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Uttara Bank HRM Analysis: Recruitment, Training & Compensation

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Page Number
Defining Human Resource
Various Functions of Human Resources of Uttara Bank Ltd
In recent years, organizations worldwide have recognized the crucial role of human
resource management in achieving their goals. This increased emphasis on
effectively managing human resources stems from the realization that employees
are the driving force behind an organization's success. As a result, the field of human
resource management has undergone significant transformation, demanding a new
level of sophistication and professionalism. These changes have elevated the status
of human resources professionals, who now play a pivotal role in shaping
organizational strategies. Uttara Bank Bangladesh serves as a compelling case
study exemplifying the evolving landscape of human resource management. In the
context of Uttara Bank Bangladesh, the significance of human resource
management is readily apparent. As an integral element in the bank's success,
professionals in the human resources department must navigate multifaceted
challenges and contribute to the attainment of organizational objectives. Today's
human resource department heads hold esteemed positions, often serving as vice
presidents and actively participating in executive board meetings. Their involvement
in the formulation of the bank's overall strategy underscores the crucial role they play
in driving success. By examining the case of Uttara Bank Bangladesh, we can gain
valuable insights into the innovative approaches and best practices employed in
managing human resources. This analysis will shed light on how Uttara Bank
Bangladesh leverages its human capital to achieve strategic objectives, adapt to
changing market dynamics, and create a sustainable competitive advantage. The
following case studies will delve into specific aspects of human resource
management within the bank, such as talent acquisition and retention, employee
development and training, performance management, and the strategic integration of
human resources into the overall organizational framework. By examining these key
areas, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the bank's human
resource practices and their impact on organizational success. Through the
exploration of Uttara Bank Bangladesh's human resource management practices, we
will uncover valuable lessons and actionable insights that can be applied to other
organizations operating in similar contexts. Human Resource Management
encompasses the range of management decisions and practices that directly impact
and influence the people, or human resources, who work within an organization. It
involves strategic approaches to effectively recruit, select, develop, and retain
employees, recognizing their significance in achieving the organization's goals.
Human resource management aims to align the skills, abilities, and potential of
individuals with the strategic objectives of the organization, ensuring that they
become valuable assets. Through the exploration of Uttara Bank Bangladesh's
human resource management practices, we will uncover valuable lessons and
actionable insights that can be applied to other organizations operating in similar
contexts. This analysis seeks to contribute to the ongoing discourse on human
resource management, highlighting the evolving role of professionals in the field and
the critical importance of effectively managing human capital in achieving
organizational goals. Uttara Bank Limited has a history of not following proper
organizational practices, which can lead to employee surpluses and shortages in
various departments and branches. This is due to the company's failure to assess
the demand and supply gap properly, leading to a lack of employee referrals and
proper training. The organization also fails to address the issue of employee
surpluses by not addressing these gaps through proper recruitment strategies. There
are two main methods of recruitment: internal and external. Internal recruitment
involves filling vacancies internally whenever possible, using various methods for
different job levels. Lower-level jobs, such as manual and clerical jobs, are often
considered nonexempt from minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair
Labor Standards Act. Higher-level administrative, managerial, and professional
employees are paid on a salary basis and exempt from overtime provisions. External
recruitment involves opening up recruiting efforts to the external community, with the
hiring manager staying in close touch with the recruiter. Internal recruitment methods
include informal methods, which tap into a narrower labor market than formal
methods. Informal methods include rehiring former employees or cooperative
education students, hiring people referred by present employees, and hiring from
among those who have applied without being solicited (such applicants are called
walk-ins or gate hires). Employee referrals, also known as word-of-mouth
advertising, are quick, effective, and usually inexpensive. Formal methods of
external recruiting involve searching the labor market for candidates who have no
previous connection to the firm. These methods traditionally include newspaper
advertising, employment agencies, executive search firms, and campus recruiting.
