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Introduction to Leadership Concepts and Practice

Chapter 1:
Understanding Leadership
Chapter Objectives
• Review the evolution of leadership.
• Examine the different perspectives on
• Understand the impact of culture on leader
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
• Everyone is asked to be a leader.
• What sort of leadership roles are you called
on to play in your life?
• Leadership is exciting but carries with it many
• Chapter examines different ways of looking at
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
The Evolution of Leadership
Trait Approach
Behavior Approach
Situational Approach
Relational Approach
“New Leadership” Approach
Emerging Leadership Approaches
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
How to Think about Leadership
• As an approach
– A general way of thinking about leadership,
not necessarily based on research.
• As a theory or model
– A way of explaining how leadership works,
using hypotheses, principles, or propositions
that can be tested.
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Leadership Explained
Leadership is a Trait.
Leadership is an Ability.
Leadership is a Skill.
Leadership is a Behavior.
Leadership is a Relationship.
Leadership is an Influence Process.
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Leadership is a Trait
• Each of us has unique leadership traits.
• Emphasizes the leader in the leader–follower
• Is it elitist to say only some have leadership?
• Or, are we all born with certain traits that we
can modify and change?
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Leadership is an Ability
• It means you are able—you have the
• Is it like playing the piano? The more you
play, the better you get?
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Leadership is an Ability
• It is a natural capacity but can also be
• We can develop our abilities through hard
work and practice.
• Example: UCLA Coach John Wooden
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Leadership is a Skill
• This means leadership is a competency.
• A skill means you know how to do something,
that you are competent.
• As a competency, leadership becomes
available to everyone.
• If we can learn from experience, we can
acquire leadership.
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Leadership is a Behavior
• It is about the actions of leaders.
• Leadership requires task and process
• Effective leaders combine these two
behaviors in the optimum way.
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Leadership is a Relationship
• An unusual way of thinking about leadership
• Centered on communication between leaders
and followers
• Not linear but an interactive process
• Not top-down
• Mutual purposes imply an ethical dimension
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Leadership is an Influence Process
• A process whereby an individual influences a
group to achieve a common goal
• Interactive event
• Leaders affect followers
• Stressing common goals gives an ethical
dimension to leadership
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Global Leadership Attributes
• Leadership concepts outlined in this chapter
are from a North American perspective.
• Different views of leadership exist in other
parts of the world.
• House (2004) studied impact of culture on
leadership effectiveness in 62 countries.
• Universally accepted positive and negative
leadership characteristics
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
TABLE 1.1 Universal Leadership Attributes
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
The Dark Side of Leadership
• When leaders use their influence or power for
personal ends.
• Toxic leaders leave their followers worse off than
they found them (Lippman-Blumen, 2005).
• Three preconditions for destructive leadership to
occur: (a) destructive leader; (b) susceptible
followers; (c) weak checks and balances.
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Leadership Snapshot
• Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo
• One of the top female executives in the US.
• Grew up in Madras, India; always pushed conventional
• Completed a Master’s in Management from Yale
• Worked for Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Motorola, and
Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) before joining Pepsi.
• Chief dealmaker in acquiring Tropicana and Quaker Oats.
• Creating healthier products such as Pepsi Next.
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Practicing Leadership
• There is a strong demand for leadership
• People want effective leadership.
• Effective leadership is intentional and creates
change for the common good.
• The challenge is to be prepared to lead when
called on.
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Case Study: King of the Hill
• What leadership traits account for Denny
Hill’s success?
• How would you describe Denny Hill’s
leadership abilities?
• Leadership includes administrative skills,
interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills.
How does Denny Hill stack up on these
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Case Study: King of the Hill
• How does Denny integrate task and
relationship behaviors in his leadership?
• From a relational perspective, how would you
describe Denny Hill’s leadership?
• In what way does Denny Hill’s coaching
exemplify leadership as an influence
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
• All of us at some time will be asked to show
• Leadership is demanding and rewarding.
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
• Leadership is complex and multidimensional.
• Leadership is a trait, ability, skill, behavior,
relationship, and influence process.
• How you think about leadership will influence
the way you practice leadership.
Northouse, Introduction to Leadership, 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.