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Science Teachers' Effectiveness & School Organization

Rizza A. Nabus, PhD., D.Hum
Director for Research and Extension
EMA EMITS College Philippines
Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro
Rizza A. Nabus, PhD., D.Hum
Director for Research and Extension
EMA EMITS College Philippines Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro
Declining interest in Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics (STEM)
studies and related science careers remains an issue of concern worldwide. In the Philippines,
problems of poor achievement in science were evident on the results of national achievement
test (NAT) and international surveys. Moreover, COVID-19 pandemic derailed science
education in most. The massive paradigm shift in science teaching has recalibrated how science
teachers manage both their academic and administrative tasks which also challenge their
appreciation towards their career as well as their effectiveness at work. In this study, these
factors were evaluated in order to determine their impact on organizational effectiveness. The
study which employed descriptive correlational and comparative research design, also used
self-made and adapted questionnaire to gather necessary data to 32 JHS/SHS principals and
102 science teachers who were selected through purposive-total enumeration sampling
technique. The findings revealed that teacher-respondents manifested good level of task
management, have high level of appreciation towards the different job facets, and were already
in the career level 3 or highly proficient in carrying out the required skills and competencies
of quality teachers outlined in the PPST framework. With regards to organizational
effectiveness, the respondent-schools were found to be better performing as evident from
enrolment increase and low rate of student dropout; but low performing relevant to teacher
turnover. Remarkably, task management, job appreciation and work effectiveness were found
to be not significant predictors of how effective school/organization was. Furthermore, the
study found that the two groups of respondents have a differing view appertaining to the
variables evaluated. Lastly, some of the profile variables of teachers affect their effectiveness
in task management, and their job appreciation and work effectiveness. It is therefore
recommended that private schools must design upskilling and reskilling program for teachers
and conduct Periodic Need Assessment and Employee Performance Survey to ensure teachers
are happy and have their concerns addressed at work.
Keywords: Job appreciation, Task Management, Work Effectiveness, Organizational Effectiveness
1.1 Background and Rationale
Science and Technology is an integral part of a modern society as it is considered a catalyst forsustainable
development. For this reason, a need for a scientifically literate populace is increasingly recognized as critical
both in developed and developing countries. However, there is a consensus that in many places around the
world, science education is facing serious challenges. In a global and international perspective, pertinent data
about the declining interest of students in pursuing science-related career are gathered and reported. For
instance, the United States Census Bureau reported that only 27.1% of students graduating with STEM degrees
enter the STEM workforce; the remaining 74.3% work in STEM-related or non-STEM careers.
In a national level, the state of science education cannot be considered as a strength. The results of 2019
TIMSS and 2018 PISA proved that Filipino students were underachieving in science compared to other
countries. For example, in 2014 statistics, the passing rate for the national achievement test (NAT) for grade six
pupils is only 69.21% whereas the passing rate for high school is only 46.38% from 2010 statistics (Ambag,
2019). Moreover, studies have shown that the country placed last in both mathematics and science among 58
countries in the fourth-grade assessment based on the results of 2019 Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study (TIMSS) and results from the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), in
science (the first year that the Philippines participated) also found Filipino students were underachieving in
science compared to other countries (Mullis, et al., 2019 & PISA, 2018). A report from the World Economic
Forum ranked the Philippines 67th among 140 countries in 2016 and 79th among 138 countries in 2017 in terms
of global competitiveness in quality science education (Dela Fuente, 2019).
Given the poor state of science education in the country, instead of just changing the curriculum, the
government needs to empower and train teachers, provide quality-assured learning resources and increase
teacher funding and support. In effect, teachers can be fully equipped to improve the competency of Filipino
students and encourage them to enter science and technology professions. This is in accordance to Republic
Act no. 10612, an act which aims to strengthen the teaching of science and mathematics in secondary schools
and for other purposes. The declared policy of the State as stated in Section 2 is to promote the development
of the country’s science and technology manpower in line with economic development. This means that the
State shallprovide for quality science and mathematics teachers at the secondary level, which would encourage
more students to pursue careers in science and technology.