The selection process is a series of specific steps used to decide which recruits
should be hired. The process begins when recruits apply for employment and ends
with the hiring decision. Selection activities typically follow a standard pattern,
beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with the final
employment decision. The selection process typically consists of eight steps: Initial
Screening Interview, Completion of the Application Form, Employment Tests,
Comprehensive Interview, Background Investigation, Conditional Job Offer,
Physical/Medical Examination, and Permanent Job Offer. There are two statistical
methods of selection: correlation and regression. Correlation is used to assess the
strength and direction of a relationship between variables, while regression uses the
relationship to predict scores on one variable from scores on one or more other
variables. Uttara Bank Ltd recruits employees both formal and informal ways, with
formal recruitment typically done through newspaper advertisements for entry-level
positions. In addition, they recruit mid-level individuals with experience and good
track records, as well as top-level employees on contract basis. Employee
relationships are essential for the welfare of the organization. A well-balanced
employee relationship helps management make informed decisions, takes advice
from employees, and includes research and meetings with top management to
develop a position on pay and other expensive benefits. By implementing these
organizational practices, Uttara Bank Limited can ensure that its workforce is
adequately trained, motivated, and satisfied with their job opportunities. Uttara Bank
Ltd. offers three channels of employee relationships: employee safety, employee
health, and employee working condition. Employee safety includes insurance for
each employee, free medical checkups, and healthcare facilities. Employee working
condition is hygienic and based on "Right work for the Right person." Organizational
practice includes good relationships among employees, access to their boss, and the
ability to provide opinions on issues. Compensation includes direct financial
payments, such as wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonuses, as well
as indirect financial benefits like employer-paid insurance and vacations. Rewards
are provided to employees for their good performance, with two types: intrinsic and
extrinsic. Benefits include mandatory protection programs, pay for time not worked,
optional protection programs, private retirement plans, and various other services.
Training and development are essential for the organization's success. Entry-level
employees receive on-the-job training, while off-the-job training is provided for 15 to
20 days outside the office. Management development focuses on improving
managerial performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing
skills. The general management development process consists of assessing the
company's needs, evaluating managers' performance, and developing managers
(and future managers) themselves. Uttara Bank Ltd. prioritizes skilled human
resource development, providing training to its employees throughout the year at its
well-decorated training institute located on the Aoulad Hossain market in Tejgaon.
The institute has its own trainer and a specialist as a guest speaker. In 2021, 536
employees received training from the bank's training institution at the 16th training
schedule, while 81 employees attended training courses or seminars arranged by
BIBM. Uttara Bank Limited, a large bank in Bangladesh, is facing a decline in morale
and work ethics due to declining deposits and uneven profits. The bank's HR reward
and compensation policy program needs to be revised to address the existing
problem. HR professionals worldwide know that their toughest job is recruiting and
retaining top-notch employees. With unemployment at its current rate, expanding
businesses search for qualified workers like big-game hunters stalking the most
elusive prey. Compensation plans and benefit plans are two compensation packages
companies use to invest in its employees. To assist the bank in changing its process,
the team has constructed a team that will analyze each company by providing key
concepts such as designing the elements of an effective employee relations
program, creating a career development planning model that incorporates attention
to key development success factors, evaluating compensation and motivation
practices as they relate to organizational strategy, and discussing the impact of
ethics on the determination of compensation and rewards systems. The bank's
recruitment process is essential for revamping, as the current traditional approach is
inadequate. Implementing campus recruitment and partnering with reputable
institutes can enhance the bank's recruitment efforts, while incorporating online
recruitment methods would modernize the process and attract a wider pool of talent.
On-the-job training programs should be introduced to enable employees to gain
hands-on experience and learn more effectively. Matching employees with roles that
align with their training is crucial, as assigning an employee trained in credit to the
Foreign Exchange Department can lead to a loss of acquired knowledge over time.
The bank's performance appraisal system requires an update, as it is outdated and
demotivating for employees. Implementing a performance-based promotion system
would serve as a motivator, increase job satisfaction, and reduce employee turnover.
The bank should revise its compensation structure and increase salaries to remain
competitive in the job market. The introduction of a reward system within the bank is
essential, as there is no mechanism in place to recognize and reward exceptional
employee performance. Implementing bonuses, incentives, or employee recognition
programs would foster a culture of excellence and motivate employees to go above
and beyond in their work. By implementing these recommendations, the bank can
enhance its recruitment process, improve the practicality of training programs,
ensure proper alignment of employees' skills and roles, update the performance
appraisal system, increase compensation levels, and introduce a rewarding work
environment. By focusing on areas of improvement and rectifying existing
deficiencies, Uttara Bank Limited has the potential to thrive and excel in the banking
sector of Bangladesh.
In recent years, organizations worldwide have recognized the crucial role of human
resource management in achieving their goals. This increased emphasis on
effectively managing human resources stems from the realization that employees
are the driving force behind an organization's success. Consequently, the field of
human resource management has undergone significant transformation, demanding
a new level of sophistication and professionalism. These changes have elevated the
status of human resources professionals, who now play a pivotal role in shaping
organizational strategies. Uttara Bank Bangladesh serves as a compelling case
study exemplifying the evolving landscape of human resource management.
