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English Grammar & Usage: Common Mistakes Guide

Reached vs arrived
o Must be followed by a place vs not necessary to precede a
o I am reaching the station. I am arriving at the station.
o YES: One more person is arriving
o NO: One more person is reaching.
Use of me vs I (object vs subject)
o When to use ‘me’ and when to use ‘I’?
 Remove the other noun and see whether I or Me fits into
the sentence
 Ignore the words in the brackets and check the sentence
o YES: (My parents and) I love eating Korean food
 In this example, choose “I” because you cannot say “Me love
eating Korean food.”
o NO: My parents fetch (my siblings and) I from school
 In this example, choose “me” because you cannot say “My
parents fetch I from school”
o YES: My parents fetch (my siblings and) me to school
 It is correct to say “My parents fetch me to school”
o NO: (My parents and) me love eating Korean food
 It is incorrect to say “Me loves eating Korean food”
Use of troublesome vs inconvenient
o Troublesome is used to describe something or someone that is
o Troublesome: causing trouble, annoyance or difficulty
o Inconvenient cannot be used to describe a person.
o Inconvenient: not suited to your comfort/purpose/needs
o YES: It is inconvenient for my parents to drive us to school every
o NO: It is very troublesome for my parents to drive us to school
every morning (more appropriate to use inconvenient in this case)
o YES: My dog became very troublesome when I did not give him
food immediately upon returning home
o NO: My sister is a very inconvenient person
Not only… but also must always be paired together
o Not only does it require a lot of time, but also a lot of effort.
Would rather… than
Prefer… to
Older vs elder
o Older can be used for things and people
o Elder can only be used for people
o YES: Elder/older sister, respect your elders
o YES: He is older than me
o NO: respect your olders