No doubt, teachers play an essential role in the development of scientifically literate citizens. However,
in the report of Denton, et al. (2021), there is a high rate of attrition among science teachers and every year the
school districts must fill tens of thousands of teacher vacancies for the said subject. Morrison (2017) also
reported that proportion of teachers leaving the professions is at its highest since 2010, and is particularly acute
in science and math. Similarly, Cassidy (2015) stressed out that science teachers are the subject specialists
most likely to consider quitting the classroom which is alarming, given the particular shortage of experienced
scienceteachers in many schools.
During the pandemic, a massive paradigm shift has recalibrated how science teachers divide their time
between teaching, engaging with students, and administrative tasks. With this paradigm shift in science
teaching, teachers are overloaded with so many tasks that they either don’t think, or do not have the time, to
do something for themselves. They are on constant struggle to maintain healthy work-life balance, which in
turn, may also challenge their appreciation towards their career as well as on their effectiveness at work. These
aspects must be given due consideration as teachers’ performance will not only benefit the students but also
the organization as a whole.
In general, organizational effectiveness is largely affected by teachers regardless of their field of
expertise. Schools with high quality teachers tend to be more effective (Lynch, 2015). With this, it can be
concluded that the success and failure of the organization mostly depends on its teacher. However, teachers
can only perform their effective role in their professional activities when they are able to manage their task
effectively, when they are appreciative with their job and when they are able to maintain their level of
effectiveness. Therefore, these three areas are worth the attention of the teachers, school leaders and all
concerned stakeholders.
This study was therefore conducted in order to assess the ability of the science teachers in the local level,
specifically in the 2nd District of Oriental Mindoro to manage task effectively, to find out their level of
appreciation towards their job and the level of their effectiveness at work. and to correlate the effect of these
variables to organizational effectiveness. Based on those results, school administrators can decide on how to
proceed on providing guidance that could help science teachers make sense of their work and enabling them
to find a sense of identity for themselves within their work context which in turn could have a positive effect
on the student outcomes and organizational effectiveness as well.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
This research aimed to determine how task management, job appreciation, and work effectiveness of
science teachers affect the organizational effectiveness of private schools in the 2nd district of Oriental
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:
1.a What is the profile of the teacher-respondents with regard to:
1.1 age;
1.2 sex;
1.3 civil status;
1.4 religion;
1.5 highest educational attainment;
1.6 field of specialization;
1.7 length of service; and
1.8 trainings/seminars attended related to task management, job appreciation and work effectiveness?
1.b What is the profile of the principal-respondents with regard to:
1.1 age;
1.2 sex;
1.3 civil status;
1.4 highest educational attainment;
1.5 specialization; and
1.6 length of service?
2. What is the level of task management as perceived by the two group of respondents in terms of the following:
2.1 planning;
2.2 implementation; and
2.3 assessment?
3. What is the level of job appreciation as perceived by the two groups of respondents as based to the two-factor
3.1 institutional policies;
3.2 supervision;
3.3 work conditions;
3.4 remuneration/salary;
3.5 achievement;
3.6 recognition; and
3.7 the work itself?
4. What is the level of work effectiveness as perceived by the two groups of respondents in terms of:
4.1 content knowledge and pedagogy;
4.2 learning environment;
4.3 diversity of learners;
4.4 curriculum and planning;
4.5 assessment and reporting;
4.6 community linkages and professional engagement; and
4.7 personal growth and professional development?
5. What is the status of organizational effectiveness of the private schools in terms of:
5.1 number of enrollees;
5.2 completers;
5.3 dropout; and
5.4 turnover of science teachers?
6. Is there a significant relationship between the perceptions of the two groups of respondents on the level of
task management, level of job appreciation, level of work effectiveness and the status of organizational
7. Is there a significant difference on the perceptions of the two groups of respondents on the level of task
management, level of job appreciation, level of work effectiveness and the status of organizational
8. Is there a significant difference on the level of task management, level of job appreciation, level of work
effectiveness when the two sets of respondents are grouped according to their profile?
