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IT Service Desk Customer Service Glossary

IT Service Desk: Customer Service Fundamentals
With Fancy Leigh Mills Knebel
Use these terms and definitions below to understand concepts taught in the course.
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close-ended questions Questions that require a simple yes or no answer
Final step in the contact life cycle usually includes checking customer
documentation, verifying relevant customer information, steps taken for
resolution, and resources utilized
Questions that help the customer service representative check that he or
confirming questions
she understand the information provided by the customer
Utilized the information gathered from the investigation process to
determine what the customer’s issue or problem is
Initial exchange with a customer that begins the information gathering
Process where the customer service representatives use the question
and listening technique to identify an issue or problem
Questions designed to allow the customer to elaborate on the details of
open-ended questions
his or her problem or issue
Similar to open-ended questions but are designed to dig deeper into a
probing questions
customer’s issue or problem
Information checking step such as verifying the person’s name, address,
social security number
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