Uploaded by Damilare Shanu


Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Science,
Caleb University,
Lagos State.
22 December, 2021.
The coordinator,
Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme,
Department of Microbiology,
Caleb University,
Lagos State.
Dear Ma,
I Dogo Femi Ohireme submit the report of the student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)
done at the department of medical microbiology and parasitology laboratory Lagos University
Teaching Hospital (LUTH) from 9th August to 28th October 2022, which contains the summary
of all experience gathered, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the Bachelor
of Science Degree B.sc (Hons) with the jurisdiction of the Nigeria University Commission (NUC).
Yours faithfully,
Dogo Femi Ohireme (19/5800)
This is to certify that the industrial training was done by DOGO FEMI OHIREME (19/5800), of
the department of microbiology, Caleb University, Imota Lagos under my supervision, according
to the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the Bachelor of Science Degree B.sc
(Hons) in the department of microbiology.
Letter of transmittal
Table of content
1.0. History of SIWES
1.1. General objectives of SIWES
1.2. Importance of SIWES
1.3. Duration of SIWES
2.1. Microorganisms of medical importance
3.1. Organizational chart
3.2. Vision statement
3.3. Laboratory equipment
3.4. Laboratory Safety and Precaution
3.5. Laboratory routine
4.1. Culture Techniques
4.1.1. Manual
4.1.2. Automated
4.2. Identification of microorganisms
4.2.1. Colony morphology
4.2.2. Staining Techniques
4.2.3. Microscopy
4.2.4. Biochemical Tests
The five capitalized letters ‘SIWES’ means the “Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme”
SIWES was established by ITF (Industrial Training Funds) in 1973 to solve the lack of adequate
proper skills for employment of tertiary institution graduates by Nigerian Industries. The Students
Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) was founded as a skill training program to help
expose and prepare students of universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education for the
industrial work situation to be met after graduation. This scheme serves as a smooth transition
from the classroom to the world of work and further helps in applying knowledge. The scheme
provides students with the opportunity to acquire and expose themselves to the experience required
in handling and managing equipment and machinery that are usually not made available in their
Before this scheme was established, there was a growing concern and trend noticed by
industrialists that graduates of higher institutions lacked sufficient practical background for
employment. It used to be that students who got into Nigerian institutions to study science and
technology were not trained in the practical know-how of their various fields of study. As a result,
they could not easily find jobs due to their lack of working experience.
Therefore, the employers thought that theoretical education in higher institutions was not
responsive to the needs of the employers of labour. This was a huge problem for thousands of
Nigerians until 1973. It is against this background that the fundamental reason for initiating and
designing the scheme by the fund in 1973/74 was introduced.
The ITF organization (Industrial Training Fund) decided to help all interested Nigerian students
and established the SIWES program. It was officially approved and presented by the Federal
Government in 1974. The scheme was solely funded by the ITF during its formative years, but as
the financial involvement became unbearable to the fund, it withdrew from the scheme in 1978. In
1979, the federal government handed over the management of the scheme to both the National
Universities Commission (NUC) and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).
Later, in November 1984, the federal government reverted the management and implementation
of the scheme to ITF. In July 1985, it was taken over by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) while
the funding was solely borne by the federal government. (Culled from Job Specifications on
Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme).
SIWES is strategized for skill acquisition. It is in fact designed to prepare and expose students of
universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education to the real-life work situation they would be
engaged in after graduation. Therefore, SIWES is a key factor required to inject and help keep
alive industrialization and economic development in the nation through the introduction and
practical teaching of scientific and technological skills to students. (Culled from Detailed Manual
on SIWES Guidelines and Operations for Tertiary Institutions). Objectives of the Students
Industrial Work Experience Scheme include:
1. Provide an avenue for students to acquire industrial skills for experience during their course
of study
2. Expose students to work methods and techniques that may not be available during their
course of study.
3. Bridging the gap between theory and practice by providing a platform to apply knowledge
learned in school to real work situations
4. Enabling the easier and smoother transition from school by equipping students with better
contact for future work placement
5. Introduce students to a real work atmosphere to know what they would most likely meet
once they graduate.
All Nigerian students who study technology and science must know about SIWES. Partaking in
SIWES has become a prerequisite for awarding diploma and degree certificates in many Nigerian
Institutions, according to the Nigerian government’s educational policy. Undergraduate students
of the following disciplines are expected to participate inf the scheme: Natural sciences,
Engineering and Technology, Education, Agriculture, Medical Sciences, Environmental, and pure
and applied sciences. The duration is for four months and one year for polytechnics and colleges
of education students respectively and six months for university students.
The duration of SIWES varies across Institutions
Universities: At the end of 200, 300, 400 level of a degree program for about 3-6 months
Polytechnics, Monotechnic, Colleges of technology: At the end of the 1st year of the 2-year ND
program, for 4 months
Medical microbiology is a branch of microbiology that deals with the clinical application of
microbiology. It is concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases
(Baron, 1996). Medical microbiology is widely distributed to bacteriology, virology, mycology,
and parasitology (Collegedunia, 2022). Parasitology is of emphasis because of its prevalence in
this tropical part of the world (Daryani et al., 2012).
