✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 499 — #537 ✐ ✐ CHAPTER 8 THERMODYNAMICS Thermodynamics is the science that deals with interaction of energy and matter. The subject is based on the primitive concepts that have been formulated into the fundamental laws and govern the principles of energy conversion and feasibility of the processes. Since all natural processes involve interaction between energy and matter, thermodynamics encompasses a very large area of application. The emphasis of the present context is on understanding the fundamental concepts and on systematic formulation and solution of problems from the first principles of thermodynamics. 8.1 8.1.1 BASIC CONCEPTS of action of the molecules which can be simply perceived by human senses, such as pressure, temperature, volume. Such an approach is called macroscopic approach. Thermodynamic Approaches Behavior of a matter can be studied at two levels of approach: For example, pressure, a macroscopic quantity, is the average rate of change of momentum due to all the molecular collisions made on a unit area. The effects of pressure can be easily felt. 1. Microscopic Approach Microscopic approach is concerned with the behavior of each molecule that cannot be perceived by human senses. Behavior of the concerned matter is described by summing up the behavior of its molecules, such as in kinetic theory of gases. This approach is also called statistical thermodynamics. Macroscopic approach conveniently disregards the atomic nature of a substance to view it as a continuous and homogeneous matter. This is called the concept of continuum1 ; the substance is treated free from any kind of discontinuity. This idealization permits properties to be treated as point functions, varying continually in space. Size of the engineering 2. Macroscopic Approach systems is generally much larger than the mean free path of the molecules, therefore, molecular level analysis is not appropriate due to time consuming demerits. In such situations, the only interest of study is to know the overall effects The concept of continuum can be explained for density as a property. Consider a mass δm in a small volume δv surrounding a point in a system. 1 The concept of continuum is also used in fluid mechanics, mechanics of materials and also in heat transfer studies. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 500 — #538 ✐ 500 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS The variation of average density δm/δv can be plotted against δv. The average density tends to approach an asymptote as δv increases [Fig. 8.1]. Surrounding System δm/δv Discontinuity Continuum Boundary Molecular effects Figure 8.2 ρ Asymptote δv Concept of continuum. When δv reaches δv ′ , so small as to contain relatively few molecules, the average density fluctuates substantially due to random motion of the molecules. In such a situation, the value of quantity δm/δv cannot be predicted. This threshold volume δv ′ can be regarded as a continuum beyond which there is no effect of molecular motion on the properties of the system. Thus, macroscopic density ρ of the system is defined as ρ = lim δv→δv ′ System Exchanges Between a given system and its surroundings, the following two types of exchanges can occur: 1. Energy exchange δv ′ Figure 8.1 2. Mass exchange Here, energy means both heat and work transfers. Heat transfer can takes place through a diathermal boundary only. An adiabatic boundary does not allow heat exchange to take place. Types of Systems Classification of thermodynamic systems is based on the types of exchanges and depends on selection of a fixed mass or a fixed volume in the space for study. A thermodynamic system can be closed, open, or isolated, explained as follows: 1. Closed System A closed system consists of a fixed mass (thus, also known as control mass) on which only energy transfer can occur [Fig. 8.3]. δm δv Energy The concept of continuum can be similarly applied to other properties of the matter. 8.1.2 System, surrounding, and universe. Closed system Thermodynamic Systems Boundary A system in thermodynamics is the collection of matter or region in space chosen for study. Thermodynamic analysis can be simplified by defining an appropriate system which in turn leads a systematic study. System, Surrounding and Universe Thermodynamic system is a three-dimensional region of space bounded by one or more surfaces. The boundary can be real or imaginary and can change its size, shape, and location. The region of physical space that lies outside the defined boundaries of a system is called surrounding. Whenever a thermodynamic system is defined, the complementary region (surrounding) gets automatically defined. A system and its surroundings together comprise a universe [Fig. 8.2]. Surrounding Figure 8.3 Energy Closed system. 2. Open System Both matter and energy cross the boundary of an open system [Fig. 8.4]. Most of the engineering devices involving mass flow, such as a compressor, turbine, nozzle, are examples of open system. Based on steadiness2 of exchange rates, the open systems can be of two types: 2 The term ‘steady’ implies no change with time. The opposite of steady is ‘unsteady’ or ‘transient’. The term uniform, however, implies no change with location over a specified region. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 501 — #539 ✐ ✐ 8.1 BASIC CONCEPTS Energy Surrounding Open system Mass Mass A quantity of matter homogeneous in chemical composition and physical structure is called a phase. A substance can exist in any one of the three phases, namely, solid, liquid, and gas. A homogeneous system consists of single phase. A system consisting of more than one phase is called heterogeneous system. Energy Boundary 8.1.3 Figure 8.4 Open system. (a) Steady Flow System When flow rates of mass and energy remain constant, the system is called steady flow system. Most of the engineering devices (e.g. turbine, pumps, heat exchangers, refrigerators) come under this category. Properties of the working fluid can change from point to point within the control volume, but at any fixed point they remain the same during the entire process. (b) Unsteady Flow System When flow rates of mass and energy vary with time, the system is called unsteady flow system. This condition mainly occurs in starting stages of steady flow systems. Energy flow associated with a fluid stream is often expressed in rate form by incorporating the mass flow rate (ṁ), the amount of mass flowing through a cross-section per unit time. Thermodynamic analysis of open systems involves study of a certain fixed volume in space surrounding the system, known as the control volume. Thus, there is no difference between open system and control volume. Control surface is the imaginary or real boundary of the control volume, which can be fixed or moveable. The contact surface is shared by both the system and the surrounding. 3. Isolated System An isolated system does not have any interaction of mass or energy with its surroundings. Therefore, mass and energy inside an isolated system remain constant [Fig. 8.5]. Surrounding Isolated system Boundary Figure 8.5 501 No interaction Isolated system. State Properties Physical condition (state) of a system is described by certain characteristics, such as mass, volume, temperature, pressure. These characteristics are called properties of the system. Thermodynamics is concerned with the properties that are macroscopic in nature and approach [Section 8.1.1]. Based on the dependency on the mass or extensiveness, thermodynamic properties can be of two types: 1. Intensive Properties Intensive properties are independent of the mass in the system, such as density, pressure, temperature. These properties are generally used to compare systems in an absolute manner, irrespective of the mass of the systems. Intensive properties are generally denoted by lowercase letters (temperature T is the obvious exception). 2. Extensive Properties Extensive properties depend on the extent of the system, such as volume, energy, momentum. Their magnitude increases with increase in mass of the system. Extensive properties are used to observe the scale of the systems. Extensive properties per unit mass are called specific properties, which are in fact intensive properties, such as specific volume, specific energy, density. Extensive properties are generally denoted by uppercase letters (mass m is the obvious exception), whereas specific extensive properties (i.e. intensive properties) are denoted by lowercase letters. Extensiveness of a property can be determined by dividing the system into two equal parts with an imaginary partition. Each part will have the same value of intensive properties as the original system but half the value of the extensive properties. 8.1.4 Thermodynamic Equilibrium A system is said to exist in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium if its isolation from the surrounding does not cause a change in any of the macroscopic properties of the system. This is possible if there exist no unbalance ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 502 — #540 ✐ 502 CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS force, no chemical reaction, and no change in energy. Hence, thermodynamic equilibrium is meant for mechanical, chemical, and thermal equilibrium of a system. The concept of thermodynamic equilibrium is related to the concept of quasi-static process, the basis of all theoretical thermodynamic cycles. An isolated system always reaches, in the course of time, a state of thermodynamic equilibrium and can never depart from it spontaneously. 8.1.5 ✐ Two Property Rule Constitutive Relation Definite values of all the properties of a system indicate a definite state of the system. However, all the properties of a system cannot be varied independently since they are interrelated through Constitutive relation of the following type: given initial state goes through a number of different changes in state (i.e. through various processes) and finally returns to its initial state, the system undergoes a cyclic process, or simply a cycle. Therefore, at the conclusion of a cycle, all the properties have the same value as at the beginning. For a cyclic process, the final state is identical with the initial state; cyclic integral of a property is always zero [Fig. 8.6]. Using the state postulate, the properties of a system can be taken as the state coordinates to describe the state of the system as a point on a two-dimensional thermodynamic property diagram. Therefore, processes and cycle of a system can be conveniently represented on two-dimensional property diagrams [Fig. 8.6]. p b Process b f (p, v, T ) = 0 where p, v, T are some interrelated properties of a system. Interestingly, a system can be perfectly defined by knowing how many variables can be varied independently. Two properties are independent if one property can be varied while the other one is held constant. b Cycle Experiments have shown that once a sufficient number of properties are determined, the rest of the properties assume definite values automatically using the constitutive relations. State Postulate The number of properties required to fix the state of a system is given by the state postulate or two property rule. According to this rule, the state of a simple compressible system is completely specified by two independent intensive properties. Compressible System In state postulate, a system is called simple compressible system in absence of electrical, magnetic, gravitational, motion, and surface tension effects. These effects are caused by external forces, and are negligible in most engineering problems. Otherwise, an additional property needs to be specified for each effect that is significant. A simple system of compressible substance (gas) can be described by, (p, v), or (p, T ), or (T , v), or (p, u), or (u, v), but cannot by (T , u) because u is not independent of T . 8.1.6 Processes and Cycle A change in one or more properties of a system is called a change in state. The succession of states passed through during a change of state is called the path of the change of state. When the path is completely specified, the change of state is called a process3 . When a system in a 3 The prefix iso- is often used to designate a process for which a particular property remains constant [Section 8.8.7]. For example, v Figure 8.6 Processes and cycle. For a given state, there is a definite value for each property. The change in a property of a system is independent of the path the system follows during the change of state. Therefore, properties are point functions4 . 8.1.7 Modes of Energy Energy5 exists in numerous forms, such as thermal, mechanical, kinetic, potential, electrical, magnetic, chemical, nuclear, and all these forms constitute the total energy of a system. All these forms are called different modes of energy. The mode of energy significantly affects the efficiency and type of energy exchange of a thermodynamic system. For thermodynamic studies, the modes of energy are grouped into macroscopic and microscopic modes, discussed as follows: The macroscopic 1. Macroscopic Modes of Energy energy of a system is related to motion and the influence of some external potentials, such isothermal process, isobaric process, isochoric (or isometric) process. 