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Unilever Canteen Ordering System Project Report

Simplilearn CBAP Cer fica on Project
25 – April – 2023
Page No.
Table of Contents
Introduc on
Business Analysis and Concept Model (BACCM)
Problem statement
Process MAP
Scope of new Canteen Ordering System (Context Diagram)
Features need to be developed.
System ac vity diagram.
ER diagram for system.
Business requirements for func onal and non-func onal requirements
Wireframes of features.
Unilever is a mul na onal FMCG company with 1500 employees in its UK offices. The employees face a
problem with the canteen service, which is inefficient, wasteful, and unsa sfactory. The employees
spend too much me wai ng for food and tables, and o en do not get their preferred food choices.
The canteen also discards a lot of food that is not sold. The employees have requested an online food
ordering system that would allow them to order food online and have it delivered to their work
loca on at a specified me and date.
The problem with the canteen service is caused by several factors, such as:
The limited capacity of the canteens to accommodate the large number of employees who
want to have lunch at the same time.
The lack of variety and availability of food options in the canteens.
The inefficiency and error-prone nature of the manual ordering and payment process.
The mismatch between the supply and demand of food in the canteens.
The problem affects both the employees and the management of Unilever, as it results in:
Reduced productivity and satisfaction of the employees, who waste time and energy on lunch
breaks and do not enjoy their meals.
Increased costs and environmental impact of the canteen service, which wastes food and
The problem can be solved by implementing an online food ordering system that would enable the
employees to order food online from a variety of vendors and have it delivered to their work location
at a specified time and date. This would address the issues of:
Capacity: The online food ordering system would reduce the congestion and crowding in the
canteens, as fewer employees would need to use them. The employees who prefer to eat in
the canteens would have more space and comfort.
Variety and availability: The online food ordering system would offer more food options to the
employees, who could choose from different cuisines, dishes, and prices. The employees would
also be able to order their preferred food items without worrying about them running out.
Efficiency and accuracy: The online food ordering system would streamline the ordering and
payment process, as the employees could place their orders online using their smartphones or
computers. The system would also reduce the chances of errors or miscommunication that
may occur when ordering over the phone or in person.
Supply and demand: The online food ordering system would match the supply and demand of
food more effectively, as the vendors would prepare and deliver only the food that is ordered
by the employees. This would reduce the amount of food that is wasted or thrown away by the
canteen service.
The criteria for evaluating the online food ordering system are:
Employee satisfaction: The online food ordering system should improve the satisfaction of the
employees who use it, by providing them with more convenience, choice, quality, and value for
their meals.
Operational efficiency: The online food ordering system should improve the efficiency of the
canteen service, by reducing the workload of the staff, minimizing errors and delays, and
optimizing resource utilization.
Cost-effectiveness: The online food ordering system should be cost-effective for Unilever, by
reducing the operational costs of the canteen service, increasing employee productivity, and
generating revenue from commissions or fees from vendors or customers.
Environmental sustainability: The online food ordering system should be environmentally
sustainable for Unilever, by reducing the amount of food waste and packaging waste generated
by the canteen service.
Course of Action
The course of action for implementing the online food ordering system is:
Conduct a research/survey and a feasibility study to assess the needs and expectations of the
employees, identify potential vendors and partners, estimate costs and benefits, and evaluate
risks and challenges.
Design and develop a user-friendly website or app that allows employees to order food online
from a variety of vendors. The website or app should also provide features such as menu
browsing, order tracking, payment processing, feedback collection, etc.
Test and launch the online food ordering system on a pilot basis with a selected group of
employees and vendors. Monitor and evaluate its performance using metrics such as order
volume, delivery time, customer satisfaction, etc.
Scale up and roll out the online food ordering system to all employees and vendors. Provide
training and support to staff members on how to use the system. Promote and market the
system to increase awareness and adoption among employees.
The metrics for measuring the success of the online food ordering system are:
Employee satisfaction: Measure employee satisfaction using surveys.
Reduce food wasted: calculate the food wasted by reducing it form previous 25% to 15% with
in 12 months of release of the system.
Reduce the waiting time & automated delivering: Orders should be placed by 11 am. Which
will result in giving time to prepare food. Food should be delivered at user’s desk and hence
waiting time should be reduced as a result in increasing the work time per day within 3 months
of the release.
Task 1.
The need for canteen ordering system is for reducing the waiting time for food and getting
preferred food for each employee.
Reducing the food wastage from current 25% to a minimum level
Resulting in increasing the working time of employees and reducing the wastage cost.
To automate the ordering system by making it online so that canteen gets time to prepare food
and delivering at the user’s desk. As the food was ordered from the pre-defined menu hence
employee will get their choice of food.
The portal should be integrated within employee’s hr portal, it should be user friendly and
less complicated.
Food menu should be updated daily with veg and non-veg food options.
Food cost should be linked with employee’s payroll and deducted from salary.
1500 employees
2 canteens- canteens space was designed for 150 employees at a time hence resulting in
waiting time of 30-35 mins.
Huge rush at the time of lunch hours resulting in wasting of time for tables to be vacant.
Due to which working time is affected by 30-40 mins
Issue with payment gateway as the payment methods are conventional and old.
System should aim on reducing the wait time of employee, availability of desired food
Increased in satisfaction for employee.
It should be focussed on reducing food wastage cost and cost saving for the organization.
Sponsor-company, Management/ operation-manager/other managers
Customer-canteen management/operational support/chef
Business analyst
Delivery persons
End user-employees
Project manager
Task 2.
List of Stakeholders.
Canteen Manager
Delivery Boy
Payroll system
Operational support
Project manager
Implementation on IT
Food Supplier
Business analyst
Order food by 11am from given menu (updated on daily basis)
Modify order before checking out.
Provide feedback
Create/update menu daily.
View orders placed by employee, get it prepared by chefs and ensuring proper
delivery of the order
Must deliver food at the correctly at employees’ desk
Maintaining employees’ database for the number of dishes order with respect to their
price to be deducted from employee’s salary.
 Check most popular dishes.
 No of employees using the system
 Sa sfac on of employees using feedback mechanism
 Sales of each day total monthly earnings and forecas ng
Provides opera onal support to employees/ customers in case of any issue in the
applica on
Ensure successful implementa on of solu on by maintaining all constraints, resources,
budget, and me.
Develop online web applica on for the employees to order food from canteen and
ensuring that all 1500 employees can use applica on smoothly
Test the usability and convenience of applica on to fix any errors/bugs if iden fied
Sponsoring all budget related ac vi es and providing useful insights
Providing logis cal support to canteen management based on the demand
Ensuring proper collabora on between external and internal stakeholders to implement
successful solu on effec vely
Task 3.
Problem Statement.
Unilever have 1500 employees in UK office, with as sea ng capacity of 150 person in canteen.
Peak lunch hours(12pm-1pm) which causes extreme rush in the canteen, resul ng in long wai ng me for food
prepara on and delivering.
Due to long wai ng mes some orders get cancelled and results in food wastage.
Employees also fails to get their choice of food, due to food wastage and no pre-orders.
Lunch Dura on
60 Mins
Time in Queue
Time for ea ng
30-35 Mins
10-15 Mins
Returning to worksta on
10 Mins
Task 4.
Process Map
Current state
h ps://share.balsamiq.com/c/qdW83tyQC9TZsvgKHdZ8DH.png
Task 5.
In Scope and Out scope diagram of canteen ordering system.
Main Features needs to be developed are:
Employee Registra on and Login.
Verifica on with One Time Password/Forgot Password Link- Work Email/Registered Phone Number.
Canteen Manager access to Create, Read, Update and Delete the Menu Items.
Daily pop-up Menu of the Day.
Easy and Interac ve in using.
Order Cart to be visible side by side while ordering/browsing.
Do not Allow Employees to Order a er 11AM.
Order confirma on no fica on to Employee/Canteen Manager/Chef.
Delivery Request no fica on to the Delivery Execu ve.
Employee to receive Feedback form regarding the Quality of food and service provided from the
Canteen manager to track Inventory.
Payroll team to accurately calculate the salary a er deduc ng their monthly bill for the meals.
Generate reports and other analysis reports to Management:
 Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly- Sales and Revenue Report
 Analysis regarding
 Popular Food
 Usage of the System
 Employee satisfaction
 Forecast/Prediction of Popular time for ordering/What Items will be ordered.
Task 7.
In-scope requirements:
Employee registration / Login screen
Menu page
Meal ordering screen
Order confirmation screen
Order status page
Meal delivery details
Close delivered order by meal deliverer.
Monthly payroll adjustment
Feedback submission
Sales report for canteen management system
Out-of-scope requirements:
Food vendor management
Food supplies out of stock notification
Chef and cook management.
Chef and meal delivery person pay details.
Task 8.
Ac vity diagram of the System
Task 10.
Functional Business Requirements
User Registration and Login.
Up to date Menu for the day.
Order to be placed before the mentioned timings.
Create and edit the order before checking out.
Delivery to the employee workstation.
After delivery, the deliverer shall close the online customer order.
Customer should be able to submit the feedback.
Generation of reports for management regarding the utilization of the canteen order system,
reduction in operational costs.
Non-Functional Business Requirements
Scalability & Performance: Scalable for 1500 employees at a time.
Availability: System to be light and fast.
Usability: User friendly and self-explanatory.
Maintainability: Software in Java.
Task 11.
Mock-up Screens.
1. Login Stage
2. Menu Choosing