9. Based on the result of the study, what enhancement in the Faculty Training and Development Plan can be
1.3 Theoretical Framework
As the educational sector move into an even more digital virtual, and e-learning environment, the role
of teachers, especially science teachers, is even more evident. These teachers are needed in order to prepare
learners to be scientifically literate. The basic premise of this study is that teachers’ capability to improve
science teaching and to contribute to organizational effectiveness is heavily influenced by their ability
in managing the tasks, level of appreciation towards the job and level of effectiveness on their work. To
expound further this notion, the study was anchored on the Pickle Jar Theory, Two Factor Theory of Motivation
and Self-determination Theory. The Pickle Jar Theory developed by Jeremy Wright (2002) was established
on the premise that time like the pickle jar is limited in quantity. A person’s life is the jar and what is in it, the
volume or space is limited. Every day, everyone fills out time with important, less important and unimportant
activities. The Pickle Jar Theory serves as a visual figurative expression, to determine what is important and
what is not. It helps a person to set priorities for daily life and plan tasks in such a way, that he/she has time to
spare instead of too few hours in the day.
Although this theory is basically a theory of time management, still, it is applicable to this study as it
alsogives the idea that since everyone only has a certain amount of time on their hands, and yet they have an
ever- growing number of tasks to complete, it is important that they start managing tasks instead of managing
time. In educational sector, teachers are said to have many large priorities in lives such as studies, workload,
leisure, family responsibilities, sleep and rest which must be followed with finite time. According to the theory,
none of these tasks is bad, but if teachers want to be truly productive, it is not their time that they should be
managing so closely, it is their tasks. When they manage their tasks well, they automatically manage their time
well too. Managing tasks means that teachers constantly evaluate every task and make decision which task
should be prioritized at the current moment. This enables them to use their time judiciously, focus on the
critical tasks at the moment and complete the right tasks at the right time for task completion. Hence, as task
managers, what teachers should do is to figure out how to do a great job with the tasks they’re given rather
than with the time they’re given.
Another theory that the study was anchored on is the Two Factor Theory of Motivation proposed by
Frederick Herzberg in 1959 which tries get to the root of motivation in the workplace. This theory argues that
there are two factors that an organization can adjust to influence motivation in the workplace – these are the
motivators and hygiene factors. The core point of Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory of Motivation is that
motivating and hygiene factors are very different. The motivating factors are found within the actual job itself
and their presence cause employees to work harder. Meanwhile, hygiene factors re not present in the actual
job itself but surround the job and their absence will cause employees to work less hard.
As further emphasized in the theory, in order to ensure harmony in the workplace, employers must
increase employee motivation factors while simultaneously increasing workplace hygiene. Having work
environment with high hygiene is vital in order to keep employee demotivation at bay. There are several ways
that this can be done but some of the most important ways would be to pay reasonable wages, ensure employees
job security, and to create a positive culture in the workplace.
Herberg’s Two Factor Theory was adopted as the theoretical foundation for this study because the
distinction between the hygiene and motivation factors of the theory was suitable in helping to identify factors
that motivate the teacher participants and for identifying what helped to increase appreciation in every facets
of their job. As highlighted in the theory, hygiene factors will cause an employee to work less if not present
while motivating factors will encourage an employee to work harder if present. Therefore, if school leaders
want to increase teachers’ job appreciation, they need to start by getting any hygiene issues resolved. Once
they have done this, they can boost motivation by putting in place as many motivating factors as practical. The
key takeaway is that, paying attention to both sets of job factors help to increase job appreciation of teachers.
This increases their effectiveness and ultimately leads to an increase in organizational effectiveness.
Lastly, the study employed the framework of Self-determination Theory (SDT) of Deci and Ryan
(1985) to explore science teachers’ perceptions of their work effectiveness. According to self-determination
theory, people need to feel in control of their own behaviors and goals (autonomy), to gain mastery of tasks
and learn different skills (competence), and to experience a sense of belonging and attachment to other people
(connection or relatedness). As emphasized by Kendra Cherry (2021), self-determination allows people to feel
that they have control over their choices and lives and it has also an impact on their motivation. In effect,
peoplefeel more motivated to take action when they feel that what they do will have an effect on the outcome.
