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Bernoulli's Theorem Demonstration Instruction Manual

Bernoulli's Theorem Demonstration
Instruction Manual
January 2013
Table of Contents
Copyright and Trademarks ...................................................................................... 1
General Overview ....................................................................................................... 2
Equipment Diagrams................................................................................................... 3
Important Safety Information....................................................................................... 4
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 4
Electrical Safety....................................................................................................... 4
Description .................................................................................................................. 5
Overview.................................................................................................................. 5
Installation ................................................................................................................... 7
Installing the Equipment and Commissioning.......................................................... 7
Operation .................................................................................................................... 9
Operating the Equipment......................................................................................... 9
Equipment Specifications.......................................................................................... 10
Environmental Conditions...................................................................................... 10
Routine Maintenance ................................................................................................ 11
Responsibility ........................................................................................................ 11
General.................................................................................................................. 11
Laboratory Teaching Exercises................................................................................. 12
Index to Exercises ................................................................................................. 12
Nomenclature ........................................................................................................ 12
Technical Data....................................................................................................... 13
Exercise A ................................................................................................................. 14
Operating the Optional Software (F1-301) ................................................................ 18
Contact Details for Further Information ..................................................................... 25
This document and all the information contained within it is proprietary to Armfield
Limited. This document must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it
is supplied and its contents must not be reproduced, modified, adapted, published,
translated or disclosed to any third party, in whole or in part, without the prior written
permission of Armfield Limited.
Should you have any queries or comments, please contact the Armfield Customer
Support helpdesk (Monday to Thursday: 0830 – 1730 and Friday: 0830 - 1300 UK
time). Contact details are as follows:
United Kingdom
(0) 1425 478781
(calls charged at local rate)
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Email: support@armfield.co.uk
Fax: +44 (0) 1425 470916
Copyright and Trademarks
Copyright © 2013 Armfield Limited. All rights reserved.
Any technical documentation made available by Armfield Limited is the copyright
work of Armfield Limited and wholly owned by Armfield Limited.
Brands and product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
General Overview
Fluid mechanics has developed as an analytical discipline from the application of the
classical laws of statics, dynamics and thermodynamics, to situations in which fluids
can be treated as continuous media. The particular laws involved are those of the
conservation of mass, energy and momentum and, in each application, these laws
may be simplified in an attempt to describe quantitatively the behaviour of the fluid.
The hydraulics bench service module, F1-10, provides the necessary facilities to
support a comprehensive range of hydraulic models each of which is designed to
demonstrate a particular aspect of hydraulic theory.
The specific hydraulic model that we are concerned with for this experiment is the
Bernoulli's Theorem Demonstration Apparatus, F1-15. This consists of a classical
Venturi machined out of clear acrylic. A series of wall tappings allow measurement of
static pressure. A probe can be traversed along the centre of the section to obtain
total head readings.
Equipment Diagrams
Figure 1: F15 Bernoulli's Theorem Demonstration
Important Safety Information
Before proceeding to operate the equipment described in this text we wish to alert
you to potential hazards so that they may be avoided.
Although designed for safe operation, any laboratory equipment may involve
processes or procedures which are potentially hazardous. The major potential
hazards associated with this particular equipment are listed below:
Injury through misuse
Injury from electric shock
Damage to clothing
Risk of infection due to lack of cleanliness
Accidents can be avoided provided that equipment is regularly maintained and
staff and students are made aware of potential hazards list of general safety rules is
included in the F1 Product Manual to assist staff and students in this regard. The list
is not intended to be fully comprehensive but for guidance only.
Please refer to the notes in the F1 Product Manual regarding the Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations.
Electrical Safety
The F1-10 Service Bench operates from a mains voltage electrical supply. The
equipment is designed and manufactured in accordance with appropriate regulations
relating to the use of electricity. Similarly, it is assumed that regulations applying to
the operation of electrical equipment are observed by the end user.
However, to give increased operator protection, Armfield Ltd have incorporated a
Residual Current Device (RCD, alternatively called an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
or ELCB) as an integral part of the service bench. If through misuse or accident the
equipment becomes electrically dangerous, an RCD will switch off the electrical
supply and reduce the severity of any electric shock received by an operator to a
level which, under normal circumstances, will not cause injury to that person.