In the context of Uttara Bank Bangladesh, the significance of human resource
management is readily apparent. As an integral element in the bank's success,
professionals in the human resources department must navigate multifaceted
challenges and contribute to the attainment of organizational objectives. Unlike the
past, where the human resources function was often overseen by a single individual,
today's human resource department heads hold esteemed positions, often serving
as vice presidents and actively participating in executive board meetings. Their
involvement in the formulation of the bank's overall strategy underscores the crucial
role they play in driving success.
Through examining the case of Uttara Bank Bangladesh, we can gain valuable
insights into the innovative approaches and best practices employed in managing
human resources. This analysis will shed light on how Uttara Bank Bangladesh
leverages its human capital to achieve strategic objectives, adapt to changing market
dynamics, and create a sustainable competitive advantage. By exploring the diverse
aspects of human resource management within the bank, we can uncover the
underlying principles and strategies that contribute to its remarkable achievements.
The following case studies will delve into specific aspects of human resource
management at Uttara Bank Bangladesh, including talent acquisition and retention,
employee development and training, performance management, and the strategic
integration of human resources into the overall organizational framework. By
examining these key areas, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
bank's human resource practices and their impact on organizational success.
Through the exploration of Uttara Bank Bangladesh's human resource management
practices, we will uncover valuable lessons and actionable insights that can be
applied to other organizations operating in similar contexts. This analysis seeks to
contribute to the ongoing discourse on human resource management, highlighting
the evolving role of professionals in the field and the critical importance of effectively
managing human capital in achieving organizational goals.
What is Human Resource Management: Human resource management
encompasses the range of management decisions and practices that directly impact
and influence the people, or human resources, who work within an organization. It
involves strategic approaches to effectively recruit, select, develop, and retain
employees, recognizing their significance in achieving the organization's goals. Over
the years, there has been a growing emphasis on the management of human
resources, stemming from the realization that employees play a pivotal role in an
organization's success. Human resource management aims to align the skills,
abilities, and potential of individuals with the strategic objectives of the organization,
ensuring that they become valuable assets. It involves various practices and policies
that address the personnel aspects of a manager's role, such as staffing, training
and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, and
creating a positive work environment. By optimizing the utilization of human capital,
human resource management contributes to enhancing organizational performance
and competitiveness. These include:
Conducting job analysis (determining the nature of each employee’s job)
Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidate.
Selecting job candidates
Orienting and training new employees
Managing wages and salaries (determining how to compensate employees)
Providing incentives and benefits
Appraising performance
Communicating (interviewing, counseling, disciplining)
Training and development
Background of Uttare Bank Ltd. Establish in 28th January 1965 as private initiative
under the name of Eastern Banking Corporation. After 1972 being nationalized, it
has been named after Uttare Bank Ltd. It has been permitted to start its commercial
operation privately in September 1983. Its registered office is located in 90, Motijheel
Commercial Area Dhaka-1000. It is operating banking through 198 branches in all
over Bangladesh. Having sold its share in 1984 it enlisted in Dhaka Stock exchange.
In 2004 it has also enlisted in Chittagong Stock exchange.
Human Resource Functions Performed By Uttara Bank: Following human
resource management functions are mainly performed by Uttara Bank
Human Resource Planning:
Have collected Human resource planning is concerned with the flow of people into,
through, and out of an organization. HR planning involves anticipating the need for
labor and the supply of labor and then planning the programs necessary to ensure
that the organization will have the right mix of employees and skills when and where
they are needed.
Human Resource Demand: Once HR planners have collected information from
both internal and external sources, they forecast the demand for labor. How many
and what type of people will be needed to carry out the organization’s plans in the
future? These forecasts are grounded in information about the past and present
and in assumptions about the future. Different methods of forecasting the demand
for labor require different assumptions. Some of the more common assumptions are
that past trends and relationships among variables will hold up in the future; that the
productivity ratio is constant (or follows a known pattern) as the number of units
produced increases; and that the business plans of the organization, sales
forecasts, and so on are reasonably descriptive of what will actually happen. In a
highly volatile business, these assumptions may not be valid. It is always wish to
explicitly list one’s assumptions in forecasting and to put on more faith in the
forecast than in the assumption on which it was based. Demand forecasting method
can be divided into two categories. They are Judgmental and Mathematical. In
practice, most organizations use some combination of the two methods. In our
country most of the financial institutions use the judgmental method.
