Uploaded by Coralie Carlier

Teamwork JIRA Guidelines

:: Teamwork guidelines and good practices 1.0.0 ::
Our objective with this JIRA guidelines ?
Better track work progress, ensure alignment with our dev methods and enhance our Project
planning management.
What does it mean for you?
We NEED EVERYONE to, as a minimum:
• Systematically assign a due date for each of his/her tasks (where not already done)
• For any task having more than 2-days solving deadline: reflect a daily progress status
Coralie may send you reminders for due tasks and/or status requests for outstanding tasks on
which you need to answer. Non visible work = non existing work !
All the production/work of each member team should be reflected through Jira tasks. The
purpose is not to measure or track individual work but to share with the entire team the whole
progress and directions of the company in real-time.
If you have a suggestion about something, please create a Jira task.
Favor information sharing through Jira. Do not use email & chat to organize collaborative work.
Do not duplicate information.
Do correct usage of Jira with common-sense and autonomy. Train yourself to use it. Do not
expect another member of the team handling your ticket on your behalf.
Make usage of common sense. Do not expect to find a rule or a set of rules that will govern your
work in any situation.
Try to help your coworkers. Do not work alone. Do not conclude "this is not my problem or
responsibility," but try to identify resources required to reach a solution.
Technical description of a problem:
Do not use what you consider as a “self-explained” screenshot to describe a problem.
Most of the bug reports must be formulated using this pattern:
1- Problem description (may be the title).
2- How to reproduce it?
3- What is the obtained result?
4- What was the expected result?
Give as much relevant information as you can.
Assigned tasks:
An assigned task implies a personal engagement to work & resolve the related task in a short (2
weeks) or medium run (6 months).
The normal situation is each of us having 5-10 tasks reflecting our short-run roadmap (within the
2 upcoming weeks) and 10-15 tasks reflecting our medium-run roadmap (within the 6 upcoming
The abnormal situation is having less than 5 tasks reflecting our short-run roadmap and/or less
than 5 tasks reflecting our medium-run roadmap.
The abnormal situation is having a task assigned for more than 6 months.
If you have more than 30 assigned tasks, you will need to review them and unassign yourself
from some tasks. In other words, you should not have more than 30 tasks assigned to yourself.
Do not assign a task to anyone without its consent (especially to Loïc Carrère).
Feel free to assign a task to yourself. If you want to work on a task already assigned to
somebody else, please check with the concerned person.
Switch the task status to "dev" as soon as you start to work on its resolution.
To do: the task must be considered as a simple backlog (if not assigned) or as something that
will be delivered in a short or medium run (if assigned). When the related task is assigned to a
user, it's up to his responsibility to handle its life cycle and offer a due date of resolution.
Dev/in progress: You’ve started to work on the task.
Do not ask an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival = estimated time for something to be done) on a
task in a “todo” state and not assigned. You will be basically asking a question to Mr. Nobody.
In review: The task needs a review. Please be sure to assign it to the user who needs to apply for
the review.
Done: the task is terminated. Do not ask a status on a "done" task. Do not reopen a task which is
in the "done" state: create a new one in any situation. In other words: do not do anything with a
"done" task.
Reminder: We are working on a continuous delivery/integration model. This implies to work on
short iterations (or tasks). It's up to you to organize and split large tasks into sub-tasks.
A normal task should not take more than 2-days of delay to be resolved.
If a task, in "dev" status, is taking more than a day to be resolved, please add a comment at the
end of the day, giving a hint about the progress.