Check that the RCD is operating correctly by pressing the TEST button. The circuit
breaker MUST trip when the button is pressed. Failure to trip means that the operator
is not protected and the equipment must be checked and repaired by a competent
electrician before it is used.
Where necessary, refer to the drawings in the Equipment Diagrams section.
The test section is an accurately machined clear acrylic duct of varying circular cross
section. It is provided with a number of side hole pressure tappings which are
connected to the manometers housed on the rig. These tappings allow the
measurement of static pressure head simultaneously at each of 6 sections. To allow
the calculation of the dimensions of the test section, the tapping positions and the
test section diameters are shown on the following diagram:
The test section incorporates two unions, one at either end, to facilitate reversal for
convergent or divergent testing.
A hypodermic, the total pressure head probe, is provided which may be positioned to
read the total pressure head at any section of the duct. This total pressure head
probe may be moved after slackening the gland nut; this nut should be re-tightened
by hand. To prevent damage, the total pressure head probe should be fully inserted
during transport/storage. An additional tapping is provided to facilitate setting up. All
eight pressure tappings are connected to a bank of pressurised manometer tubes.
Pressurisation of the manometers is facilitated by removing the hand pump from its
storage location at the rear of the manometer board and connecting its flexible
coupling to the inlet valve on the manometer manifold.
In use, the apparatus is mounted on a base board which is stood on the work surface
of the bench. This base board has feet which may be adjusted to level the apparatus.
A level glass is provided as part of the base.
Armfield Instruction Manual
The inlet pipe terminates in a female coupling which may be connected directly to the
bench supply. A flexible hose is attached to the outlet pipe, which should be directed
to the volumetric measuring tank on the hydraulics bench.
A flow control valve is incorporated downstream of the test section. Flow rate and
pressure in the apparatus may be varied independently by adjustment of the flow
control valve, and the bench supply control valve.
Installing the Equipment and Commissioning
The Bernoulli's Theorem Demonstration apparatus is supplied ready for use and only
requires connection to the F1-10 Hydraulics Bench as follows:
Carefully remove the components from the cardboard packaging. Retain the
packaging for future use.
Ensure that the clear acrylic test section is installed with the 14o tapered section
(longest taper) upstream (left hand end). Also check that the unions are tightened
(hand tight only). If it is necessary to reverse the test section then the total pressure
probe must be withdrawn fully (but not pulled out of its guide in the downstream
coupling) before releasing the couplings.
Locate the apparatus on the flat top of the bench with the outlet pipe over the
moulded channel.
Using the spirit level attached to the baseplate, level the apparatus by adjusting the
Connect the flexible inlet tube at the left hand end to the quick release fitting in the
bed of the channel.
Place the free end of the flexible outlet tube in the volumetric tank of the bench.
Fully open the outlet flow control valve at the right hand end of the apparatus.
Close the bench flow control valve then start the service pump.
Gradually open the bench flow control valve and allow the pipework to fill with water
until all air has been expelled from the pipework.
In order to bleed air from pressure tapping points and the manometers close both the
bench flow control valve and the outlet flow control valve and open the air bleed
screw. Remove the cap from the adjacent air inlet/outlet connection. Connect a
length of small bore tubing from the air valve to the volumetric tank. Now, open the
bench flow control valve and allow flow through the manometers to purge all air from
them; then, tighten the air bleed screw and partly open both the bench valve and the
outlet flow control valve. Next, open the air bleed screw slightly to allow air to enter
the top of the manometers, re-tighten the screw when the manometer levels reach
mid height.
Gradually increase the volume flowrate by opening the outlet flow control valve or the
bench flow control valve as required until the maximum flowrate is achieved
(maximum and minimum levels just within the range of the manometer scale).
If the pattern is too low on the manometer open the bench flow control valve to
increase the static pressure. If the pattern is too high open the outlet flow control
valve to lower the static pressure.
These levels can be adjusted further by using the air bleed screw and the hand pump
supplied. The air bleed screw controls the air flow through the air valve, so when
Armfield Instruction Manual
using the hand pump, the bleed screw must be open. To retain the hand pump
pressure in the system, the screw must be closed after pumping.