4 Differentials of point functions are exact or perfect differentials. 5 The term “energy” was coined in 1807 by Thomas Young, and its use in thermodynamics was proposed in 1852 by Lord Kelvin. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 503 — #541 ✐ ✐ 8.1 BASIC CONCEPTS 503 as gravity, magnetism, electricity, and surface tension. A system possesses such forms of energy always with respect to some external reference frame. Thus, kinetic energy and potential energy come under macroscopic mode of energy, explained as follows: negligible. Thus, the total energy of a system consists of kinetic energy, potential energy, and internal energies, and is expressed as (a) Kinetic Energy The energy that a system possesses as a result of its motion relative to some reference frame is called kinetic energy. For example, when all the parts of a system, having mass m, move with the same velocity V with respect to some fixed reference frame, the kinetic energy is expressed as Closed system generally remains stationary during a process and thus experience no change in their macroscopic energy. For such systems, referred to as stationary systems, the change in total energy is identical to the change in internal energy: T =m V2 2 (b) Potential Energy The energy that a system possesses as a result of its elevation in a gravitational field is called potential energy. For example, when all parts of a system, having mass m, are at elevation z relative to the center of a potential field, say gravity g, the potential energy of the system is equal to E = U +m V2 + mgz 2 ∆E = ∆U In absence of motion and gravity, E=U Thermodynamics aims for devising the means for converting disorganized internal energy into useful or organized work, or sometimes interchange between the above two modes of energy. Thermodynamics does not inquire about the absolute value of the total energy but deals only with the change in the total energy. Ug = mgz Both of these forms of energy are the organized form of energy, as these can be readily converted into work. 2. Microscopic Modes of Energy The molecules are always in random motion and possess energy in several forms, such as translational energy, rotational energy, vibrational energy, electronic energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy. These are the microscopic forms of energy which are related to the molecular structure of a system and the degree of the molecular activity. These forms of energy are independent of outside reference frame. These are the disorganized forms of energy6 that cannot be readily converted into work. The sum of all microscopic forms of energy is called the internal energy7 of the system and is denoted by U . Since internal energy of a system is independent of outside reference frame, therefore, it is a property of the system. In most of the thermodynamic systems, the effects of magnetic, electrical and surface tension fields are 6 The kinetic energy of an object is an organized form of energy associated with the orderly motion of all molecules in one direction in a straight path or around an axis. In contrast, the kinetic energies of the molecules are completely random and highly disorganized. 7 The term internal energy and its symbol U first appeared in the works of Rudolph Clausius and William Rankine in the second half of the nineteenth century. 8.1.8 Equilibrium in Processes Thermodynamic processes are categorized on the basis of maintaining thermodynamic equilibrium at each state point in the process. As such, a process can be quasistatic or irreversible, described as follows: 1. Quasi-Static Processes Quasi-static means “likestatic”. Hence, infinite slowness is the characteristic feature of a quasi-static process. A quasi-static process is, thus, a succession of infinite equilibrium states. Such processes are also called reversible processes because once having taken place, can be reversed, and in so doing leave no change in either the system or surroundings. One way to make real processes approximate reversible process is to carry out the process in a series of small or infinitesimal steps. For example, heat transfer can be considered reversible if it occurs by virtue of very small temperature difference between the system and its surrounding. 2. Irreversible Processes An irreversible process is a process, if reversed, cannot return both the system and the surroundings to their original states. All of the natural processes are irreversible processes. Practically, there exist no truly reversible processes in this world; however, the term “reversible” is used to make the analysis simpler, and to determine maximum theoretical efficiencies. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 504 — #542 ✐ 504 8.2 CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS ZEROTH LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Several properties of materials depend on temperature in definite way. This fact forms the basis for accurate temperature measurement. For example, the commonly used mercury-in-glass thermometer is based on the expansion of mercury with temperature. two systems represent the potential of heat transfer between the systems. Sign Convention Heat transfer is a directional quantity, and thus, the complete description of heat interaction requires the specification of both the magnitude and direction. Heat flow into a system is taken as positive, and heat flow out of a system is taken as negative [Fig. 8.7]. The zeroth law of thermodynamics8 states that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other. This law serves as the basis for the validity of temperature measurement. Heat (+ve) ENERGY TRANSFER The forms of energy not stored in a system can be viewed as the dynamic forms of energy or as energy interactions which are recognized only at the system boundary. Energy can cross the boundary of a closed system in two distinct forms, heat and work. Therefore, the term energy for closed systems is meant for ‘work’ and ‘heat’ both. These are the energies in transit and are identified at the boundary only. An energy interaction is heat transfer if its driving force is temperature difference, otherwise it is work. A quantity transferred to or from a system during an interaction is not a property since the amount of such quantity depends on more than just the state of the system. In other words, the systems possess energy, but not heat or work. Both forms of energy interactions are associated with process, not with a state. Therefore, heat and work are path functions; their magnitudes depend on the path followed during a process as well as the end states. 8.3.1 Heat Transfer Heat transfer is defined as the energy interaction across a boundary of a system by virtue of a temperature difference. Thus, the temperature difference between 8 The zeroth law of thermodynamics was first formulated and labeled by R. H. Fowler in 1931. This was recognized as a fundamental principle more than half a century after the formulation of the first and the second laws of thermodynamics. The law is named zeroth law since it should have preceded the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Surrounding System In temperature measurements, the third body is replaced with a thermometer and zeroth law is restated as “two bodies are in thermal equilibrium if both have the same temperature reading even if they are not in contact”. 8.3 ✐ Heat (−ve) Boundary Figure 8.7 Heat transfer (sign convention). Heat Transfer in a Process The amount of heat transfer during the process between two states (say 1 and 2) is denoted by Q12 or just Q. Sometimes, knowledge of heat transfer rate is desired instead of total heat transferred over some time interval. The heat transfer rate is denoted by Q̇. When Q̇ varies with time (t), the amount of heat transfer during a process is determined by integrating Q̇ over the time interval of the process, as Z 2 Q= Q̇dt 1 When Q̇ remains constant during a process, the above relation reduces to Q = Q̇ (t2 − t1 ) Being a path function, heat transfer in a process from state 1 to state 2 can be represented as Z 2 Q1−2 = T dX 1 where T is the temperature at the point in the path and X is another property9 of the system. A process in which heat cannot cross the boundary of the system is called adiabatic process10 . Thus, an adiabatic process involves only work interaction. It should not be confused with an isothermal process. Even though there is no heat transfer during an adiabatic process, the energy content and thus the temperature of a system can still be changed by other means, such as work. 9 The quantity X is actually the entropy of the system [Section 8.5.14]. 10 The word adiabatic comes from Greek word adiabatos, which means not to be passed. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 505 — #543 ✐ 8.4 FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 8.3.2 Work Transfer If the energy crossing the boundary of a closed system is not heat, it must be work. Work is done by a force if it causes a body to move in the direction of the force. A rising piston, rotating shaft, and an electric wire crossing the system boundaries, all are associated with work interactions. The work done during a process between two states 1 and 2 is denoted by W12 or just W . Work done per unit time is called power, denoted by P . The unit of power is kJ/s or kW. In thermodynamics, the work is said to be done by a system if the sole effect on things external to the system can be reduced to the raising of a weight (cannot actually but imaginary). Sign Convention Work transfer is also a directional quantity. Work is arbitrarily taken to be positive when the system does work, and negative when the work is done on the system [Fig. 8.8]. Work (−ve) Surrounding Figure 8.8 505 Flow Work The flow work, significant only in flow process or an open system, represents the energy transferred across the system boundary as a result of the energy imparted to the fluid by a pump, blower, or compressor to make the fluid flow across the control volume. It is analogous to displacement work. The flow work per unit mass is equal to pv, equivalent to the work required to push the volume of mass from zero to v under constant pressure p. Work in Free Expansion Free expansion of a gas against vacuum is not a quasi-static process. Since vacuum does not offer any resistance to the expansion of the gas, therefore, there is no work transfer involved in the free expansion. Electrical Work In an electrical field, electrons in a wire move under the effect of electromagnetic forces. Thus, electrons crossing the system boundary do electrical work on the system. In general, potential difference V and the current I can vary with time, therefore, the electrical work done during a time interval from t1 to t2 is expressed as Z t2 W = V Idt t1 System 8.4 Work (+ve) Boundary ✐ Work transfer (sign convention). Work Done in a Process When volume (v) of a gas changes with pressure (p) in a quasi-static process, the work done by the system (gas) is given by dW = pdv Z v2 W12 = pdv (8.1) FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Experiments have shown that by means of proper apparatus, any form of energy can be converted into other forms, and that during this process absolutely no part of energy is lost. Heat energy and mechanical energy are thus found inter-convertible. Since nothing is lost in such conversions, a unit of one form of the energy must always give certain number of units of another form. The first law of thermodynamics is the application of the conservation of energy principle in thermodynamic processes. v1 Therefore, work is a path function; dW is an inexact or imperfect differential. 8.4.1 For irreversible processes, the path cannot be certain, therefore, The expressions of the first law of thermodynamics are different for closed and open systems (steady and unsteady), discussed as follows: Z = pdv Z W 6= pdv Reversible processes Irreversible processes If the work done on a gas is equal to the change in potential energy (of mass), it results in a situation where dv = 0 and yet dW is not equal to zero. Expressions of First Law 1. Closed System If a closed system [Fig. 8.9] within given time period takes heat dQ, works dW , and change in its internal energy is dU , then, the first law of thermodynamics is represented as dQ = dW + dU (8.2) Therefore, for a closed system, heat transfer is the ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 506 — #544 ✐ 506 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS dQ dQ Surrounding dU Figure 8.9 dW 2. Cyclic Processes If a closed system in a part of its cycle takes heat dQ and works dW , the cyclic integral of the change in internal energy (dU as a property) would be zero. Therefore, using Eq. (8.2), one gets I I I dQ = dW + dU I I dQ = dW (8.3) 4. Unsteady Flow Systems In the present context, following is the common expression for two unsteady flow processes: filling and emptying, Q−W = (m2 − m1 ) ef | {z } change in flow energy where u1 u2 p1 v 1 p2 v 2 = c v T1 = c v T2 = m1 RT1 = m2 RT2 In the above equation, Q and W represent heat and work transfer, m1 and m2 represent the mass in the reservoir before and after the process, respectively, u denotes specific internal energy, and the value of ef is defined as cycle Therefore, for a cyclic process, the total heat transfer is equal to total work transfer. ef = 3. Steady Flow Systems In a steady flow system with unit mass flow rate, the first law of thermodynamics is written as (h2 − h1 ) | {z } m2 u 2 − m1 u 1 {z } | change in internal energy − sents the cyclic integration. For discrete energy exchanges, Eq. (8.3) takes following form: X X Q = W (8.4) Q−W = Steady flow system. Figure 8.10 This is the first law of thermodynamics Ifor cyclic repreprocesses on a closed system where cycle h2 , V 2 dW First law of thermodynamics. sum of work transfer and change in internal energy of the system. z2 Control volume h1 , V 1 System Boundary Surrounding z1 ( c p Tr c p T2 Filling processes Emptying processes where Tr is the temperature of reservoir used in filling process. Change in enthalpy + V2 2 − V1 2 2 } | {z Change in K.E. + g (z2 − z1 ) | {z } Change in P.E. where Q and W represent heat and work transfer per unit mass, respectively, h, V , z represent specific enthalpies, velocities and elevation above datum levels with subscripts 1 and 2 for inlet and outlet points, respectively [Fig. 8.10]. This equation is called steady flow energy equation [Section 8.4.5]. 