Spanish MCQ A 2008.qxd 17/10/08 12:23 Page 1 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SPECIMEN SPANISH PAPER 01- General Proficiency PART A- LISTENING COMPREHENSION ITEMS 1-30 TEACHER'S SCRIPT 45 minutes Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council. All rights reserved. 01245010/SPEC 2008 -TS Spanish MCQ A 2008.qxd 17/10/08 12:23 Page 2 2 SECTION I Directions: For each question in this section you will hear a single statement. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which shows what the statement says. Then, blacken the corresponding space on the answer sheet. For example, you hear: El muchacho va a correr. Now look at the four pictures printed in your test booklet. (15 seconds) The correct answer is picture D, so you would blacken the space with the letter D on the answer sheet. Now get ready to listen to question 1. Question number 1 Nose sienten bien. (15 seconds) Question number 2 Los j6venes con su perro, charlan a! aire libre. (15 seconds) Question number 3 Ambos caminan hacia Ia playa. (15 seconds) Question number 4 Los senores van a comer en seguida. (15 seconds) Question number 5 Ella tiende el mantel. (15 seconds) Question number 6 Ellos miran mientras que ella le entrega el regalo. (15 seconds) Question number 7 El conductor maneja el autobus. (15 seconds) Question number 8 El esta mostrandole Ia foto. (15 seconds) STOP. Now go on to the next page GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/SPEC 2008 - TS Spanish MCQ A 2008.qxd 17/10/08 12:23 Page 3 3 SECTION II Directions: In this section you will hear a number of situations. Each situation will be read twice and will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For example, you will hear: - jMama, tengo muchisima sed!- (Twice) ;,Que quiere esta persona? After examining the suggested responses you should select the BEST one, and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C) (D) Una manzana Una comida Un medico Una galleta Sample Answer The correct answer is B, so you would blacken the space with the letter B on your answer sheet. Now listen carefully to the first question in this section. Question number 9 -No me quedan bien. Son demasiado grandes. ~D6nde esta este cliente? (15 seconds) Question number 10 - Ay, que trafico! ~A que hora voy a llegar a casa? ~D6nde esta esta persona? (15 seconds) Question number II - Por favor, i(iene Yd. alguna medicina para el dolor de cabeza? ~D6nde estan Ia persona? (15 seconds) Question number 12 - El jefe no esta aquf hoy. Esta de vacaciones. ~Quien habla? (15 seconds) Question number 13 - Raul, tienes que salir ahora. Recuerda que necesitas llevar una toalla. ~ Ad6nde va Raul? (15 seconds) Question number 14 - ~Por que no vamos a! partido de futbol esta tarde? iSegun el peri6dico va a ser fenomenal! ~Ad6nde van estas personas? (15 seconds) Question number 15 - Pablo bes6 a Carlota y Je puso un anillo en el dedo. ~Quien es Pablo? (15 seconds) Question number 16 - iQue dfa tan maravilloso! iQue alegrfa! ~Como se siente esta persona? ( 15 seconds) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/SPEC 2008 -TS Spanish MCQ A 2008.qxd 17/10/08 12:23 Page 4 4 SECTION III Directions: In this section you will hear a series of public announcements or selections followed by a number of questions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question there is a choice of four responses or completions. Select the BEST response and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. First selection: (Read first time at normal speed.) Damas y caballeros nos gustarfa informarles de Ia exhibici6n que tendni Iugar hoy a las dos y media en el Parque Dorado allado de Ia casa de los monos. Por favor, vengan temprano, diviertanse, y despues podran continuar mirando los animates. (Read again, more slowly.) Question number 17 (,D6nde tendni Iugar Ia exhibici6n? (15 seconds) Question number 18 (,Que deben hacer las personas que quieren ver Ia exhibici6n? (15 seconds) Question number 19 Despues de Ia exhibici6n, (,que pueden hacer las personas? (15 seconds) Second selection: (Read first time at normal speed.) jAtenci6n, atenci6n! Se in forma a todos los clientes que dentro de veinte minutos empieza Ia gran oferta del aiio. Todos los productos incluso los que Vds. tienen en los cochecitos ahara estaran a mitad de precio. (Read again, more slowly.) Question number 20 i,D6nde estan las personas'! ( 15 seconds) Question number 21 (,Que va a tener Iugar? (15 seconds) Question number 22 (,Cuando va a tener Iugar? (15 seconds) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/SPEC 2008 -TS Spanish MCQ A 2008.qxd 17/10/08 12:23 Page 5 5 SECTION IV INSTRUCTIONS The passage should be read at a normal pace, the first and last (complete) readings each taking approximately 1 112 minutes. The reading should be done in such a way as to convey changes of voice (in dialogue, for example), but explanatory gestures are not permissible. The title in English is to be read to the candidates. (The teacher should read the following instructions aloud to the candidates immediately before the text.) Listen carefully to the following instructions: I shall read the passage straight through once. Listen carefully while I read. I shall then instruct you to look at the questions in English on the text. Three minutes will be allowed for you to read the questions and make notes. There are two groups of questions . I shall read the passage again, but this time in two parts. When I have finished reading Part A (but not before) you will be given 5 minutes in which to select your answers for the first group of questions. You must select the BEST answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided. This procedure will then be repeated for Part B. I shall then read the passage a third time, straight through, and you will then be allowed GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/SPEC 2008 -TS Spanish MCQ A 2008.qxd 17/10/08 12:23 Page 6 6 A Dream Come True PART A Ayer fue el matrimonio de Lola. Se despert6 temprano porque estaba ansiosa de tener una boda feliz y romantica. La boda iba a ser a las diez de Ia manana, asf a las nueve y media Lola ya estaba Iista. Ella estaba muy bonita y elegante en un hermoso vestido blanco. Llevaba un ramo de orqufdeas bonitas y se vefa muy contenta. Lola, su papa y las damas de honor estaban a punto de salir para Ia iglesia cuando oyeron una noticia mala en Ia radio. PARTB Habfa ocurrido un accidente terrible en Ia ciudad en el cual resultaron heridas tres personas, una de elias Enrique, el novio de Lola. Lola se cay6 al suelo, llorando y gritando. Todos estaban confundidos y no sabfan que hacer. La mama de Lola se desmay6 y sus amigas empezaron a llorar tambien. De repente, el telefono son6 y el papa de Lola contest6. Era Enrique y le dijo que habfa una equivocaci6n. El estaba vivo y Iisto para su boda. Lola indublemente supo entonces que serfa el dfa mas feliz de su vida. STOP. THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, OMIT IT AND GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN COME BACK TO THE HARDER QUESTION(S) LATER. 01245010/SPEC 2008 -TS Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 14 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARYEDUCATIONCER~CATE EXAMINATION SPANISH SPECIMENPAPER2008 Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Key D c c c D B A A D c c 12 B 13 D D D 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 c B c B A B A A D c D A B D c Item No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Key A c B c A c B A B D A D D B B D c A A B B A D B B A B A D A Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 CARIBBEAN 13:23 Page 1 EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARYEDUCATIONCER~CATE EXAMINATION SPECIMEN SPANISH Paper 01-General Proficiency PART A-LISTENINGCOMPREHENSION PARTB-READINGCOMPREHENSION READ THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. Sample Item Venezuela es ..... . (A) (B) (C) (D) unaciudad una colonia unpais un continente Sample Answer The best answer to this item is "un pais", so answer space (C) has been shaded. Copyright© 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council. All rights reserved. 01245010/SPEC2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 2 -2- PART A-ITEMS 1-30 LISTENING COMPREHENSION GENERAL PROFICIENCY 45minutes SECTION I Directions:Foreachquestioninthissectionyouwillhearasinglestatement. Choosefromthefourpictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which shows what the statement says. Then, blacken the corresponding space on the answer sheet. For example, you hear: You see: . .. · . . . ..· ~· ·::.- A B c Thecorrectanswerispicture D, so you blacken the space with the letter Don the answer sheet. 1. A B A a c D 2. c 0 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124501 O/SPEC2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 3 - 3- 3. D 4. 5. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/SPEC2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 4 -46. 7. 8. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124501 0/SPEC 2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 5 - 5- SECTION II Directions: In this section you will hear a number ofsituations. Each situation will be read twice and will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printedinyourtestbooklet. ForeachquestionchoosetheanswerwhichBESTcompletes thequestion or statement. For example, you will hear: jMama,tengomuchfsimased!(Twice) i.,Que quiere esta persona? After examining the suggested responses you should select the BEST response, and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C) (D) Unamanzana Unacomida Unmectico Unagalleta SampleAnswer The correct answer is B , so you would blacken the space with the letter Bon the answer sheet. 9. (A) (B) (C) (D) 10. (A) (B) (C) (D) 11. (A) (B) (C) (D) 12. (A) (B) (C) (D) Enlaaduana En el hospital Enelhotel En la zapateria 13. Enel banco En el mere ado Enlacalle Enlaplaza 14. En una f<'ibrica En un mercado En una farrnacia En una zapateria 15. Unmooico Una secretaria Una cocinera Un visitante 16. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) A laescuela Alaiglesia A Ia fammcia Alapiscina AI cine Ala plaza Ala playa Alestadio El profesor de Carlota El novio de Carlota El abogado de Carlota El enemigo de Carlota Sorprendida Cans ada Contenta Frustrada GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124501 O/SPEC 2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 6 -6- SECTION III Directions: Inthissectionyouwillhearaseriesofpublicannouncement<;orselectionsfollowedbyanumber ofquestions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question there is a choice of fourresponses or completions. Select the BEST response and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. Second Selection First Selection I 17. (A) (B) (C) (D) 18. (A) (B) (C) (D) 19. (A) (B) (C) (D) En Ia casa de loros En el Parque Dorado En el Parque Cuadrado En Ia casa de los monos 20. Pedir infonnaci6n Liegar a las tres en punto Llegar a tiempo Ira casa de los monos 21. Ir al parque juntos Seguir admirando los animales Seguir divirtiendose Ira ver los caballos 22. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) En una tienda En el autobus En la iglesia Enunhotel Una fiesta Unaoferta Unamelienda Una competencia En veinte minutos El aiio que viene En ocho minutos El proximo mes GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124501 O/SPEC2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 7 -7SECTION IV Directions: Apassage in Spanish hasjust been read to you. You may now study the questions and make notes. You must select the BEST answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided. A Dream Come True PART A 23. Why was Lola anxious when she woke up yesterday? PARTB 27. What did they hear on the radio? (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. Why did she get ready at nine thirty? (A) (B) (C) (D) 25. (B) (C) (D) 28. To see her wedding dress To go to church To listen to the radio To be on time for her wedding (A) Her white dress Her falher's radio A bouquet A telephone (C) (D) What happened when it was time to leave the house? (A) (B) (C) (D) Her bridesmaid had not arrived. Her blidesmaids went to listen to the radio. Her father was not at horne. They heard some bad news on the radio. 