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Media & Info Literacy Module: Communication & Tech

2nd Semester Quarter 3
Module 1: How Communication is Influenced by
Media and Information
Media and Information Literacy
Senior High School (Core)
2nd Semester Quarter 3 – Module 1: How Communication is Influenced
by Media and Information
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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad
Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin
Development Team of the Module
Writers: Ailen S. Laguda, Alvin D. Laban, Isagani E. Nazarrea
Layout Artist:
Welcome to this self-learning module: How Communication is
Influenced by Media and Information. In accomplishing this learning
material, you have to take first the pre-test, and you are tasked to study the
learning activities and perform the various practice tasks 1, 2 and 3. After
doing so, you may take the post- test to determine the knowledge and skills
you gained from this lesson. To enhance your competence, you have also to
accomplish your assignment found in this module. Thank you and
Objective: After completing the module, you should be able to…
1. Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
2. Perform communication
3. Choose the appropriate medium of communication
Vocabulary List
To have a better understanding of the lesson presented in this
module, you should be familiar with the following terms:
affect v. have an effect on; make a difference to
analog adj. relating to or using signals or information represented by a
continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position, voltage,
broadcast v. transmit (a program or some information) by radio or television
channel n. a means of access for a thing, a communication, or an idea
communication n. the imparting or exchanging of information between the
transmitter (source) and receiver.
convenience n. the state of being able to proceed with something with little
effort or difficulty.
digital adj. expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by
values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.
emoticon n. emoji; smiley; a representation of a facial expression such as:-)
(representing a smile), formed by various combinations of keyboard
characters and used to convey the writer's feelings or intended tone
evolution n. the gradual development of something, especially from a simple
to a more complex form
influence n. the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or
behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself
information n. stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver
internet n. a global computer network providing a variety of information and
communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using
standardized communication protocols
gesture n. a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to
express an idea or meaning
media n. the means of transfer of information
receiver n. a piece of radio or television apparatus that detects broadcast
signals and converts them into visible or audible form
source n. a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be
speed n. the rate at which someone or something is able to move or operate.
technology n. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,
especially in industry.
transmitter n. a set of equipment used to generate and transmit
electromagnetic waves carrying messages or signals, especially those of
radio or television; a person or thing that transmits something.
verbal adj. relating to or in the form of words
visual adj. relating to seeing or sight
written adj. in writing form
World Wide Web n. an information system on the Internet which allows
documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling
the user to search for information by moving from one document to another
Direction: Read the questions carefully and select the best answer by
writing only the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is a broadcast media?
A. Philippine Daily Inquirer
C. DZMM Teleradyo Online
B. Manila Bulletin
D. GMA Channel 7
is a piece of radio or television apparatus that detects broadcast
signals and converts them into visible or audible form.
A. media
C. transmitter
B. receiver
D. channel
3. Which of these does NOT belong?
A. Messenger
C. Youtube
B. Twitter
D. Facebook
4. Which is not a medium of communication?
A. shortwave
B. medium wave C internet
D. digital
5. Current communication methods can be done in multi-mode thru
the use of
A. media
B. Youtube
C. internet
D. computer
6. Which is not a part of communication process?
A. media
B. receiver
C. source
D. speed
7. Which of these devices can NOT send a successful email?
A. mobile phone
B. Xbox
C. laptop
D. workstation
8. Which of these is NOT a consideration in communicating?
A. status
B. privacy
C. security
D. intent
is the consideration for the least effort and time to send
information to intended recipient.
A. intent
B. cost
C. convenience D. status
10. Which of these uses a verbal mode of communication only?
A. newspaper
C. Twitter
B. broadcast radio station
D. Messenger
Learning Activities
To Read:
Communication Media and Information
In this lesson, you will learn how media and information technology
has affected communication in everyone’s lives. What are its effects on face
to face communication and how it has affected us? Technology has also
impacted us positively and negatively in our daily life communication. Before
the evolution of technology, humans were more focused on their goals, we
were more productive due to lack of distractions, we were composed to be of
creative nature due to lack of luxury of information, life was slow, the
competition was small due to lack of communication gap among people and
business. The communication was not so fast and destructive and it was not
But, technology speeds up communication between people.
Technology provided convenience and enable people to use more than one
method of communication simultaneously.
By definition, communication is giving or gaining information by
speaking, reading writings or discerning non-verbal messages such as
gestures and images. By these we need supplying facts whenever we
communicate with others. In simple matter like telling your friends what
happened to you, we converse with others by communicating. It serves as
our connection with each other. Communication is not just by talking; it can
be in other different terms also, like sign language or writing.