Medical parasitology deals with the study of parasitic protozoa, parasitic helminths, and pathogens
from various vectors such as arthropods (Mathison et al., 2019). Bacteriology is the study of
bacteria like Escherichia coli, their medical importance, and their harmful effects (Matthew and
Tainter, 2022). Bacteriology seems more pronounced because of its predominance as normal flora
and opportunistic pathogens in human hosts (Raheema, 2021). Virology is the study of viruses
(White et al., 2015). This is a silent but salient aspect of medical microbiology. It is silent because
only the prevalence of a viral disease is of public health importance, just like the Ebola virus. It is
salient because the mortality rate is always high and difficult to treat. Mycology is the study of
fungi (Wickes and Wiederhold, 2018). Medically important fungi like Candida spp have become
a treat for patients as they are opportunistic pathogens (Kumamoto et al., 2020), eukaryotes like
hosts, so drug development is difficult. Yet, there is a notable resistance to antifungals among them
(Sanguinetti et al., 2015).
2.1. Microorganisms of medical importance
Microorganisms are tiny living entities that are not visible with the human eyes but with the aid of
a microscope (Shapiro, 2007). Microorganisms are ubiquitous, found almost everywhere; on
surfaces, animal and plant hosts, food, and soil. Everywhere and anywhere (Barberán et al., 2014).
There are some sites in the human host that are termed sterile, that is, free from microorganisms
(Knight et al., 2011). Sites like these include; blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (Johnson et al.,
2016). The presence of microorganisms in these sites may lead to disease. Fatal one (Knight et al.,
2011; Johnson et al., 2016). Microorganisms of medical importance can either be normal flora or
pathogens (Houldcroft et al., 2017).
Normal floras are microorganisms that support the usual function of the host by either preventing
the attachment of pathogen to the site of infection, providing the essential nutrient needed by the
host, such as vitamin c, and aiding food digestion (Panthee et al., 2022). With all of these, when
there is no balance in the equilibrium of the host-microbe relationship, the normal flora could be
opportunistic in their approach to causing disease. Hence the term opportunistic pathogen
(Houldcroft et al., 2017).
Pathogens are microorganisms capable of causing disease. They usually have virulence factors
that could be determined by various means (Panthee et al., 2022). Some of them are cell wall
composition (Orner et al., 2019) and the presence of a capsule which usually produces a slimy
appearance (Sarkar et al., 2014). Pathogens are either Gram positive or Gram negative based on
their reaction to a stain called Gram stain, which is dependent on their cell wall composition
(Tripathi and Sapra, 2021).
Head of Department
Deputy Director
Science Lab Technologists
Medical Lab Scientists
Medical Lab Technicians
Clerical officers
3.2. Vision of the laboratory
To be the world’s leader in medical microbiology with a strong commitment to
quality service and excellent customer care.
We will achieve this by making each patient our best friend, committing ourself to
professionalism and teamwork, ensuring quality in our service delivery and setting
the pace for future trend in medical microbiology practice through innovative
leadership, continuous research and training.
3.3. Laboratory Equipment
The laboratory has various equipment that will be highlighted with their functions.
The microscope is used to view microorganisms.
Weighing balance
It is used majorly in the media preparatory unit to measure the mass of dehydrated agar powder
before dilution with water and other solvents.
An autoclave is a pressurized chamber used to sterilize laboratory tools like bottles and test tubes,
even agar to avoid contamination. The autoclave uses high pressure and temperature of the steam
to kill microorganisms.
Bunsen burner
Bunsen burner is a gas-fuel open flame used in the laboratory for intermittent sterilization of tools
like the wire loop and bottleneck.
A centrifuge is a machine that separates a mixture such as blood, cerebrospinal fluid, plasma, and
platelet into their components by rotating them at high speed to subject them to gravity. So that
the heaviest component will be pulled to the bottom of the container.
Deep Freezer
The deep freezer works with extremely low temperatures to minimize microbial and enzymatic
activities. It is used as a storage medium to preserve isolates.
Dry oven
The dry oven is used in the media preparatory unit to cool agar medium and make them solidify
well. It prevents melting by running at a temperature of about 370C.
Vortex mixture
The vortex mixture is a device that vibrates to mix samples in glass tubes or flasks
It is used to grow and maintain microorganisms and cultures. It provides a suitable external
environment such as temperature, pressure, and moisture.
Water Bath
It is used to boil samples, transferring water temperature to the sample in order to increase their
temperature and break some bonds.
Water distiller
The water distiller is used in the media preparatory unit to purify water. It allows the water to boil
and then condense.
Bactek blood culture
This is an automated blood culture used to identify microorganisms in the blood. It has a special
bottle that is filled with about 8ml of blood and loaded into the well of the machine. After some
hours and sometimes days. The machine alerts a positive or negative response.
