NO BULLSH*T GUIDE: GUILT-FREE GASTRONOMY HOW TO EAT AND DRINK OUT DURING A BODY TRANSFORMATION WHY I believe everyone can achieve an impressive body transformation. If this is your goal I have a lot of respect for that. The tricky part which gets overlooked is doing so without sacrificing important areas of your life. Holidays, events and travel can often derail your progress or worse, have you join the millions of people who are perpetually dieting. Here I will present you with a quick synthesis of the best tips from some of the industries leading science-based bodybuilders, my experience coaching people through this, with practical adjustments for when your life does not revolve around fitness. So if you are an adult who wants to lose fat and gain muscle, this guide is for you. ABOUT ME My name is Josh Brett, I make documentary style videos on for a more honest and effective fitness industry. As someone who struggled with disordered eating behaviors and extremely rigid dieting methods, glorified by the industry, these topics are extremely important to me. I want to help you become more resilient. This is why I try to keep most of my content free. If you would like to help directly support the mission, please subscribe to the channel, and consider running through the skinny-fat transformation workshop. which is will help get you out of the skinny-fat stage for good. How this guide will help: 1. Understand the nutrition fundamentals for fat loss and muscle gain. 2. Understand eating out is not something you should feel guilty about. 3. Apply some of the tips depending on your level of flexibility. 4. Experiment with the tips you can enjoy the most. 5. Continue to occasionally drink and eat-out for the rest of your life without guilt. REFRESH THE BASICS WHAT ACTUALLY MATTERS WHEN IT COMES TO IMPROVING BODY COMPOSITION? 1. Calorie Balance Caloric deficit for a cutting phase. Caloric surplus for a bulking phase. 2. Macro-nutrient quantities 0.8 - 1.2g of protein per lb of bodyweight (or 1g per cm of height). 0.3 g + fat per lb of bodyweight. We dive into this on more depth inside the workshop but this is the vast majority of what matters. The tricky part is sticking to this. Aiming for a diet consisting mostly of whole foods with less minimally processed foods is usually best for ensuring you can stick to this long term. A variety of textures and colors within your meals is a good sign you are getting ample micro-nutrients (important vitamins and minerals). THE PROBLEM EATING OUT IS INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT. For most people food is far more than just fuel, it’s often deeply integrated with celebration, tradition and culture; offering an opportunity to relax and bond with others. But eating out can often lead to anxiety and concerns about straying from our nutritional goals. As a result, many people try to compensate with guilt cardio, yo-yoing their calories up and down or perhaps worse still; trading all flexibility for accuracy. This is something I used to do... turning down events and social gatherings out of fear of gaining fat or losing muscle. In his book “The Adonis Complex,” Dr. Harrison Pope, a Harvard psychiatrist who works with men with body dysmorphia, described a bodybuilder who refused to kiss his girlfriend before a show due to fear of her transmitting calories. Meanwhile, some people even track the calories in their toothpaste. As extreme as these examples are, millions of men are turning down important occasions and events in order to be more accurate with their nutrition. I used to be one of them. I’ve seen friends bring scales to restaurants, and you’ve probably seen many Hollywood actors boast about their meals of unseasoned chicken, broccoli, and rice. This is no way to live and raises the question: HOW CAN YOU EAT OUT, MAINTAIN SOME FORM OF FLEXIBILITY IN YOUR LIFE WHILE STILL GETTING THE RESULTS? THE SOLUTION HERE IS FLEXIBLE DIETING This will be different for everyone, the important thing is to understand is that you can (and should) eat out from time to time. Most people can still eat out fairly regularly, drink alcohol in moderation while getting in the best shape of their lives without the guilt that takeaways and restaurants can often induce. (Not suggesting this is ‘optimal’ but on the right the following transformation was achieved while eating out 2x a week with a few drinks every other weekend, over the course of 2 and a bit years.) ACCURACY VS FLEXIBILITY That ruler was too rigid. It SNAPPED. Would be a shame if that happened to you right? This is why you must understand the relationship between these 2 variables: FLEXIBILITY ACCURACY CONSISTENCY This balance will look different for everyone and will change over the course of your life. Chris Bumstead can afford to sacrifice his flexibility for accuracy; the incentives to do so for him are just so high. A single father with 3 kids and an office job simply will NOT have the same balance. The first ever diet I tried to follow was a bodybuilding prep diet similar the example on the right. This ultimately lead me down a path of constant guilt