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Unilever Canteen Ordering System Project Submission

Project Submission by:
Mayuresh Ravindra Salunkhe
Submitted to
Simplilearn Project for CBAP
On 09/04/2023
Table of Contents
Identify Key Stakeholders
Onion Diagram
RACI Matrix
Problem Definition and Solution
Advantages and Objectives
Existing System
Future State
Features Needs to add
Scope Using Context Diagram
Activity Diagram for System
ER Diagram for System
Functional Requirements
Non-Functional Requirements
Scalability and performance:
Prototyping of Canteen Ordering System
1. Introduction
Unilever is a British-Dutch MNC FMCG company, headquartered in London, England.
Unilever is one of the oldest FMCG companies, and its products are available in around 190
countries. In its UK offices, Unilever had around 1500 employees which were spread across
twelve floors. They had two canteens to cater to these 1500 employees. Each canteen could
seat around 150 employees at a time. Most employees would prefer to take their lunch
between 12 noon to 1 pm. This led to a huge rush in the canteen during lunch hours
resulting in employees wasting a lot of time waiting for tables to be vacant. Management
calculated that it took around 60 minutes for employees to go and come back from lunch.
Almost 30-35 minutes were wasted in waiting in a queue to collect their food and get a table
to sit and eat. However, the time spent eating was barely 10-15 minutes. The remaining 10
minutes were spent reaching and coming back from the canteen using the
elevators. Employees don’t always get their choice of food they want because the canteen
runs out of certain items. The canteen wastes a significant quantity of food by throwing away
what is not purchased. Many employees have requested a system that would permit a
canteen user to order meals online, to be delivered to their work location at a specified time
and date.
2. Stakeholder
2.1.Identify Key Stakeholders
2.2.Onion Diagram
2.3.RACI Matrix
2.3.1.Responsible (R):
the persons who will be performing the work on the task
2.3.2.Accountable (A):
the person who is ultimately held accountable for successful completion of the
task and is the decision maker
2.3.3.Consulted (C):
the stakeholder or stakeholder group who will be asked to provide an opinion
or information about the task
2.3.4.Informed (I):
a stakeholder or stakeholder group that is kept up to date on the task and
notified of its outcome.
The different level of involvement of the stakeholders in the project has been described
using RACI model as under:
3. Problem Definition and Solution
The problem here is with the current canteen ordering and operation process. The
workflow requires all the 1,500 employees of Unilever to have their lunch within specific
To do this, an employee needs to spend about 10 minutes travelling to and from the
canteen + 15
minutes ordering/collecting the food, and another 15-20 minutes waiting for a seat. Due
to this bottleneck, the employees are also not able to get what they desire and are faced
items running out of stock by the time their turn arrives. Additionally, the canteen has
also been
reporting a 25% wastage in food items due to nonpurchase each month.
The Problem statement can be better understood using a ROOT CAUSE effect with
support of
a FISH BONE diagram. This would aid to understand the cause and effect of the
4. Advantages and Objectives
5. Existing System
6. Future State
7. Features Needs to add
❖ Website and Mobile Application
❖ Website to be Light Weight and Manage 1500 Logins at a time
❖ Admin Account Creation and Login.
❖ Creation of Accounts / Logins of All Stake Holders.
❖ All logged in Employees should be able to view and browse the menu and
price list and also add to cart the meals to the cart to view the total cost of
items to
be ordered.
❖ Order can be placed Only Before 11 am & on selection of Payroll Cut (by
clicking on the deduct from payroll tab)
8. Scope Using Context Diagram
9. Activity Diagram for System
10. ER Diagram for System
11. Functional Requirements
Registration Details Should Include the Following:
⮚ Employee Registration:
✔ Name
✔ Employee ID
✔ Designation & Department of Work
✔ Floor & Desk Location
✔ Password
Admin / Project Manager / Accounts / Management / Payroll Dept
✔ Name
✔ Employee ID
✔ Designation & Department of Work
✔ Floor & Desk Location
✔ Password
Canteen Manager Login:
✔ Name
✔ Employee ID
✔ Designation & Department of Work
✔ Floor & Location
✔ Password
Chef Login:
✔ Name
✔ Employee ID
✔ Designation & Department of Work
✔ Floor & Location
✔ Password
⮚ Canteen Manager:
✔ Should be able to Upload the Menu on a Daily or Weekly Basis
✔ Should be able to view the orders placed. Download and upload the
same for the chef to prepare the meals.
✔ Should be able to View the orders ready for delivery and assign the
same to the delivery boy for dispatch.
✔ Should be able to organize table slots for employees on the basis of 15
min eating time per employee.
⮚ Employees:
✔ Should be able to create and login the account. Also, should have a
feedback column for suggestions and complaints.
✔ Should be able to Browse and Smoothly order the meals as desired with
⮚ Management:
✔ Should have access to all the accounts, sales, inventory / stock, data, to
generate substantial reports in accordance to the data received.
✔ Should be able to track the inventory Coming IN – Consumed – Wasted
– And then Stock in Hand on a daily basis.
⮚ Delivery Boy:
✔ Should be able to view the list of orders ready for dispatch to be able to
deliver the meals on time and close the order post-delivery.
⮚ Payroll Dept:
✔ Should be able to have access for employee’s consent to deduct the meal
amount from the employee’s payroll.
✔ Should be able to deduct the meal amount from the employee’s payroll
with ease.
✔ Should perform the task of organizing and sharing the below data with
Project Manager & Other Concerned Senior Managements.
✔ Collect the Data of number of employees using the system
✔ Make a List of top five favorite Dishes Ordered
✔ Daily Sales Report
✔ Monthly Sales / Revenue Report along with Earnings
✔ Order Forecasting, i.e., Prediction of which item will be ordered
and when will it be ordered.
✔ Submit Employee Satisfaction Report on the basis of Feedbacks
⮚ IT / Tester / Implementation SME:
✔ Technical team should be available to troubleshoot any kind of errors or
bug issues.
✔ Should Perform the Testing with perfect precision and coordinate the
results with other stake holders concerned with the development task.
12. Non-Functional Requirements
12.1. Scalability and performance:
This canteen ordering system is required to support a volume of 1500
employees ordering. the web pages should be light and render fast.
12.2. Usability:
The screens should be self-explanatory and very user friendly. Management
would not want employees not ordering from the system as they cannot
understand the screens and data fields on screen.
13. Prototyping of Canteen Ordering System