Vitek machine
This is used for the identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of microorganisms.
Microorganisms are diluted serially into a McFarland standard of 0.5, and the sugar disk and
antibiotic disk are inserted into the tube containing the diluted microorganism. It is then loaded
into the machine.
3.4. laboratory Safety precautions
Remember that all bacteria are potential pathogens that may cause harm under unexpected
or unusual circumstances. If you as a student have a compromised immune system or a recent
extended illness, you should share those personal circumstances with your lab instructor.
Know where specific safety equipment is located in the laboratory, such as the fire
extinguisher and the eyewash station.
Recognize the international symbol for biohazards, and know where and how to dispose of
all waste materials, particularly biohazard waste. Note that all biohazard waste must be sterilized
by autoclave before it can be included in the waste stream.
Keep everything other than the cultures and tools you need OFF the lab bench.
All of the equipment and supplies used in experiments involving bacterial cultures should
be sterilized. This includes the media you use and also the tools used for transferring media or
bacteria, such as the inoculating instruments (loops and needles) and pipettes for liquid transfer.
Transfer of liquid cultures by pipette should NEVER involve suction provided by your
Disinfect your work area both BEFORE and AFTER working with bacterial cultures.
In the event of an accidental spill involving a bacterial culture, completely saturate the spill
area with disinfectant, then cover with paper towels and allow the spill to sit for 10 minutes. Then
carefully remove the saturated paper towels, dispose of them in the biohazard waste, and clean the
area again with disinfectant.
Wear gloves when working with cultures, and when your work is completed, dispose of
the gloves in the biohazard garbage. Safety glasses or goggles are also recommended.
Long hair should be pulled back to keep it away from bacterial cultures and open flame.
Make sure that lab benches are completely cleared (everything either thrown away or
returned to storage area) before you leave the lab.
3.5. laboratory routine
Each student should provide himself with a clean, short-sleeved white overall which, if possible,
should be used for aseptic and bacteriological work.
Before commencing any aseptic work, scrub the hands and arms to the elbow thoroughly with soap
and water
Swab the work bench before and after use.
Used materials that are already contaminated should be disposed in a safe manner
Instrument like the wire loop is intermittently flamed to avoid contamination
Pipettes, slides and cover slips must be placed in the recovery container immediately after
Culture and incubated materials should be disposed of after examination, and a diagnostic
report has been dispatched.
Proper specimen receipt should be ensured.
All patients sample should be well documented and properly stored prior to processing
(Though it is best to process all samples immediately).
Used uncontaminated apparatus must be placed in trays provided for the purpose.
Nothing should be disposed directly on the floor of the laboratory.
All accidents should be reported at once.
The isolation of microorganisms is the process of obtaining a pure strain of microorganisms from
a mixed culture or environment. The same process is used for the isolation of causative agents,
and human pathogens from suspected infections. Suspected infections mean that we understand
the kind of microorganism capable of causing the kind of disease. So that we do not isolate normal
flora of the microbiota and place unnecessary emphasis.
In order to isolate microorganisms of medical importance, the site of infection is usually processed
and tested for the presence of pathogen.
Specimen or sample collection is the process of obtaining the sample of the infected area. It could
be the skin scrapping, nail clippings, blood sample, sputum sample, CSF, high vaginal swab
(HVS), endocervical swab (ECS), and so on. Highly trained health personnel are allowed to collect
the specimen. We were not taught hands-on how to collect specimen due to our work specification
as IT students and how delicate sample collection is. Some samples like tuberculosis are labelled
high risk when they can be harmful to the scientist processing them or any laboratory personnel.
Specimen processing is done almost immediately after collection. And if not, for any reason, the
sample should be stored in the refrigerator to reduce enzymatic activity in the sample and also
preserve the viability of the suspected pathogen. In order to process specimens, a culture medium
is needed.
4.1. Culture Techniques
Culture is the process of growing microorganisms in an environment called a medium which
contains the needed growth nutrient and growth factors. The growth nutrients are the major
substance needed by the microorganism to grow and multiply. They are needed in large quantities.
They include carbon sources and nitrogen. Added to these is the availability of water.
The growth factor is an essential part of a medium which is relatively in the small quantity needed
to grow some additional functions just like folic acid for DNA synthesis. Cultural techniques can
either be manual or automated.
The culture media used in the lab include MacConkey agar which is used to differentiate the lactose
fermenting organisms from the non-lactose fermenting organisms.
The chocolate agar is made of lysed red blood cells, it is used in cultivating fastidious pathogens
that are capable of growing in the human host environment. But it has recently been changed to
soluble hemoglobin agar in order to avoid contaminants usually present in the blood used.
Blood agar is also used to cultivate fastidious organisms in order to better understand their ability
to lyse the red blood cell. There are three types of hemolysis which include the α, β, and γ
hemolysis. These are better understood on the blood agar.