Judgmental Methods: Judgmental methods make use of knowledgeable people to
forecast the future. Judgmental methods do consider quantitative data but also
allow for intuition and expertise to be factored in. these methods may be used by
small organization or by those new to HR forecasting that do not yet have the
database or expertise to use some of the more complex mathematical models.
Judgmental methods also may be preferred when an organization or environment is
in a state of transition or turmoil; at such times, past trends and correlations cannot
be used to make accurate predictions about the future.
Supply of labor: Once the demand for labor is predicted, it is necessary to forecast
the supply of labor that the organization will already have available to meet the
demand. It is basically of two types: Internal supply of labor and External supply of
Gap Analysis: In an organization there might be two type of gap exists:
Shortage: When demand is more and supply of human resource is less in a
particular area this called shortage.
Surplus: When supply is more and demand of human resource is less in a
particular area this called surplus.
Organizational Practices:
Organizational Practices is not properly followed by Uttara Bank Limited. Job
description and specification exists in the organization but in the case of demand
and supply of their human resource in different department and branches they
usually not assess the demand and supply gap properly, as a result employee
surplus and shortage have been found in their several department and branches as
well. In this case what they did, if there is shortage of employee they have tried to
find out the area and then search employees from other areas and by giving proper
training they sent them and if there is any surplus employees exists the branch
manager or divisional head usually not informed Human Resource Department.
Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for
employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when
their applications are submitted. There are two method of recruitment. They are
described as follows:
Internal recruitment: Most companies fill vacancies internally whenever possible.
A number of internal recruitment methods are use for different level of jobs. Lowerlevel jobs such as manual and clerical jobs are often called nonexempt jobs
because their incumbents are not exempt from the minimum wage and overtime
provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. These people typically are paid an
hourly wage. In contrast, higher-level administrative, managerial, and professional
employees are paid on a salary basis and are exempt from the overtime provisions
of the Fair standard Labor Act.
External Recruitment: In addition to looking internally for candidates, it is
customary for organizations to open up recruiting efforts to the external community.
Through the recruiting process, the hiring manager should stay in close touch with
the recruiter. The hiring manager should examine resumes or application that have
passed initial screening by the recruiter and should also review some of the
application that the recruiter rejected during the first steps. Such involvement on the
part of the hiring manager allows feedback as to whether or not the recruiter’s
decisions are consistent with the hiring manager’s preferences.
Internal Recruitment: Odds are often grouped into two classes. These are as
Informal Method: Informal recruiting methods tap a narrower labor market than
formal method. Informal method includes rehiring former employees or former
cooperative education students, hiring people referred by present employees, and
hiring from among those who have applied without being solicited (such applicants
are called walk-ins or gate hires). Employee’s referral, also known as word-ofmouth advertising, is quick, effective, and usually inexpensive. Because employees
who refer their friends and acquaintance as candidates have their own credibility on
the line, they tend to refer people who are well qualified and well-motivated and
then to mentor these individuals once they are hired.
Formal Method: Formal method of external recruiting entail searching the labor
market for candidates who have no previous connection to the firm. These methods
traditionally have included newspaper advertising, use of employment agencies and
executive search firms, and campus recruiting. Posting jobs ads on the Internet,
either on the company’s own site or a commercial job board, has also become
extremely popular in the last few years. Historically, newspaper advertising has
been the most commonly used method of recruiting. Formal method includes:
Recruitment Advertising
Internet Recruiting
Employment Agencies
Public Job Service Agencies
Private, For-profit Agencies
Additional Recruiting Methods
Campus Recruiting
Executive search firms
Selection: The selection process is a series of specific steps used to decide which
recruits should be hired. The process begins when recruits apply for employment
and ends with the hiring decision.
Process of Selection: Selection activities typically follow a standard pattern,
beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with the final
employment decision. The selection process typically consists of eight steps.
These steps are described below:
Initial Screening Interview: As a culmination of our recruiting efforts, organization
should be prepared to initiate a preliminary review of potential acceptable
candidates. This initial screening is a two steps procedure:
 The screening of inquiries and
 The provision of screening interviews
Completion of the Application Form
Once the in initial screening has been complicated, applicants are asked to
complicate the organization’s application form. The amount of information required
may be only the applicant’s name, address, telephone number and other
Employment Tests: Organization historically relied to a considerable extent on
intelligence, aptitude, ability and interest tests to provide major input to the
selection process.