The first assumption of self-determination theory is that people are actively directed toward growth. In
application to this study, when teachers conduct self-assessment of their performance based on PPST, they
realize their roles better and as a result they develop high level of determination to improve the teachinglearning process to produce the desired learning outcomes. Simply put, the more they become reflective in
their capabilities, the more they are motivated to grow and gain fulfillment out of their career. Teachers
with high self-determination display personal commitment to improve teaching competence in carrying out
the demandsof PPST.
Furthermore, the theory supports the study in such a way that it can also provide explanation as to why
teachers constantly seek a sense of achievement as implementers of the curriculum, and the power to know
theyare in charge of their own growth. The theory explains that when teachers find out that they need to
improve on a particular aspect of their jobs, if they are high in self-determination, then, they admit their
weakness, believe that they can do something about it and take action that will help them acquire skills needed
for success. Additionally, the theory emphasized that the more teachers overcome challenging tasks, the more
they experienced a sense of fulfillment and the more they find their job to be meaningful and satisfying.
To sum up, the theories and framework indicated herein provided concrete information that best
explained the variables of the study and provide a general framework for data analysis appertaining to the
aspects that contribute to the overall effectiveness of the organization. Moreover, understanding the basic
premise of the cited theories can shed light to the problem at hand on the basis that it can help clearly explain
what could be done to keep science teachers effective in managing their multitude tasks, be grateful in their
job and perform at their utmost level of effectiveness so as to ensure organizational effectiveness as a whole.
1.4 Conceptual Model
1.5 Significance of the Study
The results of the study would be of great benefit to the following:
Department of Education. The findings of this study might help the policymakers in the Department
of Education gain appreciation of the curriculums strengths’ and work on its weaknesses by making
improvement. They might use the data obtained in this study as bases for policy making and program planning
for basic education schools which will promote job appreciation and effectiveness of teachers towards better
education. Data gathered might help Department of Education to initiate collaboration among various
stakeholders to formulate effective approaches to mitigate teacher attrition rate in the private school sector.
School Administrators/Principals. School administrators and principals can gain insights as to what
might cause teachers’ dissatisfaction and to understand deeply its connection on their effectiveness at work.
Thefindings of the study might also reveal the weak and strong points of the teachers, thus, providing baseline
data for them to be utilized in the management and operation of the school to increase organizational
effectiveness. The results might further help the school administrators to review existing motivational policies
and practices which will be the basis to plan programs for teacher development. It might also help them identify
specific demographic characteristics of the teachers which could influence work effectiveness and job
Teachers. The results of the study might awaken the teachers to conduct periodic self-assessment to
improve the way they manage their tasks as well as to increase their work effectiveness. This study might also
help them evaluate their appreciation towards the different aspects of their job so as to provide necessary
feedback to which their school heads may found valuable in streamlining their tendency for turnover.
Private schools. This study might aid the private school in the retention of quality teachers. This study
will foster new ways of enhancing task management skills, appreciation and effectiveness, thus maintaining
highly effective and satisfied science teaching force. This study will also help in the advancement of school
management, leadership and performance appraisal system.
Future researchers. This study is also important to the future researchers for this could provide them
theidea and concept for future research which maybe of the same nature. This may also stimulate further
researches to validate and strengthen the findings of this study.
1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The general intent of this study was to analyze how the profile, the correlates of task management, the
level of job appreciation and work effectiveness of science teachers affect the organizational effectiveness of
private schools in the 2nd district of Oriental Mindoro. The aspects looked into for the profile of science
teachers are age, gender, civil status, religion, highest educational attainment, field of specialization, length of
service, and trainings/seminars attended. As for the profile of principals, the age, gender, civil status, highest
educational attainment, specialization, and length of service are the only indicators covered. Task management
covered areas such as planning, implementation and assessment.