The Sabaroud Dextrose Agar is used in the mycology lab for cultivating fungi of different types.
The broths used include the selenite F broth, which serves as an enrichment medium for the growth
of salmonella and shigella majorly in stool specimens.
4.1.1. Manual culture techniques
The manual culture techniques involve the conventional method of Petri dish, medium (liquid
broth or solid agar), and the inoculum. This method also involves streaking of the inoculum on the
surface of the solid medium or stabbing in a liquid broth or semi-solid medium like agar slant.
The streaking methods include the pure plate method and the streak plate method. The streak plate
method is used in our lab. This is done by placing a flamed loop into the specimen and streaking
on the medium. The pattern of streaking could be quadrant, or for colony count (images).
4.1.2. Automated culture techniques
In the medical microbiology and parasitology lab, LUTH, we make use of automated machines
like the bactek and bactalert for blood culture, and also the vitek machine for identification and
antimicrobial susceptibility. The blood culture is done in the sample bottle placed into the machine,
and it is scanned through by the machine and is reported to have either flagged positive or negative.
The identification of microorganisms involves the use of series of tests which include
biochemical, physical, molecular, and serological to relatively compare an unknown organism to
a known one with similar features.
4.2.1. Colony morphology
Colony morphology is a physical means of identification of microorganisms while on the culture
plate or liquid broth. Some of this which includes their size, colour and motility.
Characteristics of a colony such as shape, edge, elevation, color and texture.
When recording colony morphology, it is important to record color, optical properties
(translucence, sheen), and texture (moist, mucoid, or dry). However, remember that color is often
influenced by the environment.
Shape: they could be circular, irregular, punctiform
Margin (edges): they could be entirely smooth, undulated, rhizoid, lobate or filamentous
Entirely smooth
Elevation: they could be flat, convex, or umbonate
The cloudy appearance of a liquid medium due to the presence of bacteria. You can "estimate"
the number of bacteria per mL by using the table below.
# Bacteria per mL
0 – 106
4.2.2. Staining Techniques
Simple stain
Basic dyes, such as methylene blue or basic fuchsin, are used as simple stains. They produce color
contrast but impart the same color to all the bacteria in the smear.
Negative staining
A drop of bacterial suspension is mixed with dyes, such as India ink or nigrosin. The background
gets stained black, whereas the unstained bacterial or yeast capsule stands out in contrast. This is
useful in demonstrating capsules that do not take up simple stains.
India ink preparation
Negative stains are used when a specimen or a part of it, such as the capsule, resists taking up the
stain. India Ink preparation is recommended for use in the identification of Cryptococcus
Impregnation methods
Bacterial cells and structures that are too thin to be seen under the light microscope are thickened
by the impregnation of silver salts on their surface to make them visible, e.g., for demonstration
of bacterial flagella and spirochetes.
Flagella stain
Demonstrate the presence and arrangement of flagella. Flagellar stains are painstakingly prepared
to coat the surface of the flagella with dye or a metal such as silver. The number and arrangements
of flagella are critical in identifying species of motile bacteria.
Differential staining
Staphylococcus in Gram Stain
Here, two stains are used, which impart different colors to different bacteria or bacterial structures,
which help in differentiating bacteria. The most commonly used differential stains are:
Gram staining
Gram stain is a very important differential staining technique used in the initial characterization
and classification of bacteria in microbiology. Gram staining helps to identify bacterial pathogens
in specimens and cultures by their Gram reaction (Gram-positive and Gram-negative) and
morphology (cocci/rod).
Acid-fast stain (Ziehl-Neelsen technique)
It distinguishes acid-fast bacteria such as Mycobacterium spp from non-acid fast bacteria; which
do not stain well by the Gram staining. It is used to stain Mycobacterium species (Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, M. ulcerans, and M. leprae)
Acid fast bacillus
Endospore stain
It demonstrates spore structure in bacteria as well as free spores. Few species of bacteria produce
endospores, so a positive result from endospore staining methods is an important clue in bacterial
identification. Bacillus spp and Clostridium spp are the main endospores producing bacterial
Spore of Clostridium botulinum Source: ASM
Capsule stain
It helps to demonstrate the presence of capsules in bacteria or yeasts. Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae are common capsulated
Giemsa stain
Giemsa stain is a Romanowsky stain. It is widely used in the microbiology laboratory for the
staining of: Malaria and other blood parasites, Chlamydia trachomatis inclusion bodies, Borrelia
species, Yersinia pestis, Histoplasma species, Pneumocystis jiroveci cysts (formerly Pneumocystis
Microbiology deals with studying microorganisms that cannot be seen distinctly with the unaided
eye. Observation of microorganisms is an integral part of Microbiology. Considering the nature of
the objects to be studied, the microscope becomes an instrument of paramount importance.
