Six Characteristics of Living Things Name: Station #1: Egg in Vinegar OBSERVATION: What you do….. Observe 1. What is happening to the egg? Why? 2. Which of the 6 characteristics of life does it represent? And Why? STATION #2: Jumping ACTION: What you do ….Jump up and down 5 times 1. Which of the 6 characteristics of life does it represent? And Why? STATION #3: Blow it up EXPERIMENT: What you do… 1. What is happened? Why? 2. Which of the 6 characteristics of life does it represent? And Why? STATION #4: Making your mark ACTION: Getting Finger prints 1. What is happened? Why? 2. Which of the 6 characteristics of life does it represent? And Why? STATION #5: The eyes have it EXPERIMENT: What you do… 1. What is happened to the pupils? Why? 2. Which of the 6 characteristics of life does it represent? And Why? STATION #6 All Together ACTION: Fold, draw and then cut 1. What happened? Why? 2. Which of the 6 characteristics of life does it represent? And Why?