29. She screamed. She fell on the floor, crying and screaming. She threw herself on the floor shouting. She fainted. What was Lola'sfathertoldon the telephone? (A) (B) (C) (D) 30. Lola's boyfriend was injured in an accident. There was a problem in the city. Many persons had died in the city. There was traffic congestion in the dty. How did Lola react to the news? (A) (B) What did she carry in her hands? (B) (C) (D) 26. She wanted a happy wedding. She was having her second wedding. She was late for her wedding. She wa~ feeling happy. Enrique was really dead. Enrique was already at the church. Enrique was hurt. Enrique was alive. What did Lola believe then? (A) (B) (C) (D) Enrique would be late for the wedding. Enrique was happy. It was going to be her happiest day. It was going to be a sad day for her family. THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IFYOUCANNOT ANSWERAQUESTION,OMITIT AND GOON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN COME BACK TO THE HARDER QUESTION(S) LATER. GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE 01245010/SPEC2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 8 -8PARTB- ITEMS 31 -60 READING COMPREHENSION GENERALPROHCIENCY 3D minutes SECTION I Directions: Each of the following sentences contains a blankspace. Below each one are four suggested answers. Selecttheanswerwhich is BEST completes the sentence. Then, blacken the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Example: No me levan to temprano porque la oficina esta .. .... hoy. (A) (B) (C) (D) 31. e®©© cerca 33. Ia biblioteca Ia librerfa Ia librera laestanterfa Los empleados se niegan a entrar en Ia fabrica porque hay ....... . (A) (B) (C) (D) SampleAnswer fuem Voy a leer y hacer mis deberes en .......... . (A) (B) (C) (D) 32. cerrada rota trabajo dinero huelga empleo Hace dos meses que no llueve, Ia tierra esta muy ....... . (A) (B) (C) (D) 34. lluviosa sec a cansada fresca No me gusta el polio hervido. Prefiero comerlo ....... . (A) (B) (C) (D) rosado enfriado asado barbecho GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE 0124501 O/SPEC2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 9 - 935. He perdido Ia ....... y ahara no puedo abrir Ia puerta. (A) (B) (C) (D) 37. (A) (B) memoria cerradura voluntad llave (C) (D) 38. 36. Acabo de ganar Ia loterfa. Me siento ........ descontento feliz triste desanimado Para lavar Ia ropa ten go todo menos ....... . Todos podemos ir en su cochecito, pero estaremos muy ...... . (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Ia sopa eljam6n eljab6n lallave amontonados limitados comprometidos apresurados GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/SPEC2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 10 - 10- SECTION II Directions: The situations below contain blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank therearefoursuggestedresponses. Selecttheresponseforeach blankthatisBESTin the context. Then, blacken the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Example: -Carlos, Ia casa fue ...... el afio pasado, y ahora ... . .. muy bonita.- 1 2 Answers: 1. (A) (B) (C) (D) pintado pintada pintadas pintados (a) 2. (A) (B) (C) (D) esta fir estaba tiene 1. 2. • • ® ©@ ® ©® Una e.xperiencia fenomenal Aqui ........ yo, en Ia Cui dad de Mexico, .............. al Gran Piramide de la Luna, estructura ............ .. 39 40 41 por .............. aztec a hace siglos ya. - Chica, me siento muy .............. all ado de una construccion tan 42 43 enorme, .............. me afecta tal que casi me causa llorar. 44 39. (A) (B) (C) (D) 42. (A) (B) (C) (D) mevoy me encuentro siento habia 40. elpueblo lacatedral rnaiz Ia raiz 43. (A) 41. (D) allado cere a construida junto (A) (B) (C) (D) chica imponente dominante impresionante 44. (B) (C) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) edificada dicha alcanzada destruida porque lacual quien pore! cual GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124501 O/SPEC2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 11 - 11 SECTIONill Directions: The situations below contain blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank there arefour suggested responses. Selecttheresponseforeach blank that is BEST in the context. Then, blacken the corresponding space on the answer sheet Example: -Carlos, Ia casa fue ...... el aiio pas ado, y ahara . ... .. muy bonita.- 1 2 Answers: 1. (A) (B) (C) (D) pintado pintada pintadas pintados 2. (A) (B) (C) ©@ • • ©@ esta (D) fue 1. estaba ticne 2. @ ® Encuentro con una vendedora panamefia (b) Y (,110 me va a vender, mujer? 1,No me hace ........ ? - ........ grite. 45 46 Y ustedes piensan que pueden ........ ami, con su ........ americana tan solo para despues ... .... . 47 48 49 i,Eh, asf piensan ustedes? Pues, no ........ pueden hacer. A ustedes les voy a confrontar con la 50 fuerza de esta Jengua mia para que .........que somos gente, ........ como ustedes. 51 45. (A) (B) (C) (D) 48. (A) (B) (C) (D) 50. (A) (B) (C) (D) nada caso ganas celos 46. dinero dolor chaqueta color 49. selo melo mela se Ia 51. 52 (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 47. b Je las les (A) (B) (C) (D) andar gustar acercarse declarar despreciarme indicarme acordatme averiguarme entendemos entiendan entenderan entendian 52. (A) (B) (C) (D) igualmente lomismo loque tan GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE 0124501 0/SPEC 2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 12 - 12- SECTION IV Directions: Read the following selections carefullyforcomprehension. Each selection is followed by a numberofincomplete statements, or questions. Select the completion or answer that is BEST according to the information given in the selection. Then, blacken the corresponding spaceon the answer sheet. There isnosamplequestionforthissection. (a) Items 53 - 56 refer to the following. ~ ~Para '~ SalOn Venus tratamientos de salud y belleza Vi site nuestro salon unisexo, cl mas modemo de Ia isla. Dejese atender durante horas por nuestro personal altamente caliticado. El salon Venus esta supervisado por expe.rtos europeos, con el equipo mas modemo para ofrecer a nuestros clientes Jo ultimo en cuidados del cuerpo en un ambiente lujoso. Abierto de Junes a sabado Citaprevia Telefono: (809) 972-0451 Se atienden personas mayores de dieciocho aiios. 53. (,Quienes pueden visitareste salon? (A) (B) (C) (D) 54. 55. Solo damas de 18 afios Solo caballeros de 18 afios Cualquier persona de ambos sexos Personas de por lo menos 18 afios (,De donde son los especialistas? (,Como es el salon? (A) (B) (C) (D) 56. Grande y modemo Modemo y lujoso Pequeno pero comodo Pequeno pero exclusivo (.Por que es muy esencial el numero telefonico? (A) (B) (C) (D) De Francia De Europa De Gran Bretafia DeSuecia (A) (B) (C) (D) Para hacer una cita Para verificar si esta abierto Para llamar los fines de semana Paraconseguir lfnea GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124501 O/SPEC2008 Spanish MCQ AB 2008.qxd 17/10/08 13:23 Page 13 - 13(b) Items 57-60 refer to the following: El sabado pasado, Maribel, Ia hijade mi vecina se cay6 de Ia rama de un arbol alto y qued6 sin senti do en el suelo. Habfa subido al arbol para tratar de ayudar a su gatita que no podfa bajar. La pobre madre, qui en estaba trabajando en el jardfn, lo vio todo. Muy asustada, dej6lo que hacfa y fue corriendo a Ia casa a telefonear a! hospital. Lleg6 rapidamente una ambulan cia y se llev6 a Ia chicaherida. 57. (,Que ocurri6 el sabado pasado? (A) (B) (C) (D) 58. 59. Un arbol se cay6 al suelo. Una nifia se hizo dafio. Una vecina qued6 sin senti do. Una nina salvo a su gato. (,Que hacfa su mama cuando ocurri6 el accidente? (A) (B) (C) (D) Se cay6 a! suelo. Conia al jardfn. Se qued6 en casa. Trabajaba en eljardfn. AI caerse del arbolla nina (A) (B) (C) (D) nosemovi6 corri6 a casa no podfa subir llam6 al hospital 60. (,C6mo se sinti6 la madre al ver caer a su hija? (A) (B) (C) (D) Temerosa Enojada Alegre Avergonzada IFYOUFINISHBEFORETIMEISCALLED,CHECKYOURWORKONTIDSTEST. 01245010/SPEC2008 %. rESr coop FORM TP 20L31.16 CARIBBEAN 01245010 -TS MAY/JTINE 2013 EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE@ EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 0L - General Proficiency 'l PARTA _ LISTENING COMPREHENSION ITEMS T_30 TEACHER'S SCRIPT 45 minutes 12 JUNE 2013 (a.m.) il I I -I I I - TS Copyright @ 2011 Caribbean Examinations Council All riehts reserved. -2THIS IS THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART OFTHE MULTIPLE-CHOICT YOU MUST LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THE INSTRUCTTONS, AND TO EACH QIIESTIG{ WHICH WILL BE READ ONLY ONCE. NOW OPEN YOUR TEST BOOKLET ON PAGE 2 AND READ WITH ME THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECTION I. " 'f ilT SECTION I Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. For example, you hear: El muchacho va a correr. Now look at the four pictures printed ifi yourtest booklet. (r! seconds) The correct answer is picture (D), so you would*shade the space with the letter (D) on the answer sheet. Begin to look at the picture (15 seconds) STOP. Now get ready to listen to the first question. Question number I Las turistas compran collares. (15 seconds) Question number 2 El nifro empuja el juguete. (15 seconds) Question number La aeromoza sirve la comida. (15 seconds) Question number 4 A ellos les gusta charlar. (15 seconds) Question number Est6n mirando las noticias. : I t 3 5 { -t (15 seconds) ', ':i ,j5I Question number 6 La torta de la quinceaflera es muy grande. (15 seconds) Question number.T Est6n mirando las estrellas al aire libre. (15 seconds) Question number 8 Se fractur6 el brazo. (15 seconds) 01245010tF 2013 - GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE TS -3SECTION II Iqstructions: In this section you will hear a number of sentences. Each sentence will be read twice and will be followed by-,one.qup_stion or incomplete statement. Four sugggsted,answers for each question are printed inyour test.boqklet, For each question choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement, F9r exarnple, you will hear: iMam6, tengo muchisirna sed! (Twice) 6Qud quiere esta persona? After examining the suggested answers you should select the BEST one and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C) (D) Un mddico Una bebida Una galleta Una manzana Sample Answer -@o@@ t The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. 3 Now listen carefully to the first question in this section. Question number 9 ...... - La cuenta, por favor, camarero. Este cliente Question number l0 Question number 1l quiere... iQu6 l6stima! He sacado'malas notas en mis ex6menes. (15 seconds) 6C6mo se siente esta persona? -A sus 6rdenes, seflores. 6D6nde est6n estas Question number Question number Question number Question number 12 13 14 15 16 01245010/F 2013 - 1,En qu6 puedo servirles? personas? (15 seconds) - Mam6, gand el concurso de pintura. ;Qu6 maravilloso! 6C6mo se siente esta persona? (15 seconds) -6Cu6nto cuesta esta cadena de oro? Esta persona est6 en una (15 seconds) -He trabajado mucho todo er dia. No puedo m6s. 6C6mo est6 esta (15 seconds) persona? A Juan le gusta contar chistes todo el tiempo. 6C6mo es Question nugrber (15 seconds) Juan? (15 seconds) -Me duele tanto la garganta. Tengo que visitar al mddico. (15 seconds) 1,C6mo est6 esta persona? GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE TS -4SECTION III Instructions: In this section you will hear two public announcements followed by a number of quartionr. Each announcement will be read twice. For each question there is a choice of four answers. select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sampie question for this section' First selection: (Read first time at normal sprced.) ;Atenci6n damas y caballeros! ;Las tibndas del centro comercial se cierran dentro de quince minutos! ;Recuerden ustedes que estamos abiertos durante la semana desde las nueve de la mafrana hasta las ocho de la noche y que este fin de semana tbnemos las rebajas del mes de julio! Gracias y buenas noches. (Read again, more slowly.) Question number 17 lCu6ntos minutos quedan para hacer las Question number 18 iQu6 van a cerrar dentro de poco? (15 seconds) Question number 19 iQu6 tiene lugar el fin de semana? (15 seconds) compras? (15 seconds) Second selection: (Read first time at normal speed.) - iAtenci6n, estudiantes! Deseamos celebrar el d6cimo aniversario de nue$tra'escuela con un desayuno para nuestros ex-alumnos y profesores. Esta celebraci6n se llevar6 a cabo el domingo dos de maf,zo en la cafeteria. Los boletos se pueden obtener en la oficina a partir de hoy hasta el viemes veintiocho del presente. (Read again, more slowly.) Question number 20 ....... iHace cuentos aflos comenz6 la escuela? Question number 2i 2,Qu6 fecha es Question ntmber 22 ;D6nde se pueden conseguir las el aniversario? (15 seconds) (15 seconds) entradas? (15 seconds) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01) 45010/F 2013 - TS -5SECTION IV Instructiqns: The passage should be read at a normal pace, the first and last (complete) readings each taking approximately 1% minutes. The reading should be done in such away aS to c-onvey changes of voice (in dialogue, for example), but explanatory gestures are not' permissible. The title in English is to be read to the candidates. (The teacher should read the following instructions aloud to the candidates immediately before the text.) I shall read the passage straight throigtr-once. Listen carefully while I read. then instruct you to look at the questions in English on the text. You will be allowed three minutes to read the questions and make notes. There are two groups of questions. I shall I shall read the passage again, but this tirne in two parts. When I have finished reading Part A (but not before) you will be given five minutes in which to select your answers for the first group of questions. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided. This procedure will then be repeated for Part B. I shall then read the passage a third time, straight through, after which you will be allowed four minutes for final revision. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2013 - TS -6Mr. Roca's Disappointment PARI A le gustaba El sefior Roca era gerente de una compaflia grande. El ganaba mucho dinero pero no partes gastarlo para tener las cornodidades de la vida. En el trabajo tenia que viajar mucho a diferentes estos del mundo. Cuando viajaba siempre se quedaba en el hotel m6s barato que encontraba. A veces, Roca al seflor embargo, Sin hoteles estaban en mala tondici6ny los empleados eran muy desagradables. no le importaba nada. Solamente queria saber que no tenia una cuenta grande cuando estaba listo para salir. PART B Una noche cuando lleg6 a la ciudatl de San Pablo, una ciuiad completamente desconocida para 61, record6 que le habian dicho que en esa ciudadlos cuartos en los pisos m6s altos costaban menos. Decidi6 buscar el hotel m6s alto y como no queria pagar el taxi, decidi6 caminar. Cuando lleg6 al hotel estaba_ cansado, pero pensaba que en un hotel de'cuarenta pisos, pagaia muy poco dinero. Lleg6 sin aliento y le dijo a la recepcionista: - Seflorita, me gustaria una habitaci6n en el piso cuarenta, por favor. Ella le dijo: - Lo siento mucho seflor, pero todas las habitaciones en ese piso ya estSn ocupadas. lPobre seflor Roca! STOP. THIS IS THE END QF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH TIIE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF yOU CAI\INOT AI\SWER A QUESTTON, OMIT rT AND GO ON TO THE NEXT OM. yOU CAN COME BACK TO THE OMITTED QUESTION LATER. I 01245010/F 2013 - TS qb. TEST CODE FORM TP 2013116 CARIBBEAN 01245010 MAY/JI.INE 2013 EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE@ EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 01 - General proficiency PART A . LISTENING COMPRETIENSION PART B - READING COMPREHENSION I 12 hour 15 minutes JUNq2013 (a.m.) READ Tr[E FoLLowING INsrRUcrIoNs CAREFULLY. l. 2. This test consists of 60 items. You will have I hour and l5 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test bookret, you should have an answer sheet. a J. Pr"rir",t"o&ir"i:"r?i"o that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than rhere are 4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (c), (D). After listening to or reading each item you are about to answer, decide which choice is best. 5. on your answer sheet, flnd the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Samole Itern I Venezuelaes..... (A) (B) (C) (D) un pafs una ciudad una colonia .un continente Sample An$wer o@@@ The best answer to this item is ,'un pais,n, so answer space (A) has been shaded. 6' 7 I I ' If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you Your score will be the total number of correct unr*.rr. 'The supervisor will tell you when to start and stop working on the different - --------'- parts of this test. I Follow the instructions which you will hear. TOLD I I I fill in your new choice. Copyright O 2011 Caribbean Examinations Council All riohts reserved I -rl 'i! -2PARTA_ ITEMS 1-30 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 45 minutes SECTION I Instructioqs: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. For example, you hear: El muchacho va a correr. You see: (D,, (C) (D) The correct answer is picture (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on the answer sheet. ) (B) 0124s0r08 2013 (c) . W (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -3- 5. 012450r)/F 2013 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -46. .[l{il' ,}-1... V/ (B) (A) C o tt j! (c) 8. @) GO ON TO THE NE,XT PAGE n 1^/rn 1n /Tl ^n 1t -5.r SECTION II Instructions: In this section you will hear a numbgr of sentences. Each sentence will be read twice and be followed by one question or incompler" ror"-r.ri. rour rugg"steil answers for each question are printed in your test booklet' For each question irr" urr-riu". *tri"r, vvurw' gEsr uL cor'pletes the question or statement. For example, you "i,oor. will hear: will il 1Mam6, tengo muchisima sed! (Twice) 6Qud quiere esta persona? t, ii::'#il#X?rX""::?:::te{ (A) (B) (c) (D) Un answers vou should select the mddico Unabebida *.: una saller4 Una manzana.. The correct answer is (B), BESr one and shade the corresponding _ ,( ,:, r -- 'o , SampleAnswer 1! O . 61 @ you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. 't 9. (A) (B) /^\ \u/ (D) 10. (A) (B) (C) CD) ir al baflo salir del rvr reblauranle restaurante sentarse para comer pedir informaci6n sobre un plato Triste Cansada Contenta Trabajadora 13' (A) (B) (C) iOl joyeria carniceria zapatefia fruteria 14. (A) (B) (C) (D) Divertida Hambrienta Cansada peligrosa 11. (A) (B) (C) (D) En la calle En el campo En una casa En rlna tienda 15. (A) (B) (C) (D) Necio Guapo C6mico Honrado 12. (A) (B) (C) (D) Rica Desolada Contenta Frustrada 16. (A) (B) (C) (D) Buena Enojada Simp6tica Enferma 01245010/F 2013 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -6SECTION III followed by a number ofquestions' Instructions: In this section you will hear two public announcements the question there is a choice of four answers. Select Each announcement will be read twice. For each question on your answer sheet. There is no sample BEST answer and shade the corresponding space for this section' Second First Selection t7. 18. 19. (A) (B) (C) (D) 15 minutos 20 minutos 30 minutos (A) (B) (C) (D) La cafeteria La biblioteca Las salas Las tiendas (A) (B) (C) (D) Unos anuncios Unos eventos Unas rebajas Unas clases 5 minutos 20. 21. (Ai (B) (C) (D) Hace diez aflos Hace doce afios Hace veinte aflos Hace quince aflos (A) (B) (C) (D) El dos de marzo El doce de marzo El ocho del Presente mes El veintiocho del Presente mes (A) (B) (C) (D) En la sala En la oficina En la libreria En la cafeteria GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE n11,45n1n/F rol? -7 - SECTION IV Instrucfions: A passage in Spanish has just been tead to you. You may now study the questions and make notes. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided. Mr. Rgca's Disappointment PART A PART B I I 23. (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. 26. He He He He was a manager, was an army general. was a leader of a group. was a company secrettry. (A) (B) (C) (D) t whichfloorofthe hotel are the cheapest (A) (B) (C) (D) Have company Stay in cheap hotels 29. Visit hotels in the cities Visit places in poor condition Travel to different parts of the city Travel to differentparts ofthe world In the tallest hotels In the cheapest hotel In the hotels in the city In the most expensive hotel On It was a very modern city. It contained many hotels. He had never visited it before. All the hotels were very expensive. rooms located? Spend money Where did Mr. Roca stav when he travelled? (A) (B) (C) (D) 28. Travel What did his job require him to do? (A) (B) (C) (D) What was special about the city of San Pablo? What did he NOT like to do? (A) (B) (C) (D) 25. 27. What was Mr. Roca's job? First Middle Ground How did he get to the hotel? (A) (B) (C) (D) 30. Top He He He He used his car. rented a car. paid the taxi fare. walked all the way. What did the receptionist tell him when he arrived at the hotel? (A) (B) There was a room available on the fourth floor. There was a room available on the fortieth floor. (C) All the rooms on the fourth floor (D) were occupied. All the rooms on the fortieth floor were occupied. STOP. THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLYAND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTIPN, OMIT IT AND GO oN TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN COME BACK TO THE OMTTTED QUESTTON LATER. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012450t0/F 20t3 -8PARTB - ITEMS3l{O READING COMPREHENSION 30 minutes SECTION I Instructions: Each of the following sentences contains a blank space. Below each sentence are four choices. Select the one which BEST completes the sentence. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Example: ( No me levanto temprano porque la oficina est6 . . . . . . hoy. (A) (B) (C) (D) 31. Mafiana va a llover, pero no puedo encontral mi ........ (A) (B) (C) (D) 32. rota tuera cerca cerrada Cuando son6 ........ Isabel coni6 a contestarlo' (A) (B) (C) (D) bufanda paraguas parabrisas la alarma el tel6fono el disparo la campana paracaidas Al regresar del mddico 34, con........ .. el recibo el retrato la receta Para lavar la ropa se necesita comprar con su hijo enfermo, dofla Carlota fue a la farmacia (A) (B) (C) (D) 33. (A) (B) (c) (D) sopa llave jab6n jam6n la revista GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0l 24s0 r 0/F 201 3 -935. Segtn ........ yo agrego una cucharadita sal al plato. (A) (B) (C) (D) 36. de 37. la carta mapa el .:' la receta la calculadora (A) (B) (C) (D) ' Ahora recuerdo todas las fechas hist6ricas, 3g. pero estoy seguro de que ........ no las recordard. (A) anoche (B) mafiana. (C) anteayer (D) esta mafiand 01245010/F 2013 Antonio se ha dormido porque la pelfcula es muy divertida interesante Gloria no tiene muchos ........ y por eso ella puede ahorrar mucho dinero en el banco. (A) (B) (e) (D) , aburrida sofiadora gastos sueldos ahorros cambios ,, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE I \ ,i I -10SECTION II I{rstructions: The paragraph below contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers, After reading the paragraph carefully, select the answer that is BEST in context. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Example: Lacasa fue . . . . . . el afiopasado,y l2 (A) (B) (C) (D) 1. pintado 2. pintada pintadas pintados ahora muybonita. (A) est6 (B) tue (C) estaba (D) tiene 1. 2. @o'o@ o@@@ Mis vacaciones La ....... semana ser6 la primera semana de mis vacaciones. Ahora mismo ilo ..._.*. preocupado 39'40 .....,.. de que sali bien en misex6menes. Cuando ....... las vacaciones, pienso ir al extranjero con 47 42 mis padres que siempr€ ..,-.. mucho dinero en sus compras. iQud ..r.r.. tener tales padres! 43-44 39. 40. (A) (B) (C) (D) lrronto pr6xima ,(A) he (B) (D) soy tengo estoy (A) porque (B) a causa (c) asi que ya que (c) 41. (D) riltima 42. pasada 43. 44. (A) (B) (C) (D) empiecen empiezan empezarfin (A) (B) (C) (D) han pasan gastan esperan (A) (B) (C) (D) empezar calor sue,fio suerte lfstima GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0r2450t0tF 20t3 'I - 1l - SECTION III I4structigns: The conversation bplow contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four guggested answers. After reading the conversation carefully, select tlie choice for each blank that is BEST in the context. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Exafnple: 2 1 1. (A) (B) (c) (D) pintadb ' 2. i '(A) est6 pintada (B) tue_1. pintadas .r (C), estaba pintados tiene @). Sample Answers i @o@@ o@@@ , ry 2. i. - lHola seflora, venga ..-'-'... ver nuestros productos de artesania! ......... muy exquisitos y representan ejemplos excelentes de nuestra cultirra local ...--.. indigena. Lo que-es...--.., estas artesanias no ......... una fortuna 49 iEs una verdadera ..--.. I - Oiga seflora, si llevamos una ......... de ponchos, icu6nto nos ....-...? 