The comprehensive Interview: The applicant may be interviewed by HRM
interviewers, senior manager within the organization, a potential supervisor,
potential colleagues or some or all of these.
Background Investigation: The next steps in the process are to undertake a
background investigation of those applicants who appear to offer potential as
employees. This can include contacting former employers to confirm the
candidate’s work record and to obtain their appraisal of his or her performance,
contacting other job- related and personal references, verifying the educational
accomplishments shown on the application, checking credit reference and criminal
records, and even using third party investigation, to do the background check.
Conditional job Offer: If a job applicant “passed” each steps of the selection
process so far, it is typically customary for a conditional job offer to be made.
Conditional job offers usually are made by an HRM representative. In essence,
what the conditional job offer implies is that if everything checks out “okay- passing
a certain medical, physical or substance abuse test” the conditional nature of the
job offer will be removed and the offer will be permanent.
Physical/ Medical Examination: Physical exams can only be used as a selection
device to screen out those individuals who are unable to physically comply with the
requirements of a job.
Permanent Job Offer: Those individual who perform successfully in the preceding
steps are nowconsidered to be eligible to receive the employment offer.
Method of Selection: There are two statistical methods of selection- correlation
and regression. Correlation is used to assess the strength and direction of a
relationship between variables, whereas regression makes use of the relationship
to predict scores on one variable from scores on one or more other variables.
Organizational Practice: Uttara Bank Ltd recruit employees both formal and
informal ways. Formal recruitment usually dose through newspaper advertisement,
where entry-level employees has been recruited. In the advertisement, criteria are
mentioned specially for recruitment. But sometimes they also recruited
experienced people in med level and top level.
Informal method is also true for this bank. In this case they consider the
educational level for entry level i.e. cash officers, junior officers etc. They also
recruit mid level people those who are experienced and good track record. Top
level people recruitment also been done on contract basis.
Employee Relation: Employers and employees each have their own sets of
needs and values, and successful relationship between these two sides requires
that some sort of balance be struck. This balance often takes the form of a
psychological contract, an understood agreement between employer and
employees that defines the work relationship. Employee relation means managing
the relationship between Managers and Workers.
Reasons for employee Relation: Employee relation in an organization is
necessary for the welfare of the organization. If the relationship is well then
organization is benefited. It also helps the Management to take decisions
effectively by taking advice from the employees. It also includes research and
meetings with top Management to develop a position on pay and other expensive
There have three channel categories employee relationship those are:
Employee safety
Employee health
Employee working condition
Employee Safety and Health:
Uttara Bank provides the employee safety. It ensure the all kinds of job safety such
as insurance of each employee not this provide insurance to the labor. Free
medical checkup; provide health care and necessary medical facilities for each
Employee working Condition: The working condition of employee is very
hygienic because it always based on “Right work for the Right person.”
Organizational practice:
Uttara Bank Ltd. also has good relationships among employees. The employees
have well access to their boss and can provide their opinion regarding any issues
Compensations, Rewards and Benefits
Compensation: Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay or rewards
going to employee and arising from their employment, and it has two main
components. There are direct financial payments in the form of wages, salaries,
incentives, commissions, and bonus and there are indirect payment in the form of
financial benefits like employer- paid insurance and vacations.
Reward: Reward basically provided to the employees of the organization for their
good performance. It is of two types (1) Intrinsic and (2) Extrinsic.
Intrinsic Reward: It is the personal satisfactions one gets from the job itself.
These are self- initiated rewards, such as having pride in one’s work.
Extrinsic Reward: It includes money, promotions and benefit. Their common
thread is that they are external to the job and come from outside source, mainly
Benefits: Benefits include mandatory protection programs, pay for time not worked,
optional protection programs, private retirement plans and a wide variety of other
Organizational Practice: Uttara Bank Limited usually provides more or less the
above compensation, reward and benefits. They provided financial compensation
like Basic salary, Bonus, Wages, Incentives and Non-financial like Housing,
Medical, Transportation, Insurance.
Training & Development
The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their
jobs. Training refers to the methods used to give new or present employees the
skills they need to perform their jobs. Training might thus mean showing a
machinist how to operate his or her new machine, a new salesperson how to sell
his or her firm’s product, or a new supervisor how to interview and appraise
employees. Training basically provide to the entry-level employees.
On the Job Training: It means learning by doing. It means employees training
completed while he works. It is basically a practical oriented training program.
Off the Job Training: It means training provided to the employees out of the office
in a training institute for a particular period of time i.e. for 15 to 20 days. During this
time the employee does not have to go to office.
