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Principles of Speeches & Oral Communication

Principles and Types of Speeches
Essentials of Oral Communication
There are a lot of people who are more comfortable communicating by sending messages through
electronic mail, social media or cellular phones than in person. However, you should know that having
excellent communication skills can practically help you express yourself clearly and confidently, gain the
respect of other people, achieve your goals and succeed in life.
Competence in oral communication is also important because it makes you become an effective leader:
one who is able to (1) listen attentively to identify the conveyed meaning, (2) collaborate with others, (3)
use critical thinking and problem solving skills, (4) give appropriate feedback and (5) converse with
others of different backgrounds.
Four Ms for Effective Public Speaking
1. Material refers to your topic which can be about your experiences, observations, inspiration or
anything you are interested to talk about.
2. Message refers to the content or the main point of your speech, which can be supported by
personal stories or anecdotes, humorous or inspiring and relevant statistics or ideas from
newspapers and academic journals, among others. When you are developing your message, it is
very important to know the needs, beliefs and values of your audience so that you can engage
them easily in your speech.
Speech to inform seeks to provide the audience with a clear understanding of the concept
or idea presented by the speaker.
Speech to entertain seeks to provide the audience with entertainment.
Speech to persuade seeks to provide the audience with favorable or acceptable ideas that
can influence their own ideas and decisions.
3. Methods of delivery refer to the style of delivery.
Manuscript their speech is delivered by speakers who intent to read aloud their speech
word for word to their audience. Since this is literally reading to the audience, manuscript
speakers will have difficulty in grabbing the attention of and connecting with their audience.
Memorize speech is delivered by speakers who are suddenly asked or requested by
someone or a group of people to say a few words about something. Since you have little
time to gather your thoughts in this method, you may have trouble in organizing and finding
the appropriate words for your thoughts.
Extemporaneous Speech is delivered by speakers who intend to present a well-crafted
speech. That speech is fully prepared and perfectly rehearsed ahead of time. This method
can usually be a bit nerve-wracking for the inexperienced or beginners. but, that can be a
good step towards mastering the art of speaking extemporaneously.
4. Manners in speech refer to the ethical standards in delivering a speech in public.
Observe ethically sound goals avoid criticizing your teachers, family, friends and other
people or promoting mass destruction, for instance.
Prepare all the time you have a fully responsibility to yourself and to your audience when
you are asked to deliver a speech.
Tell the truth be accurate with your sources and data.
Be sensible and sensitive your audience come from different backgrounds, so as much as
possible, respect their identity, affiliation, religion, beliefs, values, preferences and
orientation through your language and gestures.
Components of a Speech
a. Attention getter
b. Initial summary
c. Speaker’s credibility (telling the audience why you are the right person to talk about the
d. Relevance of the topic to the audience (stating what’s in it for the audience)
e. Self-introduction (optional)
a. Main Idea
Supporting details 1 and 2
b. Main Idea
Supporting details 1 and 2
c. Main Idea
Supporting details 1 and 2
d. Conclusion
Closure (letting your audience know that you are about to end your speech)
Powerful closing statement
Non-verbal Communication
Meaning and importance of non-verbal communication
Non-verbal communication is a behavior that conveys and represents meanings. All kinds of human
responses that are not expressed in words are classified as non-verbal communication.
Manners of movements
Standing and Sitting
Style of attire
Attitude towards punctuality and space
There is a long list why the mastery of your non-verbal communication is also important.
1. It enhances and emphasizes the message of your speech.
2. It can communicate all feelings, attitudes and perceptions as well as express anything without
saying a word.
3. It can sustain the attention of listeners and keep them engaged in the speech.
4. It reflects what type of speaker you are.
5. It makes you more dynamic and animated in your delivery.
6. It serves as a channel to release tensions and nervousness.
7. It helps you make your speech more dramatic.
8. It can build connections with listeners.
9. It makes you credible as a speaker.
Aspects on non-verbal communication
1. Body language refers to your body movements which include eye contact, facial expressions,
postures and gestures.
Using Eye Contact
It is very important to use eye contact when you talk to people in small or big groups.
However, excessive eye contact may result in communication barriers.
Using Facial Expressions
Your facial expressions are your tools to express or communicate your emotions through
your eyes, eye brows, lips, ears, tongue and nose.
Using Gestures
Gestures include movements of your hands, legs and other body parts that carry meanings.
2. Clothing and appearance are considered as vital in creating first impressions of you as a speaker.
In addition, the way you look and what you wear matter as these contribute significantly to the
success of your speech.
3. Vocal elements include volume, rate, tone and pitch. Volume is the loudness and softness of
your voice; rate is the speed of delivery; tone is the voice quality and pitch is highness or lowness
of your voice.
4. Proxemics is the space and distance between speaker and the audience. It is an invisible wall
that defines how comfortable you are at a distance from the people you are talking to. Space
and distance can be classified into four; intimate, personal, social and public.
5. Colors reflect people’s personality and reveal character. Hence, your choice of colors for your
clothes and visual aids matter to your audience.
6. Touch is a physical contact. It can be interpreted differently in various cultures. But, generally,
touch is used to communicate love, care and comfort.