4s. (A) (B) (C) (D) a de en Por 51"52 48. (A) (B) (C) (D) 46. (A) Es (B) Estri (C) Son (D) Est6n 49. (A) (B) (C) (D) 47. (A) r (B) 50. (A) (B) (C) (D) (c) (D) e e u v poco mejor mucho demasiado est6n tienen hacen cuestan 51. (A) (B) (C) (D) s2. (A) (B) (C) (D) libra raci6n docena muchedumbre da pasa cobra encarga ganga suerte pdrdida aventura GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2013 -12SECTION IV Instructions: Read the following selections carefully for comprehension. Each selection is followed by a number ofquestions or incomplete statements. Select the answer that is BEST according to the information given in the selection. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. (a) Items 53-56 refer to the following: AGENCIADE MODA ;TE INTERESA UNA CARRERA EN MODELAJE? ' lQuieres sgr modelo? En cinco semanas aprender6s etiqueta, glamour, tdcnicas de escenario b6sico y de maniqui. Tambi6n, coordinaci6n de moda, cuidado de la piel y maquillaje. Garantizamos contratos con importantes casas de moda. iDa un paso adelante y recibe reconocimiento en el mundo del modelaje! llnscribete ahora! Para mayor informaci6n visita nuestra oficina situada en: PLAZA GRANDE, San Juan, Puerto Rico, TeI 764-3960 Correo electr6nico: modacaribana@hotmail. 53. i,Qud ofrece el anuncio? iEn d6nde trabajar6? /a) (A) (B) (C) (D) (c) Una carrera Un desfile Una moda (D) Un maniqui (B) 54. Se entrena para ser (A) (B) modista (c) t6cnico modelo .(D) actiz 56. En En En En teakos salones de belleza supermercados casas de moda ;Cu6nto tiempo durar6 el curso? (A) (B) (C) (D) M6s de un mes Menos de un mes Un mes Dos meses GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0r245010/F 2013 -13(b) Items 57-60 refer to the following: una anciana perdi6 ros lentes y no podia haflarlos aunque los habfa buscado por todas partes. En vista de eso fue i comprar otros. El dependiente le ensefl6 muchos modelos, pero a la anciana no re gust6 ninguno. Entonces le trajo otro par. - eNo le gustan 6stos? pregunt6 - Son de la mejor calidad y muy fuertes. Me quedan bien. Si, me gustan mucho pero, 6cu6nto cuestan? - Dos mil pesos. - eNo tiene Vd. otrostmiis baratos? - No seflora, dstos son los mris baratos. - Entonces los voy a comprar. 6Qud perdi6 la anciana? (A) (B) (C) (D) 58. 59. Su traje Su botsa 1,C6mo le parecieron los riltimos lentes que le mostr6 el dependiente? (A) (B) (C) (D) Sus billetes Sus anteojos No le gustaron. Le gustaron mucho. Le parecieron baratos. No le parecieron bonitos. La anciana fue a comprar nuevos lentes .porq.ue... (A) (B) (C) (D) 60. no queria buscar los vieios no podfa ver con los vieios no le gustaba m6s los vieios no podia encontrar los viejos 6Qud decidi6 hacer la mujer finalmente? (A) (B) (C) (D) Ir a buscar otros Comprar otro par Ir a ver a su mddico Comprar el riltimo par END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. i11A <lr.1n /n ^n r . TEST CODE 01245010- TS FORM TP 2014113 TS CARIBBEAN MAY/JUNE 2014 EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAiviiNATION SPANISH Paper 01 -General Proficiency PART A - LISTENING COMPREHENSION ITEMS 1-30 TEACHER'S SCRIPT 45 minutes ( 11 JUNE 2014 (a.m.)) - iiiiiiiii iiiiiiii ----- Copyright © 2012 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. !!!!!!!! iiiiiiiii 01245010/F 2014- TS - 2THIS IS THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART OF THE MULTIPLE-CHOICE PAPER. . YOU MUST LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THE INSTRUCTIONS, AND TO EACH QUESTION WHICH WILL BE READ ONLY ONCE. NOW OPEN YOUR TEST BOOKLET ON PAGE 2 AND READ WITH ME THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECTION I. SECTION I Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which BEST shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. For example, you hear: El muchacho va a correr. Now look at the four pictures printed in your test booklet. (15 seconds) The correct answer is picture (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on the answer sheet. Begin to look at the picture (15 seconds) STOP. Now get ready to listen to the first question. Question 1 Les gusta oir el cuento. ( 15 seconds) Question 2 El h?mbre arregla los platanos. ( 15 seconds) Question 3 El director habla con los a1urnnos. ( 15 seconds) La habitaci6n tiene una magnifica vista al mar. ( 15 seconds) La nevera esta abierta. ( 15 seconds) Question 6 Navegan·la red buscando informacion. ( 15 seconds) Question 7 "-Jaime, te presento ami amigo Juan-". ( 15 seconds) Question 8 Siguen caminando a pesar de la lluvia. ( 15 seconds) Question 4 .·..... Question 5 · ·, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014- TS -3SECTION II Instructions: In this section you will hear a number of sentences. Each sentence will be read twice and will be followed by one questiqn or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question, choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For example, you will hear: jMama, tengo muchisima sed! (Twice) GQue qui ere esta persona? After examining the suggested answers you should select the BEST one and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C) (D) Un medico Una bebida Una galleta Unamanzana Sample Answer The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. Now listen carefully to the first question in this section. Question 9 Question 10 Question 11 Question 12 Question 13 Question 14 Question 15 Question 16 - Oye, Manuel. (,Ad6nde vas con esa pelota? GQue va a hacer Manuel? ( 15 seconds) jHay mucha turbulencia! No puedo volar hoy. l_,Quien habla? ( 15 seconds) -Qui~ro dos bocadillos por favor y, z,que hay de postre? GC6mo esta esta persona? ( 15 seconds) El aceite esta bastante caliente para freir el pescado. z,Que va a hacer esta persona? ( 15 seconds) -Carlos, wor que no hiciste tus deberes? L,D6nde esta Carlos? ( 15 seconds) -La chica tiene que guardar cama. GC6mo esta? ( 15 seconds) - Lo siento Maria. Espero que pronto todo vaya bien le dijo Angela. GQue ha oido Angela? El hombre anda por la calle gritando:jPlatanos baratos! l_,Quien es? ( 15 seconds) ( 15 seconds) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014- TS - 4SECTION III Instructions: In this section you will hear a series of public announcements or selections followed by a number of questions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question there is a choice offour responses or completions. Select the BEST response and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. First selection: (Read selection first time at normal speed.) jAtenci6n radiooyentes! Hoy, a eso de la una de la madrugada, se escap6 un prisionero de la carcel de Los Lobos. Fue encarcelado por el asa1to del Banco Nacional hace un afio. Tiene una cicatriz distintiva en la frente. Este hombre esta armado y se considera muy peligroso. Se recompensara al que de informes acerca de su paradero actual. (Read selection again, more slowly.) (Read each question once to candidates.) Question 17 1., Cwindo Question 18 ~.,Que Question 19 ~.,como huy6 el prisionero? tipo de crimen cometi6? se considera al fugitivo? (15 seconds) ( 15 seconds) ( 15 seconds) Second selection: (Read selection first time at normal speed.) jAtEmci6n! jAtenci6n! Les habla eljefe de salvavidas. No naden muy lejos de la playa porque las olas estan fuertes y peligrosas. Favor de prestar atenci6n a los anuncios. (Read selection again, more slowly.) (Read each question once to candidates.) Question 20 l,D6nde ocurre esta escena? (15 seconds) Question 21 1.,Quien hace este anuncio? ( 15 seconds) Question 22 l,Que aconseja el anuncio? ( 15 seconds) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Ill 1Lt.:::lll (ifl:;' ')(il Lt - T<::: -5SECTION IV INSTRUCTIONS The passage should be read at a normal pace, the first and last (complete) readings each taking approximately 1Yz minutes. The reading should be done in such a way as to convey changes of voice (in dialogue, for example), but explanatory gestures are not permissible. The title in English is to be read to the candidates. (The teacher should read the following instructions aloud to the candidates immediately before the text.) Listen carefully to the following instructions: I shall read the passage straight through once. Listen carefully while I read. I shall then instruct you to look at the questions in English on the text. You will be allowed three minutes to read the questions and make notes. There are two groups of questions. I shall read the passage again, but this time in two parts. When I have finished reading Part A (but not before) you will be given five minutes in which to select your answers for the first group of questions. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided. This procedure will then be repeated for Part B. I shall then read the passage a third time, straight through, after which you will be allowed four minutes for final revision. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014 - TS - 6The Birthday Party PART A El sabado pasado Manuel celebr6 su decimo cumpleafios. Por primera vez queria celebrar la ocasi6n con una fiesta. Por eso, sus parientes decidieron invitar a todos sus amigos de su clase, de su vecindad y a su profesora de espafiol. Planificaron con placer la fiesta porque Manuel es una persona bondadosa, aplicada, y siempre recibe buenas notas. PARTB Durante la primera parte del dia Manuel visit6 a su abuelo, que le dio un mont6n de regalos que incluia la computadora que Manuel queria desde hacia mucho tiempo. Al regresar a casa, Manuel estaba muy sorprendido porque la casa estaba muy bien decorada y su familia habia preparado mucha comida y bebidas. Cuando llegaron los convidados todos comieron y bebieron lo que quisieron y por eso todos lo pasaron bien. STOP. THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS ·CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, OMIT IT AND GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN COME BACK TO THE OMITTED QUESTION LATER. CODE FORM TP 2014113 01245010 MAY/JUNE 2014 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 01- General Proficiency PART A- LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART B - READING COMPREHENSION 1 hour 15 minutes ( 11 JUNE 2014 (a.m.) ) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. 4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). After listening to or reading each item you are about to answer, decide which choice is best. 5. On your answer: sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Vep.ezuela es ..... (A) ($} (C) (D) . . un pais . ·una colonia una ciudad · un continente Sample Answer e®©© The best answer to this item is "un pais", so answer space (A) has been shaded. ---- i iiiii 6. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you shade in your new choice. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. 7. The supervisor will tell you when to start and stop working on the different parts of this test. Follow the instructions which you will hear. ;;;;:;; !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. iiiiii - Copyright© 2012 Caribbean Examinations Council . All rights reserved. - 2ITEMS 1-30 PART A LISTENING COMPREHENSION 45 minutes SECTION I Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which BEST shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. For example, you hear: El muchacho va a correr. You see: (A) (B) (C) (D) The correct answer is picture (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. 1. (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. (A) (B) (C) (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014 3. (C) (D) (C) (D) 4. (A) (B) 5. 'ta~~ ~~~ ~ 1-- (C) (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014 -4- 6. 7. 8. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014 SECTION II Instructions: In this section you will hear a number of sentences. Each sentence will be read twice and will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question, choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For example, you will hear: jMama, tengo muchisima sed! (Twice) (,Que quiere esta persona? After examining the suggested answers you should select the BEST one and shade the corresponding space on your sheet. · Sample Answer Una manzana Una bebida Un medico Una galleta (A) (B) (C) (D) The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. 9. (A) (B) (C) (D) 10. (A) (B) (C) (D) 11. (A) (B) (C) (D) 12. (A) (B) (C) (D) Tocar Jugar Comer Pelear 13. Un profesor Un piloto Un taxista Unjefe 14. Con frio Con calor Con suefio Conhambre 15. vender pes car cocmar estudiar (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) .