If the levels in the manometer are too high then the hand pump can be used to
pressurise the top manifold. All levels will decrease simultaneously but retain the
appropriate differentials.
If the levels are too low then the hand pump should be disconnected and the air
bleed screw opened briefly to reduce the pressure in the top manifold. Alternatively
the outlet flow control valve can be closed to raise the static pressure in the system
which will raise all levels simultaneously.
If the level in any manometer tube is allowed to drop too low then air will enter the
bottom manifold. If the level in any manometer tube is too high then water will enter
the top manifold and flow into adjacent tubes.
Note: If the static pressure in the system is excessive, Eg. with the bench flow
control valve fully open and the outlet flow control valve almost closed, it will not be
possible to use the hand pump to lower the levels in the manometer tubes. The
valves should be adjusted to provide the required flowrate at a lower static pressure.
Adjust the bench flow control valve and outlet flow control valve to provide a flow
through the test section and observe that the pressure profile along the converging
and diverging sections is indicate on the appropriate manometer tubes. The total
head at any position in the test section can be measured by traversing the total
pressure probe until the tip of the probe is at the required position then reading the
head on the appropriate manometer tube.
Note: Manometer tube h7 connected to the tapping adjacent to the outlet flow control
valve, is used as a datum when setting up equivalent conditions for flow through the
test section.
The actual flow of water can be established using the volumetric tank in conjunction
with a stopwatch (not supplied).
Close the bench flow control valve then switch off the service pump.
Ensure that the hypodermic total pressure probe is fully retracted into the test section
to prevent the probe from being damaged. Manometer tube h8 is connected to the
total pressure probe.
The F1-15 Bernoulli's Theorem Demonstration apparatus is ready for use.
Operating the Equipment
See Laboratory Teaching Exercises for details on operating the equipment.
Equipment Specifications
Environmental Conditions
This equipment has been designed for operation in the following environmental
conditions. Operation outside of these conditions may result reduced performance,
damage to the equipment or hazard to the operator.
a. Indoor use;
b. Altitude up to 2000m;
c. Temperature 5°C to 40°C;
d. Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures up to 31°C, decreasing
linearly to 50% relative humidity at 40°C;
e. Mains supply voltage fluctuations up to ±10% of the nominal voltage;
Transient over-voltages typically present on the MAINS supply;
Note: The normal level of transient over-voltages is impulse withstand (overvoltage) category II of IEC 60364-4-443;
g. Pollution degree 2.
Normally only nonconductive pollution occurs.
Temporary conductivity caused by condensation is to be expected.
Typical of an office or laboratory environment
Routine Maintenance
To preserve the life and efficient operation of the equipment it is important that the
equipment is properly maintained. Regular maintenance of the equipment is the
responsibility of the end user and must be performed by qualified personnel who
understand the operation of the equipment.
Little maintenance is required but it is important to drain all water from the apparatus
and connecting pipework when not in use. The apparatus should be stored where
protected from damage.
To prevent damage, the hypodermic total pressure probe should be fully retracted
into the test section at all times when not taking readings. Slacken the gland nut then
carefully slide the tube into the test section. The gland nut should only be handtightened.
Any manometer tube which does not fill with water or is slow to fill or empty indicates
that the tapping in the pipework or the connection at the base of the manometer tube
is blocked or partially blocked. Disconnect the flexible connecting tube between the
pipe fitting and the manometer. Blowing through the tapping will usually dislodge any
foreign body. Each manometer tapping is fitted with a snubber in the bottom manifold
to minimise fluctuations in the reading.
Note: The length of the hypodermic total pressure probe will result in a slower
response than the other tappings.
Following storage, remove the test section and wash the inside profile using warm
water to which a few drops of wetting agent have been added, before using the
apparatus. This will remove any dirt or grease adhering to the surfaces and improve
the accuracy of readings obtained using the apparatus. A few drops of wetting agent
injected into the manometer tubes will reduce the meniscus and improve the
Laboratory Teaching Exercises
Index to Exercises
Exercise A
Symbol Type
Taken from scale on hydraulics bench.