Microorganisms are observed and studied with the help of microscopes. The unit of measurement
used to measure microorganisms is the Metric System. The size of the specimen determines which
microscopes can be used to view the specimen effectively. Modern microscopes produce images
with great clarity, magnifications that range from ten to thousands of times.
Types of Microscopes
Simple Microscopes
Simple microscopes have only one lens, like a magnifying glass. It has a double convex lens with
a short focal length. Examples of this kind of instrument include the hand lens and reading lens.
When an object is kept near the lens, its principal focus with an image is produced, which is erect
and bigger than the original object. Leeuwenhoeck’s simple microscopes allowed him to magnify
images from 100 to 300 X.
Compound Light Microscopy
These are the most basic type of microscopes used in microbiology. It consists of a series of lenses
that utilizes visible light as its illumination source. Various small specimens can be studied to find
details with a compound light microscope.
In a compound light microscope, light originates from an illuminator and passes through condenser
lenses, which direct light onto the specimen. The light then enters the objective lenses, which
further magnifies the image.
Components of a Compound Microscope
The major components of a compound microscope are:
Framework: The basic frame structure is made up of metal, which includes the arm and base to
which the whole of the magnification and optical components are attached. The metallic arm is
connected to a U-shaped strong and heavy base that provides stability to the instrument.
Stage: this is the flat horizontal platform positioned at about halfway through the length of the
microscope with a hole at the center that allows the passage of light to illuminate the sample.
Focus knobs: Two pairs of knobs are attached to the arm that helps in the up and down movement
of the stage and adjustment and focusing of specimens of different thickness.
Lens Systems: All microscopes employ different lens systems: the oculars, the objectives, and the
condenser, which have different focusing power and contribute to the complete magnification
Nose piece: A revolving nosepiece that holds the objectives is attached to the curved upper part of
the arm of the microscope. The nosepiece can be rotated to position the objective with the required
magnification in the path of the magnification system, beneath the body assembly and the
Eyepiece (ocular lens): The eyepiece or ocular lens is a set of lenses held in a cylindrical tube
inserted in a tubular structure on the curved upper part of the arm, above the nose piece. It consists
of two or more lenses that focus the image into the eye. The newest microscopes consist of a pair
of eyepieces that allows the observer to use both eyes to observe the specimen in the microscope.
Such microscopes are called binocular microscopes. The normally used eyepieces have 2X, 50X,
and 10X magnifications.
Objective: The objectives are usually small cylindrical objects containing a single or a set of lenses
attached to the nosepiece. The nosepiece holds three to five objectives, which contain lenses of
varying magnifying power (2X-400 X). The total arrangement of the lenses is parfocal, which
means that the sample stays in focus even when the lenses are changed from one to another in a
Condenser: A condenser is also a lens that is fixed below the stage, and it focuses the beam of
light coming from the light source onto the slide. The condenser is usually aided with a diaphragm
and/or filters to control and manage the quality and intensity of the light passing through the
Light Source: The light source is mounted at the microscope’s base. The light source may be
daylight, a halogen light, or LEDs and lasers, as used in the latest microscopes. The microscopes
have some provision for reducing light intensity with a neutral density filter.
Types of Compound Microscopes
The Bright-Field Microscope – It is the simplest of all optical microscopy illumination. It helps
to see the dark objects against a bright background.
Dark Field Microscope – This is used to examine live or unstained microorganisms and other
specimens like light-sensitive organisms or specimens that lack contrast with their background.
Phase-Contrast Microscope – It is useful to examine live specimens. It does not require fixing
or staining, as it can kill or discomfort the living microorganism and will make the observation
The Differential Interference Contrast Microscope – This type of microscopy takes advantage
of differences in the light refraction by different parts of living cells and transparent specimens to
become visible for microscopic evaluation.
The Fluorescence Microscope – This microscope uses UV light to magnify fluorescent
substances. They can absorb UV light and emit visible light. Sometimes cells are also stained with
fluorescent chemicals (fluorochromes) to be studied under this microscope.
Confocal Microscope – Confocal microscope is used to study the detailed structure of specific
objects within the cells.
Two-Photon Microscope – Also known as two-photon laser scanning microscopy, it is a further
refinement of precision fluorescence microscopy.
Electron Microscopes – It uses electrons, electromagnetic lenses, and fluorescent screens.
Electron wavelengths are 100,000 x smaller than visible light wavelengths which helps to magnify
the specimen. Here the specimens are stained with heavy metal salts to be observed.
All these microscopes yield a distinctive image and are used for different observations of
4.2.4. Biochemical Tests
Biochemical tests are processes used for further identification of microorganisms. it involves the
physical result of microorganisms reacting with reagents and complex molecules like sugar and
Biochemical tests are one of the traditional methods for identifying microorganisms, usually
performed with phenotypic identification. For many years these methods were employed
extensively, and they continue to be used nowadays, especially in some laboratory routines where
a particular type of microorganism has to be identified rapidly.
The ability of microorganisms to utilize certain biomolecules, resulting in useful organic
compounds for themselves forms the basis of various biochemical tests.