(D) 16. (A) (B) (C) (D) En la iglesia En el mercado En la clase En la libreria Feliz Enferma Traviesa Simpatica Malas noticias Buenas noticias Cuentos interesantes Informaciones nuevas Paseante Mendigo Vendedor Cobrador GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014 - 6- SECTION III Instructions: In this section you will hear a series of public announcements or selections followed by a number of questions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question there is a choice of four responses or completions. Select the BEST response and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. Second Selection First Selection 17. (A) (B) (C) (D) 18. (A) (B) (C) (D) 19. (A) (B) (C) (D) Anoche Esta tarde Hace un afio Esta manana 20. Un robo Un fraude Un asesinato Una violaci6n 21. humilde orgulloso peligroso inofensivo· 22. (A) (B) (C) (D) En el rio En el banco En la playa En la piscina (D) El nadador El pescador El policia El salvavidas (A) (B) (C) (D) Hablar con el jefe No pescar en el mar Bafiarse cerca de la playa No hacer caso a los anuncios (A) (B) (C) NOW GET READY FOR SECTION IV IN WHICH A PASSAGE IS GOING TO BE READ TO VOU. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014 SECTION IV Instructions: A passage in Spanish has just been read to you. You may now study the questions and make notes. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided. The Birthday Party PARTB PART A 23. Which birthday was Manuel celebrating? (A) (B) (C) (D) His His His His 27. 8th 9th lOth 16th With whom did Manuel spend the first part of the day? (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. (C) (D) He could invite all his friends. His favourite teacher would be there. All his family members would be there. It was the first time he would celebrate with a party. 28. What special gift did Manuel receive? (A) (B) (C) (D) 29. A prin~er An Ipod A walkman A computer How did Manuel feel when he returned home? Who had plam1ed the celebration? (A) (B) (C) (D) 26. grandfather grandmother other teachers friends at school What was special about this occasion? (A) (B) 25. His His His His Why did the planners take pleasure m organizing this party for Manuel? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) His relatives His classmates His Spanish teacher His neighbourhood friends They enjoyed planning parties. Manuel wouldnonnally plan their parties. He was kind and hardworking. Hehadfinallyreceivedgoodgrades. 30. Tired Anxious Surprised Overwhelmed Why did the guests enjoy themselves? (A) (B) (C) (D) The music was great. Everyone got parting gifts. The house was well decorated. There was much to eat and drink. STOP. THI S IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, OMIT IT AND GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN COME BACK TO THE OMITTED QUESTION .L ATER. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01 245010/F 2014 - 8PARTB ITEMS 31-60 READING COMPREHENSION 30 minutes SECTION I Instructions: Each of the following sentences contains a blank space. Below each sentence are four choices. Select the one which BEST completes the sentence. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Example: No me levanto temprano porque la oficina esta hoy. Sample Answer rota fuera cerca cerrada (A) (B) (C) (D) The correct answer is (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. 31 . · Los amigos de Jt~:an le traj er()n ............ para su fiesta. (A) (B) ! (C} (D) 32. regales papeles anuncios examenes Antonio se ha donnido. muy .......... . (A) (B) (C) (D) 33. aburrida sofiadora divertida interesante Tienes que comprar un rollo si quieres ....... ... . fotografias. (A) (B) (C) (D) La pelicula es 34. salir coger hacer sacar Cuando son6 .......... , Isabel corri6 a contestarlo. (A) (B) (C) (D) la campana el telefono la alarma el disparo GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124501 0/F 2014 35. No tengo una blusa roja para llevar manana. Por lo tanto, necesito ir ......... . (A) (B) (C) (D) 36. ala oficina a la zapateria a la lavanderia ala tienda de ropa Conocemos bien esta aldea porque venimos aqui muy ........ . . (A) (B) (C) (D) 37. a tiempo amenudo de repente poco a poco Despues de que ....... e1 timbre, los alurnnos tuvieron que entrar en la sala de asamblea. (A) (B) (C) (D) 38. son6 sonase sonara sonaba Sefior, Vd. maneja demasiado rapido. l,Puede conducir ......... ? (A) mas rapido (B) (C) (D) mas lento en el carro sin cuidado GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014 - 10SECTION II Instructions: In the conversation below, select the word or phrase which will make each sentence GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Example: . . . . . . que ir mafiana. (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer Debo Tengo Insisto Pregunto @. ©@ The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. El novio ocupado - jHola Raul! L,No vasal concierto ...... noche? 39 ..... . no. Mi novia y yo nos . . . . . . , asi que me quede en casa. Yo tenia que ira su casa para ayudarle 40 41 con su . . . . . . que debia . . . . . . esta semana. Ademas, he estado ocupado con mi primo que . . . . . . de 42 43 44 los Estados Unidos. Todavia no me ha dado la . . . . . . de decirselo a ella. 45 39. 40. la esta ella aquella (A) 43. Alegremente Rapidamente Afortunadamente Desafortunadamente (B) (C) (D) 41. 42. (A) (B) (C) '(JJ>) . (A) (B) (C) (D) reimos besamos abrazamos disgustamos 44. (A) (B) (C) (D) tare a carro baile estudio (A) to car (B) recibir (C) (D) presentar distribuir (A) (B) (C) (D) vmo sali6 ocup6 estuvo 45. (A) (B) (C) (D) dicha bondad tentaci6n oportunidad GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01 ?4 .:;;01 0/F 2014 SECTION III Instructions: The scenario below contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers. After reading the scenario carefully, select the choice that is BEST in the context for each blank space. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Example: La casa fue . . . . . . el afio pasado, y ahora ...... muy bonita. 1 2 Sample Answer 1. (A) (B) (C) (D) pintado pintad a pintadas pintados 2. (A) (B) (C) (D) esta fue estaba tiene 1. 2. ®e©® e®©® The correct answers are (B) and (A) respectively, so you would shade the spaces (B) and (A) for the respective choices. Un regalo para Isabel El novio de Isabel decidi6 .... 46 ... un regalo para el dia de San Valentin. Entr6 ........... un 47 almacen don de ........... el perfume que Isabel ......... .. 48 49 Cuando ........... el precio se dio cuenta de que no ........... suficiente dinero. Muy desilusionado, 50 51 ..... ...... muy triste de la tienda ........... una tarjeta, nada mas. 52 46. 53 (A) (B) (C) (D) 47. 48 . compr6 comprani comprarle comprarla 49. de (A) en (B) (C) - para dentro (D) 50. (A) (B) 51. (A) (B) (C) (D) queria ofreci6 prometi6 preguntaba 52. (A) (B) pregunt6 preguntar pregriiitaba preguntando 53. -ccr (D) veo (A) (B) (C) VIO (C) (D) visto (D) VI (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) .. (C) (D) salia sali6 saldria ha salida en de . . sm con tuve ten go tenia tuviera GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014 - 12 SECTION IV Instructions: Read the following selections carefully for comprehension. Each selection is followed by a number of incomplete statements or questions. Select the completion or answer that is BEST according to the information given in the selection. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. (a) Items 54-56 refer to the following. VERATENIS jATENCION TODOS LOS JUGADORES DE TENIS! Se ofrece un curso intensivo de tenis para jugadores de todas las edades. Mejoren su juego con la ayuda de entrenadores profesionales y diviertanse. Hay ocho canchas de tenis donde usted podni entrenar individualmente o con un compafiero. El curso comienza e1 10 de julio y dura seis semanas. Llame ahora para mas informacion: Telefono: (504) 715-2146 Fax: (504) 715-2765 54. {.Quienes pueden participar en este curso de entrenamiento? (A) (1?), (C) (D) 55. , Unos compafieros Unos tenistas mayores Los jovenes y los adultos 56. l,Cuando termina el curso? (A) (B) (C) (D) A finales de julio A principios de agosto A finales de septiembre El veintiuno de agosto Solo los jugadores j6venes Los participantes se entrenan (A) (B) (C) (D) en grupos grandes solos o con otro jugador en grupos de tres o cuatro solo con un entrenador GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2014 (b) Items 57-60 refer to the following: Dra. Elsa Ramos & Asociados Servicio Dental con las tecnicas mas modemas. Atendemos a pacientes nuevos Las emergencias se atienden el mismo dia Se ofrecen los siguientes servicios: - Odontologia para nifi.os y adultos - Odontologia cosmetica - Analisis de su sonrisa - Extracciones - Limpieza dental a un precio especial - 50 Bs - Blanqueamiento de dientes- 150 Bs Citas disponibles todos los dias hasta las cinco de la tarde. Para consultas gratis Hamar al tel. 416-820-3354 Garantizamos mejorar su apariencia con una sonrisa brillante. 57. l,Para quien es este servicio? (A) (B) (C) (D) 58. 59. Nifi.os Los asociados La familia entera Pacientes nuevos (A) (B) (C) (D) l,A quienes se atienden el rnismo dia? (A) (B) (C) A los nifi.os A los clientes sin cita A los pacientes nuevos A los casos de emergencia (D) £,Que servicio se puede recibir sin pagar? 60. Una consulta Una limpieza Una extracci6n Un blanqueamiento £,Que garantia se ofrece al paciente? (A) (B) (C) (D) Una consulta gratis Una sonrisa hermosa Un descuento de 50 Bs Un analisis de su extracci6n ENDOFTEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01245010/F 2014 %. TESTCODEOl245OlO _ FORM TP 2015113 TS MAY/ruNE2or5 EXAMINATIONS CARIBBEAN COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE@ EXAMINATION SPANISII Paper 01 PARTA - - General ProficiencY LISTENING COMPREHENSION ITEMS 1-30 TEACHER'S SCRIPT 15 minutes 0 JUNE 2015 (a.m. a] i{l l]Sl Copyright @ 2013 Caribbean Examinations Council All riehts reserved. - 01245010/F 2015 -TS TS -2THIS IS THE LISTENING COMPREIIENSION PART OFTHE MULTIPLE-CHOICE PAPER, YOU MUST LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THE INSTRUCTIONS, AND TO EACH QUESTION WHICH WILL BE READ ONLY ONCE. NOW OPEN YOUR TEST BOOKLET ON PAGE 2 AND READ WITH ME THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECTION I. SECTION I Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which BEST shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. For example, you hear: EI muchacho va a correr. Now look at the four pictures printed in your test booklet. ( l5 seconds) The correct answer is picture (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. Begin to look at the picture (15 seconds). STOP. Now get ready to listen to the first question. Question number I El padre le corta el pelo a su hijo. Question number 2 La Question number La aeromoza sirve la comida. (15 seconds) Question number 4 El niffo se pone el chaleco salvavidas. (15 seconds) Question number El hombre esti roncando. (l Question number 6 La torta de la quinceaffera es muy grande. (15 seconds) Question number 7 La pimienta negra les hace estomudar. (l 5 seconds) Question number 8 Se fractur6 el brazo. (15 seconds) 3 5 (15 seconds) joven hace ejercicio. (15 seconds) 5 seconds) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 20rs -TS -3SECTION II Instructions: In this section, you will hear a number of sentences. Each sentence will be read twice and will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question, choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For example, you will hear: iMam6, tengo muchisima sed! (Twice) aQu6 quiere esta persona? After examining the suggested answers, you should select the BEST one and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (A) (B) Un m6dico Una bebida (D) Una manzana Sample Answer (c) unagalleta @OO@ The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. Now listen carefully to the first question in this section. Question number 9 Question number 10 Question number I I - La cuenta, por favor, camarero. Este cliente quiere... (15 seconds) - 1Qu6 cansado estoy ! He trabajado todo el dia. ;Qud quiere hacer esta persona? (15 seconds) Todo el mundo estaba sentado a la mesa, a punto de comer. i,Qu6 dice la Question number 12 madre? - Mamii, gan6 el concurso de pintura. ;Qu6 maravilloso! 2,C6mo se siente esta Question number 13 Question number 14 Question number 15 persona? 