8.4.2 Energy - A Property The interactions of heat and work cause a change in the stored energy (E) of the system. During energy transfer, the system undergoes a change from one state to another. When a closed system undergoes a cyclic process, the total heat transfer is equal to the total work transfer. In other words, the cyclic integral of the change in energy of the system is zero; energy is a point function, therefore, a property of the system. Consider a system undergoing cycles between state 1 to state 2 in two alternative paths A and B and returning by a common path C. So, the system undergoes a cycle A-B [Fig. 8.11]. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 507 — #545 ✐ ✐ 8.4 FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 1 b A B C b 2 Figure 8.11 Energy - a property. 507 this process, pressure and volume play dominant roles. Therefore, specific heat can be measured in two ways, by keeping constant volume or constant pressure. The specific heat measured by keeping volume constant is called specific heat at constant volume (cv ). Similarly, the specific heat measured by keeping pressure constant is called specific heat at constant pressure (cp ). Their relationship with internal energy and enthalpy can be established as follows: 1. Constant Volume Process process, dv = 0. Z (∆u)v = For a constant volume T2 cv dT T1 Using the first law for two processes A and B [Eq. (8.2)]: and for a closed system of unit mass dQv = du + pdv = du Z T2 = cv dT dQC = dEC + dWC dQA = dEA + dWA For a cycle consisting of processes C and A [Eq. (8.3)]: I I dQ = dW T1 Thus, heat transfer at constant volume changes the internal energy of the system in equal amount: ∂Q cv = ∂T v dQC + dQA = dWC + dWA dQC − dWC = − (dQA − dWA ) dEC = −dEA Therefore, specific heat of a substance at constant volume cv is the rate of change of internal energy with respect to temperature: ∂u cv = ∂T Similarly, for a cycle consisting of processes C and B: dEC = −dEB This indicates that the change in energy (dE) between two states of a system is the same, irrespective of the path the system follows between the two states. Therefore, energy of a system is a point function and a property of the system. 8.4.3 2. Constant Pressure Process (dp = 0), d (pv) = pdv + vdp = pdv Enthalpy Therefore, dQp = du + pdv = du + d(pv) = d(u + pv) = dh Enthalpy of a system is the energy in terms of sum of internal energy, and flow energy. For a system of unit mass, the specific enthalpy (h) is given by h = u + pv Hence, heat transfer at constant pressure changes the enthalpy of the system with equal amount. Therefore, specific heat at constant pressure cp is the rate of change of enthalpy with respect to temperature11 : ∂h cp = ∂T where u is the specific internal energy and pv is the specific flow energy. Enthalpy is an important form of energy, having special relevance in thermodynamic analysis of open systems. 8.4.4 In an isobaric process Specific Heats Specific heat is the amount of heat required by unit mass of the system for unit rise of its temperature. In 11 For an ideal gas, pv = nRT ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 508 — #546 ✐ 508 CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS A relevant term, heat capacity (C), is defined as the amount of heat required by full mass of the system for unit rise of its temperature at constant volume or constant pressure. For a system having mass m, Cv = mcv Cp = mcp The specific energy e and specific enthalpy h are written, respectively, as V2 + zg + u 2 h = u + pv e= The equation of continuity is used to relate flow area, specific volume and velocity at inlet and outlet points: A1 V1 A2 V2 = v1 v2 where Cv and Cp are the heat capacities at constant volume and constant pressure, respectively. 8.4.5 ✐ Steady Flow Systems Most of the engineering devices work at constant rate of flow of mass and energy through the control surface and the control volume in course of time attains an invariant state with time. Such a state is called steady flow state. At the steady state of a system, any thermodynamic property will have a fixed value at a particular location, and will not alter with time (t) but can vary with space. Consider a steady flow system in which one stream of fluid enters at point 1 and leaves the control volume at point 2. There is no accumulation of mass or energy within the control volume [Fig. 8.12]. dQ z2 , ṁ, A2 The shaft work Wx is the only external work done by the system. Steady flow systems involve flow energy (pv) at inlet and outlet points. Therefore, assuming no accumulation of energy within the system, dQ dWx = ṁ (e2 + p2 v2 ) + dt dt dQ dWx e 1 + p1 v 1 + = e 2 + p2 v 2 + dm dm 2 dQ V2 2 dWx V1 + z1 g + = h2 + + z2 g + h1 + 2 dm 2 dm ṁ (e1 + p1 v1 ) + where dQ/dm and dWx /dm represent the rate of heat and work transfer per unit mass, respectively. This equation can also be written as Q − Wx = (h2 − h1 ) + V2 2 − V1 2 + g (z2 − z1 ) 2 h 2 , p2 , v 2 , V 2 z1 , ṁ, A1 h 1 , p1 , v 1 , V 1 Control volume mcv , z Flow out Flow in dW Figure 8.12 Steady flow system. The symbols, A, ṁ, p, v, u, V and z are used to represent cross-sectional area, mass flow rate, pressure (absolute), specific volume, specific internal energy, velocity, and elevation above an arbitrary datum, respectively, and mcv represents the mass of control volume. The net rates of heat transfer and work transfer through the control surface are dQ/dt, dW /dt, respectively. (8.5) where Q and Wx refer to energy transfer per unit mass. This equation is known as steady flow energy equation (SFEE). The differential form of the above equation is dQ − dWx = dh + V dV + gdz (8.6) The application of SFEE is explained in the following devices: 1. Nozzle and Diffuser Nozzles are used in turbomachines to convert pressure energy into the kinetic energy of a fluid. A diffuser increases the pressure of a fluid at the expense of kinetic energy [Fig. 8.13]. 1 Flow in Throat 2 Flow out b b and internal energy is a function of temperature only. Therefore, enthalpy can be written as b Insulated surface h = u(T ) + nRT = f (T ) It means that for an ideal gas, enthalpy is also the function of temperature only. Figure 8.13 Nozzle and diffuser. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 509 — #547 ✐ ✐ 8.4 FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS throttling14 . The drop in pressure is compensated by corresponding change in density or internal energy of the flowing fluid. For a nozzle or diffuser, the flow is assumed to be adiabatic (dQ = 0) and there is no work transfer (dWx = 0). Using Eq. (8.5), h1 + V1 2 V2 2 = h2 + 2 2 q V2 = 2 (h1 − h2 ) + V1 2 3. Turbine and Compressor Turbine and engines are used to extract power from the working fluid, whereas compressor and pumps are used to energize the fluid [Fig. 8.15]. This expression12 is used in determining the exit velocity. 2 Turbine Mach number, an important quantity in study of compressible flow (such as in nozzle or diffuser), is defined as the ratio of the velocity √ of gas (V ) to velocity of sound in the gas (a = γRT ) M= b ṁ 1 Figure 8.15 2 b b W Turbine and compressor. For a well-insulated turbine system (Q = 0) and ignoring the changes in kinetic and potential energies, Flow out h1 = h2 + Insulated surface Figure 8.14 ṁ Flow in 2. Throttling Device Throttling13 is the process of passing a fluid through a constricted passage, resulting in an appreciable pressure drop. Throttling Flow in W m W = h1 − h2 m Throttling device. valves are usually small devices [Fig. 8.14], and the flow through them can be assumed to be adiabatic since there is neither sufficient time nor large enough area for any effective heat transfer to take place. Also, there is no work done and change in potential energy: The change in enthalpy of the fluid is equal to the amount of work transfer. 4. Heat Exchanger A heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from one fluid to another [Fig. 8.16]. b dQ = dWx = dz = 0. Flow in b Figure 8.16 This indicates that the enthalpy of the fluid before throttling is equal to the enthalpy of the fluid after ṁ 1 ṁ V1 2 V2 2 = h2 + 2 2 h1 = h2 Q Heat exchanger. When the law of conservation of energy is applied, the rate of change of enthalpy of one fluid is equal to that of the other fluid15 . 12 In using above equation, the units of h and V should be observed without mistake, because, generally h is in kJ/kg and V 2 /2 is in J. Therefore, (h1 − h2 ) must be divided by 1000. 13 The magnitude of the temperature drop or rise during a throttling process is governed by a property called the JouleThomson coefficient. Flow out 2 The variation in velocities (V1 , V2 ) at inlet and outlet can also be assumed to be negligible. Therefore, using Eq. (8.5), h1 + Flow out b V a 1 509 14 This observation is used in measurement of dryness fraction of steam. 15 Heat exchangers are specifically studied in the subject of heat transfer. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 510 — #548 ✐ 510 8.4.6 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS Unsteady Flow Systems For a finite time interval, the above equation becomes In general, unsteady flow processes are difficult to analyze because the properties of the mass at the inlets and outlets can change during a process. Consider a device through which a fluid is flowing under unsteady state [Fig. 8.17]. dQ z2 , ṁ2 , A2 h 2 , p2 , v 2 , V 2 z1 , ṁ1 , A1 h 1 , p1 , v 1 , V 1 Control volume mcv , z Flow out Flow in dW Figure 8.17 Unsteady flow system. It requires idealization that the fluid flow at any inlet or outlet is uniform and steady, and thus, the fluid properties do not change with time or position over the cross of an inlet or outlet. If they do, they are averaged and treated as constant for the entire process. As in the steady flow system, the equations of conservation of mass and energy are applied here: 1. Conservation of Mass The rate at which the mass of fluid within the control volume (mcv ) is accumulated is equal to the net rate of mass flow across the control surface, as given below dmcv = ṁ1 − ṁ2 dt The change in mass inside the control volume over any finite period of time: ∆Ecv = Q − Wx Z V1 2 + z1 g dm1 + h1 + 2 Z V2 2 − h2 + + z2 g dm2 2 This equation is known as unsteady flow energy equation (USFEE). The application of USFEE can be seen in the following processes: 1. Charging Process Consider a process in which gas bottle is filled from a pipeline. In the beginning the bottle contains gas of mass m1 , at state (p1 , T1 , v1 , h1 , u1 ). The valve is opened and gas flows into the bottle till the mass of gas in the bottle is m2 at state (p2 , T2 , v2 , h2 , u2 ). The supply to the pipeline is very large so that the state of gas in the pipeline (indicated by subscript p) is constant at (pp , Tp , vp , hp , up ) and velocity of flow is Vp . The change in internal energy of the control volume is ∆Ecv = m2 u2 − m1 u1 (8.7) Since addition of energy is from single side (1) only, therefore, Z Vp 2 ∆Ecv = Q − W + hp + dm1 2 By putting value of Ecv from Eq. (8.7), Q − W = m2 u 2 − m1 u 1 Vp 2 − hp + (m2 − m1 ) 2 ∆mcv = ∆m1 − ∆m2 This is the equation of first law for unsteady charging process. 2. Conservation of Energy Energy of the system within the control volume is written as mcv V 2 + mcv gz Ecv = U + 2 cv By ignoring Vp , the equation can be further reduced to Open flow systems involve flow energy (pv) at inlet and outlet points. The rate of increase in this energy is equal to the net rate of energy inflow: dEcv V1 2 = h1 + + z1 g ṁ1 dt 2 V2 2 − h2 + + z2 g ṁ2 2 dQ dWx + − dt dt If the tank is empty before the start of charging process (m1 = 0), and there is no energy transfer, then Q − W = m2 u2 − m1 u1 − hp (m2 − m1 ) h p m2 = m2 u 2 c p Tp = c v T2 T2 = γTp Thus, the temperature of gas after charging (T2 ) will be equal to γ times the temperature of gas in the pipe (Tp ). ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 511 — #549 ✐ 8.5 SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 2. Discharging Process Consider a case of discharging of a bottle in which the extraction is from single side (2) only. Thus, Z V2 2 ∆Ecv = Q − W − h2 + dm2 2 Therefore, Q − W = m2 u 2 − m1 u 1 V2 2 − h2 + (m2 − m1 ) 2 This is the equation of first law for unsteady discharging process. By ignoring V2 , the equation can be further reduced to Q − W = m2 u2 − m1 u1 − h2 (m2 − m1 ) The above analysis leads to the following common equation: Q − W = m2 u2 − m1 u1 − (m2 − m1 ) ef where ef = ( c p Tp c p T2 Charging process Discharging process which represents the specific enthalpy of the working fluid in motion, as in the case of 1. Charging Process cp Tp is the enthalpy of charging fluid (at pipe), and 2. Discharging Process cp T2 is the enthalpy of discharging fluid (at 2). 8.5 SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The first law of thermodynamics does not impose any restriction on the direction of a process; satisfying the first law does not ensure that the process can actually occur. However, natural processes occur only in one direction, for example, heat flows from higher to lower temperatures, water flows downward, time flows in the forward direction. The reverse of these phenomena never happens spontaneously. The spontaneity of the process is driven by a finite potential, such as gradients of temperature, concentration, electric potential. So important is this observation, that it is called the second law of thermodynamics, which remedies the inadequacy of the first law in identifying the feasibility of a process. Mechanical energy can be simply converted into heat energy. For example, heat is produced by friction of ✐ 511 moving bodies and in other similar phenomena. The first law can be used to state that, if a process occurs, the net change in energy will be zero: W =Q However, the change in the opposite direction is by far the most difficult task. The apparatus necessary to convert heat into mechanical forms of energy is complicated and does not even theoretically convert all of the supplied heat energy: − → Q>W Therefore, work is considered as high grade energy while heat as low grade energy. The conversion of low grade energy (heat, Q) into high grade energy (work, W ) is possible through a cyclic heat engine, but it is incomplete16 . 8.5.1 Energy Reservoirs In the development of the second law of thermodynamics, hypothetical bodies known as energy reservoirs, facilitate understanding of thermodynamic cycles or processes. Thermodynamic analysis involves two types of energy reservoirs: 1. Thermal Energy Reservoir A thermal energy reservoir (TER) is defined as a large hypothetical body of infinite heat capacity which is capable of absorbing or rejecting an unlimited quantity of heat without suffering appreciable changes in its thermodynamic coordinates. Atmosphere, large rivers, and a two-phase system can be conveniently modeled as thermal energy reservoirs. 2. Mechanical Energy Reservoir A mechanical energy reservoir (MER) is a large body enclosed by an adiabatic impermeable wall capable of storing work as potential energy (e.g. raised weight or wound spring) or kinetic energy (e.g. flywheel). 8.5.2 Cyclic Heat Engine A heat engine cycle involves net heat transfer and work transfer to the system. Heat engine can be a closed system (e.g. gas confined in a cylinder and piston) or an open system (e.g. steam or gas power plant). Let heat Q1 be transferred to the system and work W be the net work done by the system. Heat Q2 is rejected from the system and the system is brought back to its initial condition [Fig. 8.18]. 16 Sadi Carnot, a French military engineer, first studied this aspect of energy transformation. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 512 — #550 ✐ 512 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS Heat source T1 T1 Heat sink Q1 Q1 E R W W Q2 Q2 T2 Heat source T2 Heat sink Cyclic heat engine. Figure 8.18 Figure 8.19 of desired thermal effect and work input to the system: Q2 W Q2 = Q1 − Q2 The direction of arrow of heat engine cycles is clockwise. Net heat transfer and work transfer in the cycle are COPr = Q = Q1 − Q2 8.5.4 Using the first law of thermodynamics for cyclic systems: Q=W The efficiency of a heat engine (ηe ) is defined as the ratio of net work output and total heat input to the cycle: (8.8) Heat Pump A heat pump (HP) operates in a cycle to maintain a body at a temperature higher than that of the surrounding. Consider a body losing heat Q1 to the surroundings. The cyclic effects in a heat pump are similar to that of a refrigerator [Fig. 8.20]. W Q1 Q = Q1 Q1 − Q2 = Q1 Q2 = 1− Q1 ηe = T1 Body Q1 HP W Q2 T2 The experience shows that W < Q1 , therefore, ηe < 1; all the heat input to the heat engine cannot be converted into work17 . Figure 8.20 8.5.3 Cyclic refrigerator. Refrigerator Heat source Cyclic heat pump. Coefficient of performance of a heat pump is defined A refrigerator operates in a cycle to maintain a body at a temperature lower than that of its surrounding. Thus, the direction of a refrigeration cycle is opposite to that of a refrigeration cycle [Fig. 8.19]. as To measure the performance of a refrigerator, a coefficient of performance (COPr ) is defined as the ratio Using Eqs. (8.8) and (8.9), for heat engine, heat pump, and refrigerator working between the same temperature limits: 17 Present day engines, such as petrol engine, diesel engine, steam engines, are efficient upto a range of only 30-45%, and engineers are working rigorously to improve the efficiency. COPp = Q1 W COPp = COPr + 1 = (8.9) 1 ηe ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 513 — #551 ✐ ✐ 8.5 SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 8.5.5 Statements of Second Law The second law of thermodynamics has two but equivalent forms of statements: 1. Kelvin Planck Statement Kelvin and Planck stated that it is impossible for a heat engine to produce work in a complete cycle if it exchanges heat only with bodies at a single fixed temperature. Thus, for a cyclic heat engine, Q2 6= 0 A heat engine has to therefore exchange heat with two thermal energy reservoirs at two different temperatures to produce work in a complete cycle. 2. Clausius Statement Clausius18 stated that it is impossible to construct a device which, operating in a cycle, will produce no effect other than the transfer of heat from a cooler to a hotter body. Thus, for a heat pump or refrigerator, W 6= 0 Heat, therefore, cannot flow on itself from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature. Some work must be expended to achieve this. 513 If there is equilibrium and no dissipative effects, all the work done by the system during a process in one direction can be returned to the system during the reverse process. Such processes are reversible in nature. 8.5.7 Carnot Cycle The most interesting cycle, both historically and thermodynamically, is the Carnot cycle. It could be carried out with any material as working substance, but can be simply investigated for the case of a perfect gas [Fig. 8.21]. p 3 b T =c s=c b b 2 4 s=c T =c b 1 v Both statements of the second law of thermodynamics are equivalent to each other. This can be shown by proving that violation of one statement implies the violation of second, and vice versa. 8.5.6 Reasons of Irreversibility Any natural process carried out with a finite gradient (of temperature, pressure, voltage, etc.) is an irreversible process. All spontaneous processes are irreversible. Irreversibility of a process can be due to numerous factors, such as friction, unrestrained expansion, mixing of two fluids, heat transfer across a finite temperature difference, electrical resistance, inelastic deformation of solids, and chemical reactions. These factors can be grouped into two categories: 1. Lack of Equilibrium This includes heat transfer through a finite temperature difference, lack of pressure equilibrium, free expansion, throttling, etc. 2. Dissipative Work This includes friction, paddle wheel work transfer, transfer of electricity through a resistor. 18 Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius (1822-1888), was a German physicist and mathematician, one of the central founders of the science of thermodynamics. In 1850, he first stated the basic ideas of the second law of thermodynamics. In 1865, he introduced the concept of entropy. Figure 8.21 Carnot cycle. The Carnot cycle comprises the following four reversible processes, 1. Isothermal process (1 → 2): Heat Q1 is added to the system. 2. Adiabatic process (2 → 3): Work We is done by the system. 3. Isothermal process (3 → 4): Heat Q2 is rejected by the system. 4. Adiabatic process (4 → 1): Work Wc is done on the the system. The subscripts e and c in We and Wc , respectively, are used to signify the expansion and the compression of the system during the respective processes. The net work done by the system and net heat transfer into the system in a cycle is W = We − Wc Q = Q1 − Q2 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 514 — #552 ✐ 514 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS Efficiency of the Carnot cycle is T1 Q1B Q1A = Q1B W Q Q1 − Q2 = Q1 Q2 = 1− Q1 ηCarnot = WA EA Q2A ∃B WB Q2B T2 8.5.8 Carnot Principles Based on the Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements of the second law of thermodynamics, the two Carnot principles are stated as follows: 1. All heat engines operating between a given constant temperature source and a given constant temperature sink, none of them having a higher efficiency than the reversible engine: ηrev > ηirr 2. The efficiencies of all the reversible engines operating between the same two reservoirs are the same: ηrev,1 = ηrev,2 The first statement of the Carnot principles can be proved analytically by considering two heat engines EA (irreversible) and EB (reversible) operating between source temperature T1 , and sink temperature T2 [Fig. 8.22]. T1 Q1B Q1A = Q1B WA EA Q2A EB WB Q2B T2 Figure 8.22 Both EA and EB as heat engines. If ηA > ηB , then for the same amount of heat input (Q1A = Q1B ), WA WB > Q1A Q1B WA > WB When EB is reversed to act as heat pump ∃B then the heat Q1B discharged by ∃B is the heat input to EA [Fig. 8.23]. Q2B − Q2A Figure 8.23 Engine EA and heat pump ∃B . The net effect is a cyclic heat engine producing net work WA − WB , while exchanging heat from a single reservoir T2 . This violates the Kelvin Planck statement. Hence, the assumption ηA > ηB is incorrect, so ηB ≥ ηA The second Carnot principle can be proved by replacing the irreversible engine by another reversible engine having higher efficiency than the first one. After reversing the first engine, the net effect will violate the Clausius statement by producing work while exchanging heat with single reservoir. This proves that both the reversible engines would have equal efficiencies. 8.5.9 Celsius Scale Temperature measuring instruments should have thermometric properties, for example, the length of a mercury column in a capillary tube, the electrical resistance of a wire, the pressure of a gas in a closed vessel, the e.m.f. generated at the junction of two dissimilar metal wires. To assign numerical values to the thermal state of a given system, it is necessary to establish a temperature scale on which temperature of a system can be read. Therefore, the temperature scale is read by assigning numerical values to certain easily reproducible states. For this purpose, Celsius scale19 uses the following two points: 1. Ice Point The equilibrium temperature of ice with air saturated water at standard atmospheric pressure which is assigned a value of 0◦ C. 2. Steam Point The equilibrium temperature of pure water with its own vapor at standard atmospheric pressure is assigned a value of 100◦ C. 19 This scale is called the Celsius Scale named after Anders Celsius. In 1742 he proposed the Celsius temperature scale. The scale was later reversed in 1745 by Carl Linnaeus, one year after Celsius’ death. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 515 — #553 ✐ ✐ 8.5 SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 8.5.10 Perfect Gas Scale An ideal gas with unit mole obeys the following constitutive relation20 : pv = ℜT where ℜ (= 8.314 J/mol K) is the universal gas constant. The perfect gas temperature scale is based on the observation that the temperature of a gas at constant volume increases with increase in pressure. The temperature at the triple point (Ttp ) of water has been assigned a value of 273.16 K. Therefore, temperature (T ) of an ideal gas varies proportionally w.r.t. pressure (p): Here, vtp is the volume of the gas at the triple point of water and v is the volume of the gas at the system temperature. 