Group 1. 1. Given the following relation R and the set of functional dependencies F that hold on R, find all candidate keys for R. R (A, B, C, D, E, F) F = {AB → C, AC → B, AD → E, BC → A, E → F} 2. You are given the following set of functional dependencies for a relation R(A,B,C,D,E,F), F = {AB → C, DC → AE, E → F}. What are the keys of this relation? 3. Consider a relation Movies_Screened with attributes Theatre_name, Movie, Day, Time, and Age_restriction. A sample table is given below A theatre can screen more than one movie on the same day and time but on different screens. Age_restriction provides the minimum age limit to watch that particular movie as instructed by the central board of film certification. Does this relation satisfy 2NF conditions? Or, is Movies_Screened in 2NF? Group 2. (Advanced) Below data is used to describe information of treatment for pets at a pet medical center. Using decomposition technique to model these data into relational model basing normal forms. Hint: You should start from 1NF to 3NF. 1. Healthy history report PET ID PET NAME 246 ROVER 298 341 519 SPOT MORRIS TWEEDY PET TYPE PET AGE OWNER DOG DOG CAT BIRD VISIT DATE 12 2 4 2 PROCEDURE SAM COOK TERRY KIM SAM COOK TERRY KIM JAN 13/2002 01 - RABIES VACCINATION MAR 27/2002 10 - EXAMINE and TREAT WOUND APR 02/2002 05 - HEART WORM TEST JAN 21/2002 08 - TETANUS VACCINATION MAR 10/2002 05 - HEART WORM TEST JAN 23/2001 01 - RABIES VACCINATION JAN 13/2002 01 - RABIES VACCINATION APR 30/2002 20 - ANNUAL CHECK UP APR 30/2002 12 - EYE WASH 2. Invoice HILLTOP ANIMAL HOSPITAL DATE: JAN 13/2002 INVOICE # 987 MR. RICHARD COOK - 123 THIS STREET - MY CITY, ONTARIO Z5Z 6G6 PET PROCEDURE AMOUNT ROVER RABIES VACCINATION 30.00 MORRIS RABIES VACCINATION 24.00 TOTAL 54.00 TAX (8%) 4.32 AMOUNT OWING 58.32 Group 3. 1. The following relation schema is used to store information about the customers of a car service center. Customer (Customer_ID, CName, CAddr, Phone, Customer_Visit_Date, Service_Advisor_ID, SAName, SAPhone, No_of_Cars_Serviced, Service_Date) A customer is identified with a unique Customer_ID, he can have only one phone number, and he may have visited the service center many times. There are more service advisors and each advisor services many cars on a given service date. Any service advisors can be reached at only one phone number. Find the primary key for Customer. 2. Consider a relation R with attributes ABCDEFGH and functional dependencies S as follows: S = {A → CD, ACF → G, AD → BEF, BCG → D, CF → AH, CH → G, D → B, H → DEG} Find all keys for R. 3. Consider the relation R = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J} and the set of functional dependencies F as follows; F = { AB → C, BD → EF, AD → GH, A → I, H → J}. Find the key of relation R. Group 4. 1. Let R = {ssn, ename, pnumber, pname, plocation, hours} and R is decomposed into three relations R1, R2, and R3 as follows; R1 = EMP = {ssn, ename} R2 = PROJ = {pnumber, pname, plocation} R3 = WORKS_ON = {ssn, pnumber, hours} Assume that the following functional dependencies are holding on relation R. F = {ssn → ename; pnumber → {pname, plocation}; {ssn, pnumber} → hours}. Find whether the decomposition into R1, R2, and R3 is lossless join decomposition or not. 2. Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D) with the set of functional dependencies F = {AB → C, BC → D, CD → A}. Assume that R is decomposed into R1(A, B, C) and R2(A, C, D). Find whether the given decomposition is lossless or not. 3. Suppose you are given a relation R(A,B,C,D). let us assume that set of functional dependencies F = { B → C, D → A} and R is decomposed into R1(B,C), and R2(A,D). (a) Find the candidate key(s) for R. (b) State whether or not the proposed decomposition of R into smaller relations is a good decomposition and briefly explain why or why not. Group 5. 1. Consider a relation Student (StudentID, ModuleID, ModuleName, StudentName, StudentAddress, TutorId, TutorName). Each student is given a StudentID and each module given a ModuleID. A student can register more modules and a module can be registered by more students. TutorID is the ID of the student's personal tutor, it is not related to the modules that the student is taking. Each student has only one tutor, but a tutor can have many tutees. Different students can have the same name. Different students can be living at the same address. Find all the functional dependencies holding in this relation and normalize the table to 3NF. 2. Let us assume a table User_Personal as given below: Is User_Personal in 3NF? 3. Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D, E) with FDs AB → C, AC → B, BC → A, D → E. Determine all the keys of relation R. Is the relation R in BCNF? Group 6. 1. Consider a relation schema R with attributes ABCDEFGH with functional dependencies S: S = {B → CD; BF → H; C → AG; CEH → F; CH → B} Which of these functional dependencies violate BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form)? 2. Is User_The following relation schema can be used to register information on the repayments on micro loans. Repayment (borrower_id, name, address, loanamount, requestdate, repayment_date, repayment_amount) A borrower is identified with an unique borrower_id, and has only one address. Borrowers can have multiple simultaneous loans, but they always have different request dates. The borrower can make multiple repayments on the same day, but not more than one repayment per loan per day. a) State a key (candidate key) for Repayment. b) Make the normalization to BCNF. Show the steps. 3. Normalize the following table. Show all work and clearly indicate the primary and foreign keys. R(elevator_no, building_no, building_name, capacity, staff_no, first_name, last_name, date_examined) with the following functional dependencies: 1. elevator_no → building_no,capacity 2. building_no → building_name 3. staff_no → first_name,last_name 4. elevator_no,staff_no → date_examined Normalize table R up to BCNF.