Mode of communication:
Verbal - communicating by voice, by talking
Non-Verbal - by movements, gestures
Written - in a piece of paper or material
Visual - using pictures or any other things that will visually represent what
a person is communicating
Since time immemorial, doing communication can be effective only if it
complies with the process. The generation of information pass on through
the channel to the recipient. This practice had been there since mankind
learn to converse. And, as people advances the way we communicate with
our fellowmen, media and technology goes with it too. Even at the advent of
computers, we also use computers in communication to our advantage.
Parts of communication process
1. Source or sender. It is where the information emanates. When using
technology this is the transmitter.
2. Recipient or receiver. The person that gets the information relayed.
The device that reproduce the signal back to analog form so man can
3. Information. Facts provided or learned about something or someone;
What is being conveyed in a communication
4. Channel. It is a passageway, the medium of access for a thing, a
communication, or an idea
Communication Flow
Illustration of
transmitter – medium - receiver
transmitter  medium (channel, application)
 receiver
One-way. The information emanates from the source and goes to the
receiver. And the information flow ends there.
Illustration of
transmitter – medium – receiver – response - cycle
medium (channel, application)
Conversation. The information originates from the source, goes to the
receiver and the roles of the former and the latter inverts as the
communication goes. The flow of information exchange goes to and from
both ends of the communication.
Popular form of communication, technology and its medium of
conveyance of information.
broadcast radio station
broadcast tv station
facsimile (fax) machine
Yahoo mail (email)
(Channel) Media
broadsheet print
broadsheet print
shortwave, medium wave,
frequency - modulated radio
frequency signal
frequency - modulated radio
frequency signal
microwave radio frequency
internet, personal computer
written, visual
written, visual
verbal, non-verbal,
written, visual
written, visual
Youtube (video
online radio station
online tv station
Messenger (text chat,
phone chat, video chat)
unit or internet-capable
mobile device
internet, personal computer
unit or internet-capable
mobile device
verbal, non-verbal,
(Channel) Media
internet, personal computer
unit or internet-capable
mobile device
internet, personal computer
unit or internet-capable
mobile device
internet, personal computer
unit or internet-capable
internet, personal computer
unit or internet-capable
mobile device
internet, personal computer
unit or internet-capable
internet, personal computer
unit or internet-capable
mobile device
verbal, non-verbal,
verbal, non-verbal,
written, verbal,
non-verbal, visual
written, verbal,
non-verbal, visual
written, verbal,
non-verbal, visual
written, nonverbal, visual
Communication can be affected by external factors or from the
environment. Like news, it is changing and requires the support of facts and
information. And therefore, is affected by:
Media. The media makes communicating a lot easier than before; there is
internet present today which enables chatting with friends and families
through phone screens and personal computers. It greatly affected the
distribution of information; it widened the range in just a short time. There
are also the TV Networks, radios, that broadcasts or communicates with a
large number of people. Newspapers, journals, tabloids and the likes are
another form of communication media and have their own genre of
Information. It is the supply of communication; it makes talking and
sharing opinion with others much more meaningful specially when
answered with sense. Information is what we talk about, even the mere
thing that you inform your parents that you are going to come home late via
phone call or chat is giving out information.
You see, these two things mentioned greatly affect communication in
many ways. But it helps for a greater cause, we people find the best ways to
reach our loved ones and any other people on that matter. For we want to
make things easier and less of a hassle so people invent ways through
technology to improve communication.
Now people can use email, social media, chat messengers, video
conferencing, video calls, images, videos, symbols, diagrams, charts,
emoticons, etc. for communication.
Radio and tv stations can now be heard or see through the mobile
phones and personal computer units too courtesy of the world wide web.
Even station from the remotest place on Earth can be ‘tuned’ as long as
internet signal is available. Not to fail to mention that newspapers and the
likes too are now in the same bandwagon with the broadcast media.
With all of these technology available to anyone, all they can is to
consider which one is appropriate to use for communicating. To avoid
getting into trouble communicating using todays technology and media, we
should consider the these.
1. Intent
Objectives of doing the communication vary from as simple as
letting someone know your current location to reminding your
parents for the next family vacation plans.
2. Receiver
The ability to get, use, understand, and respond if need be the
information sent in least possible time is the worry here.
3. Privacy
Sender’s and the receiver’s privacy must not be compromised at
the expense of communication at any time. Overlooked, will be a
great mistake on the part of the leaking party. Sending someone’s
pictures, screengrabs of conversation, recorded audio or video
clips, and the likes always pose intrusion to privacy concerns.