Meanwhile, job appreciation was based on the sets of factors mentioned by Herzberg in his Two Factor
Model of Motivation namely: institutional policies, supervision, work conditions, remuneration/salary,
achievement, recognition, and the work itself. As for the teachers’ work effectiveness, the indicators were
anchored on the seven domains that quality teachers should exhibit as mentioned in the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers (PPST) which are: content knowledge and pedagogy, learning environment, diversity
of learners, curriculum and planning, assessment and reporting, community linkages and professional
engagement, and personal growth. Lastly, the criteria for measuring organizational effectiveness are: number
of enrollees, completers, dropout, and turnover of science teachers.
The study was limited only to 32 JHS/SHS principals/coordinators and 108 totally enumerated science
teachers in the private schools in the 2nd district of Oriental Mindoro, hence, findings were not inclusive to
the other principals and educators with different teaching assignments across the province. Additionally, since
the study participants were science teachers in private sector, further studies on teachers of different disciplines
andin the public sector on the said district might provide a better understanding of the variables explored
in this study. Due to pandemic, time constraint and delay in the retrieval of questionnaire were acknowledge
aslimitations to the work.
1.7 Definition of Terms
For better understanding of this study, the following terms used were herein defined conceptually and
Job appreciation. It is defined as a feeling or expression of admiration, approval or gratitude (Clements,
2018). In this study, it refers to the level of gratefulness a teacher feels towards the different aspects of their
Organizational effectiveness. It is defined as a concept of how effective an organization is in achieving
the outcomes the organizations intend to produce (Jacob & Shari, 2013). In this study, it was measured in terms
of number of enrollees, completers, dropout, and turnover of science teachers.
Task Management. It is defined as a process that consists of tracking and managing all tasks, whether
ornot they belong to a specific project (Retrieved from https://www.jotform.com/task-management/). In this
study, it refers to the process of managing any classroom-related tasks which is divided into three phases
namely: planning, implementation and assessment.
Work effectiveness. It is defined as the measurement of the quality of the results a person achieves in
theworkplace (Fang, 2020). In this study, it refers to the success of teachers in carrying out the teaching tasks
relevant to the seven (7) domains in the Philippines Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) namely:
content knowledge and pedagogy, learning environment, diversity of learners, curriculum and planning,
assessment and reporting, community linkages and professional engagement, and personal growth.
2.1 Research Design
The study used the descriptive research design. Descriptive research design is a quantitative research
method that is considered conclusive and is used to test specific hypotheses and describe characteristics or
functions (McCombes, 2022). It was employed in this study to describe the level of task management, the
appreciation rating of teachers on the different job facets, and the level of work effectiveness. It was the most
appropriate design to be used because the main purpose of the study was to only describe the nature of a
demographic segment without focusing on explaining “why” a particular phenomenon occurs. Further, the
study was correlational in nature as it examined the relationship of the aforementioned variables to
organizational effectiveness.
2.2 Respondents of the Study
The respondents of this study were composed of two groups: the 32 principals/SHS coordinators, and
the 108 science teachers from the JHS and SHS department in the private schools in the 2nd district of Oriental
Mindoro. They were chosen because the researcher believed that they can provide the best information as they
have experience with the phenomenon under study and they met the inclusion criteria for this study – i.e. being
affiliated in private schools in the 2nd district of Oriental Mindoro and a teacher of any science subject in JHS
or SHS regardless of age, sex, years of teaching experience and other profile variables.
2.3 Sampling Technique Used
Total enumeration method, also known as total population sampling, was employed in this study. This
method was appropriate for two reasons: (1) the population of principal and teachers in the target area is
relatively small; and (2) the respondents are set apart by a well-defined characteristic – that is being a private
school teachers handling science subjects in JHS and SHS students.
Glen (2018) explained the advantages of using this method. According to her, this method gives deeper
insights into a target population than partial samples would be capable of. It provides more complete picture,
greatly reduces guesswork and eliminates the risk of biased sample selection that is often encountered in
would-be random study sample. Therefore, by using this method, the researcher could generate complete and
less- biased data regarding the variables undertaken from the population under study.
