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Carabao Milk pH Meter: Microcontroller-Based Device

Chapter 1
Carabao or water buffalo farming has its abundance in the Philippine agriculture
industry. Since time immemorial, carabaos are being used as plowing aids, source of meat,
ornaments and dairy products. According to [1], in recent years, carabao production in the
Philippines has gained importance as a vital component in achieving food security and
increasing farm income, since it is now a main source of both draft power and meat for
smallholder farmers. On October 1, 2021, Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) recorded a
population of 2.84 million heads (carabaos) in the country’s backyard farms. About 29.6
percent of the country’s carabao population were recorded in Bicol Region, Western Visayas,
and Central Luzon.
In the year 2011 to 2015, [1] reported a downward trend to the country’s carabao
industry which could be attributed to three factors: (1) competition between carabao farming
and crop production in Visayas and Mindanao which greatly reduced the pasture land and
forage area for carabaos; (2) limited awareness and knowledge of the farmers on the proper
care and management of the carabaos resulting to death of the animal; and (3) farmers’ low
acceptability towards new technologies introduced to them. Furthermore, PSA also recorded
minor declines in the carabao population in the recent years. This scenario has motivated the
researcher to conduct a study and implement the use of modern technology in the field of
agriculture particularly in carabao dairy farming. Carabao milk production has become
essential in the industry due to its many uses and nutritious contents.
According to [2], the pH of a glass of milk ranges from 6.4 to 6.8. Milk fresh from the
typically has a pH between 6.5 and 6.7. The pH of milk changes over time. As milk goes
sour, it becomes more acidic and the pH gets lower. This occurs as bacteria in milk convert
the sugar lactose into lactic acid. The first milk produced by a livestock contains colostrum,
which lowers its pH. If the livestock has the medical condition mastitis, the pH of the milk
will be higher or more basic. Whole, evaporated milk is slightly more acidic than regular
whole or skim milk. The pH of milk depends on the species of the animal producing the
milk. Milk from other bovines and non-bovine mammals varies in composition but has a
similar pH. For all species, milk with colostrum has a lower pH and mastitic milk has a
higher pH.
Based on the interview of the researchers with the employees of the Sta. Catalina
Farm in Botolan, Zambales – a carabao farm affiliated with the Philippine Carabao Center
(PCC), one of the concerns of the employees is the way on how to determine if the carabao
milk is safe to consume. According to the employees, they use to drop alcohol mixture to the
sample carabao milk and wait until bubbles form. The more bubbles formed, the higher is
the acidity of the milk. High concentration of acid may result to mild abdominal discomfort
or death of the carabao offspring.
This method may yield inaccurate results, so the
researchers thought of developing a device that will be able to determine the level of acidity
of carabao milk. This will eradicate the inaccurate way of testing the PH level of carabao
milk and create provide more advanced technologies in the field of carabao dairy farming.
The main objective of this study is to fabricate a device that will determine the pH
level specifically used for carabao milk. This study is constructive research. It will be done
by utilizing Arduino-Uno Microcontroller using Fuzzy Logic algorithm, If-Then-Else, with
screen display for the results. The researcher will test the efficiency of the device using
survey questionnaire and descriptive statistics. The study will be conducted in Zambales,
which is essentially a farm-based province abundant with carabaos and cattle production.
The device would be designed to eradicate the manual and inaccurate way of testing
carabao’s milk. It would be done with following these objectives: (1) Design and Construct a
Carabao Milk pH meter; (2) Determine the Capabilities and Limitations of the Carabao Milk
pH meter; (3) Determine the efficiency of the Carabao Milk pH meter in terms of (3.1)
Functionality, (3.2) Accuracy, (3.3) Portability.
This proposed research study entitled, PH Meter: Microcontroller-based Device
Designed for Determining Potability of Carabao Milk, this research aimed to develop
Carabao pH Milk, a device that determines the level of acidity of carabao milk, providing
more accurate numerical values as bases for determining the potability of the milk. It would
be designed to eradicate the manual and inaccurate way of testing carabao’s milk.
The significance of the proposed research project are; (1) it will provide faster way of
determining the potability of carabao milk; (2) reduce inaccuracy of determining milk
acidity, (3) carabao milk farmers will have standardize method in determining carabao milk
acidity; (4) provide more accurate data when observing the chemical composition of carabao
milk for carabao researchers; and (5) does not need high financial requirement to start
(minimum amount to start) financial assistance can be extended by government and private
lending institutions. By doing and pursuing this research project will help the agricultural
sector by providing potable information in the production of carabao milk to apply
innovative techniques in determining the acidity of carabao’s milk. This study will help the
researcher to go further study in the agricultural sector since this is advantageous for the
researcher due to the accessibility and locale of the study. This will also serve as an avenue
for starting new research after conducting the study.
Chapter 2
Carabao Situation Report
In a more recent report by the [3] , there has been a notable increase in the carabao
production in the first quarter of 2022. Which was 6.5 percent higher than last year’s same
quarter output, as shown in figure 1 below.
Figure 1 Procedure on the proposed research study
Amounting to an estimation of 2.78 million heads wherein the majority of this total
population of 11.8 percent was again recorded from Bicol Region, followed by Western
Visayas with 9.8 percent share and Central Luzon with 8.7 percent share.
This Carabao Situation Report records the carabao industry in terms of volume of
production, inventory by region, and average farmgate prices which is published quarterly by
the Philippine Statistics Authority or PSA. This report enables the different clientele in the
agricultural sector with the up-to-date data regarding carabao distribution all over the
Dairy Industry Performance
Subsequently, carabao milk production is also monitored and reported via the Dairy
Industry Performance Report also published annually by the same department, the PSA. In a
recent report by the department, there was a 9.5 percent increase in local milk production in
the year 2019 until the early parts of 2020 as written by [4]. It was also noted in the report
the percentage distribution of the main dairy producing animals including: cattle (64%),
buffalo (31%) and goat (5%). With majority of these dairy produce came from the provinces
of Davao, Laguna, Bulacan, Bukidnon, and Batangas. It was also reported that even with the
reported increase in milk production, importation and supply of local demands of dairy
products still dropped due to many challenges.