16 (15 seconds) [:?:H"i:J"ll#l,oiil]i.i"*t"" (15 seconds) - El cielo est6 nublado. lParece que va a llover! ;Qud tiempo hace? (15 seconds) -Seffor, no tengo mis deberes hoy. i,D6nde esti la persona que Question number (15 seconds) habla? (15 seconds) -Me duele mucho la garganta. Tengo que ir al m6dico. (15 seconds) ec6mo este esta persona? GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012450r0/F 2015 - TS -4SECTION III Instructions: In this section, you will hear two announcements or selections followed by a number of questions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question, there is a choice of four answers. Select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. First selection: (Read selection first time at normal speed.) lAtenci6n damas y caballeros! ll-as tiendas del centro comercial se cierran dentro de quince minutos! lRecuerden ustedes que estamos abiertos durante la semana desde las nueve de la mafiana hasta las ocho de [a noche y que este fin de semana tenemos las rebajas del mes de julio! Cracias y buenas noches. (Read again, more slowly.) Question number 17 iCu6ntos minutos quedan para hacer las compras? (15 seconds) Question number I 8 1Qu6 van a cerrar dentro de poco? (l 5 seconds) Question number 19 ;Qu6 tiene lugar el fin de semana? (15 seconds) Second selection: (Read selection first time at normal speed.) - iAtenci6n, estudiantes! Deseamos celebrar el d6cimo aniversario de nuestra escuela con un desayuno para nuestros ex-alumnos y profesores. Esta celebraci6n se llevar6 a cabo el domingo dos de marzo en la cafeteria. Los bbletos se pueden obtener en la oficina a partir de hoy hasta el viemes veintiocho del presente. (Read again, more slowly.) Question number 20 Question number 2l lHace cu6ntos aflos comenz6 la escuela? ;Cuindo Question number 22 (15 seconds) (l se celebrard el aniversario? ;D6nde se pueden conseguir las entradas? 5 seconds) (15 seconds) GO ON TO THENEXT PAGE 012450101F 2015 - TS -5SECTION IV INSTRUCTIONS 6 I The passage should be read at a normal pace, the first and last (complete) readings each taking approxim ately l% minutes. The reading should be done in such a way as to convey changes ofvoice (in dialogue, for example), but explanatory gestures ar€ not permitted. The title in English is to be read to the candidates. lt (The teacher should read the following instructions aloud to the candidates immediately before the text.) Listen carefully to the following instructions: I shall read the passage straight through once. Listen carefully while I read. I shall then instruct you to look at the questions in English on the text. You will be allowed three minutes to read the questions and make notes. There are two groups ofquestions. I shall read the passage again, but this time in two parts. When I have finished reading Part A (but not before), you will be given five minutes in which to select your answers for the first group of questions. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided. This procedure will then be repeated for Part B. I shall then read the passage a third time, straight through, after which you will be allowed four minutes to review your answers. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124s0r0/F 2015 - TS -6Midnight Noises PARTA Eran las once y media cuando Julia se acost6. Estaba sola en casa porque su marido, Ricardo, estaba de viaje de negocios en el extranjero. De repente oy6 ruidos extraffos y tuvo miedo. Los ruidos parecian venir de la puerta trasera. Julia se preocup6 mucho porque no podia recordar si habia cerrado la puerta con llave antes de acostarse. Pens6 en los robos que habian ocurrido en su vecindario y sin vacilar, Julia fue al tel6fono para llamar a la policia. PART B su casa En voz baja, ella le inform6 al policia que contest6, que habia un ladr6n que trataba de entrar en y le pidi6 que viniera rdpidamente. y se coloc6 detriis de la puerta, cuando oy6 ladrar a su perrito. pasado a mi pobre perrito? - se pregunt6 Julia. Se arm6 con un bate -;Qud le habri Sin pensar en el peligro, abri6 la puerta y . . . 1qu6 sorpresa recibi6! En vez de un ladr6n, ella a su perrito, rodeado de los perros feroces del vecino. vi6 STOP. THIS IS THE END OFTHE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREIIENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CARI,FULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, OMIT ITAND GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN COME BACK TO THE OMITTED QUESTION LATER. ol2450lo/F2015-TS %. rESr coDE FORM TP 2015113 01245010 MAY/JUNE 2015 COUNCIL EXAMINATIONS CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAI\ SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE@ EXAMINATION SPAIIISH Paper 01 - General ProficiencY PART A - LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART B - READING COMPREHENSION I how 15 minutes 10 JUNE 2015 (a.m.) READ TFfi'- FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFTJLLY. 1. This test consists of60 items. Youwill have I hour and 15 minutes to answer them. z- In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Do not be concemed that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. ^ l. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). After listening to or reading each item you are about to answet decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below Samole Item Venezuelaes..... (A) (B) (C) (D) un pais una ciudad una colonia un continente Samole Answer o@@@ The correct answer to this item is'fun pais", so answer space (A) has been shaded. 6. 7. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely Your score will be t}le total number ofcorrect answers. before you fill in your new choice. The supervisor will tell you when to start and stop working on the different parts ofthis test. Follow the instructions which you wiil hear. DO NOT TT'RN TIIIS PAGE T]NTILYOUAR.E TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright @ 2013 Caribboan Examinations Council All rights reserved. PARTA: ITEMS 1-30 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 45 minutes SECTION I Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. For example, you hear: El muchacho va a correr. You see: The correct answer is pictue (D), so you would shade the space with the lettef (D) on the answer sheet. l. GO ON TO THENEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2015 .J. 4. rE *-(c) (A) CO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012450108 2015 -46. (B) (A) // /1 n -7/ q1 la v(3 tl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2015 SECTION II Instructions: In this section, you willhear anumber ofsentences- Each sentence will be read twice and will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question, choose tle answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For examplg you will hear: ;Mam6, tengo muchisima sed! (Twice) 2,Qud quiere esta persona? A-fter examining the suggested answers, you should select the BEST one and shade the corresponding space on your answer shget. (A) (B) Un m6dico Una bebida CD) Una manzana SamPle Answer (c) Unagalleta @O@@ The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with t]le letter (B) on your answer sheet. 9. 10. ir al bafro (c) (D) sentarse para comer pedir informaci6n sobre un plato (A) (B) Bailar Comer (c) Descansar (c) (D) Trabajar (D) (A) (B) lBuen provecho! ;Feliz Navidad! lQue lo pasen bien! ;Que les vaya bien! 15. Rica Desolada Contenta Frustada t6. (c) (D) 12. (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (c) (D) salir del restaurante (c) (D) t4. (A) (B) (A) (B) (c) (D) (A) (B) (c) (D) Con Con Con Con estilo rapidez permiso cuidado Hace buen tiempo. Hace mal tiempo. Hace viento. Hace calor. En En En En la escueia la libreria el hospital el parque Buena Enojada Simpatica Enferma GO ON TO THE NEXTPAGE 0r2450t0/F 2015 -6SECTION III by a number of Instructions: In this section, you will hear two announcements or selections followed is a choice there questions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question, your answer sheet' of fou, una*"o. Select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding space on There is no sample question for this section. Filst Selection t7. (A) (B) 5 minutos 15 minutos (c) 20 minutos 30 minutos (D) 18. (A) (B) (c) (D) 19. (A) (B) (c) (D) La cafeteria La biblioteca Las salas Las tiendas Unas clases Unas rebajas Unos eventos Unos anuncios 20. (A) (B) (c) (D) 21. (A) (B) (c) (D) (A) (B) (c) (D) Hace Hace Hace Hace diez aflos doce aflos quince afros veinte aflos El dos de marzo El doce de marzo El ocho del presente mes El veintiocho del presente mes En la sala En la oficina En la escuela En la cafeteria GO ON TO THENEXT PAGE 012450101F 2015 SECTIONry Instructions: A passage hasjust been read to you (in Spanish). You may now study the questions and make notes. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on ttre answer sheet provided. Midnisht Noises PARTA 23. Where was Julia's (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. 25 . work In bed sleeping Away on business a problem? Her dog was barking. She heard a strange noise. Ricardo informed her of it. Her neighbour telephoned her. It was too squeaky. The key was missing. It was not strong enough. She might not have locked What had happened (A) (B) (C) (D) What information did Julia give to the Police? On a trip Still at What concemed Julia about the back (A) (B) (C) (D) 26. 27. husband? How did Julia know there was (A) (B) (C) (D) PARTB 29. recently? neighbourhood. (D) her dog. A thief was trying to break into her home. Where did Julia position herselfl 30. Beside abat In the doorway Beside the dog Behind the door Julia opened the door when (A) (B) (C) (D) it. Arobber had entered Julia's house. There had been robberies in the neighbourhood. Strange noises had been heard in A thief was in her house. A thief was attacking her dog' Someone was attempting to steal (A) (B) (C) (D) door? Julia had lost the key. the 28. (A) (B) (C) she heard the dog bark she thought it was safe the thief attacked the dog she heard the police arrive Julia would have to explain to the police tlat (A) (B) (C) (D) the thiefhad fled her dog was missing she had been mistaken her neigbbour was a thief STOP. THIS IS THE EAID OF TIIE LISTENING COMPREIIENSION. NOW GO ON TO TIIE NEXT PAGEAIIDWORKTHROUGHTHE READING COMPREHENSIONAS QUICKLYAND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, OMIT IT AND GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN COME BACK TO TIIE OlVtrTTED QUESTION LATER. GO ON TO THENEXTPAGE o12450r0/F 20rs -8PART B: ITEMS 31-60 READING COMPREHENSION 30 minutes SECTION I four a blank space' Below each sentence are Instructions: Each of the fotlowing sentences contains space sentence. Then, shade the corresponding choices. Select the one which eiiT comptetes the on your answer sheet. Example: No me levanto temprano porque la oficina esta ' ' ' ' ' ' hoy' Samole Answer (A) rota 3H 3l (D) @@oo cerrada 31. Mafianava mi ........ at a llover, Pero no puedo enconiar bufanda (c) parabrisas (D) paracaidas (c) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) paraguas Rosita sac6 una buena nota en el ensayo' Por eso se siente enojada at6nita satisfecha descontenta Los amigos de Juan le traj eron ... '.. " ' " ' para su fiesta. . (A) (B) (A) (B) 33. 34. regalos paPeles anuncios ex6menes Antes de acostarte por favor no te olvides de...-.....laluz. (A) (B) (C) (D) sacar aPagar encender despertar CO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0r 24s010/F 2015 35. Segun ........ yo agrego una cucharadita de sal al plato. (A) (B) (C) (D) 36. la carta el mapa la receta la calculadora 37. Antonio se ha dormido porque la pelicula es muy ........ (A) (B) (c) (D) soiadora aburrida divedida interesante Tienes que comprar una cdmara si quieres ........... fotografias. Lo siento, el taxi (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) sacar coger hacer salir es&i ....-.., no cabe m6s gente. lleno vacio caro viejo GO ON TO TI{E NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2015 -10SECTIONII each are left out. _For Instructions: The paragraph below contains blank spaces indicating that words the choice select are fJuriuggested answers. After reading the paragraph carefully, til@6o" the answer sheet' on space the corresponding shade bl"ok .p"ce that is BiST in the context. Then, fo, "u"h Example: Lacasafue...... 12 (A) (B) (c) (D) el aflo pasado, y ahora ' ' ' ' ' ' muy bonita' pintado pintada pintadas pintados Sample Answers (A) (B) (C) (D) estd tue @oc@ 1. estaba tiene o@@@ 2. Mis vacaciones La mismo ....... semana seri la primera semana de mis vacaciones. Ahora, 39-4u no "'.'-' preocupado al extranjero con mis padres que las vacaciones, pienso ir ....... sali '4i" - bien en mis ex6menes. ...-.. 42 tener tales padres! iQu6 'i::" ___ dinero en sus compras' ....... mucho siemore ..tit. 44 ".-*-,._ 39. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4A. (A) (B) (C) (D) 41. (A) (B) (C) (D) iltima pasada Pronto Pr6xima he soy estoy tengo desde a causa asi que Porque 42. (A) (B) (C) (D) 43. (A) (B) (C) (D) 44. (A) (B) (C) (D) Con Durante Mientras Luego han pasan gastan esperan calor sueflo suerte kistima GO 01245010/F 201s ONTOTHENEXTPAGE SECTION III Instructions: The conversation below contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers. After reading the conversation carefully, select the choice for each blank space that is BEST in the context. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. Examnle: La casafue - -.... el afro pasado, yahora.. t2 (A) (B) (C) (D) 1. pintado 2. pintada pintadas pintados -... muy bonita. (A) estii cB) tue (C) estaba (D) tiene Samole Answers @o o@ o@ @@ 1. 2. En el mercado al aire libre - lHola sefrora, venga ....:-.. ver nuestros productos de artesania! .....,.. rinicos y representan 4s'46' ejemplos excelentes de nuestra cultura local ......... indigena. Lo que es .,...--., estas artesanias no ......... 49 47 48' una fortuna, iEs una verdadera ......... '50 ! - Oiga sefrora, si llevamos una......... de ponchos, icninto nos .........? 52 sl 45. (A) (B) (C) (D) 46. (A) (B) (C) (D) 47. (A) (B) (c) (D) a de en por Es Esttir Soo Estfti o e u v 48. (A) (B) (C) (D) 49. (A) (B) (C) (D) 50. (A) (B) (C) (D) poco mejor mucho demasiado est6r tienen hacen cuestan 51. (A) (B) (C) (D) 52. (A) (B) (C) (D) docena muchedumbre da pasa cobra enqrga ganga suerte pirdida aventura GO 0\2450totF 2015 libra raci6n ONTOTHENEXTPAGE -12SECTION IV Instructions: Read the following selections carefirlly for comprehension. Each selection is followed by a number of questions or incomplete statements. Select the answer that is BEST according to the information given in the selection. Then, shade the corresponding space on your.rnswer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. (a) Items 53-56 refer to the following. AGENCIADE MODELOS ;TE INTERESA UNA CARRERA EN MODELAJE? iQuieres ser modelo? En cinco semanas aprenderdLs etiqueta, glamour, tecnicas de escenario btisico y de maniqui. Tambi6n, coordinaci6n de moda, cuidado de la piel y maquillaje. Garantizamos cont?tos con importantes casas de moda. iDa un paso adelante y recibe reconocimiento en el mundo del modelaje! ilnscribete ahora! Para mayor informaci6n visita nuestra oficina situada en: PLAZA GRANDE, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Tel:764-3960 Correo electr6nico: 53. 1Qu6 ofrece el anuncio? (A) (B) (C) (D) 54. modista actiz t6cnico modelo ;En d6nde trabajani? (A) (B) (C) (D) Una carrera Un desfile Una moda Un maniqui Se entrena para ser (A) (B) (C) (D) 55. 56. En teatros En casas de moda En supermercados En salones de belieza 1,cu6nto tiempo durad el curso? (A) (B) (C) (D) Un mes Dos meses M6s de un mes Menos de un mes GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012450i0/F 2015 . Ol Items 57-60 refer to the following. El lugar donde trabajaba Mariela era pequeflo pero a ella no le importaba nada; el lugar respiraba un aire de mucha organizaci6n y Mariela se sentia c6moda ahi. Acababan de dar las nueve cuando son6 el tel6fono que estaba en su escritorio. En seguida escuch6 lavoz de sujefe: - Buenos dias, seflorita. ;Estri muy ocupada ahora? - No, nada urgente- - Entonces hdgame el favor de venir a mi despacho ya que tengo que dictarle unas cartas muy importantes. Mariela colg6 el teldfono y guard6 la revista que estaba leyendo. 57. 58. Esta escena tuvo lugar (A) (B) (C) (D) un autom6vil ;C6mo se sentia (A) (B) (C) (D) Encarcelada Preocupada Sofocada C6moda en . 59. (A) (B) (C) (D) una casa un barco una oficina Mariela? ;Qu6haciaMarielacuando son6eltel6fono? 60. Leia Escribia Se sentaba Se arreglaba iC6mo era la oficina de Mariela? (A) (B) (C) (D) Pequefra e incom6da Organizada y pequefra Grande e imponante Organizada pero inc6moda END OFTEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED. CHECK YOIJR WORK ON TIIIS TEST. 0r24s010/F 2015 5L. TEST CODE 01245010 _ TS FORM TP 2016113 TS CARIBBEAN MAY/JLINE 20I6 EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE@ EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 01 - General Proficiency PARTA _ LISTENING COMPREHENSION ITEMS T_30 TEACHER'S SCRIPT 45 minules 08 JUNE 2016 (a.m.) ':"',.ti tx.i .;'4i; Copyright @ 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. I I I I I I 0t2450101F 2016 - TS 1 -L- PAPER' THIS IS THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART OFTHE MULTIPLE-CHOICE YoUMUSTLISTENCAREFULLYToTHEINSTRUCTIoNS,ANDToEACHQUESTIoN WHICHWILLBEREADONLYoNCE.NowoPENYoURTESTBooKLEToNPAGE2 ANDREADWITHMETHEINSTRUCTIONSFoRSECTIoNI. SECTION I Choose from the four Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence' the sentence says' Then' shade pictures in your test Uooillet the ONE picture *ili"n BEST shows what space on the answer sheet' For example' you hear: th" "o.."rponding El muchacho va a correr (15 seconds) Now look at the four pictures printed in your test booklet. with the letter (D) on the answer sheet' The correct answer is picture (D), so you would shade the space Begin to look at the picture (15 seconds) STOP' Now get ready to listen to the first question' Question I Les gusta o(r el cuento. (15 seconds) Question 2 El hombre vende Pl6tanos. (15 seconds) La mujer Prepara tortillas. (15 seconds) banderas' lCuidado! Deben nadar entre las (15 seconds) Question 3 Question 4 La nifia va a la iglesia. (l 5 seconds) Question 6 La mujer est6 colgando la roPa' (15 seconds) Question 7 Los j6venes se divierten jugando a los naipes (15 seconds) El edificio grande se est6 demoliendo' (15 seconds) Question Question 5 8 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124s010/F 2016 - TS -3SECTION II Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a number of sentences. Each sentence will will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question, choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For example, you will hear: be read twice and 1Mam6, tengo muchisima sedl (Twice) 6Qud quiere esta persona? After examining the suggested answers you should select the BEST one and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C) (D) Un mddico Una bebida Una galleta Una manzana Sample Answer o The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. Now listen carefully to the first question in this section. Question 9 ...... - Mamd, gan6 el concurso de pintura lQud maravilloso! 6C6mo se siente esta persona? Question l0 Question I I Question l2 (1 5 seconds) -lCurinto cuesta esta cadena de oro? Esta persona est6 en una ... (l -Quiero dos bocadillos por favor y, ;qu6 hay de postre? 6C6mo est6 esta persona? (1 5 seconds) ;Qud lSstima! He sacado malas notas en mis exdmenes. Question l3 ;C6mo se siente esta persona? (15 seconds) -A sus 6rdenes, sefiores. ;En qud puedo servirles? 6D6nde est6n estas personas? (15 seconds) Todo el mundo est6 sentado a la mesa, a punto de comer. Question 14 iQud dice la madre? Question l5 (15 seconds) - Lo siento Maria. Espero que pronto todo estd bien le dijo Angela. lQud ha oido Angela? Question l6 _ (15 seconds) - La cuenta, por favor, camarero Este cliente quiere... 01245010tF 2016 5 seconds) - TS (15 seconds) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -4SECTION III Instructions: In this section you will hear a series of public announcements or selections followed by of questions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question there is a choice of four responses. Select the BEST response and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. a number First selection (Read first time at normal speed.) lAviso importante! Acabamos de recibir informaci5n de que se est6 acercando una tempestad fuerte. Llegarb maflana aproximadamente a las doce del dia. Estarii acompafrada de vientos con una velocidad de 150 kil6metros por hora (km/h). HabrS lluvias torrenciales, truenos y relilmpagos. (Read again, more slowly.) Question l7 6De qud trata el aviso? Question 18 ;A qud hora va a llegar? (15 seconds) Question 19 6Qud tiempo va a hacer? (15 seconds) (15 seconds) Second selection: (Read first time at normal speed.) lAtenci6n! lAtenci6n! Les habla eljefe de los salvavidas. No naden muy lejos porque las olas son fuertes y peligrosas. Favor de prestar atenci6n a los anuncios. (Read again, more slowly.) ;D6nde ocurre esta escena? (15 seconds) 2l lQui6n hace este anuncio? (15 seconds) Question 22 lQud aconseja el anuncio? (15 seconds) Question 20 Question GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2016 - TS -5SECTION IV INSTRUCTIONS ii I The passage should be read at a normal pace, the first and last (complete) readings each taking approximately lYz minutes. The reading should be done in such a lvay as to convey changes of voice (in dialogue, for example), but explanatory gestures are not permissible. The title in English is to be read to the candidates. t (The teacher should read the following instructions aloud to the candidates immediately before the text.) Listen carefully to the following instructions: I shall read the passage straight through once. Listen carefully while I read I shall then instruct you to look at the questions in English on the text. You will be allowed three minutes to read the questions and make notes. There are two groups of questions. I shall read the passage again, but this time in two parts. When I have finished reading PartA (but not before) you will be given five minutes in which to select your answers for the first group of questions. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided. This procedure will then be repeated for Part B. I shall then read the passage a third time, straight through, after which you will be allowed four minutes for final revision. I GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2016 - TS -6The Birthday Parr.v PART A El s6bado pasado Manuel celebr6 su ddcimo cumpleaflos. Por primera vez querfa celebrar la ocasi6n con una fiesta. Por eso, sus padres decidieron invitar a todos sus amigos de su clase, de su vecindad y a su profesora de espaflol. Planificaron con placer la fiesta porque Manuel es una persona bondadosa, aplicada, y siempre recibe buenas notas. PART B Durante la primera parte del dfa Manuel visit6 a su abuelo, quien le dio un mont6n de regalos que inclufa el ordenador que Manuel queria desde hacia mucho tiempo. Al regresar a casa, Manuel estaba muy sorprendido porque la casa estaba muy bien decorada y su familia habia preparado mucha comida y bebidas. Cuando llegaron los convidados todos comieron y bebieron lo que quisieron y por eso todos lo pasaron bien. STOP. THIS IS THE END OFTHE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER AN ITEM, GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN RETURN TO THAT ITEM LATER. 01245010tF 2016 - TS E. CANDIDATF', - PI.F"ASE NOTF',! PRINTyour neme on the line and return this booklet with the answer sheet. Feilure to do so may result TEST CODE in disqualification. FORM TP 2016113 MAY/JLINE 2016 EXAMINATIONS CARIBBEAN 01245010 COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE@ EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 01 - General Proficiency PART A - LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART B - READING COMPREHENSION I hour 15 minutes 08 JUNE 2016 (a.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have I hour and l5 minutes to answer them. 2. 3. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). After listening to or reading each item you are about to answer, decide which choice is best. 5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. l.rii:). Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Sample Item Venezuelaes... (A) (B) (C) (D) un pais una colonia una ciudad un continente Sample Answer o The best answer to this item is "un pafs", so (A) has been shaded. 6 If you want to change your answer, 7 The supervisor willtell you when to start and stop working on the different parts of this test. Follow the instructions which you will hear. erase it completely before you shade in your new choice. I - DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU AR-E TOLD TO DO SO - Copyright @ 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. I I I I I I 0124s010tF 2016 -2ITEMS 1_30 PART A LISTENING COMPREHENSION 45 minutes SECTION I Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which BEST shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. For example, you hear: El muchacho va a correr. You see (B) (A) (c) (D) The correct answer is picture (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. I @ ep (A) (B) (c) (D) 2 (A) (B) (c) (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0tz450tDlF 2016 -3 - 3 _=----=\ ----= l (c) (B) (A) (D) 4 (c) (B) (A) (D) 5 0 ( I (A) ffi (B) tilfr ffi m (c) ffi (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245011tF 2016 -46. o 1 ):..a1 C o tl]l!) o U (D) (c) (B) (A) 7 s s (D) (c) (B) (A) 8 gg 9 I E E (A) E E E E trl trt E E E E E E (B) B B (c) s ! 