2.4 Research Instrument
The main instrument used for data collection was the researcher-made questionnaire. There were two
sets of questionnaires with five parts – for principal and teacher-respondents. The first part describes the
respondents’ background information. For the principal-respondents’ categories include: age, gender, civil
status, highest educational attainment, specialization, and length of service. Meanwhile, for the teacherrespondents, the demographic profile includes: age, gender, civil status, religion, highest educational
attainment, field of specialization, length of service, and trainings/seminars attended.
The second part contained items that determine the level of task management as to planning,
implementation and assessment. The third part contained questions to assess the level of job appreciation which
were constructed using the Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory that included institutional policies, supervision,
work conditions, remuneration/salary, achievement, recognition, and the work itself. The fourth part contains
questions that address the level of work effectiveness of teachers that are aligned with the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST).
The fifth part collects information about the status of organizational effectiveness as to number of
enrollees, completers, dropout, and turnover of science teachers. This part was answered by the principal alone
as the data needed here are what so called “hard data” or “factual data” about the organization.
2.5 Data Gathering Procedure
First and foremost, a letter of request duly noted by the President of St. Dominic Savio College was
secured and sent to the different school principals and heads of the target schools. The researcher personally
delivered the questionnaire to the principals of the respective schools a week prior to their distribution of the
During the conduct of the study, ethical considerations was strictly observed to ensure the integrity of
theresearch process. Also, informed consent of the respondents was obtained and the aims and objectives of
the study were explained in the letter attached to the questionnaires. Furthermore, the respondents were given
reasonable time frame to answer the questionnaire and after two weeks, the retrieval of questionnaire was
made.Finally, the data were collected, analyzed, and interpreted using SPSS and Stata Statistical Software.
2.6 Statistical Treatment of Data
The data gathered were subjected to statistical analysis using the foregoing statistical tools.
Frequency and Percentage Distribution was utilized for the data that are presented in frequency and
percentage form to show the actual distribution of the respondents. This was utilized to describe the profile of
the principal and teacher-respondents as well as the data for the status of organizational effectiveness.
Weighted Arithmetic Mean was used to determine the average weighted opinion of the two groups of
respondents on the level of task management, job appreciation and work effectiveness.
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient was used in the study to determine the significant
relationship between task management, level of job appreciation and level of work effectiveness.
Linear Regression was utilized to determine which if the relationship between task management, job
appreciation and work effectiveness and the organizational effectiveness is statistically significant.
T-Test is a statistical test that is used to compare the means of two groups. In this study, two sample ttest with equal variance was used to find out if there is a significant difference between the assessment of the
teachers and principals with regard to task management, job appreciation and work effectiveness.
One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to measure the significant differences in the
performance of task management, level of job appreciation and level of work effectiveness when respondents
are grouped according to their profile.
Coefficient of Determination or r2 was utilized to determine the proportion of the variance of one
variable that is predictable from the other variable.
Table 1
Age Profile of the Teacher-Respondents
51 & above
Table 1 shows the frequency–percentage distribution of the profile of the teacher-respondents in terms
of age. The findings show that 57 or 52.8 percent fall in the age bracket of 21-30 years old while there were
38 or 35.2 percent under the age bracket of 31-40 years old. Very few belong to the age bracket of 41-50 which
is only 12 percent of the total respondents and none of them belong to 51 & above age bracket.
The data show that majority of the teacher-respondents are still young or can be found among the new
generation of teachers (below the age of 30) which implies that these teachers were just developing their
teaching profession. This could be attributed to the fact that hiring policies for most private schools are not
strictly limited to those who have taken and passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). As per
observation of the researcher, the same recruitment/hiring policy exists in private schools in the 2nd district of
Oriental Mindoro. In her school, for instance, there are lots of newly graduate teachers that are being hired for
a science teaching position both in JHS and SHS department.