Biochemical tests are of different types, where the identification or distinction between different
microorganisms is made on various bases. One of the traditional methods commonly used is a
simple visual detection of the organism’s growth in the presence of essential nutrients by increased
turbidity in the liquid medium.
In other tests, however, the results are based on the change in color of the medium as a result of
the change in the pH of the medium.
Microorganisms can be classified into different groups based on their reaction to such tests. Some
tests even allow the distinction of microorganisms to the species level.
Biochemical tests are thus, essential as they are inexpensive and relatively simple to perform.
The physiology of bacteria and other microorganisms differs from one another, which allows for
the differentiation of such microorganisms.
Biochemical tests, however, have some disadvantages. Despite being inexpensive and allowing
both quantitative and qualitative information about the diversity of microorganisms present in a
sample, these methods are laborious and time-consuming, and results are only observed after
several days. In some cases, false positives are obtained, especially when considering similar
microbial species.
Catalase test
The catalase test is a test to demonstrate the presence of catalase enzyme by breaking down
hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. A small number of bacteria is added to a drop of
hydrogen peroxide (3%) on the slide.
The catalase test is a simple test used by microbiologists to help identify species of bacteria and to
determine the ability of some microbes to break down hydrogen peroxide by producing the enzyme
If bubbles of oxygen are observed, it means that the bacteria have the enzyme catalase, because it
catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. The organism is then
said to be catalase positive (for example: Staphylococcus aureus).
Oxidase test
This test is used to identify microorganisms that contain the enzyme cytochrome oxidase
(important in the electron transport chain). It is commonly used to distinguish between the
Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomadaceae families.
Cytochrome oxidase transfers electrons from the electron transport chain to oxygen (the final
electron acceptor) and reduces it to water. Artificial electron donor and acceptor molecules are
provided in the oxidase test.
When the electron donor is oxidized by the action of cytochrome oxidase, the medium turns dark
purple and is considered a positive result. The microorganism Pseudomonas aeruginosa it is an
example of an oxidase positive bacterium.
Coagulase test
Coagulase is an enzyme that helps blood plasma clot. This test is performed on Gram-positive and
catalase-positive bacteria species to identify Staphylococcus aureus (coagulase positive).
Coagulase is a virulence factor of this bacterial species.
Clot formation around an infection caused by this bacterium probably protects it from
phagocytosis. This test is very useful when you want to differentiate between Staphylococcus
aureus of other species of Staphylococcus which are coagulase negative.
Urease test
This test is used to identify bacteria capable of hydrolyzing urea, using the enzyme urease. It is
commonly used to distinguish gender Proteus from other enteric bacteria.
The hydrolysis of urea produces ammonia as one of its products. This weak base increases the pH
of the medium above 8.4, and the pH indicator (phenol red) changes from yellow to pink. An
example of a urease-positive bacteria is Proteus mirabilis.
Citrate test
Citrate testing is used to determine the ability of the bacteria to use sodium citrate as the only
source of carbon and inorganic ammonium hydrogen phosphate (NH4H2PO4) as a source of
nitrogen. The citrate utilization test is possible only if the organisms are capable of fermenting
citrate. The process takes place via the enzymes is called citrase.
The API (Analytical Profile Index)
API identification products are test kits for identification of Gram positive and Gram-negative
bacteria and yeast.
API strips give accurate identifications based on extensive databases and are standardized, easyto-use test systems. The kits include strips that contain up to 20 miniature biochemical tests which
are all quick, safe and easy to perform.
API (Analytical Profile Index) 20E is a biochemical panel for identifying and differentiating
members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. It is hence a well-established method for manual
microorganism identification to the species level.
To identify and differentiate members of family Enterobacteriaceae.
The API range provides a standardized, miniaturized version of existing identification techniques,
which up until now were complicated to perform and difficult to read. In the API 20E, the plastic
strip holds twenty mini-test chambers containing dehydrated media having chemically-defined
compositions for each test. They usually detect enzymatic activity, mostly related to fermentation
of carbohydrates or the catabolism of proteins or amino acids by the inoculated organisms.
A bacterial suspension is used to rehydrate each of the wells and the strips are incubated. During
incubation, metabolism produces color changes that are either spontaneous or revealed by adding
reagents. All positive and negative test results are compiled to obtain a profile number, then
compared with profile numbers in a commercial codebook (or online) to identify the bacterial
The Test Kit
The test kit enables the following tests:
ONPG: test for β-galactosidase enzyme by hydrolysis of the substrate o-nitrophenyl-b-Dgalactopyranoside
ADH: decarboxylation of the amino acid arginine by arginine dihydrolase
LDC: decarboxylation of the amino acid lysine by lysine decarboxylase
ODC: decarboxylation of the amino acid ornithine by ornithine decarboxylase
CIT: utilization of citrate as only carbon source
H2S: production of hydrogen sulfide
URE: test for the enzyme urease
TDA (Tryptophan deaminase): detection of the enzyme tryptophan deaminase: Reagent- Ferric
IND: Indole Test-production of indole from tryptophan by the enzyme tryptophanase . ReagentIndole is detected by addition of Kovac’s reagent.
VP: the Voges-Proskauer test for the detection of acetoin (acetyl methylcarbinol) produced by
fermentation of glucose by bacteria utilizing the butylene glycol pathway
GEL: test for the production of the enzyme gelatinase which liquefies gelatin
GLU: fermentation of glucose (hexose sugar)
MAN: fermentation of mannose (hexose sugar)
INO: fermentation of inositol (cyclic polyalcohol)
SOR: fermentation of sorbitol (alcohol sugar)
RHA: fermentation of rhamnose (methyl pentose sugar)
SAC: fermentation of sucrose (disaccharide)
MEL: fermentation of melibiose (disaccharide)
AMY: fermentation of amygdalin (glycoside)
ARA: fermentation of arabinose (pentose sugar)
Confirm the culture is of an Enterobacteriaceae. To test this, a quick oxidase test for cytochrome
c oxidase may be performed.
Pick a single isolated colony (from a pure culture) and make a suspension of it in sterile distilled
Take the API20E Biochemical Test Strip which contains dehydrated bacterial media/bio-chemical
reagents in 20 separate compartments.
Using a Pasteur pipette, fill up (up to the brim) the compartments with the bacterial suspension.
Add sterile oil into the ADH, LDC, ODC, H2S, and URE compartments.
Put some drops of water in the tray and put the API Test strip and close the tray.
Mark the tray with an identification number (Patient ID or Organism ID), date and your initials.
Incubate the tray at 37oC for 18 to 24 hours.
Result Interpretation
For some of the compartments, the color change can be read straightway after 24 hours but for
some reagents must be added to them before interpretation.
Add the following reagents to these specific compartments:
TDA: Put one drop of Ferric Chloride
IND: Put one drop of Kovacs reagent
VP: Put one drop of 40 % KOH (VP reagent 1) & One drop of VP Reagent 2 (α-Naphthol)
Get the API Reading Scale (color chart) by marking each test as positive or negative on the tray’s
lid. The wells are marked off into triplets by black triangles, for which scores are allocated reading
Add up the scores for the positive wells only in each triplet.
Three test reactions are added together at a time to give a 7-digit number, which can then be looked
up in the codebook. The highest score possible for a triplet is 7 (the sum of 1, 2 and 4) and the
lowest is 0.
Identify the organism by using an API catalog or apiweb (online)
It is not enough to just identify your organism. You also need to know what antimicrobial agents
your organism is susceptible to. There are several methods to determine this.
Dilution testing is used to quantitatively determine the minimal concentration (in mg/ml) of
antimicrobial agent to inhibit or kill the bacteria. This is done by adding two-fold dilutions of the
antimicrobial agent directly to an agar pour, a broth tube, or a micro-broth panel. The lowest level
that inhibits the visible growth of the organism is considered the Minimum Inhibitory
Concentration (MIC). The agar pour method is considered the reference test procedure in Europe.
The broth dilution method is more widely accepted in North America. The E test (AB Biodisk) is
a plastic strip with a gradient concentration of antimicrobial agents impregnated in it. The strip is
placed directly on the surface of an inoculated plate. The MIC is read from the strip where the
growth inhibition intercepts the disk. These strips are relatively expensive.
Many physicians however do not need no know the exact MIC, but just which antibiotics the
pathogen is susceptible, intermediate, or resistant to. The Kirby-Bauer agar diffusion method is
well documented and is the standardized method for determining antimicrobial susceptibility.
White filter paper disks (6 mm in diameter) are impregnated with known amounts of antimicrobial
agents. Each disk is coded with the name and concentration of the agent. For example, 10 µg of
Ampicillin is indicated on the disk by AM-10. The code is listed on the Disk Zone Diffusion
Diameter Chart.
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Image
Pseudomonas aeruginosa on MHA incubated at 37°C for 24 hours.
The impregnated disks are placed on an inoculated Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) plate. The drug
diffuses through the agar. The plates are incubated for 16-24 hours. The agar may be supplemented
with blood or you may use blood agar for fastidious organisms. The diameter of the visible zone
of inhibition is measured and compared to reference values. There should be sufficient bacteria to
form a visible lawn of growth where it is not inhibited by the drug.
The results are interpreted qualitatively as resistant, intermediate, or susceptible. The standard
protocol must be followed exactly for you, or any clinical lab, to interpret the results reliably.
There may be some inhibition of growth and the organism could still be considered resistant to
that antimicrobial agent if the zone diameter is smaller than the reference values listed on the chart.
Also note that different antimicrobial agents have different measurements for resistant,
intermediate, and susceptible.
A zone of inhibition may be considered susceptible for one antimicrobial agent and not for another.
