Pablo C. Avila ENG101.2651 Dr. J. Elizabeth Clark 3 December 2007

Pablo C. Avila
Dr. J. Elizabeth Clark
3 December 2007
An Inconvenient Truth
During the last decades, the climate change—a process in which the planet gets warmed drastically—
has been an important issue all around the world due to the debate based on its danger and effects on
the nature sources. In Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, he, a former United States vice President and
Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2007, argues our human responsibility in causing a dangerous atmosphere
demonstrating the importance of this issue by presenting a series of pictures and graphs and motivating
us to prevent it. How influential, however, Al Gore’s point about climate change may be is an important
point to understand to better accept our role to play and change this situation.
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