Among others, private school teachers transfer to public schools for better salaries and job security. It
is actually a common scenario in the target district where the current study was conducted that newly graduate
teachers apply in private schools and stay only until they passed the LET exam. As a result, private schools
are forced to hire again other sets of newly graduate teachers to compensate for this shortage; then the cycle
continues. This decision, however, is not wrong as the K-to-12 law or Republic Act 10533 stated that new
graduates or new hires are allow to teach in elementary and secondary education in subjects where there is a
shortage of qualified teachers, without the necessary license to teach or without passing the licensure
examination for teachers (LET) for a period of five years (Estrada, 2018).
After careful analysis of the findings, the following conclusions were formulated.
1. Majority of the teacher-respondents belong to the younger generations; hence most of them are bachelor’s
degree holder only and have attended fewer trainings and seminars in local, regional and international level.
This means that there could be greater tendency for attrition rate unless necessary actions are done to retain
these educators. On the other hand, most of the principal-respondents belong to millennial generation of
principals (ages 25-40) and most of them are either master’s degree holder or with MA/MS units.
2. The teacher-respondents manifested good level of task management skills which means that they can create,
prioritize, delegate, and monitor school-related tasks to ensure their completion within given deadlines.
3. The teacher-respondents have high level of appreciation towards the provisions provided in their job; hence,
they are more likely to deliver better instructional performance which would result to increased student
achievement, overall school cohesion and enhanced status of the teaching profession.
4. The teacher-respondents are in the career level 3 or highly proficient in carrying out the required skills and
competencies of quality teachers outlined in the PPST framework.
5. The respondent-schools are better performing as they reported enrolment increase (0.7-6.2% higher
compared to previous year), and low rate of student dropout (0.1-1.2% which is basically lower than the
recorded 2.48-3.85% basis for “good” dropout rate). However, turnover rate is quite alarming (50-75%) and it
will have detrimental impact on the organization if not given immediate solution.
6. Task management, job appreciation and work effectiveness are not significant predictors of how effective
school/organization is. It can be concluded that other teacher-related factors exert far greater influence to
organizational effectiveness other than the aforementioned variables in which the school administrators need
to find out and consider.
7. The teachers and principal-respondents have different assessment towards the level of
performance/demonstration of task management, job appreciation and work effectiveness.
8. Some of the profile variables of teachers affect their effectiveness in task management, and their job
appreciation and work effectiveness. This means that school leaders should not expect teachers to have similar
needs and source of satisfaction as well as same level of effectiveness as these variables are influenced by their
In view of the foregoing findings and conclusion, the following are recommended:
1. Private schools must encourage teachers to attend trainings and seminars to enhance their skills in task
management, leverage their job appreciation and improve their work effectiveness as it was found that although
they spent longer years in the service, they only attended 1-5 seminars at different levels appertaining to
thesaid key areas.
2. Teachers are encouraged to engage in continuing education by enrolling in master’s and doctorate program
aligned with their field of expertise. Private schools must have faculty development fund to provide for
scholarships or financial assistance for faculty members who may decide to pursue further studies.
3. Classroom observations, simultaneous micro-teaching episodes and trainings on online task management
tools be conducted in order to maintain the efficiency of teachers in doing and completing their school-related
4. Periodic Need Assessment and Employee Performance Survey be done to augment gaps and help schools
become proactive in approaching potential issues in the workplace before they become actual problems.
Likewise, these may result to ensure that teachers are happy and have their concerns addressed at work.
5. To reach the highest career stage in accordance with the PPST framework, private schools must design
upskilling and reskilling program for teachers. This may include trainings and seminars, continuous research
coaching and mentoring, faculty exchange program, and the like.
6. Private schools may continue or further improve their strategies to increase enrolment and achieve zero
dropout rate. School leaders can be proactive in their staff retention efforts by addressing issues that cause
teachers to leave the profession too soon.
7. Future researchers may consider covering a larger scope of respondents and have to look into other factors
that might predict the teachers’ work effectiveness and job appreciation.
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