8.5.11 Absolute Temperature Scale The Carnot principles state that the efficiency of all engines working between the same temperature levels is the same, and independent of working substance. Therefore, for a reversible cycle (say, Carnot cycle) receiving heat Q1 and rejecting heat Q2 , the efficiency will solely depend upon the temperatures t1 and t2 at which heat is transferred: T p = Ttp ptp T = 273.16 × Q2 Q1 = f (t1 , t2 ) ηe = 1 − p ptp (8.10) Let a series of measurements with different amounts of gas in a bulb be made. The measured pressures at the triple point as well as at the system temperature change depending on the amount of gas in the bulb. A plot of the temperature T , calculated from Eq. (8.10) is shown in Fig. 8.24. Q1 = F (t1 , t2 ) (say) Q2 H2 (8.11) Let a reversible engine E1 receive heat from source at t1 and reject heat at t2 to another reversible engine E2 which, in turn, rejects heat to the sink at t3 : Q1 = F (t1 , t2 ) Q2 Q2 = F (t2 , t3 ) Q3 Air T 515 Another heat engine E3 can operate between t1 and t3 : b Q1 = F (t1 , t3 ) Q3 Q1 /Q3 Q1 = Q2 Q2 /Q3 He ptp Therefore, Figure 8.24 F (t1 , t2 ) = T versus ptp . When these curves are extrapolated to zero pressure, all of them yield the same intercept. This behavior can be expected since all gases behave like ideal gas when their pressure approaches zero. The correct temperature of the system can be obtained only when the gas behaves like an ideal gas, and hence, the value is to be calculated in limit ptp → 0. Therefore, p Tptp →0 = 273.16 × ptp A constant pressure thermometer can also be used to measure the temperature: v Tvtp →0 = 273.16 × vtp F (t1 , t3 ) F (t2 , t3 ) The temperatures t1 , t2 , t3 can assume arbitrary value. Since the ratio Q1 /Q2 depends only on t1 and t2 and is independent of t3 , t3 is eliminated and the above equation takes the following form: Q1 φ (t1 ) = Q2 φ (t2 ) Kelvin proposed the simplest form of function φ(t) = T , therefore, Q1 T1 = Q2 T2 This scale is the absolute temperature scale, and is better known as Kelvin scale21 . 21 The 20 This equation is only an approximation to the actual behavior of the gases. The behavior of all gases approaches the ideal gas limit at sufficiently low pressure. efficiency of Carnot cycle can be formulated by analysis of its cycle composed of reversible processes as ηCarnot = 1 − T2 T1 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 516 — #554 ✐ 516 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS The SI system uses the Kelvin scale for measuring temperature which is based on the concept of absolute zero, the theoretical temperature at which molecules would have zero kinetic energy. Absolute zero (−273.16◦ C) is set at zero on the Kelvin scale. This means that there is no temperature lower than zero Kelvin, so there are no negative numbers on the Kelvin scale. 1 b Q=0 b 1 ′ T =c b 2′ Q=0 b 8.5.12 Consider a reversible cycle consisting of two reversible processes (constant entropy, s = c) and an isothermal process (constant temperature, T = c). Heat transfer can take place in the isothermal process but not in the reversible processes [Fig. 8.25]. Reversible paths. Hence, Thus, a reversible path can be replaced by a reversible adiabatic path, followed by a reversible isotherm, and then by another reversible adiabatic path, such that the heat transfer during the isothermal process is the same as that transferred during the original process. W s=c s=c b T =c b Figure 8.25 Figure 8.26 Q1−2 = Q1−1′ −2′ −2 b Q Isotherm Impossible cycle. The net effect of the cycle will be production of work without discharging heat, violating the second law of thermodynamics. Thus, such a cycle is impossible. Alternatively, two reversible adiabatic processes passing through the same end points must coincide with each other. 8.5.13 2 Reversible Adiabatic Paths Clausius Theorem Consider a system changing state from an initial equilibrium state 1 to final equilibrium state 2. Let two reversible adiabatic paths 1 − 1′ and 2′ − 2 be drawn [Fig. 8.26]. A reversible isotherm 1′ − 2′ is drawn in such a way that area under 1 − 1′ − 2′ − 2 is equal to that under 1 − 2: W1−1′ −2′ −2 = W1−2 Using the first law of thermodynamics for closed system in two alternative paths, Q1−2 = U2 − U1 + W1−2 Q1−1′ −2′ −2 = U2 − U1 + W1−1′ −2′ −2 This finding proves that the ideal gas temperature and Kelvin temperature are equivalent. Reversible cycle Figure 8.27 Adiabatics Clausius theorem. Dividing any reversible cyclic process into such transformations results in large number of Carnot cycles [Fig. 8.27] as I dQ =0 (8.12) R T Therefore, for a reversible cyclic process, cyclic integral of dQ/T is zero. This is known as Clausius theorem. The Clausius theorem [Eq. (8.12)] is very important for thermodynamic analysis of power cycles. For example, in Carnot cycle, Q1 Q2 − =0 T1 T2 where Q2 is taken negative because it is the heat rejected. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 517 — #555 ✐ ✐ 8.5 SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 8.5.14 Entropy - A Property In thermodynamic analyses, the quantity dQ/T quantity is of very frequent use. As established by the Clausius theorem, the cyclic integral dQ/T is zero. This quantity is a point function (i.e. a property of the system). This quantity is the change in entropy of the system22 . The entropy is represented by S. It is an extensive property of system and sometimes referred to as total entropy. Entropy per unit mass is designated as s, an intensive property, and has the unit of kJ/kgK. Therefore, dQ = T dS The entropy change of a system during a process 1-2 can be determined as Z 2 dQrev = (S2 − S1 ) T 1 which is independent of the path. Based on the definition of entropy, following equations can be derived for a system of unit mass: 1. First Tds Equation Using the first law of thermodynamics for a closed system [Eq. (8.2)]: T ds = du + pdv (8.13) between the same end points: Z 2 dQ ≤ (S2 − S1 )irr T 1 This equation is known as the Clausius inequality23 or the entropy principle which is valid for all thermodynamic cycles, reversible or irreversible, including refrigeration cycles. The equality in this equation holds for totally reversible cycles and the inequality for the irreversible ones. The Clausius inequality is used as an alternative form of the second law of thermodynamics, which helps in examining the feasibility of a process (i.e. whether a process is possible or impossible). The inequality can also be used in finding the condition for maximum work. This can be demonstrated through processes discussed as follows. Heat Transfer Consider a case when transfer of heat Q between two bodies takes place at a finite temperature difference T1 − T2 [Fig. 8.28]. Q T1 By definition of enthalpy h = u + pv dh = du + d(pv) = du + pdv + vdp = T ds + pdv T ds = dh − vdp This is the second T ds equation which is obtained by eliminating du from the first T ds equation. (8.15) The above two equations are combined together as I dQ ≤0 (8.16) T This is the first T ds equation, also known as Gibbs equation. 2. Second Tds Equation 517 T2 Figure 8.28 Heat transfer. The total entropy change is the sum of entropy changes in both bodies: Q Q + T1 T2 Q (T1 − T2 ) = T1 T2 dS = − 8.5.15 Clausius Inequality The Clausius theorem [Eq. (8.12)] for reversible processes cycle is written as I dQ =0 (8.14) R T However, entropy change in an irreversible process is always higher than entropy change in a reversible process 22 Rudolph Clausius (1822-1888) realized in 1865 that he had discovered a new thermodynamic property, and he chose to name this property entropy, originally entropie (on analogy of Energie) from Greek entropia “a turning toward,” from en “in” + trope “a turning”. For a naturally possible process (dS > 0), T1 > T2 , otherwise the process is impossible. This means that heat transfer from a lower body to higher body is impossible (without add of work), thus returning to the second law of thermodynamics. Mixing of Fluids Consider mixing of two fluids of equal heat capacity C at temperatures T1 , T2 . The final temperature of mixture is Tf [Fig. 8.29]. 23 Clausius inequality was first stated by the German physicis R. J. E. Clausius (1822-1888), one of the founders of thermodynamics. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 518 — #556 ✐ 518 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS m1 , c 1 , T 1 m2 , c 2 , T 2 The work will be maximum when entropy change is zero: p Tf = m1 + m2 , c , T f Therefore, the maximum possible work is Wmax = Cp [(T1 − Tf ) − (T2 − Tf )] p = Cp T1 − T2 − 2 T1 T2 Mixing of fluids. Figure 8.29 The total entropy change in mixing is Tf Tf dS = C ln + C ln T1 T2 Tf Tf + ln = C ln T1 T2 ! 2 Tf = C ln T1 T2 Work from a Finite Body Consider a finite body of heat capacity Cp at temperature T . To extract work from this body a TER at T0 can be used as sink [Fig. 8.31]. T1 → T0 Q E 2 Since Tf > T1 T2 , dS > 0, so, it is a possible case. Q Wmax T0 Figure 8.31 Work from a finite body. The temperature of TER does not change during the heat transfer. If heat Q is taken out from the finite body and heat engine extracts work W , then the change in entropy of TER is E ∆Sr = Q − Wmax T2 → Tf Figure 8.30 Tf Tf Cp ln + Cp ln ≥0 T T2 1 Tf Tf Cp ln + ln ≥0 T1 T2 Tf2 ≥0 Cp ln T1 T2 p Tf ≥ T1 T2 Q−W T0 The heat can be extracted until the temperature of body reaches to that of TER. Therefore, the condition for possibility of this process is Work from finite bodies. The net change in entropy is W Q−W Work from Finite Bodies Maximum work obtainable from two finite bodies of heat capacity Cp at temperatures T1 and T2 can be investigated. Let the final temperature reached by both the bodies after extraction of maximum obtainable work is Tf [Fig. 8.30]. T1 → Tf T1 T2 Cp ln T0 Q − W + ≥0 T T0 Therefore, T W ≤ Cp (T − T0 ) − T0 ln T0 8.5.16 The Increase of Entropy Principle Consider a cycle made of arbitrary (reversible or irreversible) processes 1-2, and an internally reversible 2-1. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 519 — #557 ✐ 8.6 THIRD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS ✐ 519 Using the Clausius inequality for this cycle: I dQ ≤0 T Z 1 Z 2 dQ dQ + ≤0 T T 2 1 Z 2 dQ + S1 − S2 ≤ 0 T 1 Z 2 dQ S2 − S1 ≥ T 1 closed system if it undergoes an internally reversible and adiabatic process. where S2 − S1 is the change of entropy when the system undergoes any reversible process from state 1 to 2. In the above expression, the equality holds for an internally reversible process and the inequality for an irreversible process. The expression can also be presented in differential form: Any device that violates the first or second law of thermodynamics is called a perpetual motion machine (PPM), which can be of two types: dS ≥ dQ T Therefore, entropy change of a closed system during an irreversible process is greater than the integral of dQ/T (entropy transfer) evaluated for that process. This can be taken as entropy generated during an irreversible process, due to entirely the presence of irreversibilities. Entropy generation is denoted by Sgen , therefore, Z 2 dQ S2 − S1 = + Sgen T 1 Entropy generation Sgen is not a property of the system because it depends on the process. It is either a positive quantity or zero (for reversible processes). Heat transfer is accompanied with entropy transfer, while work transfer does not involve entropy transfer. For an isolated system undergoing an irreversible path, the entropy transfer is zero; the entropy change of a system is equal to the entropy generation. Therefore, ∆Sisolated ≥ 0 Therefore, entropy of an isolated system during a process always increases or in the limiting case of reversible process remains constant. This is known as increase in entropy principle. 8.5.17 An isentropic process can serve as an appropriate model for actual processes, such as in pumps, turbine, nozzles, diffusers. Therefore, in many applications, isentropic processes are used to define isentropic efficiencies for the processes to compare the actual performance of these devices. 8.5.18 Perpetual Motion Machines 1. PPM-I Perpetual motion machines of first class does work without input energy, thus violate the first law of thermodynamics. 2. PPM-II Perpetual motion machines of second class is an engine without any heat rejection or a refrigerator without work input, thus violate the second law of thermodynamics. Despite numerous attempts, no perpetual motion machine is known to have worked. 8.6 THIRD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Consider a hypothetical situation when enough engines are placed in series such that the heat rejected from the last engine is zero; absolute temperature of the last sink is zero. However, the second law of thermodynamics proves its impossibility. Thus, it appears that a definite zero exists on the absolute temperature scale, which cannot be reached without violation of the second law. In other words, attainable values of absolute temperature are always greater than zero. This is also known as the third law of thermodynamics. In terms of the Fowler-Guggenheim statement, it is impossible by any procedure, no matter how idealized, to reduce any system to the absolute zero of temperature in a finite number of operations. Isentropic Processes A process during which entropy remains constant is called an isentropic process24 . This is possible for a 8.7 24 An The second law of thermodynamics prohibits complete conversion of a low grade energy (heat) into high grade energy (shaft work). That part of low grade energy which is available for conversion is referred as available energy (AE), while the part, which, according to second isentropic process is not necessarily a reversible adiabatic process because entropy increase of a substance during a process as a result of irreversibilities can be offset by a decrease in entropy due to heat losses. However, the term isentropic process is customarily used in thermodynamics to imply an internally reversible adiabatic processes. EXERGY AND IRREVERSIBILITY ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 520 — #558 ✐ 520 CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS law, must be rejected, is known as unavailable energy (UAE). In this context, a new term, availability25 , is introduced in the study. 8.7.1 Wu = W − p0 (v2 − v1 ) The volume of a steady flow system does not change, hence, maximum useful work would remain same. Exergy A system can deliver the maximum possible work when it undergoes from the specified initial state to the state of its environment (dead state) through a reversible process. This represents the useful work potential of the system at the specified initial state, and is called exergy. It is also termed as availability26 . Availability or exergy is only the potential of work, not the actual work, that a system can deliver without violating any of the thermodynamic laws. It depends upon the state of both the system and its surrounding. The concept can be examined in the following systems. Carnot Cycle Consider a closed system undergoing a Carnot cycle [Fig. 8.21] in which heat rejected is given by Q2 = T2 25 Josiah T0 W = Q1 1 − T1 Q1 = Q1 − T0 T1 (8.17) Closed System Consider a closed system which is given input heat Q during which it passes through a path 1-2 [Fig. 8.32]. T b 1 dQ1 T1 Useful Work The work produced by a device is not always entirely in a usable form. For example, when a gas of unit mass in a piston cylinder device expands from v1 to v2 , part of the work done by the gas is used to push the atmospheric air at constant pressure p0 . The difference between the actual work W and the surrounding work is called useful work, written as 8.7.3 Heat rejection can be minimized by reducing T2 up to T0 . Hence, the availability of the system is Dead State A system is said to be in the dead state when it is in equilibrium with its surrounding. Thus, a system at the dead state is in chemical, thermal and mechanical equilibrium; the system is at the temperature and pressure of its environment, and has no kinetic or potential energy relative to the environment. The properties of a system at dead state are denoted by subscript zero, for example, p0 , T0 , h0 , u0 , and s0 for a system of unit mass. 8.7.2 ✐ Q1 T1 Willard Gibbs is accredited with being the originator of this concept of availability. 26 The term availability was introduced in US in the 1940s. Its synonym exergy was introduced in Europe in the 1950s, which has found global acceptance partly because it is shorter, it rhymes with energy and entropy. 2 b T0 dS S Work on T -S diagram. Figure 8.32 Using Eq. (8.17), the available work for a small heat transfer dQ is dQ dW = dQ − T0 T1 The maximum available work (availability) is W = Z 2 dW 1 Z 2 Z 2 dQ 1 1 T1 = Q − T0 (S2 − S1 ) = dQ − T0 Unavailable energy is UAE = Q − W = T0 (S2 − S1 ) Finite Heat Source Consider a finite source of heat capacity C, undergoing a temperature change from T1 to T0 . The available energy (availability) of the source is Z T1 Z T1 dT C T T0 T0 T1 = C (T1 − T0 ) − T0 ln T0 W = CdT − T0 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 521 — #559 ✐ ✐ 8.8 PROPERTIES OF GASES Effect of Temperature Consider heat loss from a hot gas flowing through a conductive pipe [Fig. 8.33]. The process is associated with entropy increase given by dS = dQ T By definition, if the system changes its state from 1 to 2, and respective availability functions are φ1 , φ2 , then, reversible work (availability) is simply derived as Wmax = φ1 − φ2 2. Steady Flow System Flow systems involve flow work pv and macroscopic energy, therefore, availability function of a steady flow system having unit rate of mass flow [Section 8.4.5] is defined as dT = mc T dT T ∝ dS mc ψ = h − T0 s + T b 1 b Wmax = ψ1 − ψ2 b Another term for an steady flow process, B is defined as B = h − T0 S b b S Figure 8.33 which is equal to the availability function when there is no variation in kinetic energy and potential energy of the system. Work on T –S diagram. Therefore, as temperature increases, slope of T –S diagram increases; loss of available energy is more when heat loss occurs at a higher temperature than when the same heat loss occurs at a lower temperature. Eq. (8.16) shows that maximum work is possible only in reversible process because S2 -S1 is higher than dQ/T in an irreversible process. Steady Flow System The availability of a steady flow system [Section 8.4.5] is V1 2 dWmax = h1 − T0 s1 + + gz1 2 V2 2 + gz2 − h2 − T 0 s 2 + 2 8.7.4 Availability Function When a system changes its state tending towards that of its surrounding, the work potential diminishes and finally ceases to exist at dead state. Thus, an important quantity, availability function, is used to represent the available energy or potential of a system with respect to the surrounding, determined as follows: 1. Closed System For a closed system of unit mass, availability function φ is defined as φ = u − T 0 s + p0 v V2 + gz 2 By definition, if working fluid changes its state from 1 to 2 through the system, and respective availability functions are ψ1 , ψ2 , then, the reversible work (availability) is simply derived as b 2 521 8.7.5 Irreversibility Irreversibility, denoted by I, is the difference between actual work done by the system and ideal maximum work possible: I = W − Wmax It can be related to entropy change of universe (∆suniv ), and temperature of surrounding as I = T0 ∆Suniv This is applicable to both closed and open systems. The change in entropy is calculated as ∆Suniv = ∆Ssys + ∆Ssur Thus, irreversibility represents the amount of heat required to add entropy into the universe at its absolute temperature. 8.8 PROPERTIES OF GASES Gas and vapor are often used as synonymous words. The vapor phase of a substance is customarily called a gas when it is above the critical temperature. Vapor usually implies a gas that is not far from the state of condensation. This section deals with state or constitutive relations between properties of gases. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 522 — #560 ✐ 522 8.8.1 CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS Pure Substance A pure substance is defined as the one that is homogeneous and invariable in chemical composition throughout its mass, even when processed. This includes atmospheric air, steam-water mixture, combustion products of a fuel. The mixture of air and liquid air is not a pure substance since the relative proportions of oxygen and nitrogen differ in the gas and liquid phases in equilibrium. Water, nitrogen, helium, and carbon dioxide, for example, are all pure substances. A pure substance does not have to be of a single chemical element or compound. A mixture of various chemical elements or compounds, also qualifies as pure substance as long as the mixture is homogeneous. For example, a mixture of oil and water is not a pure substance because oil is not soluble in water, it will collect on top of the water, forming two chemically dissimilar regions. 8.8.2 ✐ Using ideal gas equation for two different states of an ideal gas, p2 v 2 p1 v 1 = T1 T2 Ideal gas is a gas model that obeys the ideal gas equation. In the range of practical interest, many familiar gases such as air, argon, helium, hydrogen, krypton, neon, nitrogen, oxygen, and even heavier gases, such as carbon dioxide, can be conveniently treated as ideal gases. Other gases follow the ideal gas equation only in the range of high temperatures and low pressures when their density is low. 8.8.3 Compressibility Factor The deviation from ideal gas behavior at a given temperature and pressure can accurately be accounted for by the introduction of a correction factor called compressibility factor (z), which is defined as [Fig. 8.34]: Ideal Gas Equation of State z= Any equation that relates the macroscopic properties of a system, such as pressure, temperature, and specific volume of a substance, is called an equation of state. The equation of state represents the behavior of a pure substance, thus, it is also called constitutive relation. pv ℜT T1 z T2 The simplest form of equation of state is the ideal gas equation27 of state for unit mole, written as pv = ℜT (8.18) T3 1 b T increasing where ℜ is the universal gas constant which is equal to 8.314 kJ/kmol-K. It is related to gas constant R as ℜ R= M where M is the molar mass of the gas, defined as the mass of one mole of a substance in grams, or the mass of one kmol in kilograms. Molar mass of a substance has the same numerical value in both unit systems because of the way it is defined. For example, molar mass of oxygen (O2 ) is 32 which means the mass of 1 kmol of oxygen is 32 kg. 27 In 1662, Robert Boyle, an Englishman, observed during his experiments within a vacuum chamber that the pressure of gases is inversely proportional to their volume. In 1802, J. Charles and J. Gay Lusaac, Frenchmen, experimentally determined that at low pressures, the volume of gas is proportional to its temperature. Ideal gas equation was first stated by Clapeyron in 1834 as a combination of Boyle’s law and Charles’s law. The equation was also derived from kinetic theory by August Kronig in 1856 and Rudolf Clausius in 1857. Universal gas constant was discovered and first introduced into the ideal gas law instead of a large number of specific gas constants by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1874. 0 b Figure 8.34 p Compressibility factor chart. The compressibility factor can be related to the following points: 1. For an ideal gas, by their definition, z = 1 but for real gases, z can be greater than or less than unity. The farther away z is from unity, the more the gas deviates from ideal gas behavior. 2. For given absolute temperature T and pressure p, the actual volume of a real gas vactual and volume of an ideal gas videal can be related to the compressibility factor z as pvactual = zℜT pvideal = ℜT ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 523 — #561 ✐ ✐ 8.8 PROPERTIES OF GASES Therefore, 1 z= Tr = 2.0 b vactual videal .5 Tr z 8.8.4 Principle of Corresponding States Tr The ideal gas equation is closely valid for real gases at low pressure and high temperature, which can keep the gases far away from saturation. Therefore, the pressure or temperature of a substance is high or low relative to its critical temperature or critical pressure. Experiments have shown that gases behave differently at a given temperature and pressure, but they behave very much the same at temperatures and pressure normalized with respect to their critical temperatures and pressures. This normalization of properties is done by defining the reduced properties, as p pc T Tr = Tc pr = The compressibility factor is approximately the same for all gases at the same reduced pressure and temperature. This is called the principle of corresponding states which can also be stated as at the same reduced pressure and reduced temperature, the reduced volume of different gases is approximately the same: v vc zℜT /p = zc ℜTc /pc z Tr = z c pr = f (pr , Tr , z) vr = where zc is critical compressibility factor (≈ 0.2 − 0.3), which can be taken as constant. Thus, Tr is plotted as a function of reduced pressure pr and z, generalized compressibility chart is found satisfactory for great variety of substances [Fig. 8.35]. By definition, two different substances are considered to be in corresponding states, if their pressure, volume and temperature are of the same fractions of the critical pressure, critical volume, critical temperature, respectively. 8.8.5 Van der Waals Equation The ideal gas equation is based on the postulates of the kinetic theory of gases proposed by Clerk Maxwell. Van 523 = =1 1.0 b 0 Figure 8.35 pr Reduced compressibility factor. der Waals28 intended to improve this equation by two corrections: 1. Intermolecular attraction forces, by incorporating a/v 2 2. Volume occupied by the molecules themselves, by incorporating b Thus, the Van der Waals equation of state has two constants that are determined from the behavior of a substance at the critical point. The equation is written as a p + 2 (v − b) = ℜT (8.19) v This law is followed by real gases particularly at high pressure and low temperature. Rearranging this equation, pv 3 − (pb + ℜT ) v 2 + av − ab = 0 This equation has three roots of v with the following characteristics [Fig. 8.36]: 1. Out of three, only one root needs to be real for low temperature (T < Tc ) (i.e. liquid phase). 2. Three positive real roots exist for certain range of pressure (i.e. liquid plus gas phase). 3. As temperature increases, at critical point all three roots become equal to each other. Above critical temperature (T > Tc ) only one real root exists for all values of p (i.e. gas phase). The determination of the constants a and b is based on the observation that the critical isotherm on a pv diagram [Fig. 8.36] has a horizontal inflection point 28 Van der Waals (1837-1923) was a Dutch theoretical physicist and thermodynamicist famous for his work on an equation of state for gases (proposed in 1873) and liquids. His name is also associated with van der Waals forces, van der Waals molecules, and van der Waals radii. He won the 1910 Nobel Prize in physics. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 524 — #562 ✐ 524 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS 1. Using the first T ds equation: p du pdv + T T dT dv = cv +R T v ds = pc b The entropy change between two states 1 and 2 is written as Z 2 s2 − s1 = ds Tc 1 vc b = cv v Figure 8.36 (8.21) Z 2 1 dT +R T Z 2 1 dv v v2 T2 + R ln = cv ln T1 v1 Critical properties. (8.22) 2. Using the second T ds equation for ideal gases: dh vdp − T T dT dp = cp −R T p at the critical point. Therefore, the first and second derivatives of p with respect to v at the critical point must be zero: ds = 1. First derivative −ℜTc (vc − b) ∂p ∂v 2 + The entropy change between two states 1 and 2 is written as Z 2 s2 − s1 = ds =0 Tc 2a =0 vc 3 1 = cp 2. Second derivative ∂2p ∂v 2 2ℜTc Z 2 1 dT −R T Z 2 1 p2 T2 − R ln = cp ln T1 p1 =0 dp p (8.24) Tc 6a 3 −v 4 =0 c (vc − b) These two conditions are solved for vc b= 3 a = 3pc vc 2 Therefore, the universal gas constant is derived as 8 pc v c ℜ= 3 Tc Eliminating the individual coefficients a, b, and ℜ from Eq. (8.19) 3 pr + 2 (3vr − 2) = 8Tr (8.20) vr This equation is called reduced equation of state. 8.8.6 (8.23) Entropy Change of Ideal Gases Using the T ds equations, entropy change in ideal gases is derived as follows: 8.8.7 Reversible Processes Following is the constitutive relation for one unit mass of an ideal gas: pv = RT (8.25) By the definition of specific heats [Section 8.4.4], the changes in internal energy and enthalpy of an ideal gas are as follows: u2 − u1 = cv (T2 − T1 ) h2 − h1 = cp (T2 − T1 ) The basic formulas for energy interaction (work and heat transfer) are as follows: Z v2 W1→2 = pdv Q1→2 = Z v1 T2 T ds T1 The entropy change can be calculated as Z T2 dQ s2 − s1 = T T1 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 525 — #563 ✐ ✐ 525 8.8 PROPERTIES OF GASES During a process, a pure substance follows specific rule or law, that can be called process relation. Such a law is conveniently expressed in terms of pressure p, and specific volume v. Polytropic Process Polytropic process is the most general process by use of which expressions for all other processes can be easily derived. Following is the relationship between the area on the p − v diagram which represents the work done [Fig. 8.37]: Z v2 Z p2 pdv + p1 v1 = − vdp + p2 v2 1. Process Relation The process relation for polytropic process is written as v1 p b p1 v 1 − p2 v 2 = − Z 1 p p1 p2 vdp − p1 b b pdv − 2 b pdv R p2 p1 (8.26) vdp v1 R p2 p1 v1 v2 n−1 = p2 p1 n−1 n p dp = −n dv v 2. Work Done Work done can be calculated as [Fig. 8.38] Z v2 W1→2 = pdv v1 vdp. Equation (8.26) is very helpful in thermodynamics of Rp compressors as open system, where − p12 vdp is found to be a very interesting quantity. The relationship between R, cp and cv of an ideal gas can be found as R cp − cv = cv cv = γ −1 R cp − cv = cp cp γ −1 = γ The heat capacity ratio (γ) for an ideal gas can be related to the degrees of freedom (n) of a molecule by: 2 n This can be examined for monoatomic gases (n = 3) and diatomic gases (n = 5), as follows: ( 5/3 For monoatomic gases γ= 7/5 For diatomic gases In the following for energy transfer, fer, work transfer, reversible processes = p2 v 2 pdv and − γ = 1+ b v R v2 T2 T1 2 v Figure 8.37 By differentiating both sides of Eq. (8.27), the slope of p − v curve [Fig. 8.38] is found as b p1 v 1 (8.27) where n is the index. Along with Eq. (8.25), v1 pv n = c pv = c v1 v2 1 n R v2 Z pv n = c subsections, important expressions such as internal energy, heat transare derived for different types of on ideal gases. p b 1 b T pv n = c pv n = c R v2 b v1 1 2 2 pdv b b b R s2 s1 T ds s v Polytropic process. Figure 8.38 Therefore, W1→2 = = Z Z v2 v1 v2 c dv vn cv −n dv v1 v2 c −n+1 = v dv −n + 1 v1 h c iv2 1 = vdv (−n + 1) v n v1 p1 v 1 − p2 v 2 = n−1 R (T2 − T1 ) =− n−1 (8.28) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 526 — #564 ✐ 526 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS 3. Heat Transfer Heat transfer in the process is [Fig. 8.38] Q = W + (u2 − u1 ) R (T2 − T1 ) + cv (T2 − T1 ) =− n−1 cp − cv = − + cv (T2 − T1 ) n−1 n−γ = cv (T2 − T1 ) n−1 | {z } w.r.t. γ: > γ, ds > 0 n = γ, ds = 0 < γ, ds < 0 Decrease in entropy of the system is seen in working of centrifugal and axial compressors. (8.29) 5. Change in Internal Energy energy can be found by The change in internal u2 − u1 = cv (T2 − T1 ) cn Therefore, equivalent specific heat for a polytropic process can be written as n−γ cn = cv (8.30) n−1 This simplifies the calculations of heat transfer and entropy change. Heat transfer Q can be represented in terms of W by using Eq. (8.28) and Eq. (8.29), as n−γ Q=− cv W R n−γ =− cv W (γ − 1) cv γ −n W (8.31) = γ −1 Isobaric Process Constant pressure processes are called isobaric processes. 1. Process Relation The process relation for isobaric process (n = 0) is written as p=c 2. Work Done Work done in isobaric processes [Fig. 8.39] is expressed as W1→2 = p (v2 − v1 ) p 1 p=c b b 2 p (v2 − v1 ) Work transfer W can related to heat transfer Q as W = γ −1 Q γ −n (8.32) Equations (8.30) and (8.32) can be used to derive expressions of specific heats and work done for other processes as described in Table 8.1. Table 8.1 b v Figure 8.39 Isobaric process. 3. Heat Transfer The process occurs at constant pressure, therefore, specific heat at constant pressure is involved in the heat transfer: Reversible processes Process n c W Q Polytropic Isobaric Isochoric Isothermal Adiabatic n 0 ∞ 1 γ cn cp cv ∞ 0 (γ − 1) Q/γ 0 Q ∆u cp ∆T cv ∆T W 0 4. Change in Entropy Change in entropy is T2 s2 − s1 = cn ln T1 Q = cp (T2 − T1 ) 4. Change in Entropy The change in entropy is Z 2 cp dT s2 − s1 = T 1 T2 = cp ln T1 Using the second T ds equation for isobaric processes (dp = 0): (8.33) This equation can be used to determine the sign of entropy change (ds) by knowing the value of n T ds = cp dT + vdp dT T = ds p cp ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 527 — #565 ✐ ✐ 527 8.8 PROPERTIES OF GASES This is the slope of isobaric path on T –s diagram. 5. Change in Internal Energy The change in internal energy u2 − u1 = cv (T2 − T1 ) Isochoric Process Constant volume processes are also known as isochoric process. Isothermal Process In isothermal processes, the temperature of the system remains constant. 1. Process Relation The process relation for isothermal processes (n = 1) is written as pv = c Therefore, 1. Process Relation The process relation for isochoric processes (n = ∞) is written as pdv + vdp = 0 Z Z pdv = − vdp v=c 2. Work Done The volume remains constant during isochoric process [Fig. 8.40], hence the work transfer is zero. W1→2 = 0 2 b p 2. Work Done Work done in isothermal processes [Fig. 8.41] can be expressed as Z v2 W1→2 = pdv v1 Z v2 C dv = v1 v v v=c b = [C ln v]v21 v2 = p1 v1 ln v1 v2 = p2 v2 ln v1 1 b v Figure 8.40 Isochoric process. The same expression can also be derived by taking n → 1 in polytropic pdv-work. p b 1 T 3. Heat Transfer Iscochoric processes occur at constant volume, therefore, heat transfer involves specific heat at constant volume cv : 4. Change in Entropy The change in entropy is Z 2 cv dT s2 − s1 = T 1 T2 = cv ln T1 Using the first T ds equation for isochoric processes (dv = 0): T ds = cv dT + pdv dT T = ds v cv This is the slope of isochoric path on T –s diagram. 5. Change in Internal Energy The change in internal energy: u2 − u1 = cv (T2 − T1 ) The work transfer is zero in the process, the heat transfer is equal to change in internal energy: Q = u2 − u1 1 b b 2 pv = c Q = cv (T2 − T1 ) (8.34) R2 1 b T (s2 − s1 ) 2 pdv b b s v Figure 8.41 Isothermal process. 3. Change in Internal Energy Isothermal processes occur at constant temperature: Z 2 u2 − u1 = cv dT 1 =0 There is no change in internal energy in isothermal processes. 4. Heat Transfer Using the first law, heat transfer is equal to work done: Q = W1→2 + (u2 − u1 ) = W1→2 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 528 — #566 ✐ 528 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS Change in entropy is deter- p b 1 T 1 γ pv = c R2 1 b 2 pdv b b Q T W1→2 = T s2 − s1 = v s Adiabatic process. Figure 8.42 1. Process Relation Useful expressions can be derived for isentropic processes (ds = 0): p T (a) Using Eq. (8.22) γ T2 v2 + R ln =0 T1 v1 b n=0 1 n=∞ γ n>γ b T2 p2 − R ln =0 T1 p1 s v Figure 8.43 (b) Using Eq. (8.24): Reversible processes. Figure 8.43 enables comparison of slopes of the reversible processes on p-v and T -s diagrams. It is depicted that heat transfer between two points is maximum for n = 1 (isothermal process). R/cp p2 T2 = ln T1 p1 (γ−1)/γ T2 p2 = T1 s p1 ln -1 1 R/cv T2 v1 = ln T1 v2 γ−1 T2 v1 = T1 s v2 cp ln ∞ n=0 ln 2 b Adiabatic Process Adiabatic process does not permit heat transfer. Therefore, such processes are isentropic processes. cv ln b 5. Change in Entropy mined as Table 8.2 readily summarizes the formulations of work and heat transfers for all the reversible processes discussed above. Combining the above two equations, one obtains T2 T1 = s v1 v2 γ−1 = p2 p1 (γ−1)/γ (8.35) This is very useful equation for dealing with isentropic processes of ideal gases. Using this, the process relation for adiabatic processes can be written as pv γ = c Thus, for adiabatic processes the polytropic index n is equal to γ. 2. Work Done Using Eq. (8.28), work done in an adiabatic process [Fig. 8.42] is obtained as W1→2 = p1 v 1 − p2 v 2 γ −1 3. Heat Transfer There is no heat transfer involved in adiabatic process. 4. Change in Entropy As there is no heat transfer, there is no change in entropy. 8.8.8 Properties of Gas Mixtures The properties of gas mixtures are affected by the properties and fraction of the non-reactive constituent gases. To quantify this, mole fraction (xi ) is defined as the fraction of moles of given constituent to the total moles of the mixture: xi = ni n where ni represents the number of moles of ith constituent, and n is the total number of moles in the gas mixture. The summation of all the mole fractions would be equal to unity: n X xi = 1 i=1 Dalton’s Law According to the Dalton’s law, pressure of a mixture of ideal gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of constituents of the mixture. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 529 — #567 ✐ ✐ 8.9 GAS COMPRESSION 529 Partial volume is defined as Reversible processes on ideal gas Table 8.2 c Process W Vi = Q Polytropic pv n = c ni ℜT = xi V p Amagat’s law can be represented as n−γ n−1 cv − R (T2 − T1 ) c (T − T ) n 2 1 n−1 V = n X Vi i=1 Total volume of the mixture is given by γ −1 Q = γ −n γ −n = W γ −1 Isobaric p=c cp p (v2 − v1 ) cp (T2 − T1 ) cv 0 cv (T2 − T1 ) Isochoric v=c Isothermal pv = c ∞ p2 v2 ln v2 v1 W V =n Gibbs-Dalton Law Under the ideal gas approximation, the properties of a gas are not influenced by the presence of other gases, and each gas component in the mixture behaves as if it exists alone at the mixture temperature and mixture volume. This principle is known as Gibbs-Dalton law, which is an extension of the Dalton’s law. In view of this, the formula for the properties of gas mixture can be summarized as below Pn i=1 mi Ri Gas constant, R = P n i=1 mi n X Molecular weight, µ = x i µi i=1 Adiabatic pv γ = c ℜT p Density, ρ = p1 v 1 − p2 v 2 γ −1 0 0 Internal energy, U = Enthalpy, H = Ideal gas equation for n moles of an ideal gas having volume V at temperature T and pressure p is written as Entropy, S = pV = nℜT Consider a mixture of ideal gases having total volume V at temperature T and pressure p. If a particular constituent i has ni moles in the mixture, then partial pressure of this constituent is given by pi = ni ℜT = xi p V Dalton’s law can be represented as p= n X pi n X i=1 n X i=1 n X i=1 n X ρi u i mi h i mi s i mi i=1 8.9 GAS COMPRESSION Compressor is a type of machine that elevates the pressure of a compressible gas. Reciprocating compressors are used to produce compressed gas used for industrial applications for like gas transmission pipelines, petrochemical plants, refineries, cleaning, pneumatic control devices. i=1 Amagat’s Law According to Amagat’s law, volume of a mixture of ideal gases is equal to the sum of the partial volumes of constituents of the mixture. 8.9.1 Shaft Work Let the air get compressed in a polytropic process pv n = c from p1 , v1 state (1) to p2 , v2 state (2) [Fig. 8.44]. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 530 — #568 ✐ 530 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS p p2 p 2 2′ 3′ b b b 1 v3 Compression on p-v plane. Total shaft work p1 v 1 − p2 v 2 − p2 v 2 n−1 n (p2 v2 − p1 v1 ) n − Z 1 = − vdp ( ) (n−1)/n n p2 =− p1 v 1 −1 n−1 p1 where n is the index of compression. Volumetric Efficiency When clearance is provided in the cylinder, this affects the mass flow rate. So, volumetric efficiency for compressor is defined as the ratio of actual volume intake to swept volume of the cylinder [Fig. 8.45]: ηv = b 1 v v 8.9.2 p1 4 v1 =− b pv n = c b p1 Wc = p1 v1 + 2 pv n = c T =c Figure 8.44 p2 b v1 − v4 v1 − v3 Thus, v1 = vs + vc v3 = vc where vc is clearance volume and vs is swept volume. Also, 1/n p2 v4 = v3 p1 where n is the index of expansion. Therefore, ( ) 1/n vc p2 ηv = 1 − −1 vs p1 v4 Figure 8.45 v1 Volumetric efficiency. This expression is used to consider the effect of vc in power calculation29 . ( ) (n−1)/n n p2 Wc = − mRT1 −1 n−1 p1 ( ) (n−1)/n n p2 =− η v p1 v 1 −1 n−1 p1 8.9.3 Staged Compression Staged compression is used to reduce the work requirement. This is accomplished by introducing an intercooler between two stages of compression. The intercooler cools the compressed gas to initial temperature. Thus, staged compression tends to bring the compression process towards an isothermal process [Fig. 8.46]. If index of expansion is same for all stages and air is cooled to initial temperature after each stage, then the maximum work required to compress the air from p1 to p2 in N stages is given by ( ) (n−1)/(nN ) p2 n mRT1 −1 Wc = N × n−1 p1 and if N → ∞ (isothermal process) v1 Wc → p1 v1 ln v2 The objective is to increase the pressure (and not to increase internal energy), so when temperature is maintained to T1 (i.e. isothermal process), the work is not increased but remains the same for the whole 29 In this way, the volume flow rate is not used, but mass flow rate is used. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 531 — #569 ✐ ✐ 531 8.10 BRAYTON CYCLE p p2 Heat exchanger 2 b Saving in work QS Compressor n pv = c pi 2′ b b 1′ b v1 Wc Wt Heat exchanger Staged compression. Figure 8.47 But with imperfect cooling, the work done in higher pressure stage is more than that for lower stage. If m and n are indices of compression in the first and second stages, respectively, then for perfect cooling, the ratio of compression works is determined as (m−1)/m (n−1)/n p2 = pi W1 m/ (m − 1) = W2 n/ (n − 1) m (n − 1) = n (m − 1) 1 b Isentropic s Brayton cycle. Two important ratios, compression ratio (r) and pressure ratio (rp ), are defined, respectively, as V1 V2 p2 rp = p1 p3 = p4 r= In the process 1 → 2, γ p2 V1 = p1 V2 γ rp = r T2 T1 = γ−1 r In the process 3 → 4, T4 = BRAYTON CYCLE Brayton cycle was first proposed by George Brayton for use in the reciprocating oil burning engine that he developed around 1870. 4 p2 = p3 p1 = p4 = 30 The b For the Brayton cycle shown in Fig. 8.47, Brayton cycle30 , also known as Joule cycle, is the theoretical cycle for gas turbines. It is a modified version of Carnot cycle in which isothermal processes are replaced by isobaric processes. Thus, the cycle consists of two isentropic processes and two constant pressure processes [Fig. 8.47]. 3 4 v For two-staged compression, intermediate pressure pi is geometrical mean of suction and delivery pressures, irrespective of perfect cooling provided with same indices of compression in both stages and minimum total work of compression, √ pi = p1 p2 8.10 1 QR movement of piston. Pressure increases in an adiabatic process, so the work requirement also increases. pi p1 2 pv = c 1 b Isobaric 3 2 b Figure 8.46 Turbine n T =c p1 T, h b (γ−1)/γ p4 T3 p3 T3 rp (γ−1)/γ T3 = γ−1 r 8.10.1 Thermal Efficiency Heat interactions of the cycle are as follows: QS = mcp (T3 − T2 ) QR = mcp (T4 − T1 ) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 532 — #570 ✐ 532 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS Efficiency of the Brayton cycle is determined as QR QS T4 − T1 = 1− T3 − T2 T3 /rγ−1 − T2 /rγ−1 = 1− T3 − T2 1 = 1 − (γ−1) r 1 = 1 − (γ−1)/γ rp ηBrayton = 1 − ends at Tmax , the Carnot efficiency is reached, rp has the maximum value rp−max . The efficiency ηBrayton is found to be maximum, and equal to (ηBrayton )max = 1 − when rp max = 8.10.2 Using the above expression, the following points can be deduced: T1 T3 T1 T3 γ/(γ−1) Maximum Work Output Figure 8.49 shows the effect of rp on ηBrayton and Wnet . In the limiting case when rp reaches to the maximum value rp−max , the net work output becomes zero. Wnet 1. The efficiency of a Brayton cycle depends upon the compression ratio (r) and γ: b b ηBrayton = f (r, γ) 2. For the same compression ratio (rp ) with same working fluid, efficiency of Brayton cycle is equal to that of Otto cycle31 : ηBrayton (rp )opt ηBrayton = ηOtto b 3. The lower limit of temperature T1 is limited by the atmospheric temperature (Tmin say). The highest temperature T3 is limited by the characteristics of material available for burner and turbine construction (say upto Tmax ). This is evident in the T − s plot for the Brayton cycle with different values of compression ratios [Fig. 8.48]. T, h 3′′ Tmax b b 2 2 Tmin b b b 2′′ ′ 3′ 3 b b 4′ 4 4 b b 1 Figure 8.48 s Effect of rp . Figure 8.49 shows the effect of rp on ηBrayton . As the pressure ratio is increased, the efficiency steadily increases. In the limit when the compression process 31 Discussed in Chapter 9. 0 Figure 8.49 Wnet versus rp . The work output of the Brayton cycle is Wnet = cp {(T3 − T4 ) − (T2 − T1 )} T3 γ−1 T1 − T1 = cp T3 − γ−1 − r r 1 γ−1 = cp T3 1 − γ−1 − T1 r −1 r = cp T3 1 − r−γ+1 − T1 rγ−1 − 1 For maxima of Wnet w.r.t. r, b ′′ (rp )max rp dWnet =0 dr T3 r−γ − T1 rγ−2 = 0 rγ−2 T3 = r−γ T1 T3 r2(γ−1) = T1 1/(2(γ−1)) T3 r̄ = T1 γ/(2(γ−1)) T3 r̄p = T1 √ = rp max ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 533 — #571 ✐ ✐ 8.10 BRAYTON CYCLE The maximum work output at this pressure ratio is written as np p o2 max (Wnet ) = cp T3 − T1 533 Polytropic efficiencies of compressor and turbine are defined, respectively, as T2′ = T1 Mass flow rate is T2 = T1 3600 kg/kWh ṁ = Wnet p2 p1 p2 p1 (γ−1)/(γηpc ) (γ−1)ηpt /γ where Wnet is in kW. In gas turbine power plants, the ratio of the compressor work to the turbine work, called back pressure ratio, is very high. Usually one-half of the turbine work output is used to drive the compressor. Therefore, a power plant with high back work ratio requires a larger turbine to provide the additional requirement of the compressor. Hence, the turbines used in gas turbine power plants are larger than those used in steam turbine power plants of the same net power output. 8.10.4 Regeneration Regeneration in Brayton cycle is the heat addition at higher temperature, resulting in increase in the mean temperature of heat addition and decrease in the mean temperature of heat rejection. Thus, efficiency of the Brayton cycle is increased but work output remains unchanged. Wt − Wc Compressor 8.10.3 Isentropic Efficiencies Wc Figure 8.50 shows the effect of machine efficiencies on the cycle. QS Heater 2 2 1 T, h Turbine b 3 3 ′ 4 b b Regenerator 4′ Condenser QR 2′ 2 b b 4′ T, h 3 b b b 4 s=c p=c 1 b b 2′ s p=c 2 Figure 8.50 Effect of ηt and ηc . b b b s=c b 4 4′ Qreg b When turbine efficiency (ηt ) and compressor efficiencies (ηc ) are involved, then the efficiency of Brayton cycle is written as wt ηt − wc /ηc ηBrayton = Q where dTactual ηt = dTisentropic (T3 − T4′ ) = (T3 − T4 ) dTisentropic ηc = dTactual (T2 − T1 ) = (T2′ − T1 ) 1 s Figure 8.51 Regeneration on T -s plane. The ratio of the actual temperature rise of air to the maximum possible temperature rise [Fig. 8.51] is called the effectiveness of the regenerator (ǫ): ǫ= T 2′ − T 2 T4 − T2 In an ideal regenerative cycle, the compressed air is heated to the turbine exhaust temperature in the ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 534 — #572 ✐ 534 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS regenerator so that T2′ = T4 T2 = T4′ For the isentropic process 1 → 2, T2 = T1 p2 p1 (γ−1)/γ = rp (γ−1)/γ staged heat input called reheat at turbine [Fig. 8.52]. It is was found that the efficiency of cycle actually reduces by staging the compression and intercooling because heat to be added is increased but there can be a net gain in efficiency when intercooling is adopted in conjunction with a regenerator. Same is true with reheat. When the number of stages is large, then Brayton cycle tends towards Ericsson cycle32 . T, h Intercooling T, h 3 b 3 3′ b b For the isentropic process 3 → 4, T4 = T3 p2 p1 = rp Therefore, b (γ−1)/γ 2 T1 (T2 /T1 − 1) T3 (1 − T4 /T3 ) T1 T2 (1 − T1 /T2 ) = 1− × × T3 T1 (1 − T4 /T3 ) T1 = 1 − × rp (γ−1)/γ T3 ηBrayton−reg = 1 − For a fixed ratio T1 /T3 , the cycle efficiency drops with increasing pressure ratio. In practice, a regenerator is costly, heavy and bulky and causes pressure losses which bring about a decrease in cycle efficiency. Above certain pressure ratio (p2 /p1 ), the addition of a regenerator causes a loss of cycle efficiency, when compared to original cycle. In this situation, the compressor discharge temperature T2 is higher than the turbine exhaust gas temperature T5 . The compressed air will thus be cooled in the regenerator and the exhaust gas will be heated. 8.10.5 Intercooling and Reheat Efficiency of a Brayton cycle can be increased by the use of staged compression with intercooling or and by using ′ 1 Reheat s s Figure 8.52 8.10.6 b 4 b b b (a) Reheat In such a case, the efficiency of the cycle can be found as Replacing values of T4′ and T2′ , 4 1 b T2 T4 = = rp (γ−1)/γ T1 T3 mcp (T4′ − T1 ) = 1− mcp (T3 − T2′ ) (T4′ − T1 ) = 1− (T3 − T2′ ) T1 (T4′ /T1 − 1) = 1− T3 (1 − T2′ /T3 ) 2 b (γ−1)/γ 1 ηBrayton−reg 2′ b b 4′ (b) Intercooling Reheat and intercooling. Comparison with Otto Cycle The Brayton cycle can be compared with the Otto cycle to deduce the following points: 1. For the same compression ratio and work capacity, Brayton cycle handles a larger range of volume and a smaller range of pressure and temperature. 2. A reciprocating engine cannot efficiently handle a large volume flow of low pressure gas, for which the engine size becomes larger, and the friction losses also becomes more. So, the Otto cycle is more suitable in the reciprocating field. 3. An internal combustion engine is exposed to the highest temperature (after combustion of fuel) only for a short while, and it gets time to become cool in the other processes of the cycle. On the other hand, gas turbine plant, a steady flow device, is always exposed to the highest temperature used. So to protect material, the maximum temperature of gas that can be used in a gas turbine plant cannot be as high as in an internal combustion engine. In the steady flow machinery, it is more difficult to carry out heat transfer at constant volume (Otto cycle) than at constant pressure (Brayton cycle). 32 Discussed in Chapter 9. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 535 — #573 ✐ ✐ IMPORTANT FORMULAS 535 IMPORTANT FORMULAS Basic Concepts V2 E = U +m + mgz 2 Z 2 Q= Q̇dt Second Law of Thermodynamics 1. Cyclic heat engine = Q̇ (t2 − t1 ) dW = pdv Z v2 W12 = pdv COPr = Reversible Q2 Q2 = W Q1 − Q2 3. Heat pump Irreversible First Law of Thermodynamics COPp = (a) Closed system ηrev > ηirr , (b) Steady flow system 1 ηe I = W − Wmax I = T0 ∆Suniv ∆Suniv = ∆Ssys + ∆Ssur ηrev−1 = ηrev−2 Properties of Gas V2 2 − V1 2 2 +g (z2 − z1 ) Q − W = (h2 − h1 ) + 5. Clausius theorem I dQ =0 R T 1. Ideal gas equation pv = ℜT ℜ R= M For Carnot cycle: Q1 Q2 − =0 T1 T2 2. Enthalpy h = u + pv 2. Compressibility factor 6. Entropy 3. Specific heats ∂u ∂Q cv = = ∂T v ∂T cp = ∂Q ∂T = p V2 + mgz 2 2. Irreversibility 4. Carnot principles dQ = dW + dU I dQ = dW φ = u − T 0 s + p0 v ψ = h − T0 s + m Q1 W COPp = COPr + 1 = 1. First law equations I Wmax = φ1 − φ2 2. Refrigerator v1 Z = pdv Z W 6= pdv 1. Availability function W = Q1 − Q2 W Q2 ηe = = 1− Q1 Q1 1 Exergy and Availability ∂h ∂T 4. Steady flow systems dQ = T dS Z 2 1 dQrev = (S2 − S1 ) T 7. T ds equations T ds = du + pdv T ds = dh − vdp (a) Nozzle and diffuser q V2 = 2 (h1 − h2 ) + V1 2 8. Clausius inequality I dQ ≤0 T (b) Throttling 9. Increase of entropy principle Z 2 dQ S2 − S1 ≥ T 1 Z 2 dQ = + Sgen T 1 ∆Sisolated ≥ 0 h1 = h2 (c) Turbine and compressor W = h1 − h2 m z= pv vactual = ℜT videal 3. Corresponding states pr = p , pc Tr = T Tc 4. Van der Waals equation a p + 2 (v − b) = ℜT v 3 pr + 2 (3vr − 2) = 8Tr vr 5. Entropy change of ideal gases v2 T2 + R ln T1 v1 T2 p2 = cp ln − R ln T1 p1 s2 − s1 = cv ln ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “WileyGateMe” — 2014/2/1 — 10:40 — page 536 — #574 ✐ 536 ✐ CHAPTER 8: THERMODYNAMICS 6. Reversible process u2 − u1 = cv (T2 − T1 ) h2 − h1 = cp (T2 − T1 ) Z v2 W1→2 = pdv Q1→2 = s2 − s1 = Z Z T ds T1 T2 T1 − Z Z n X p= n X vdp Amagat’s law pdv V = 1 2 pv n = c n−γ cv cn = n−1 R (T2 − T1 ) W =− n−1 γ −1 = Q γ −n Q = cn (T2 − T1 ) γ −n = W γ −1 pi n X Vi Other properties Pn i=1 mi Ri R= P n i=1 mi n X µ= x i µi ρ= U= H= S= (b) Isobaric process W = p (v2 − v1 ) Q = cp (T2 − T1 ) (c) Isochoric process W =0 Q = cc (T2 − T − 1) (d) Isothermal process i=1 n X i=1 n X i=1 n X i=1 n X ρi u i mi h i mi s i mi i=1 8. Gas compression Z Wc = − vdp ( n−1 ) np1 v1 p2 n =− −1 n−1 p1 v1 − v4 v1 − v3 ( 1 ) p2 n vc −1 = 1− vs p1 ηv = pv = c v2 v1 n−1 nN =Q (e) Adiabatic process pv γ = c p1 v 1 − p2 v 2 W = γ −1 Q=0 ) n−1 p2 n −1 p1 ( n−1 ) nηv p1 v1 p2 n =− −1 n−1 p1 nmRT1 Wc = − n−1 −1 ) pi p1 √ p1 p2 n−1 p2 n = pi W1 m (n − 1) = W2 n (m − 1) m−1 m 10. Brayton cycle i=1 (a) Polytropic process W = p2 v2 ln pi = i=1 1 p2 p1 xi = 1 Dalton’s law 2 ( Wc nmRT1 = N n−1 i=1 dQ T γR cp = γ −1 9. Staged compression ni xi = n v1 T2 p1 v 1 − p2 v 2 = − R , cv = γ −1 7. Gas mixtures Mole fraction ( ηBrayton = 1 − 1 rp ( (ηBrayton )max = 1 − γ−1 γ ) T1 T3 when rp max = T1 T3 γ γ−1 For maximum work γ/2(γ−1) T3 r̄p = T1 √ = rp max np p o2 max (Wnet ) = cp T3 − T1 Isentropic efficiencies dTactual (T3 − T4′ ) = dTisentropic (T3 − T4 ) dTisentropic (T2 − T1 ) ηc = = dTactual (T2′ − T1 ) ηt = Polytropic efficiencies T2′ = T1 T2 = T1 p2 p1 p2 p1 1 γ−1 γ η pc γ−1 γ ηpt Regenerator effectiveness ǫ= T 2′ − T 2 T4 − T2 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