and inconsistency. I was tracking foods to the gram, eating an exclusive small group of foods and would just fall off over and over. In fact, binge eating became a big problem. THE BALANCE WAS OFF. I’m currently making much more progress and don’t feel guilty about falling off track because I allow myself more flexibility. If I’m going to an all-inclusive buffet, there’s a 0% chance I’m leaving hungry. Christmas and other holidays are also untracked without any guilt. Unless you are a competitive bodybuilder I highly recommend a similarly flexible approach. The following guide is my best attempt to help you find your balance between accuracy and flexibility to ensure you reach your goals with your sanity intact. WHAT PHASE ARE YOU IN? The first important distinction I would like to make is the phase you are currently in. BULKING You can have a lot more flexibility, as you have more calories to play with. Even some of the most regimental natural professional bodybuilders will be having pizzas and ice cream in moderation on their off seasons. MAINTENANCE/RECOMPOSITION Slightly less flexibility than a bulking phase but still plenty of room to enjoy a few treats. CUTTING You have less flexibility since you have less calories. Ensuring you are satiated, which is best achieved through a nutritious mostly whole food/ less processed diet becomes more important. Chefs love to add cream, oils and fats to things because it makes them taste incredible at the downside of making them very easy to over eat while providing less protein and micro-nutrients. While these suggestions are most useful in a cutting phase where more ‘nutritional finesse’ comes in handy, this information will be useful in all phases. WORRIED ABOUT GAINING FAT? ! If your maintenance calories are 2,500, to gain 1lb (454g) of fat in a day you would have to consume roughly over 6,000 calories Gaining fat is usually a gradual process, the result of your diet as opposed to a meal or ‘cheat day’. This is what 1lb of fat looks like A simple rule to follow to keep things in perspective: 1LB OF FAT = 3,500 CALORIES HTTPS://WWW.HEALTHLINE.COM/NUTRITION/CALORIES-IN-A-POUND-OF-FAT The damage you feel like you might have done probably isn’t as bad as it would seem! Noticed you are a 1-3kg heavier the day after a big meal out? Chefs love to add salt to dishes. A side effect of this is of course increased water retention. This alone can explain the weight gain so do not get disheartened! Many call this WATER WEIGHT. The guilt you feel if you do eat a fairly hefty portion is often only going to hold you in place. This is why zoom out, use AVERAGE WEEKLY WEIGHTS and always keep things in perspective! EASY RULE FOR NORMAL PERSON An easy rule I have followed for the past couple of years and something which works well for most is the 1 rule rule: 1 drink 1 dessert Simple. Think this is too relaxed? This is actually a frequently used strategy used by REVIVE STRONGER, some of the world’s leading evidence-based coaches who help bodybuilders win shows. 1 portion size of a plate If you are eating out occasionally this is a great option to go with, after, simply move on with things! Want to take this a step further in a cutting phase? Aim for at least a quarter of the plate to be protein and half the plate to be vegetables. This is a particularly useful when at buffets, gatherings and events. It will be more satiating per calorie and will help ensure you do not surpass your calorie target. n % i e 5 2 rot P 50 Ve % get ab les TRACKING For other instances where you would like to have more accuracy while SACRIFICING FLEXIBILITY you may wish to continue tracking calories. Today many restaurants provide calories on the menu, if this is not the case however, consider tracking the meal as something similar on your calorie tracker (e.g. all steaks tend to have similar calories). ! Note of caution: Please do not be the person ruining your family’s Christmas dinner by getting out weighing scales to individually weight your carrots... CALORIE TRACKING 3 MONTHS INTUITIVE EATING The reason I recommend most to track calories for the first few months before either continuing to do so or eating more intuitively is because this is often a long enough time period to allow you to estimate things more accurately. Once you have an estimate for your meal I would recommend the following adjustments: BULKING = Loose tracking is usually great, no major changes needed. CUTTING = Add 25% to the fat content of the meal; chefs love to add butter, oils and cream, this may be a good thing to do if you would like to be more conservative. MAINTENANCE = Add 10% to total calories; again, being conservative, especially if your weight tends to creep up over time. THINGS TO CONSIDER FOR STICKING TO GOALS So you now have a better idea of whether to track or not, how to track here are some more tips to help you stick to your goals: 1. SEARCH THE MENU BEFOREHAND: This can make choosing a sensible meal much easier. 2. LEAN PROTEIN IS GREAT!: Steaks, fish, grilled chicken and meals with a large portion of lean protein are excellent choices. 