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Rizal's Retraction: History & Controversy

Rizal’s Retraction
José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda June 19, 1861 – December 30, 1896) was a Filipino
nationalist, writer and polymath active at the end of the Spanish colonial period of the Philippines. He is
considered the national hero (pambansang bayani) of the Philippines.[8] An ophthalmologist by profession,
Rizal became a writer and a key member of the Filipino Propaganda Movement, which advocated political
reforms for the colony under Spain.
Aso rizal have this 2 famous works which is the noli and el fili Noli Me Tángere (1887)—which translates
to “Touch Me Not” in Latin—is a novel written by Filipino writer José Rizal. The novel tells the story of
Don Crisóstomo Ibarra, a young man of Filipino and Spanish descent who returns to the Philippines after
a seven-year trip to Europe. Noli is a love story or a romantic novel, dedicated to our motherland while
El fili is a political novel associated with revenge and anger and is dedicated to GOMBURZA. The first is
more on action and motion, the latter is thoughtful, discursive and dialectal.
Retraction is the withdrawal of a statement or promise
What is the retraction letter of Rizal all about?
A few hours before he was shot, Rizal signed a document stating that he was a Catholic and retracted all
his writings against the church and the document were as “The Retraction”
There were four well-known reasons behind Rizal’s retraction. First, He wanted to marry Josephine
Bracken and to make her his wife legally. Second, He wanted to protect his family. Third, He wanted to
reforms from the Spanish Government. Lastly, He wanted to heal the sickness of the Catholic Church. All
theories came from the retraction paper that was written by Rizal
The Spain-based newspapers and magazines that covered the retraction were El Imparcial, Heraldo de
Madrid, and El Siglo Futuro. They based their narrative on the testimonies of the Jesuits and other
colonial officials who visited and talked to Rizal the day before he was executed
So, on rizals retractions it was stated that on dec 29 1896 in manila, and he said that as long as he lives
he wants to be a catholic and die as a catholic. Naka state ddto sa iya retraction message nga ginabawi
nya na ang ginpangsulat nya sa iya works nga against sa catholic church. Kay at the time that he
published noli and el fili, wala ni sya ginbaton sang catholic. Because Catholics really opposed on Rizal's
novels such as Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo because novels frankly exposed the church's wrong
teachings and doctrines. Catholics took the writings of Rizal as an attack on them and blasphemy to God
2nd slide:
So on dec of 1896 rizal confessed nga kinasusuklaman nya gd kuno ang masonry. Pero rizal was a
freemason so daw naga contradict ang retraction paper ni rizal sa iya identity gd sang way pa sya
ginkulong. Rizal was a freemason who condemned the corrupt ways of the Church and upheld individual
and national liberty. When Rizal arrived in Spain in 1882, he found a country that was strongly
influenced by Masonic thought. Ginakasuklaman nya gd kuno ang masonry kay ginakontra ini sang
simbahan kag sang society. then ang bishop, as the Superior Eeclesiastical Authority. Gintagaan nya sang
time si rizal nga bag ohon ang iya sini ginpanghala nga malain about sa church kay siling sang bishop kay
irizal nga icondemn sya ni god.
3rd slide:
La Voz Española - The original document of Rizal's retraction was found in the archdiocesan archives in
1935, 39 years after having disappeared the day Rizal was shot. There was no record of anybody seeing
this original document in 1896, except the publishers of La Voz Española, which published its
contents on the day of Rizal’s execution: "We have seen and read his (Rizal’s) own handwritten
retraction which he sent to our dear and venerable Archbishop…
"Most experts think that the handwriting on the document is authentic. However, scholars are baffled
as to why Rizal, who courageously faced persecution for most of his life and who was finally
sentenced to death for his beliefs, would suddenly balk at the last, futile moment."
He is a Jesuit priest who claimed that he conveyed to convince Rizal to denounce Masonry and return
Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken
Latin: Me declaro catolica y en esta Religion en que naci y me eduque quiero vivir y morir.
Me retracto de todo corazon de cuanto en mis palabras, escritos, inpresos y conducta ha
habido contrario a mi cualidad de hijo de la Iglesia Catolica. Creo y profeso cuanto ella
enseña y me somento a cuanto ella manda. Abomino de la Masonaria, como enigma que es
de la Iglesia, y como Sociedad prohibida por la Iglesia. Puede el Prelado Diocesano, como
Autoridad Superior Eclesiastica hacer publica esta manifastacion espontanea mia para
reparar el escandalo que mis actos hayan podido causar y para que Dios y los hombers me
Manila 29 de Deciembre de 1896
Cuerpo de vigilancia:
According to the Spanish spy called Cuerpo de Vigilancia, report or retraction found in the dayRizal
Jesuit priest thatentered to the prison Padre Jose Villaclara and Padre Estanislao March together with
twopeople name Juan del Fresno and Eloy Moure he tells that no Padre Balaguer entered inprison, he
might be the secondary source and simply lecture Padre Villaclara and Marchto consolidated his
La Liga Filipina is an organization Rizal founded, with Andres Bonifacio as one of its members.Rizal exile
n used Rizal name as a password, they decided to inform
Rizal of theirplans to lunch revolution, and sent Pio Valenzuela to visit Rizal in Dapitan