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Cold War Timeline: 1943-1981 Key Events

(1) Syllabus point:
The breakdown of the grand alliance and the emergence of superpower
rivalry in Europe and Asia (1943–1949): role of ideology; fear and aggression;
economic interests; a comparison of the roles of the US and the USSR
1943- 28 November-1 December TEHRAN
- Meeting to coordinate strategy against Nazi Germany at which it was determined that
Stalin would retain the Baltic states as well as gain Polish and Romanian territory.
- Roosevelt acceded to many of Stalin's demands, to the somewhat detriment of
Churchill, in an attempt to gain Soviet favour for the war in the Pacific.
1945- 4-11 February
- Summit meeting of the Big Three, which is often said to mark the highest point in
international cooperation between the three nations.
Postwar issues were discussed, primarily the division of Germany, though
specifications of war reparations were left to be decided at the next meeting.
Free, democratic elections for countries liberated from the Nazis were agreed upon
as were the borders of Poland.
- The decision at Yalta also sanctioned the creation of the UN and it was set that
Russia would join the war in the Pacific following the defeat of Germany.
17 July-2 August POTSDAM
First summit meeting after Roosevelt's death in which decisions were made
regarding the actual implementation of agreements at Yalta.
- Further decisions on occupation of Germany and war reparations had been stalled by
Roosevelt in hopes of reaching compromise after the heat of the issues had cooled
off, but Truman's hard line against the Soviets was in direct opposition to Roosevelt's
more conciliatory policies.
- Thus this conference marks one of the early ideological conflicts of the Cold War. A
Council of Foreign ministers was established to deal with peace treaties.
"Iron Curtain" speech
1947 -Truman Doctrine
- The standard for American Cold War policy was set by the Truman Doctrine in 1947.
- It stressed the dangerous expansionism of the USSR and pledged support for "free
peoples" around the world and those who were struggling against communism
- . It was prompted by the British withdrawal of forces in Greece and Turkey and was
aimed at the containment of Communism even through, to some extent, military
Marshall Plan
- The Marshall Plan was a way to restore capitalism in Europe by providing dollar
loans to non-communist states.
- This helped prevent a post-war depression as well as ensuring American dominance
in the European economic sector.
Restoring economic stability was seen as a key way of containing Communism; part
of the thinking was that states prosperous under a free market system were unlikely
to view Communism as an attractive alternative.
Major Events
1948-Berlin Blockade/Airlift
- Czechoslovakia separated from USSR
- Tito starts the idea of non-alignment by having a Communist government that is
separate from the Soviets.
1949- NATO formed, military and political alliance formed to protect and defend Western
Europe from Soviet attack
End of Berlin Blockade
12 May 1949
after the West had agreed to a reconvening of the Council of Foreign Ministers to
discuss the "German question" post-establishment of the FRG Basic Law (8 May
- FRG formed
- Soviets Test A-bomb
- GDR granted nominal independence
1 October-PRC proclaimed
1950- US launches H-bomb development
Rosenbergs arrested
1951- US tests first H-bomb
1953- Soviets test first H-bomb
1954 - IN Guatemala The CIA helps bring into power a right-wing military junta
- Relations normalized in Western Europe
Postwar occupation by Britain, France and the US ends
7 May - Dien Bien Phu
- French defeat; France agree to pull out on 20 July
1955- 14 May Warsaw Pact formed
Nasser buys eastern bloc arms
1956- USA and Britain withdraw financial aid for Aswan Dam
- Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal
(Distracts West from Hungary)
- Suez Crisis (29 October)
- France, Britain, and Israel attack Egypt.
- Cease-fire in Suez conflict after UN pressure
Hungarian Revolution
(Distracts USSR from Egypt)
Reformist Communist Imre Nagy is brought back as Prime Minister in a popular
-Warsaw Pact troops invade Hungary
-The USSR appoints Kádár as head of government
1957 4 October - Sputnik launched
- FNLA established
US supports this guerilla group to fight for a non-communist, independent Angola
1958- Kádár's hardline Soviet government hangs Nagy
1959- Castro rules Cuba
- Kitchen Debates
1960- 1 May U-2 Incident
- Just before a summit meeting to take place in Paris, the Soviets shot down one of the
American U-2 spy planes.
Khruschev denounced American aggression and threatened to retaliate in Norway,
Pakistan, and Turkey where other U-2's were based. F
- ollowing the hostile summit, US-USSR relations were frozen for the remainder of
Eisenhower's term.
Vietcong (NLF) formed
Guerrilla force to liberate South Vietnam from US-backed government
1961- Bay of Pigs
US attempt to remove Castro fails because it does not gain the support of locals
as had been anticipated
13 August - Berlin Wall
- Built by the GDR to stop the mass exodus of its citizens
1962- Cuban Missile Crisis
- October 16-28: Khruschev placed nuclear missiles in Cuba in an attempt to counter
US numerical superiority. Of course, he claimed that it was to prevent an American
invasion and was thus defensive action.
- President Kennedy decided on 22 October that the best course of action would be to
place a blockade around the island, relying on the belief that the missiles were not
yet operational and equipment was still in the process of being sent to Cuba. Six
days later the Soviets agreed to remove the weapons and it is now known that
Kennedy had
entered into a secret agreement to not invade Cuba.
Often called the beginning of the end of the Cold War.
1963-"Ich bin ein Berliner"
Pol Pot builds up the Khmer Rouge and Cambodian Communist Party
- Limited Test Ban Treaty
- Banned atmospheric testing
1964-Gulf of Tonkin Incident
- Alleged attack by the North Vietnamese on the destroyers USS Maddox and USS
Turner Joy on 2 and 4 August of 1964.
