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Diet Discussion Transcript

-So, the topic for discussion is the diet. how do you think, guys, in which cases is the diet necessary?
- I believe that a diet is needed for people who have any health problems.
- And what kind of problems are we talking about exactly?
-For example, people with diabetes. This is a very dangerous disease, and people all their life have to adhere to a
-And what does this diet include?
-For example, people with diabetes. This is a very dangerous disease, and people all their life have to adhere to a
-Yes, It is quite important for diabetics to understand the principles of carbohydrate counting and how to help control
blood sugar levels through proper diet.
-And what does this diet include?
-For example, diabetics do not eat foods high in sugar, such as chocolate, candy, honey. They also can not eat
baking pastries and pastry from puff pastry. Such foods contain an excessive amount of simple carbohydrates and
therefore can complicate the course of diabetes with obesity.
-Yes, and here's another disease. Obesity is a chronic disease and with it, the diet is also very important. People with
this disease refuse fried foods, from carbonated drinks, from heavily salted foods and alcohol to maintain their
-That a great point, but in this case it would not be enough only to stick to a diet. Also people with this deases need to
do sport, or at least make it a habit to indulge in 30-45 minutes of exercise each day .
-By the way, rejection of harmful food will help to lose weight simply in order to be beautiful.
-Yes, well noticed. Many people want to lose weight for different purposes. Look good in a swimsuit, feel more
confident and just become more attractive. By the way, switching to healthy food can help make your skin cleaner.
- Yes, I heard about it. But unfortunately many people plague themselves with diets. They see before themselves an
unattainable ideal of a figure and stop eating at all. The result may be depletion, anorexia, or an ulcer.
- That is true, moreover, modern social media too strongly propagandize just such a standard of beauty such as dolls
"Barbie". And there is no anything good , because for example , different diets are added to magazines and women
start to follow to it blindly.
- That is a good idea. As i know most of these diets are not effective and healthy.
- Moreover to say it leads to many diseases
-By the way! Diet is also important for people suffering from various digestive system disorders. It can be an ulcer or
-Yeah, I think it is hard to refuse some kind of products just because of your disease. It is hard mentally to refuse it
for ill people, maybe before the disease this food was their favorite
-And what is forbidden to eat with such diseases?
-This is a very common set of products that can not be eaten on diets. It is pickles, baked pastries, spices and
seasonings, fatty and salted fish.
-Yes, I also heard that they can not get too hot or cold food. What about the reverse cases, when people get on a diet
to gain weight?
- Never heard of it, what are these cases?
-Returning to the topic of diets for weight loss, it can be people who have chosen the wrong diet for weight loss,
which led to malnutrition and may even be anorexia. Also, it can be children of dystrophy or athletes who need to
gain weight.
-Yes, by the way, how do you think, who more often adheres to diet -men or women?
-I think that women, because they are more worried about their appearance. And besides, women's professions often
require an ideal female figure.
-What are these professions?
-This can be models, ballet-dancers, gymnasts, actresses.
-But sometimes men also have to follow a diet. This is a common problem for every person, everyone can have
obesity because of their genes or the same diseases that we mentioned earlier.
-Yes, maybe you're really right. And what about people who follow diets because of religions?
-What religions are you talking about?
-For example, in Islam it is forbidden to eat pork, and the Hindi religion forbids eating beef. There are also
the Christian Fasting.
-Oh, by the way, do you stick to fasting? and what is not allowed to eat these days?
- Personally, I do not hold fasting, but I know that all products of animal origin are prohibited.
- Is there any eggs, fish, meat products?
-Yes, as well as dairy products such as cheese, butter and even mayonnaise, because it contains eggs
- oh, as for me i know something about Hinduism. Foods restricted in this religion include meat, poultry, fish
and alcoholic drinks. They believe all these foods can cause ritual pollution. They also maintain sacred
treatment to cows so they do not eat products with beef.
- that is an interesting advantage , In addition, as i know , every fasting season for them means avoidance of
wheat, rice, millet or beans in their foods.
- Also , i heard that Hindu fasting-food is less tasty than the normal vegetarian diet.
-Well, I think it's very hard not to eat all these that long
-There are people who adhere to this for years
-Who, for example?
-Vegatarians. They do not eat only meat products. And the diet of vegans is much stricter.
-And what they do not eat?
- Everything that relates to animals, they are under strict prohibition. Also, many confectionery products are
banned and even honey, as it is extracted and produced by bees.
-Wow, that's impressive. And can not Vegetarians replace meat in their diet?
-Yes, to make up a supply of vitamin in their bodies, they eat beans, grains and nuts.
-Well, it's reasonable. It will be unpleasant if vegan will have an allergy to any of these products.
-By the way, almost everyone has an allergy to a product. It is very important to make up your diet so that
there is no product for which you are allergic.
- oh, come on,
nothing will happen if you try this product once.
-Actually, the consequences can be terrible. Some allergic reactions can lead to death. For example, an
allergy to peanuts is recognized as one of the most dangerous in the world.
- yes, i agree. People who have food allergies must identify and prevent them because, although usually
mild and not severe, these reactions can cause devastating illness and, in rare instances, can be fatal.
- Well, I did not know about that. it seems really important to monitor your diet.
-Well, we found out that there are many reasons for adhering to a diet, but first of all it's important to
remember that we should always do this for health. And always approach to selection of products with
special care, because the body of each person is unique