1 I,I I @) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0t24s0t0lF 2016 5 SECTION II Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a number of sentences. Each sentence will be read twice and will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question, choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For example, you will hear: lMamii, tengo muchisima sed! (Twice) iQud quiere esta Persona? After examining the suggested answers you should select the BEST one and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer Un m6dico Una bebida Una galleta o Una manzana letter (B) on your answer sheet' The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the (A) (B) 9 (c) (D) 10 (A) (B) (c) (D) 11 (A) (B) (c) (D) t2 Rica Desolada Contenta Frustrada 13. joyeria fruterfa t4 frio (B) Triste Contenta Trabajadora (A) (B) (c) (D) 15. (A) (B) (c) sueflo hambre Cansada (D) (D) calor (A) (c) (c) zapateria carniceria Con Con Con Con (A) (B) (D) t6 (A) (B) (c) (D) En la calle En el campo En una casa En una tienda lFeliz Navidad! lBuen provecho! ;Que lo pasen bien! lQue les vaya bien! Malas noticias Buenas noticias Cuentos interesantes Informaciones nuevas ir al bafro salir del restaurante sentarse Para comer pedir informaci6n sobre un Plato GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012450101F 2016 -6SECTION III Instructions: In this section you will hear a series of public announcements or selections followed by a number of questions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question there is a choice of four responses. Select the BEST response and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. Second Selection First Selection t7 (A) (B) 20 (D) Una venta Una tormenta Una epidemia Un accidente (A) (B) Muy temprano A medianoche 2l (c) Por la tarde Al mediodia (c) 18 (D) 19 (A) (B) (c) (D) Mal tiempo Va a nevar Buen tiempo Tiempo espl6ndido )) (A) (B) En las orillas del mar En las orillas del r(o (c) En la piscina (D) En el banco (A) (B) El nadador El pescador (c) Elpolicfa (D) El salvavidas (A) (B) Hablar con eljefe No pescar en el mar (c) Baflarse cerca de la playa No hacer caso a los anuncios (D) NOW GET READY FOR SECTION IV IN WHICH A PASSAGE IS GOING TO BE READ TO YOU. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010lF 2016 -7 - SECTION IV Instructions: A passage in Spanish has just been read to you. You may now study the questions and make notes. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided. The Birthday Party PART 23. Which birthday was Manuel (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. A PART B celebrating? 27. (A) (B) His Sth His 9th His 10th His l6th What was special about this What did Manuel do in the morning? (c) (D) occasion? 28. (A) (c) (c) there. All his family members would be there. (D) It (B) visited his grandfather. went to buy presents. climbed a mountain. got dressed. What special gift did Manuel receive? He could invite all his friends. His favourite teacher would be (A) He He He He (B) (D) A printer An iPod A smart phone A computer was the first time he would celebrate with a party. 29 How did Manuel feel when he returned home? 25. (A) Who had planned the celebration? (B) (A) (B) (c) (D) His His His His (c) parents classmates Spanish teacher (D) relatives 30. 26 Tired Anxious Surprised Overwhelmed Why did the planners take pleasure in organizing this party for Manuel? (A) (B) They enjoyed planning parties. Manuelwould normally plan their (C) (D) He was kind and hardworking. He had finally received good grades. Why did the guests enjoy themselves? (A) (B) (C) (D) The music was great. Everyone got parting gifts. The house was well decorated. There was much to eat and drink. parties. STOP. THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSIONAS QUICKLYAND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER AN ITEM, GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN RETURN TO THAT ITEM LATER. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012450101F 2016 -8PART B ITEMS 3T_60 READING COMPREHENSION 30 minutes SECTION I Instructions: Each of the following sentences contains a blank space. Below each sentence are four choices. Select the one which BEST completes the sentence. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Examole: No me levanto temprano porque la oficina est6 . . . . . . hoy. (A) (B) rota fuera (c) cerca cerrada (D) Sample Answer oo The correct answer is (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. 31. Rosita sac6 una buena nota en el ensayo. Por eso se siente (A) (B) 32 33. El estudiante habfa llegado ....... a la escuela a causa del embotellamiento. (A) (B) tarde (c) at6nita enojada satisfecha (D) (c) despacio descontenta (D) temprano Antes de acostarte, por favor, no te olvides de .... .. .. . laluz. (A) (B) (c) (D) encender despertar apagar sacar 34. a tiempo Cuando son6 , Isabel corri6 contestarlo. (A) (B) (c) (D) la campana el tel6fono la alarma el disparo GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/F 2016 a -9 35. No tengo una blusa roja para ponerme mafrana. Por lo tanto, necesito ir ......... 36 37 . El camarero me sirvi6 con tanta cortesfa que le di una buena (A) (B) a la oficina a la zapateria (A) (B) cuenta (c) a la lavanderia (c) propina (D) a la tienda de ropa (D) gracias Conocemos bien esta aldea porque venimos aquf muy (A) (B) tiempo a menudo (c) de repente (D) poco a poco a 01245010/F 2016 38. carta Sefror, Vd. maneja demasiado r6pido, por favor, 6puede conducir ............. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) despacio en la carretera m5s rdpidamente fuera de la carretera GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -10SECTION II Instructions: The following example contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers. Read carefully, then select the choice that is BEST in the context for each blank space. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Example: La casa fue . . . el afio pasado, y ahora muy bonita. I (A) (B) (C) (D) I 2 Sample Answer pintado pintada pintadas pintados 2 (A) (B) estd (c) estaba (D) tiene fue 1 2. @oo@ o@@@ The correct answers are (B) and (A) respectively, so you would shade the spaces (B) and (A) for the respective choices. Mis vacaciones La . . . semana serd la primera semana de mis vacaciones. Ahora mismo 39 sali bien en mis ex6menes. mucho dinero en sus 43 39 40 4t O, tener tales padres! 44 riltima (B) pasada (A) (B) 42 empezar empiecen empiezan empezardn (c) pronto (c) (D) pr6xima (D) (A) he (B) soy (A) (B) (c) tengo (c) han pasan gastan (D) estoy (D) esperan (A) cuando porque mientras sin embargo (A) (B) calor (B) (c) suerte (D) lilstima (D) . preocupado . . 40 4t .. las vacaciones, pienso ir al extranjero con mis padres que siempre Ot compras. iQud (A) (c) no 43 44 suefro GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010tF 2016 . - 1l SECTION III Instructions: The following example contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers. Read carefully, then select the choice that is BEST in the context for each blank space. Then, shade the space on the answer sheet. "o.."rpording Example: .. . que ir mafrana. (A) (B) (C) (D) Debo Sample Answer Tengo @oo@ Insisto Pregunto The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet Los planes para el futuro Anoche, en una 45 Mariana Herndndez, . . . sus pranes para el en casa de los Herniindez, unos j6venes amigos futuro. Mariana les dijo que . ira. . . paracontinuarsus 47 46 estudios con especialidad en los negocios. Manuel, 48 a un grupo de chicas, coment6 que no 49 alternativa que . . . 45 (A) (B) <, (c) (D) 46. (A) (B) (c) (D) 47 (A) (B) (c) (D) reuni6n poblaci6n generaci6n informaci6n 48. discutieron hablaron tomaron dieron 49 qulslera quiero quer[a quiso 50. 01245010/F 2016 (A) (B) otra 50 m6dico, puesto que era una tradici6n 51 de su familia. la universidad (c) Ia biblioteca Ia iglesia (A) (B) volver (D) (c) estudiar Ia discoteca (D) entrenarse (A) poni6ndose cepilkindose (A) (B) a en (c) por (D) sin (B) (c) (D) acerc6ndose levant6ndose (A) (B) tenfa (c) (D) 51. 52. ser harir hacerse conseguirse GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -12SECTION IV Instructions: Read the following selection carefully for comprehension. The selection is followed by a number of incomplete statements or questions. Select the completion or answer that is BEST according to the information given in the selection. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. (a) Items 53-56 refer to the following selection Bienvenidos a la Hacienda Campo Clarito Esta hacienda es un destino turfstico que estii situado entre montaflas y riachuelos. 6Piensa casarse pronto y necesita un lugar para pasar su luna de miel? Entonces vaya a Campo Clarito que le ofrece un ambiente tranquilo en medio de la nauraleza. Disfrute de . . . . Caminatas guiadas, Montar a caballo, Visitas a las cuevas cercanas y al Salto Trepa La serenata de los pajaritos que habitan el lugar. ; 7 dfas con desayuno incluido por solo mil d6lares! lHaga su reserva ahora! Comuniquese con nuestro agente el Sr. Miguel Torres al tel: (414) 830 2148 o visite nuestro sitio web: 01245010/F 2016 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -1353 6D6nde est6 ubicada la hacienda de Campo 55. En Campo Clarito se disfruta de . . Clarito? (A) (B) (c) (D) (A) (B) En la capital En el desierto En un lugar ruidoso Entre rios y montaflas ;A qui6nes les interesa este anuncio especialmente? (A) (B) (c) (D) A una pareja A todo el mundo A los reci6n casados Al agente Miguel Torres ;C6mo se puede hacer una reserva? (A) (B) (C) (D) Participando en una caminata Visitando el Salto Trepa Caminando a las cuevas Por medio de internet (c) 56. 54 (D) competencias de baile un ambiente sereno montar en bicicleta una discoteca I GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124501otF 2016 -14- (b) Items 57-{0 refer to the following selection Dra. Elsa Ramos & Asociados Servicios Dentales con las tdcnicas m6s modernas. Atendemos a pacientes nuevos y las emergencias se atienden el mismo dia. Ofrecemos los siguientes serv icios: - Odontologia para niffos y adultos - Odontologia cosmdtica - An6lisis de su sonrisa - Extracciones - Limpieza dental a un precio especial - 50 Bs - Blanqueamiento de dientes - 150 Bs Citas disponibles todos los dias hasta las cinco de la tarde Para consultas gratis llamar al tel. 416-820-3354 lGarantizamos trabajos dentales de la m6s alta calidad! 57. 59. ;Para qui6n es este servicio? (A) Niflos solamente (B) Todas las personas (c) Pacientes nuevos Los asociados (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 58. ;A quidnes se atiende el mismo dia? (A) (B) (C) (D) 6Qu6 servicio se puede recibir sin pagar? 60. Una consulta Una limpieza Una extracci6n Un blanqueamiento l,Qud garantia se ofrece al paciente? A los niflos (A) Un anSlisis de su extracci6n Los clientes sin cita A los pacientes nuevos Los casos de emergencia (B) (c) Excel entes trabaj os dentales Un descuento de 50 Bs (D) Una consulta gratis END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 0t24s0t0tF 2016 TEST CODE 01245010 FORM TP 2017113 TS - TS TEST CODE FORM TP 2017113 01245010 Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner -12SECTION IV Instructions: Read the following selection carefully for comprehension. The selection is followed by a number of incomplete statements or questions. Select the completion or answer that is BEST according to the information given in the selection. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. (a) Items 53-56 refer to the following selection Bienvenidos a la Hacienda Campo Clarito Esta hacienda es un destino turfstico que estii situado entre montaflas y riachuelos. 6Piensa casarse pronto y necesita un lugar para pasar su luna de miel? Entonces vaya a Campo Clarito que le ofrece un ambiente tranquilo en medio de la nauraleza. Disfrute de . . . . Caminatas guiadas, Montar a caballo, Visitas a las cuevas cercanas y al Salto Trepa La serenata de los pajaritos que habitan el lugar. ; 7 dfas con desayuno incluido por solo mil d6lares! lHaga su reserva ahora! Comuniquese con nuestro agente el Sr. Miguel Torres al tel: (414) 830 2148 o visite nuestro sitio web: 01245010/F 2016 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner