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Amazon Publishing Agency
1-8 -> Covered by our $799 package in terms of outcome
9 -> $599
10-13 -> Covered by our $799 package
14 -> $350
15 -> This comes free once your book is on Amazon, and we run our news package because
Google will pick it
16 -> Typically a scam where they’ll claim to help you make it presentable for studios to
opKon your book. Whether you even get an opKon, whether the opKon covers the cost are
all unknown. Most importantly, we know it’s not that easy to get into Hollywood.
17 -> Covered by our $799 package
18 -> What does A+ content mean actually.. If they are wriKng those arKcles for you, we
would expect them to give their best. What was interesKng was that the other company
used this same phrasing “A+ content” so we did some digging.
Both hVps://whois.domaintools.com/amzpublishingagency.com and
hVps://whois.domaintools.com/amzpublishingpros.com were registered on the exact same
day. Looking at their logo, I think they are probably the same company.
The other package offered actually looked ok. A bit more expensive but if they do what they
say, it’s only a bit more expensive than we are. But for sure you will want to stay away from
any Ne\lix or Hollywood type packages.
Amazon Gold MarkeKng Package: $9,990.00.
1. ● Exposure to an audience of 600,000 people
2. ● Search-Engine OpKmized convincing tool with a CTA
3. ● The moKve of the book is laid out in the convincing tool
4. ● Drive the audience through the convincing tool
5. ● Press Release on 450+ Pla\orms plus a recogniKon
6. ● Verified Pla\orms
7. ● Qualified lead generaKon content
8. ● Search engine-opKmized capKons
9. ● SEO of Website
10. ● The duraKon of this markeKng regime is 12 months
11. ● 4 Blogs per Month (On-Site) (Complimentary service)
12. ● 2 ArKcles per Month (Off-Site) (Complimentary service)
13. ● Press Release on 450+ Pla\orms (2 press releases)
14. ● Social Media Posts (12) (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TwiVer
15. ● Verified by Google as an Author
16. ● Hollywood Treatment
17. ● Blogging
18. ● A+ Content