Development: Development basically provide to the management level.
Management development is any attempt to improve managerial performance by
imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills. The ultimate aim of
such development programs is, ofcourse, to enhance the future performance of
the organization itself. For this reason, the general management development
process consists:
Assessing the company’s needs (for instance, to fill future executive
openings, or to boost Competitiveness),
Appraising the managers’ performance, and then
Developing the managers (and future managers) themselves.
Organizational Practice: Skilled human resource is nucleolus of any serviceoriented organization. By keeping this in mid- level they give priority in human
resource development. For human resource development and making them
updated Uttara Bank Ltd. provide training to its employees throughthe year in its
well-decorated training institute situated on the AouladHossain market at Tejgaon.
The institute has own trainer and also bring specialist as a guest speaker for
provide training. In 2021 there are 536 employees obtain training from the bank’s
training institution at 16th training schedule. Other hand 81 employees attained
training course/ works/ seminar, which were arranged by BIBM. 91 employees
obtain training from Bangladesh Bank, 34 employees from other training institution,
and 19 employees from foreign country in 2021.
Strategic Human Resources Research: Uttara Bank is facing a decline in morale
and work ethics. Declining deposit and uneven profits over the years not only forced
the company to change its transaction processes, but also prompted them to adopt
a customer-relationship system Uttara bank’s HR reward and compensation policy
program needs to be revised to deal with the existing problem. HR professionals
over the world know that their toughest job is recruiting and retaining top-notch
employees for their companies. With unemployment at its current rate, expanding
businesses search for qualified workers like big-game hunters stalking the most
elusive prey. Compensation plans and benefit plans are two compensation
packages companies are using to invest in its employees. To assist bank in
changing its
process, Team has constructed. Team will then analyze each
company by providing key concepts such as designing the elements of
 An effective employee relations program,
 Create a career development planning model that will incorporate attention
to key development success factors,
 Evaluate compensation and motivation practices as they relate to
organizational strategy,
 And discuss the impact of ethics on the determination of compensation
and rewards systems.
 It is essential for the organization to revamp its recruitment process, as the
current traditional approach is inadequate. Implementing campus recruitment
and partnering with reputable institutes can enhance the bank's recruitment
efforts, as these institutions possess better resources and expertise.
Additionally, incorporating online recruitment methods would modernize the
process and attract a wider pool of talent.
While the training courses provided by the bank are satisfactory, they lack
practicality. To address this, the organization should consider introducing onthe-job training programs. Such programs would enable employees to gain
hands-on experience and learn more effectively, complementing the
theoretical knowledge acquired through the existing training institute or
institutions like BIBM.
It is crucial to ensure that employees are posted in roles that align with their
training. Assigning an employee trained in credit to the Foreign Exchange
Department, for example, can lead to a loss of acquired knowledge over time.
Therefore, it is essential to match employees with the appropriate positions
after they have completed their training.
The bank's performance appraisal system requires an update, as it is
outdated and demotivating for employees. The current practice of granting
promotions every three years is arbitrary and discourages employees.
Implementing a performance-based promotion system would serve as a
motivator for employees, increase job satisfaction, and reduce employee
The compensation provided by the bank to its employees is significantly lower
compared to other organizations. To address this, the bank should consider
revising its compensation structure and increasing salaries to remain
competitive in the job market. This adjustment is crucial to attract and retain
talented individuals.
The introduction of a reward system within the bank is essential. Currently,
there is no mechanism in place to recognize and reward exceptional
employee performance. Implementing a reward system, such as bonuses,
incentives, or employee recognition programs, would foster a culture of
excellence and motivate employees to go above and beyond in their work.
By implementing these recommendations, the bank can enhance its recruitment
process, improve the practicality of training programs, ensure proper alignment of
employees' skills and roles, update the performance appraisal system, increase
compensation levels, and introduce a rewarding work environment. These changes
will contribute to the bank's overall success and help create a motivated and satisfied
Uttara Bank Limited, despite being one of the largest banks in the country with a
wide network of outlets both domestically and overseas, is experiencing slower
progress compared to other banks of the second or third generation. The
organization's inability to retain employees and its lack of concentration in certain
areas has contributed to this situation. However, it is crucial to recognize that
efficient employees are valuable assets to any organization, and addressing these
shortcomings can significantly improve the bank's performance in the banking sector
of Bangladesh. By focusing on areas of improvement and rectifying existing
deficiencies, Uttara Bank Limited has the potential to thrive and excel in the industry.