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Biodiversity, GMOs, Climate Change Summary Notes

Summary Notes in Chapter 7
→ it refers to the variety of life forms, not just rare and
endangered forms of life, nor just big and attractive
animals and plants.
→ It is the foundation of human life.
→ The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
can provide a significant benefit to health.
Major threats to biodiversity:
1. habitat loss and destruction
2. alterations in ecosystem composition
3. over exploitation
4. pollution and contamination
5. global climate change
→ The use of biological systems, living organisms, or
derivatives to make or modify products or processes
for specific use.
→ It aims to develop new precision tools and
diagnostics, speed up breeding gains, develop pest
and disease resistant crops, combat salinity,
drought and agricultural problems, enhance
nutritional quality of food, increase varieties and
choice, reduce inputs and production cost and
increase profit.
Genetically Modified Organisms
→ It is an organism, either plant, animals or
microorganisms in which the genetic material (DNA)
has been altered in a way that does not occur
naturally by mating or natural recombination.
→ It aims to address the issues of food security,
agriculture, drug production, and nutrition.
→ They are known as transgenic organisms because
this process involves the transfer of genes.
Characteristics of GMOs:
1. pest resistance
2. virus resistance
3. herbicide resistance
4. fortification
5. cosmetic preservation
6. increase growth rate
7. flower production
8. paper production
9. pharmaceutical production
10. bioremediation
11. enzyme and drug production
12. medical treatment
The Nano World
Nano- a unit meaning of one billionth or ten raised to
negative nine.
Nanoscience- deals with materials that are very small using
specialized microscopes and other nano device.
Nano technology-involves operating at a very small
dimension and it allows scientist to make use of the
exceptional optical, chemical, physical, mechanical, and
biological qualities of materials of that small scale.
In the pursuit of a better life, humans are now dealing with
the challenges in a world that cannot be seen by the naked
Gene Therapy
→ A potential method to either treat or cure geneticrelated human illnesses.
→ The primary goal of gene therapy is to increase the
body’s own level of healing capacity.
→ It is considered risky and still under study to make
sure that it will be safe and effective. It is currently
tested only for diseases that are terminal and no
treatment available to cure.
Climate Change
→ It refers to the statistically significant changes in the
climate for a continuous period of time.
→ Associated with rising temperatures, extreme
weather events, shifting wildlife populations and
habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts.
Causes of Climate change:
1. Volcanic eruptions
2. orbital changes
3. Carbon Dioxide Theory
4. Human Activities- burning of fossil fuels, converting lands to
forestry and agriculture, building of roads, bridges and highways,
mining, manufacturing, steel making, and other human productive
Sustainable Development
→ It is a development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of the
future generations to meet their own needs.
→ Specifically, sustainable development is a way of
organizing society so that it can exist in the long
→ This means taking into account both the imperatives
present and those of the future, such as the
preservation of the environment and natural
resources or social and economic equity.