Uploaded by Stalin Benenaula

Hoja de Ejercicios de Inglés

Date: 09/05/2023
1) Choose the correct option
2) Answer the question .
Do you play soccrer on Saturday?
Yes I do
Do you like English? Why?
No because is difficult
3) Read and answer the questions.
Confundimos verbos pasados con otros tiempo, peque;os errores gramticales.
Entiende el texto y las preguntas
4) Complete with the correct form of the verb.
Entiende el texto esta mezclando tiempos gramaticales y condundida como hacer negativos en
pasado y presente.
5) Complete with the present perfect.
Mezcla presente simple con presnte perfect ejm don’t seen y reforzar since and for
6) Complete the conversation with the correct words.
Complete tods bien except ballooning pero entonces es problema de escritura, entiende en
7) Listen the conversation and answer the questions.
8) Reading.
Read the text “The danger of long-term stress”. Answer:
1) What do you think about it?
I think that the stress is a feel more dangerous for people that doesn’t control this
2) Why stress is so dangerous?
Because the people sometimes don’t control all of this feel and there always have several
problems. Sometimes young people say that there feeling like an idiot and
3) How do you manage your stress?
Made the things have you like, wathc tv, listen music, sleeping and others things that you like.
Usually I watch my favorite movie and this reduce my stress for the school, the others things I
like do when I have strees is play my guitar.
4) Y 2 Presente simple
3 y 4 pasado simple
5: presente perfecto
7 Listening
8 writting