3. DROPPING CALORIES: If you plan on having a more indulgent meal, consider dropping your calories slightly a few days or meals before or after the meal out. This can be as simple as swapping out your regular breakfast for a lower calorie protein shake before a meal out. Note: This technique should be used in moderation to avoid disordered eating habits. 4. VEGETABLES/ SALADS: A very obvious point - adding a salad or large portion of vegetables to your meal can help make it much more satiating for few extra calories. 5. LIQUID CALORIES: Opting for sugar free drinks is almost always going to be a better choice unless you struggle to get enough calories in. 6. ALCOHOL: Unfortunately, as we will see later alcohol is not great for body composition, moderation is important. 7. SAUCES/ DRESSING ON THE SIDE: Some restaurants like to drown their meals in an unnecessary amount of dressing and sauces, asking for these on the side may be a wise option. 8. APPETIZERS: Opt for those with a higher protein content, dishes including a large percentage of vegetables are also great. 9. SIMPLE FOODS: Dishes such as steak and potatoes/ chips/ salad tend to make great options, the fewer the ingredients the greater accuracy you will be able to have when tracking, so having simpler dishes may be a sensible option in a cutting phase. 10. EAT FOR THE OCCASION: A lot of this stuff may sound extremely restrictive, so it’s about picking and choosing the options which suit the occasion the most. If it’s a major event with friends and family it will probably be worth not tracking at all and eating more intuitively, whereas if it’s just a routine work meal, accuracy may be more favorable over flexibility. 10 BIGGEST MISTAKES 1. EXTREME RIGIDITY: A phase everyone should skip. If you are missing meals out, bringing scales to the restaurant or being extremely rigid this is not going to be sustainable. 2. YOLO APPROACH: Trying to eat as much as possible is very rarely a good idea, eating 5,000+ calories may help you gain muscle but for many dirty bulking just results in excess fat gain. 3. BLINDLY EATING “HEALTHY”: The options which claim to be ‘healthy’ may actually be less suitable than options that are not advertised in this way, just because it is advertised in this way do not assume it’s the best option. 870 CALS The meal to the left can be deceiving... The addition of mayonnaise, oils and heavy seasoning can turn a fairly light looking ‘healthy salad’ to a much higher calorie meal. Blindly picking the ‘healthy’ option isn’t always the best bet! 4. NOT REMEMBERING THE INSIGNIFICANCE: If you feel guilty after a large meal, this guilt will often hold you in place. Always remember the 3,500-calorie rule; long term consistency is the most important thing so make sure to have some room for ‘error’. 5. NOT MOVING ON: Guilt cardio after overeating and extremely restrictive days after ‘cheat days’ is not a sustainable solution, this can often set you up for yo-yo dieting and can evolve to disordered eating habits, very often its best to move on, look at the bigger picture. 10 BIGGEST MISTAKES 6. DRASTIC CALORIE REDUCTION BEFORE OR AFTER MEALS OUT: Dropping your calories slightly a few days before an event can be great but there needs to be moderation. 7. GUILT CARDIO: Compared to eating less, cardio is extremely inefficient for creating a caloric deficit, remember this should be used as a tool with some degree of moderation unless you really enjoy it. 8. RESTRICTION: The amount of people on extreme fasting diets, cutting out certain food groups for the sole purpose of weight-loss is tragic. Please refer back to the nutrition fundamentals for what ACTUALLY matters when it comes to improving body composition. 9. DISREGARDING HEALTHY SUBSTITUTES OR MODIFICATIONS: Switching from Coca-Cola to sugar-free drinks or from French fries to potatoes really is not much of a sacrifice but can be massively beneficial to body composition in the long run! 10. NOT SEEKING PROFESSIONAL HELP IF NEEDED: Your mental health is far more important than how you look, if you suspect you are falling into disordered eating habits, struggling with body dysmorphia to the point where it is having a negative impact on your life, I strongly recommend you seek professional help. This may involve taking a step back from things for a short while. ALCOHOL One of the most popular drugs on the planet. Alcohol is often referred to as empty calories, it has no nutritional values with each gram having 7 calories. If we look at the current scientific literature alcohols effect on body composition is not great... ■ Reduces rates of muscle growth. ■ Increases changes of losing muscle in a caloric deficit. ■ More likely to over-eat. ■ Increases chances of sleep disruption. ■ Increased chances of dehydration. (Source: The Renaissance diet 2.0) In short, alcohol can negatively affect our decision making and negatively interfere with the fundamentals. THE ‘PARETO DOSE’ Despite this cutting out alcohol may be a difficult task for many. In most instances moderation is best, having enough to enjoy an event more but not so much that it interferes with