For example, in order for ampicillin (AM-10) to be an effective antimicrobial agent, the zone of
inhibition for enterics and most streptococcus must be greater than 16 mm while for staphs it must
be greater than 28 mm.
E Coli Image
E. coli on MHA incubated at 37°C for 24 hours.
When determining which antimicrobial agents are best for treatment when multiple zones of
inhibition are present, be sure to look at the relative zone of inhibition for that particular
antimicrobial agent and compare your measurements to that. For example, let’s say that your
enteric organism has a zone of inhibition around the Polymixin B disk of 20 mm and a zone of
inhibition around the Tetracycline disk of 20 mm. Because these measurements are larger than the
susceptibility zones listed on the Disk Zone Diffusion Diameter Chart, both of these antibiotics
would be considered as possibilities for treatment.
However, when we look more closely, we see that a 20 mm zone of inhibition for Tetracycline is
only 1 mm larger than what is required to be susceptible while a 20mm zone of inhibition for
Polymixin B is 8mm larger than the minimum susceptibility measurement needed. In this
particular case then, Polymixin B and Tetracycline would both be adequate for treatment, but the
Polymixin B would be the best choice.
1 actively growing broth or streaked plate of a single organism (pure culture)
Gram stain materials (optional)
1 Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) plate (use BHI plate for all streps)
1 jar sterile saline
1 sterile test tube
1 sterile 5 mL pipette (with pipette bulb)
1 sterile swab
0.5 McFarland test standard
McFarland reference card
Spectrophotometer (optional)
8 disk dispenser or individual disk dispensers
Antibiotic disk cartridges
Ampicillin (AM-10)
Chloramphenicol (C-30)
Nalidixic Acid (NA-30)
Penicillin G (P-10)
Polymixin B (PB-300)
Streptomycin (S-10)
Tetracycline (Te-30)
Trimethoprim (TMP-5)
Procedures were taken from HardyDisk® Antimicrobial Sensitivity Test (AST) Disks, 2001.
1. Perform a Gram Stain to confirm culture purity from your subculture plate.
2. Using a sterile 5 mL pipette, add 5mL of sterile saline to a sterile test tube.
Alternatively, a tube of sterile water or a tube of sterile tryptic soy broth (TSB) can be used.
3. Using an inoculating loop or needle, select several colonies from your subculture plate and
transfer to a tube of sterile saline.
Select several colonies so you don’t inadvertently pick a non-representative colony.
4. Dilute your organism to obtain a turbidity equivalent to the 0.5 McFarland test standard.
Hold your diluted tube and the 0.5 McFarland test standard against the black-lined
McFarland reference card to accurately rate the turbidity.
This could also be measured in a spectrophotometer (87% transmittance at 686nm).
5. Within 15 minutes of diluting your organism, dip a sterile swab into the properly adjusted
inoculum. Lift it slightly out of the suspension and firmly rotate the swab several times
against the upper inside wall of the tube to express excess fluid.
If your swab is too wet, your agar surface will not dry correctly, and the antimicrobial
agents in the disk will diffuse through the wet surface and not into the agar.
6. Streak the entire surface three times with the swab, turning the plate 60 degrees between
streaking (turn the swab too) to obtain an even inoculation.
streaking figure
7. Close the lid and let sit for 3-5 minutes before applying the drug impregnated disks.
8. Apply the disks by means of a dispenser using aseptic technique. Deposit disks so that the
centers are at least 24 mm apart; up to 12 disks may be placed on a 150 mm plate, 5 disks
on a 100 mm plate.
We usually apply more than the recommended disk number to conserve plates and our
recommendations are not used to treat any patients!
9. Lightly press the disk down with a sterile swab to make contact with the surface.
You don't want to smush it into the agar itself!
10. Place your plate agar side up (inverted) in a 37°C incubator.
Streptococcus organisms should be on BHI instead of MHA plates.
Streptococcus organisms should be incubated in an atmosphere enriched with 5-10% CO2.
11. Examine the plate after 16-24 hours incubation.
12. Measure (in mm) only zones showing complete inhibition by gross visual inspection.
Hold the measuring device (ruler or calipers) over the back of the inverted plate over a
black non-reflective surface and illuminate from above.
13. Compare the values you obtained with those on the Disk Diffusion Zone Diameter Chart
to determine the susceptibility level to the antibiotics used.
14. Report the values as:
Resistant - indicates that clinical efficacy has not been reliable in treatment studies.
Intermediate - implies clinical applicability in body sites where the drug is physiologically
concentrated or when a high dosage can be used.
Susceptible - implies that an infection due to the organism may be treated with the
concentration of antimicrobial agent used unless otherwise contraindicated.
The challenges encountered include; the absence of payment for the training which made feeding
and transportation a burden.
The observable dominance of the medical laboratory science staff over the microbiologist which
suggests a low probability of being employed in the public health sector.
Students should be paid a certain amount as a means of encouragement, to also sort transport and
The microbiology society of Nigeria should ensure the employability of microbiology graduates.
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