Leads to increased American involvement in the Vietnam War.
1968- Prague Spring
- Dubcek started a programme of political reform in the Spring of 1968 and installed
more personal freedoms in Czechoslovakia, but this only lasted for a very brief period
of time as he was arrested in August and 650,000 Soviet troops occupied the country
to bring it back to Soviet Communism.
26 September
Brezhnev Doctrine
Soviet foreign policy justifying the invasion of Czechoslovakia under the Warsaw
Pact. It stated that the Communist parties were to have dominance in their respective states
–under leaders approved in Moscow. If these conditions were put in jeopardy, neighboring
socialist states were obligated to intervene. The PRC labeled this as imperialism. The
Brezhnev Doctrine was loosened under Gorbachev to allow for his reforms. It was eventually
dropped all together on 25 October 1989.
The direction of foreign policy adopted by the Federal Republic of East Germany in
1969 aimed at improving relations with Eastern Europe. It reversed the Hallstein Doctrine
under which the FRG refused to have diplomatic relations with any state that recognized the
GDR. "Ostpolitik" became official FRG policy in 1969 and in addition to increasing trade
opportunities it was to reduce the reliance on US military aid.
25 July
Vietnamization begins
30 November
Nixon agrees to pull out of Vietnam
PRC admitted into UN
Signed by Nixon and Brezhnev, set limits for each country's ballistic missile defense
and froze deployment of ICBM launchers.
ABM Treaty
The ABM Treaty constrains strategic defenses to a total of 200 launchers and
interceptors, 100 at each of two widely separated deployment areas. These restrictions are
intended to prevent the establishment of a nationwide defense or the creation of a base for
deploying such a defense. The treaty also codifies the principle of "non-interference" by one
party with the national technical means of verification of the other, thereby protecting the
right of overflight by reconnaissance satellites.
This becomes obsolete quickly as technological advancements made Anti-Balistic
Missiles themselves obsolete. MIRVs increased the chances of being able to destroy the
other side's strategic force and thus that side's ability to retaliate following an attack.
Helsinki Accords
1.) free determination
-human rights
-inviolable frontiers
-advance notification of large-scale military manœuvres.
2.)East-West cooperation in economics, science, technology, the environment, and
3.)Humanitarian cooperation -free flow of people, information, and ideas
16 July
Iranian Revolution outs the Shah, a US ally.
Signed by Carter and Brezhnev. Limited the number of strategic missile launchers
and other such systems that each country could deploy. Even though SALT II was never
actually ratified by the US Senate, it was generally adhered to by both countries.
17 July
Sandinistas overthrow the pro-US Somoza government
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Marks the end of the Brezhnev Thaw
Rapid Deployment Force
Created in response to events in Afghanistan, Carter moves toward a policy of
"mobile response."
"any attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be
regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the USA and such an assault will be repelled
by any means necessary."
Presidential Directive 59
Carter increases military spending
Anti-communist trade union started in Poland.
INF Talks
Deadlocked talks for cutting intermediate-range missiles in Euroe. Terminated by
Soviet Union in '83
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks calling for deep cuts in total nuclear weapons.
Rejected in '83 as it would have cut deep into Soviet land-based missiles (the heart of their
weapons), while allowing the US to keep modernizing their strategic triad (ICBMs, SLBMS,
and manned strategic bombers)
SDI aka Star Wars
Development of IBM Defense systems that will be deployed from Outer Space to
destroy Soviet missiles in flight.
-potential to give US the confidence to launch a pre-emptive first strike
-Reagan says it was to boost up the arms race into making Soviets ruin their
economy by stockpiling. (Only thing is, it was cheaper for the Soviets to do that than the cost
of SDI)
"Zero Option"
US offers to cancel planned deployment of Pershing II IRBMs and Tomahawk cruise
missiles if the Soviets dismantle all intermediate range missiles in Europe and elsewhere.
Soviets reject this because they *just* deployed SS-20s and it would also still leave
US forward-based systems and the nuclear forces of France and Great Britain.
Reagan declares support for Contras
25 October
US invades Grenada after the New JEWEL Movement's (somewhat Marxist-Leninist)
leader is assassinated. JEWEL had planned on building an airport to help with tourism, but
US viewed this as a threat because it would be used by Cuba and the USSR as well, in
exchange for financial aid. The US holds elections, but the action was condemned by the
Glastnost and Perestroika
Gorbachev comes to power (March) and launches Glasnost (open debate on
government policies) and Perestroika (economic restructuring). Realizes that military
spending is crippling the Soviet economy, so he works hard at getting arms control so that
he can go on with plans to restore the economy.
Iran-Contra Scandal
May 1 1984: Congress decides to cut aid to the Contras in Nicaragua (Contra- CIA
sponsored forces in Nicaragua fighting the Communist Sandinistas)
Reagan administration uses profits from illegal sale of arms in Iran to secretly fund
Contras. Exposed in 1986. Reagan not incriminated but many of his top aides resign and are
later convicted.
Gorbachev accepts the 1981 "zero option" (intermediate range) and proposes
"double zero" (short range).
INF Treaty
First arms reduction agreement.
Soviets pull out of Afghanistan
20 May
Tiananmen Square protest crushed by government
Poland =non-communist
Elections bring the Solidarity movement to the head of the coalition government
Berlin Wall Falls
Czechoslovakia =non-communist
Romania =non-communist
Only country in Eastern Europe to have bloodshed in the fall of their Communist
government as dictator Ceausescu and wife are executed in an uprising
3 October
Germany Reuinited
2 December –Free all-German elections held (first time since 1932)
1 July
Warsaw Pact dissolved
Soviets cut arms shipments to Afghanistan (former Soviet Afghan government falls in
April 1992)