The volume collected is measured in
litres. Convert to cubic metres for the
calculations (divide reading by 1000)
Time taken to collect the known
volume of water in the hydraulics
Time to Collect s
Flow Rate
Manometer identification labels
Position of manometer tappings given
as distance from the datum at tapping
h1. See Test Section Dimensions in
Technical Data.
The area of the duct at each tapping.
See Test Section Dimensions in
Technical Data.
Distance into
Area of Duct
Static Head
Calculated Velocity of fluid in duct = Qv/A
Dynamic Head m
Measured value from the appropriate
manometer. The manometer readings
are taken in mm Water. Convert to m
Water for calculations.
See Theory
Total Head
See Theory
Laboratory Teaching Exercises
Distance into
Probe Reading m
Position of the Total Head Probe from
the datum at tapping h1
Measured value taken from h8. This is
the head recorded from the Total Head
Technical Data
The following dimensions from the equipment are used in the appropriate
calculations. If required these values may be checked as part of the experimental
procedure and replaced with your own measurements.
The dimensions of the tube are detailed below:
Exercise A
To investigate the validity of the Bernoulli equation when applied to the steady flow of
water in a tapered duct.
To measure flow rates and both static and total pressure heads in a rigid
convergent/divergent tube of known geometry for a range of steady flow rates.
In order to complete the demonstration of the Bernoulli apparatus we need a number
of pieces of equipment.
The F1-10 Hydraulics Bench which allows us to measure flow by timed
volume collection.
The F1-15 Bernoulli’s Apparatus Test Equipment
A stopwatch for timing the flow measurement (not supplied)
Theory - The Bernoulli Equation
The Bernoulli equation represents the conservation of mechanical energy for a
steady, incompressible, frictionless flow:
p = static pressure detected at a side hole,
v = fluid velocity, and
z = vertical elevation of the fluid, hence
z1 = z2 for a horizontal tube.
The equation may be derived from the Euler Equations by integration.
It may also be derived from energy conservation principles.
Derivation of the Bernoulli Equation is beyond the scope of this theory.
Exercise A
Theory - Other Forms of the Bernoulli Equation
If the tube is horizontal, the difference in height can be disregarded,
Z 1 = Z2
With the Armfield F1-15 apparatus, the static pressure head p, is measured using a
manometer directly from a side hole pressure tapping
The manometer actually measures the static pressure head, h , in metres which is
related to p using the relationship:
This allows the Bernoulli equation to be written in a revised form, ie:
The velocity related portion of the total pressure head is called the dynamic pressure
head, hd.
Theory - Total Pressure Head
The total pressure head, h0 , can be measured from a probe with an end hole facing
into the flow such that it brings the flow to rest locally at the probe end.
Thus, ht =
(metres) and, from the Bernoulli equation, it follows that ht1 = ht2.
Theory - Velocity Measurement
The velocity of the flow is measured by measuring the volume of the flow, V, over a
time period, t. This gives the rate of volume flow as :
the velocity of flow through a defined area, A , ie.
, which in turn gives
Theory - Continuity Equation
For an incompressible fluid, conservation of mass requires that volume is also
A1v1 = A2v2 etc. (m3/s.)
Armfield Instruction Manual
Equipment Set Up
Level the apparatus
Set up the Bernoulli equation apparatus on the hydraulic bench so that its base is
horizontal; this is necessary for accurate height measurement from the manometers.
Set the direction of the test section
Ensure that the test-section has the 14o tapered section converging in the direction
of flow. If you need to reverse the test-section, the total pressure head probe must be
withdrawn before releasing the mounting couplings.
Connect the water inlet and outlet
Ensure that the rig outflow tube is positioned above the volumetric tank, in order to
facilitate timed volume collections. Connect the rig inlet to the bench flow supply;
close the bench valve and the apparatus flow control valve and start the pump.
Gradually open the bench valve to fill the test rig with water.
