Uploaded by Chloe Stuckey

Delivering Bad News: Communication Skills Roleplay

Delivering bad news
Introduce yourself e.g. Hi, my name is Chloe I am one of the senior consultants on the respiratory ward
Confirm relationship to the patient
Start by explaining what you have come to discuss with them “I have come to speak to you about your father”
Give a warning shot to pre-empt bad news “I’m sorry but I do have some unfortunate news for you”
Pause and then ask for permission to continue “Is it okay if I continue?”
Deliver the bad news
Display clear empathy both via verbal (“I can imagine what you are feeling right now”) or non-verbal (active listening)
Gives time for them to process the news and do not interpret
Respond to actor’s verbal and non-verbal cues
Remain compassionate and calm throughout the station
Ask if they have any questions about what I have explained
Offer a tissue/ask if there is anything I can do for them e.g. call a relative
Thank for time