Uploaded by Inna Usmanova


В английском существуют некоторые пары или
комбинации слов, которые нельзя менять местами.
Irreversible Binomials:
§ black and white — чёрное и белое;
I won't believe it until I see it in black and white.
§ mom and dad — мама с папой;
We need to tell mom and dad.
§ short and sweet — коротко и ясно;
I'll keep this short and sweet.
§ ups and downs — взлёты и падения;
It's had its ups and downs.
§ pros and cons — плюсы и минусы;
His new job has pros and cons.
§ alive and well — жив здоров;
§ I only want to know if he's alive and well.
§ salt and pepper — соль и перец;
I just stuck to salt and pepper.
§ loud and clear — чётко и ясно;
We read you loud and clear.
§ yes or no — да или нет;
It can be answered yes or no.
§ heads or tails — орёл или решка
Try to toss the coin, heads or tails, you know.
§ nice and sweet — добрый и милый;
You have to be nice and sweet with the ladies.
§ above and beyond — возможное и невозможное;
Your donation was above and beyond anything we ever
§ in and out — одна нога здесь, другая там;
I’ll be in and out.
§ cause and effect — причина и следствие;
Maybe, I would understand your point of view, if there was
cause and effect.
§ floor to ceiling — от пола до потолка;
§ Mountains of gold and silver were heaped from floor to
§ sooner or later — рано или поздно;
I knew you'd come sooner or later.
§ bow and arrow — стрела и лук;
You look like you got shot by a bow and arrow.
§ hugs and kisses — объятия и поцелуи;
There'll be plenty of time for hugs and kisses later.
Существуют также Irreversible Trinomials:
§ in no way, shape or form — никоим образом;
I’ll do it in no way, shape or form.
§ blood, sweat and tears — потом и кровью;
I made this happen through blood, sweat and tears.
§ me, myself and I — только я сам по себе;
No, just me, myself and I.
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