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Foundation Engineering I Course Material

TR 334: Foundation Engineering I
2E Units – Core
By Dr. Siya Rimoy
University of Dar es Salaam
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Transportation & Geotechnical Engineering
•Course contents
Vertical stresses within a soil mass
Deformation and settlements of soils
Bearing capacity of soils
Stability of soil slopes
Horizontal stresses within a soil mass
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Chapter contents
 General considerations
 Principles of settlements computation
 Differential settlements
 Allowable settlements
 Rate of settlements
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
General considerations
Settlement is the vertical downward displacement of the ground
(cf. heave). Settlements can be caused by several aspects
1) Compaction
2) Consolidation
3) Elastic (or immediate) movement
4) Moisture movement (Shrinkage and swelling)
5) Vegetation effects
6) Groundwater lowering
7) Temperature changes
8) Seepage and scouring (Erosion)
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of settlement computation
Foundation engineers can avoid a number of the causes of
settlements but have to quantity the unavoidable ones, for
example, stresses changes in the ground as a result of engineering
produced by stresses changes are given by;
Total settlements,
- Immediate (elastic) settlement
- (Primary) Consolidation settlement
- Secondary settlement
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of settlement computation
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of settlement computation
Immediate (elastic) settlement,
In the case of uniform loading, the vertical surface displacement
of a soil layer of infinite depth is given by;
Where q – intensity of contact pressure
B – least lateral dimension (breadth or diameter)
ν – Poisson’s ratio
E – Modulus of elasticity
- Influence factor for vertical displacement
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of settlement computation
Immediate (elastic) settlement, (cont…)
Influence factors ( ) for immediate settlement are readable from
derived tables
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of settlement computation
Immediate (elastic) settlement, (cont…)
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of settlement computation
Consolidation settlement,
a) By oedometer load – settlement curves method
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of settlement computation
Consolidation settlement,
a) By load – settlement curves method (cont…)
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of settlement computation
Consolidation settlement,
a) By Oedometer mv method
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of the settlement computation
Secondary settlements,
Occurs at the end of consolidation (primary) settlements
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Principles of the settlement computation
Secondary settlements,
Secondary settlements can then be
obtained from the laboratory test results
t1 – reference time, typically 1 year to
allow for construction period and primary
consolidation and,
t2 – is the design life of the structure
– can be obtained from oedometer test
by continued reading after EoP
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Settlements of Rigid Footings
Since rigid footings have infinite bending resistance, the
deformations of such footings doesn’t follow the deformation of
the subsoil.
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Settlements of Rigid Footings
To calculate the mean settlement Sm of a rigid footing we consider a
characteristic point Pc under the footing.
Pc is defined such that the settlement below Pc for a completely
flexible load causing the mean soil pressure qm is equal to the mean
settlement sm of the considered rigid building.
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Settlements of Rigid Footings
The vertical stress at a depth z below the
characteristic point Pc of a uniformly
loaded rectangular rigid footing with
dimensions l and b can be expressed as;
is an influence factor from the
derived table adjacent
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Settlements of Rigid Footings
The vertical stress at a depth z
below different points of a
uniformly loaded circular
is an influence
factor from the derived table
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Differential settlements
The magnitude of uniform settlements may not be as a
structurally distressing as differential settlements. The possible
causes of differential settlements include;
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Differential settlements
The possible causes of differential settlements include; (cont…)
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Differential settlements
Differential settlements can be assessed in terms of the angular
distortion of a structure or part of it.
Chapter 2: Deformation and settlements of soils
Effects of settlements
1) Affects the appearance of structures by cracks and tilting
2) May interfere with the function of utilities and machinery in a
3) May cause structural failure of buildings even though the
factor of safety against shear failure has not been reached