Bleeding the manometers
In order to bleed air from pressure tapping points and manometers, close both the
bench valve, the rig flow control valve and open the air bleed screw and remove the
cap from the adjacent air valve. Connect a length of small bore tubing from the air
valve to the volumetric tank. Now, open the bench valve and allow flow through the
manometers to purge all air from them; then, tighten the air bleed screw and partly
open the bench valve and test rig flow control valve. Next, open the air bleed screw
slightly to allow air to enter the top of the manometers (you may need to adjust both
valves in order to achieve this); re-tighten the screw when the manometer levels
reach a convenient height. The maximum volume flow rate will be determined by the
need to have the maximum (h1) and minimum (h5) manometer readings both on
If required, the manometer levels can be adjusted further by using the air bleed
screw and the hand pump supplied. The air bleed screw controls the air flow through
the air valve, so, when using the hand pump, the bleed screw must be open. To
retain the hand pump pressure in the system, the screw must be closed after
Readings should be taken at 3 flow rates. Finally, you may reverse the test section in
order to see the effects of a more rapid converging section.
Setting the flow rate
Take the first set of readings at the maximum flow rate possible (with all manometers
reading on the backboard), then reduce the volume flow rate to give the h1 - h5 head
difference of about 50mm. Finally repeat the whole process for one further flow rate,
set to give the h1 - h5 difference approximately half way between that obtained in the
above two tests.
Reading the static head
Take readings of the h1 - h6 manometers when the levels have steadied. Ensure that
the total pressure probe is retracted from the test-section.
Exercise A
Timed volume collection
You should carry out a timed volume collection, using the volumetric tank, in order to
determine the volume flow rate. This is achieved by closing the ball valve and
measuring (with a stopwatch) the time taken to accumulate a known volume of fluid
in the tank, which is read from the sight glass. You should collect fluid for at least one
minute to minimise timing errors. Again the total pressure probe should be retracted
from the test-section during these measurements. If not using the F1-15-301
software, enter the test results into the data entry form, and repeat this measurement
twice to check for repeatability. If using the software, perform the collection as
described in the walkthrough presentation.
Reading the total pressure head distribution
Measure the total pressure head distribution by traversing the total pressure probe
along the length of the test section. The datum line is the side hole pressure tapping
A associated with the manometer h1.
Reversing the test section
Ensure that the total pressure probe is fully withdrawn from the test-section (but not
pulled out of its guide in the downstream coupling). Unscrew the two couplings,
remove the test-section and reverse it then re-assemble by tightening the coupling.
Repeat the set of readings as before.
Application of Theory
Comment on the validity of the Bernoulli equation for
convergent flow
divergent flow
State clearly the assumptions made in deriving the Bernoulli equation and
justifications for all your comments.
Comment on the comparison of the total heads obtained by the two methods you
have carried out.
Operating the Optional Software (F1-301)
Note: The diagrams in this section are included as typical examples and may not
relate specifically to an individual product.
The Armfield Software is a powerful Educational and Data Logging tool with a wide
range of features. Some of the major features are highlighted below, to assist users,
but full details on the software and how to use it are provided in the presentations
and Help text incorporated in the Software. Help on Using the Software or Using the
Equipment is available by clicking the appropriate topic in the Help drop-down menu
from the upper toolbar when operating the software as shown:
Load the software. If multiple experiments are available then a menu will be
displayed listing the options. Wait for the presentation screen to open fully as shown:
Presentation Screen - Basics and Navigation
As stated above, the software starts with the Presentation Screen displayed. The
user is met by a simple presentation which gives them an overview of the capabilities
of the equipment and software and explains in simple terms how to navigate around
the software and summarizes the major facilities complete with direct links to detailed
context sensitive ‘help’ texts.
Operating the Software
To view the presentations click Next or click the required topic in the left hand pane
as appropriate. Click More while displaying any of the topics to display a Help index
related to that topic.
To return to the Presentation screen at any time click the View Presentation icon
from the main tool bar or click Presentation from the dropdown menu as
For more detailed information about the presentations refer to the Help available via
the upper toolbar when operating the software.
A toolbar is displayed at the top of the screen at all times, so users can jump
immediately to the facility they require, as shown:
The upper menu expands as a dropdown menu when the cursor is placed over a
The lower row of icons (standard for all Armfield Software) allows a particular
function to be selected. To aid recognition, pop-up text names appear when the
cursor is placed over the icon.
Mimic Diagram
The Mimic Diagram is the most commonly used screen and gives a pictorial
representation of the equipment, with boxes to enter measurements from the
equipment, display any calculated variables etc. directly in engineering units.
To view the Mimic Diagram click the View Diagram icon
or click Diagram from the View drop-down menu as shown:
from the main tool bar
Armfield Instruction Manual
A Mimic diagram is displayed, similar to the diagram as shown:
The details in the diagram will vary depending on the equipment chosen if multiple
experiments are available.
Manual data input boxes with a coloured background allow measured variables,
constants such as Orifice Cd and Atmospheric Pressure, as appropriate, to be
changed by over-typing the default value. After typing the value press the Return key
or click on a different box to enter the value.
In addition to measured variables such as Volume, Time, Temperature or Pressure,
calculated data such as Discharge / Volume flowrate, Headloss etc are continuously
displayed in data boxes with a white background. These are automatically updated
and cannot be changed by the user.
After entering a complete set of data from measurements on the equipment click on
icon to save the set of results before entering another set.
Operating the Software
The mimic diagram associated with some products includes the facility to select
different experiments or different accessories, usually on the left hand side of the
screen, as shown:
Clicking on the appropriate accessory or exercise will change the associated mimic
diagram, table, graphs etc to suit the exercise being performed.
Data Logging Facilities in the Mimic Diagram
Armfield software designed for manual entry of measured variables does not include
automatic data logging facilities and these options are greyed out where not
icon simply saves the set of
appropriate. When manually entering data the
entered data into a spreadsheet as described above.
Tabular Display
To view the Table screen click the View Table icon
click Table from the View dropdown menu as shown:
from the main tool bar or
Armfield Instruction Manual
The data is displayed in a tabular format, similar to the screen as shown:
As the data is sampled, it is stored in spreadsheet format, updated each time the
data is sampled. The table also contains columns for the calculated values.
New sheets can be added to the spreadsheet for different data runs by clicking the
icon from the main toolbar. Sheets can be renamed by double clicking on the
sheet name at the bottom left corner of the screen (initially Run 1, Run 2 etc) then
entering the required name.
For more detailed information about Data Logging and changing the settings within
the software refer to the Help available via the upper toolbar when operating the
Graphical Display
When several samples have been recorded, they can be viewed in graphical format.
To view the data in Graphical format click the View graph icon
tool bar or click Graph from the View drop-down menu as shown:
from the main
Operating the Software
The results are displayed in a graphical format as shown:
(The actual graph displayed will depend on the product selected and the exercise
that is being conducted, the data that has been logged and the parameter(s) that has
been selected).
Powerful and flexible graph plotting tools are available in the software, allowing the
user full choice over what is displayed, including dual y axes, points or lines,
displaying data from different runs, etc. Formatting and scaling is done automatically
by default, but can be changed manually if required.
To change the data displayed on the Graph click Graph Data from the Format
dropdown menu as shown:
Armfield Instruction Manual
The available parameters (Series of data) are displayed in the left hand pane as
Two axes are available for plotting, allowing series with different scaling to be
presented on the same x axis.
To select a series for plotting, click the appropriate series in the left pane so that it is
highlighted then click the appropriate right-facing arrow to move the series into one of
the windows in the right hand pane. Multiple series with the same scaling can be
plotted simultaneously by moving them all into the same window in the right pane.
To remove a series from the graph, click the appropriate series in the right pane so
that it is highlighted then click the appropriate left-facing arrow to move the series into
the left pane.
The X-Axis Content is chosen by default to suit the exercise. The content can be
changed if appropriate by opening the drop down menu at the top of the window.
The format of the graphs, scaling of the axes etc. can be changed if required by
clicking Graph in the Format drop-down menu as shown:
For more detailed information about changing these settings refer to the Help
available via the upper toolbar when operating the software.
Contact Details for Further Information
Main Office:
Armfield Limited
Bridge House
West Street
England BH24 1DY
Tel: +44 (0)1425 478781
Fax: +44 (0)1425 470916
Email: sales@armfield.co.uk
Web: http://www.armfield.co.uk
US Office:
Armfield Inc.
9 Trenton - Lakewood Road
Clarksburg, NJ 08510
Tel/Fax: (609) 208 2800
Email: info@armfieldinc.com