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Nutrition Tips for Muscle Growth & Fat Loss

Nutrition Tips & Notes
Having a well-structured diet with the right amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates is one thing,
sicking with it is another entirely. The number one reason people do not progress, as they should be
when seeking bodybuilding results, is usually nutrition related. The following guidelines can be used
as keys to muscle growth. Use them consistently and great results will be yours.
Certain foods must also be eaten at certain times, as shown in the diet plan provided. The reasons
why the diet is designed the way it is will also be explained below.
Eat Consistently Throughout the Day
This diet is structured in such a way that valuable nutrients will be supplied at regular intervals to
maximize muscle growth and fat loss.
Eating six evenly spaced meals per day will ensure that your muscles receive the energy and growth
factors needed to facilitate ongoing gains, while stimulating the metabolism (the rate at which the
body burns calories) to burn more fat.
To make this diet work it is important that all meals are consumed. Plan your day in advance and
have your meals prepared for the following day if need be.
Ensure Food Supply Is Adequate
When aiming to get in all your meals, it is important to have all the foods that comprise your diet
readily available. One way to make this important process easier is to shop once a week with a list of
all the foods you will need for that week. Once you have all the foods listed in your diet, in the right
amounts it should be easier to plan your eating for any given day.
Having all the right foods available will also ensure that you are less likely to cheat on your diet with
the wrong foods, something that often occurs with those who have not properly planned their food
for the week.
Do Not Cheat!
One other key requirement for making this diet work involves sticking with the foods listed in the
plan. This means not cheating on your diet with foods that will impede progress. For the purposes of
this diet plan, cheat foods can be defined as those foods that are significantly high in saturated and
trans fat and sugar. Cakes, sweets, pizzas, cookies and soft drinks such as Coke fall under this
category and should be avoided at all costs - you will get used to a life without these products (you
may already not use them, which is good) as your body becomes accustomed to eating the kinds of
foods it was originally created to eat.
Junk foods such as those mentioned will interfere with the body's natural metabolic processes, and
fat burning and muscle building will suffer as a result. Eliminating obvious junk foods is not to say you
cannot, on occasion, substitute a low fat, low simple sugar meal for one listed in this diet. Two great
recipe ideas can be found in this guide to incorporate some variety into your program. One such
meal per week would be the ideal.
A major component of this diet plan includes adequate water intake throughout the day. Water, a
key component for detoxifying the body and assisting with the metabolising of the foods eaten,
should never be neglected, especially during humid conditions.
Don't Mistake Thirst For Hunger. Keep Yourself Hydrated.
When training, water is valuable in that it hydrates the muscles, keeping them strong and full, while
ensuring nutrients flow freely throughout the body to promote growth. Water also has a major
positive effect on fat burning and will encourage feelings of fullness, which will discourage the
tendency to eat junk food.
Cut Carbohydrates In The Evening
In this diet carbohydrates are restricted in the evening. Most people who eat a lot of carbohydrates
in the evening tend to find it difficult to lose fat and can even begin adding it. Carbohydrates, which
will be readily converted to fat if not burned as energy, must be limited after the evening meal, which
will come after the afternooneevening training session.
Although great for energy purposes, any form of carbohydrate will contribute to fat gain if eaten at
the wrong time. Eating carbohydrate in the evening is also though to stimulate the appetite to where
cheating become more of a possibility. It is best to stick with protein (as outlined in this diet plan) in
the evenings.
Eat At Least 2 Hours Before Training
Eating in the hours before training is one of the keys to a great workout. Without sufficient nutrients,
most notably carbohydrates, energy levels for training will not be optimal. I have personally found
that eating one hour before training will provide more energy than eating two hours out. Try both
approaches to find what works best for you. This diet plan is structured in such a way to ensure that
you benefit from this pre-workout meal.
Eat Post-Workout
Like pre-workout nutrition, post workout feedings are similarly important. Unlike the pre-workout
meal, where energy production is the intended outcome, post workout nutrition will ensure that
energy is replaced, and protein is supplied to the muscles when they are most receptive to its
positive effects (26, 27). Many training experts go as far as to say that the post-workout meal is the
second most important feeding of the day, after breakfast.
What Is the Importance Of Post-Workout Nutrition?
After intense training the muscles are typically depleted of carbohydrates, leaving a 30-to-45-minute
gap for replenishment. Protein is also rapidly taken into the muscles at this time. I personally
recommend, and as noted in this program, a simple sugar formula combined (to be discussed in
greater detail in the supplement section) with a serving of whey protein directly after training for
effective results. Approximately 45 minutes after this feeding will be the evening meal.
Never Neglect Breakfast
Breakfast being the most important meal of the day has become somewhat of a cliche, for good
reason: it is a critical time to supply the body with the nutrients it hungers for after what is
essentially an eight to10 hour fast (hence the name breakfast; break-fast).
After your morning cardio it is especially vital that breakfast is eaten; the size of this meal is large in
comparison to subsequent meals for that day because it not only replaces carbohydrate that has
been used during training and depleted during sleep but will restore protein balance to assist muscle
growth. Occasionally meals will be missed (this is inevitable for most people who live busy lives).
Ensure that breakfast is not one of these.
Drink Tea & Coffee Without Sugar & Cream
If you drink tea or coffee, it is best do so without all the extra calories added sugar and cream
provide (a small amount of milk should do no harm). It is surprising how many people have the
perfect diet but compensate for the lack of simple sugars in this plan by consuming eight to10
teaspoons of sugar during their daily coffee breaks. Doing this can add an additional 160 calories per
day of the worst type of nutrient.
Chew Food Thoroughly
One often-overlooked factor when it comes to proper digestion and uptake of nutrients is the actual
process of eating. Chewing food properly adds saliva to that food while mashing it up into an easily
digestible form. If food is not adequately chewed, the digestion process may not take place as it
should, and your body may not get the nutrients it needs.
Essential Tips for Optimal Muscle Growth & Fat Loss
Eat a nutritious meal one to two hours before training to ensure adequate energy levels.
Foods to eat at this time can include vegetables of any kind, two pieces of fruit, low fat
cottage cheese with carrots, oatmeal and whey protein, or whole meal sandwiches with
chicken or beef.
Eat about 30-minutes after training for replenish energy stores.
Eat all of the six daily meals outlined in this plan. This will help to ensure adequate energy
levels for training and a continual fat burning effect (the after burn).
Try to cut back on fatty foods and eat less in the way of carbohydrates (rice, potatoes,
vegetables, and fruit) after 6.00pm, as outlined in this plan.
The key to success with this diet plan is consistency. Meals are based on the same food
groups for each day, the only exception being on training days where additional protein and
carbohydrates are added following training, and calories are increased overall. Food
selection is mixed around for variety, but the same foods will be eaten daily, as they are the
most effective for your aims.
The key for determining the exact nutrients contained in each meal and a total for each meal
is as follows: P=protein, C=carbohydrates, F=fats. All nutritional numbers represent grams.
Tips For Chicken, Potatoes and Rice
I suggest boiling up a pot of skinless chicken breasts to be eaten over a two-day period (this would be
about four breasts over two days). Potatoes can also be boiled, or baked, and stored in Tupperware
containers for up to three days - the same thing with rice. This is all intended to save time.