4. Security
The idea of losing material things of value, or bodily harm that can
be inflicted to both sender and receiver are the concern of security
in a communication. Ordinary images or clips during the exchange
of communication may pose nothing to just anybody but many
details can be derived from it by a con man. Having a Siberian
Huskies dog in a picture may mean the person is in a middle class
family, that the person can be exploited to pay ransom. Giving
details such as residence address or telephone number can be
used to manipulate against just anybody. Unscrupulous persons
may use it ranging from just a simple name dropping to terroristic
acts attribution and blackmail. Electronic details such as mobile
number, atm number, etc. can be exploited as many times as can
5. Convenience
Least effort and time to send information to intended recipient. Or,
the adeptness in sending out the communication is the concern of
6. Cost
Sending the information with the least possible expense on the part
of the source is one good reason why that medium is used for the
Objective: In this task, you should be able to…
1. Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
2. Perform communication
3. Choose the appropriate medium of communication
Direction: This is individually performed. Using any means available
currently at your disposal. Make a short message of your liking and relay it
to anybody. Mind the response of the individual/group you communicated
with. Take note of the interaction. Answer the questions below using a
separate sheet of paper. Do not fail to submit output to the teacher.
1. What communication mode have you just performed?  written
 verbal  non-verbal  visual
2. What consideration weighed much for you to decide using that
particular mode of communication?  receiver  privacy 
security  convenience  intent  cost  others
3. What was your message?
What was the response?
4. Why did you not use facsimile machine to communicate with
the person?
5. Why did you use that medium of communication?
Objective: In this task, you should be able to…
1. Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
2. Perform communication
3. Choose the appropriate medium of communication
Direction: This is individually performed. Using any means available
currently at your disposal. Send a communication (using the image provided
by your teacher for this activity) to anybody. Mind the response of the
individual/group you communicated with. Take note of the interaction.
Answer the questions below using a separate sheet of paper. Do not fail to
submit output to the teacher.
1. What communication mode have you just performed?  written
 verbal  non-verbal  visual
2. What consideration weighed much for you to decide using that
particular mode of communication?  receiver  privacy 
security  convenience  intent  cost  others
3. What was your message?
What was the response?
4. Why did you not use facsimile machine to communicate with
the person?
5. Why did you use that medium of communication?
Objective: In this task, you should be able to…
1. Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
2. Perform communication
3. Choose the appropriate medium of communication
Direction: This is individually performed. Using any means available
currently at your disposal. Send a communication (using the text provided
by your teacher for this activity) to anybody. Mind the response of the
individual/group you communicated with. Take note of the interaction.
Answer the questions below using a separate sheet of paper. Do not fail to
submit output to the teacher.
1. What communication mode have you just performed?  written
 verbal  non-verbal  visual
2. What consideration weighed much for you to decide using that
particular mode of communication?  receiver  privacy 
security  convenience  intent  cost  others
3. What was your message?
What was the response?
4. Why did you not use facsimile machine to communicate with
the person?
5. Why did you use that medium of communication?
syempre, dapat nandito ka para okey
Direction: Read the questions carefully and select the best answer by
writing only the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which is not a part of communication process?
A. media
is the
B. status
C. source
person or thing
D. receiver
A. media
C. transmitter
B. receiver
D. channel
3. Which of these is NOT a consideration in communicating?
A. security
B. privacy
C. presentation
D. intent
4. Which of these does NOT belong?
A. Youtube
C. Messenger
B. Twitter
D. Facebook
5. Which is not a medium of communication?
A. shortwave
B. analog
C internet
D. medium wave
6. Current communication methods can be done in multi-mode thru
the use of
A. internet
B. Youtube
C. mobile phone
D. computer
7. Which of the following is a broadcast media?
A. Philippine Daily Inquirer
C. GMA Channel 7
B. Manila Bulletin
D. DZMM Teleradyo Online
8. Which of these devices can NOT send a successful email?
A. mobile phone
B. laptop
C. Xbox
D. workstation
is the consideration for the least effort and time to send
information to intended recipient.
A. convenience
B. cost
C. intent
D. status
10. Which of these uses a verbal mode of communication only?
A. newspaper
C. Twitter
B. broadcast radio station
D. Messenger
Direction: Answer the questions provided. Write your answer in your
1. What is media literacy
2. What is information literacy?
3. What is technology literacy?
4. What are the similarities between media, information, and technology
https://Google.com/ Search
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. C
Post test
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. A