your goals. THIS IS OFTEN REFERRED TO AS THE “PARETO DOSE”. The smallest amount of alcohol that you can drink without interfering with your body composition goals while also getting what you want out of the experience. WHEN ALCOHOL MAY BE A BAD IDEA The following situations are where you may want to reconsider consuming alcohol: ■ You are exceeding your weekly total calories. ■ It is interfering with resistance training. ■ It is interfering with our weekly sleep cycle goal. ■ You are consuming so much that it negatively effects your testosterone levels. ACTION Since alcohol is its own macro-nutrient, it causes confusion when tracking. I recommend you simply track this as carbs. Or ‘borrow’ the calories from your carbs, especially if you are in a cutting phase. We are doing this because protein is the most muscle sparring and satiating macro-nutrient. Hitting our minimum fat’s goal is important for vitamin absorption, hormone regulation and general health, whereas we can survive without carbs. Try to ensure your meals consist of a large portion of lean protein with lots of vegetables. MINIMISE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL To help mitigate the negative effects alcohol can have on body composition, there are a few things you can do, some more obvious than others: 1. SLEEP: Try to ensure you get as much sleep as you can. Consider adding a nap to your day if possible. 2. LIGHTER DRINKS: A lot of the calories from alcoholic beverages often comes in the form of sugar (carbs), especially with cocktails, beer and sugary liquors. Consider spirits (vodka, whiskey etc) with a lower calorie mixer. 3. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING TO HELP PREVENT HANGOVERS: ■ Choose drinks lower in congeners: Alcoholic drinks with high levels of congeners seem to increase the frequency and intensity of hangovers. Colorless drinks like vodka, gin, and rum have low levels of congeners. ■ Drink a non-alcoholic drink in-between drinks: Drinking plenty of water can help reduce some of the main symptoms of hangovers, including thirst and headache. ■ Consume a breakfast containing fruit, complex carbs: Eating a nutritious breakfast is a notable hangover remedy. It can help restore blood sugar levels, which mitigates some symptoms. ■ Consume caffeine the next day: Can help with symptoms while boosting performance in the gym. CONCLUSION This is the accumulated advice which has helped me the most with eating out while gaining muscle, losing fat and more importantly; without stressing out. Something I wish I had when I first started. A mix of evidence-based suggestions and practical applications from someone who has struggled with this for years. Bodybuilding or dieting is not my main focus, it’s something I like to keep in the background. I’m often extremely busy so being extremely flexible with things and being able to eat out is really important for me, I would imagine it’s also important for you, hence why I have put this together. Now this may feel like a lot to take in so please remember the longer you have been doing this the easier it gets. It’s like driving a car, at first, everything is incredibly overwhelming but a year down the road and you can rely on your own intuition, it just gets easier and easier. The last thing I would like you to remember is that all of this is your choice. This is an important distinction to make when framing these things. Action Plan 1. Understand the fundamentals. 2. Determine your level of flexibility vs accuracy. 3. Implement the suggestions which you like the most. Instead of telling yourself “I have to do this” change this to “I get to do this” or “I choose to do this”, this subtle switch in framing can make all of the difference. Always keep relativity in mind. One takeaway isn’t going to kill you, nor is a couple beers. The most important thing is that you keep going. Life events obstacles and obligations will arise, the best thing you can do is to allow yourself some space to veer off course without going too far. Improving your habits and environment gradually over time will make this process more automated and easier to stick to. SUCCESS What people think it looks like What it really looks like The above graphic is overused by cringe motivational gurus, but in the context of achieving a body transformation where emotional eating and habit formation can be such a hurdle, I just want to remind you that nobody is B-lining to their ‘dream body’. With over 8 billion people on the planet, many will make more progress than you with significantly less effort. Unfortunately we cannot change the genetics we were born with. What we can change however, is our approach to exercise and nutrition. I wish you the best of luck with your progress but please always remember to be flexible :) Credits To: This guide would not be possible without the following people, if you ever have the opportunity to buy from these people to pay it forward I am confident it will most likely be worth it! - Revive stronger - Team 3DMJ - Renaissance Periodization - Dr Harrison Pope - James Smith - Ben Carpenter - Michael Matthews