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scribd.vdownloaders.com laboratory-worksheet-bio-1-naked-egg-2

Date: 12/13/2020
Score: ____/50
General Biology 1
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
TITLE: Naked egg
To demonstrate osmosis.
 1 Beaker or any glass container
 1 egg (Fresh/Raw egg)
 Vinegar solution
 Camera, cellphone (For documentation)
1. Before you start the home-lab activity, document all the changes and
observations in the egg.
2. Place the egg in the beaker or glass container.
3. Pour in the vinegar solution enough to cover the egg.
4. You will also see that bubbles start forming around the egg.
5. Store the beaker in a cold, dry place for 48 hours.
7. The next two days, compare the egg in vinegar.
8. Answer the following guide questions below.
Naked Egg
This activity involves a demonstration of osmosis. It is a phenomenon that
refers to the movement of water across a barrier depending on certain
conditions. In this case, water moves around biological membranes based on
its concentration gradient. It is one of the cellular processes that play an
important role in various biological processes in human tissues such as
nutrient absorption in the intestines, reabsorption in kidneys, and even in tear
GUIDE QUESTIONS: 7-10 sentences
1. What are your observations from the outcomes of the activity?
- As I pour the vinegar into the bottle with a raw egg, there are small bubbles forming around the
egg shell. As time goes by, the egg is enlarging its size. Actually I was a little bit nervous about
my experiment because for the first 24 hrs, the only enlarged it’s size but the shell still remained
unlike to my classmates work’s. I really thought that my vinegar is fake and so is my raw egg but
I still continue on what progress that I have already done. After 2 days I finally see the result.
The Egg turns transparent since the egg shell breaks down and leaving its thin membrane.
2. What do you think happened to the egg in the set-up?
-Egg shells are made up of calcium carbonate and Vinegar is a type of acid. Since the egg shell is
made of calcium carbonate, the acid from the vinegar will be absorb by the egg shell resulting it
to dissolve also, since it is calcium carbonate, the dissolved egg shells will turn into a carbon
dioxide gas. As time goes by, we can observed that the egg is slowly enlarging it’s size its
because some of the vinegar is getting absorbed in the egg through its semi-permeable membrane.
So why does it bounce and does not break up that easily? Well because as the egg shell dissolve,
the thin membrane from the will remain and the acid or the vinegar will help this thin membrane
to toughen up since the vinegar is able to cross the selectively permeable membrane of the egg
through osmosis.
3. How do you think the vinegar enters the egg?
- Since the egg shells has been dissolved due to the acid that was from the vinegar, most likely it
will enter the egg and will continue the process of osmosis. According to my research, the
vinegar can pass easily through the membrane of the egg will follow the principles of diffusion.
They will move through the membrane from the side where they are at a higher concentration to
the side where they are at a lower concentration . When an egg is soaked in a solution that has a
higher solute concentration than the solute concentration inside the egg, water moves out of the
egg and into the solution. As a result, the egg loses mass and ends up looking deflated. An egg
naturally has a lot of stuff inside, so the outside solution has to be very concentrated for this to
happen. By contrast, when an egg is treated with distilled water, or a dilute salt solution, the
solute concentration is higher inside the egg than out, so the water moves into the egg, increasing
its mass.
- For documentation, attach five (5) pictures with caption, while
experimenting. Make sure that you have a picture with you
showing your experiment. Example
I place the Raw Egg in the jar
I pour a generous amount of
vinegar just to cover up the whole
egg inside the jar
As I observed, small bubbles starts
to form as I pour the vinegar inside
and covered the whole egg.
As the procedure ended, I labeled
the jar so that it won’t be thrown
away and place it in a cool area.
Final Result :>>
picture of me and my eggie for
authenticity :>>