the diagnosis is: A systematic method for continuous monitoring of diseases in a population, in order to be able to detect changes in disease patterns and then to control them is: D. Surveillance A hypothesis which a researcher tries to disprove is: B. Null hypothesis The number of new cases B. Incidence that occur within a specific population within a defined time interval is: Residents of three villages Cross-sectional study with three different types of water supply were asked to participate in a study to identify cholera carriers. Because several cholera deaths had occurred in the recent past, virtually everyone occurred in the time submitted to examination The proportion of carriers in each village who were carriers was computed and compared. The study is a: Study of a person who has already contacted the disease is called: A. Case control All are true about case control studies, except: B. Less expensive T-test makes following assumptions, except: D. The Independent Variable (IV) is at the nominal level of data Factorial ANOVA is employed to address the research question focusing the difference in the means of: A. One DV and two or more than two IVs Which statistical test is more appropriate when there are more than two levels of independent variables to determine which group means are significant? A. ANOVA Page 87 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 "Cardiac patients who receive support from former patients have less anxiety and higher selfefficacy than other patients". This statement is an example of: A. Directional hypothesis What is TRUE about research hypothesis? B. Statement about the expected relationship of the variables Hypothesis testing is D. Confirmatory data sometimes called analysis "Above all, do no harm". C. Beneficence This principle encompassed in the ethical dimension of: A. Human dignity B. Justice C. Beneficence D. Anonymity Three factors are important regarding the rights of the participants include all except: A. Confidentiality B. Anonymity C. Voluntary participation D. Jurisprudence D. Jurisprudence A statistic calculated in ANOVA: A. Chi-square B. Correlation coefficient C. Eta-squared D. t-statistic C. Eta-squared Friedman's test is: B. Non-parametric analogue of ANOVA in paired/repeated measures design Random sampling or probability sampling includes all the following techniques, except: D. Purposive Sampling Gender, age-class, religion, type of disease, and blood group are measured on: A. Nominal scale of measurement Which scale of measurement has an absolute zero? D. Ratio Interviewing all members of a given population is called: c) a census. Sampling means following a sequence of stages. Which ONE of the following stages should come before the others? d) Examine the objective of the study. Which ONE of the following methods is generally used in qualitative sampling? b) Quota sampling A simple random sample is one in which d) Every unit of the population has an equal chance of being selected Which of the following is not a type of nonprobability sampling? b) Stratified random sampling Which of the following is not a characteristic of quota sampling? c) The random selection of units makes it possible to calculate the standard error What is the least expensive and least time-consuming of all sampling techniques? Convenience sampling. Which of the following is a type of probability sampling? Stratified Sampling You are doing research on hospital personnel— orderlies, technicians, nurses, and doctors. You want to be sure you draw a sample that has cases in each of the personnel categories. You want to use probability sampling. An appropriate strategy would be Stratified Sampling Page 88 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|22591874 Non Probability form of sampling is Quota Sampling Bournes and Mitchell (2002) undertook an indepth study to describe the experience of waiting in a critical care waiting room. Qualitative Research Hupcey (2000) undertook a Quantitative Research study that involved the development of a model explaining the psychosocial needs of patients in the intensive care unit. Feeling safe was the overwhelming need of patients in the intensive care unit. McDonald, Freeland, Quantitative Research Thomas, and Moore (2001) conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of a preoperative pain management intervention for relieving pain among elders undergoing surgery. Sadala and Mendes (2000) Qualitative Research explored the experiences of 18 nurses who cared for patients who had been pronounced brain dead but kept alive to serve as organ donors. Reynolds and Neidig (2002) studied the incidence and severity of nausea accompanying combinative antiretroviral therapies among HIV infected patients, and explored patterns of nausea in relation to patient characteristics. Quantitative Research Page 89 of 89 Downloaded by Croconaw Madrigal (croconaw82539@protonmail.com)