[5] detailed in a report that the Philippines has an estimated 22 kilograms of annual
per capita milk consumption.
And all of these were produced locally. “With dairy
production in the country being more community-based, maintaining the quality of fresh milk
is a challenge due to the lack of processing and distribution systems, and a dependable,
continuous cold chain” Ang quoted. This was also one of the focus of the Department of
Agriculture (DA) wherein they have challenged the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) to
intensify the production of milk in the country. [6] shared on their website that the United
States and the United Kingdom has an estimated daily milk production of 20-30 liters with
which the Philippines was short of only 8 liters. As of now, most of the produced milk in the
country was distributed as provisions for the implementation of the School-based Milk
Feeding Program. Hence, Agriculture Secretary William Dar, called out to PCC to properly
implement their research programs and outputs, he also encouraged them to solicit
investments with the private sector. Which according to him, would be the key to improving
milk production in the country.
Carabao Milk Nutritional Value and Products
Carabao milk is known as a champion ingredient for kesong puti and sweets such as;
pastillas and ice cream, in a more conventional way, it is sold as is or as yogurts. It is
commonly chosen as the base for such products because of its own creaminess and
nutritional contents. According to [7] consuming 100 grams of buffalo/ carabao milk or any
of its by-products, it tantamount to ingesting:
Figure 2 Procedure on the proposed research study (Source: Philippine Carabao Center)
In a segment of the hit lifestyle/ travel show Byahe ni Drew, writer [8] highlighted the
interview with chef and registered nutritionist-dietitian Malou Caudal who shared that
carabao’s milk “contains protein, fat, lactose, vitamins, minerals, and water, making it the
most complete food." And elaborated that it was the bets choice compared to cow and got
milk because “it has 58 percent more calcium, 40 percent more protein, and 43 percent less
cholesterol." Additionally, it holds “riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin D, and phosphorus that
are needed for our overall health.” This was also noted in the study by [9] “Buffalo milk has
higher levels of fat, lactose, protein, ash and Ca, and vitamins A and C and lower levels of
vitamin E riboflavin and cholesterol; an absence of carotene; and the presence of the bluegreen pigment (biliverdin) as well as a bioactive pentasaccharide and gangliosides not
present in cow milk (CM).”
Carabao Milk pH
According to a study by [10], they have noted that fresh carabao’s milk has a “mean
initial titratable acidity value of 0.106% lactic acid with a range of 0.106% to 0.221 lactic
acid.” Which has a huge discrepancy with pH levels of different types of milk as stated by
[11] in her article in a known website. Wherein cow’s milk has a pH level of about 6.7 to
6.9, in a blog by [12] goat milk has 6.28, sheep’s milk has 5.73, buffalo has 6.07 and nondairy milk like oats, almonds, cashew, and coconut milk lies around 6. Nonetheless, it is
already notable that carabao’s milk is acid-forming based on the general rule of pH scales,
which states that anything with a pH under 7, which is the neutral pH could cause acidforming agents.
As specified in the Philippine National Standards for milks of water buffalos the
compositional quality of fresh carabao/ buffalo milk should have “ttitratable acid in the form
of lactic acid should be in the range of 0.13% to 0.16%. The 121 pH should be in the range
of 6.6 to 6.8.” [13]. It was known that milk acidity is related to lactic acid, and it was proven
that carabao or water buffalo’s milk is packed with 10% less lactose than in cow’s milk
which makes it easier to consume [14].
Milk pH Meter
In order to validate and be able to test the quality of raw milks from dairy farms, it
was stipulated in the Philippine National Standards for milks of water buffalos the acceptable
treatment processes and devices such as the Titratable acidity test and pH meter. The
titratable acidity is used to determine the lactic acid in milk while pH measures the electrochemical potential of hydrogen-ion activity [13].
Measuring the pH levels of raw milk is an integral part, for it ensures the suitability of
the collected milk for human consumption. High acidity in milk will cause changes in taste
and smell, for a more accurate testing, pH meters are utilized to ensure the viability of dairy
produce. Inaccurate pH readings will result to more challenges and problems in the long run.
As [15] shared in her blog, “Testing pH in milk and dairy products is key to detecting
impurities and signs of infection both upon collection of milk at the point of delivery. In the
sterilization process, checking the pH is important as the lower the pH the faster the process
will be. However, lower pH values in milk may also indicate that the cattle producing it may
carry an infection.”
According to [16], a pH meter is an electronic devise that measures the acidity or
alkalinity in any substance. Many known milk pH meters were already made available in the
global markets since the early 1934, with which the first patented pH meter was registered by
Professor Arnold Orville Beckman, dubbed as the “acidometer” [17].
In the present, the features and portability of this devise has undergone major
innovative changes. As such Omega Engineering Inc., in their website, [18] listed some
noteworthy challenges of pH measurement applications:
1. Instrumentation is frequently the source of disturbance for pH systems, through
repeatability error, measurement noise, or valve hysteresis.
2. In-line pH loops will oscillate, regardless of controller modes and tuning, if setpoints
are on the steep parts of the titration curves.
3. pH electrode submersion assemblies with unencapsulated terminations below the
liquid surface will eventually have wet terminations.
4. Reagent control valves that are not close-coupled to the injection point on in-line
systems will cause reagent delivery delays large enough to describe the tools of your
trade n words that may seem foreign.
5. You need either a flow meter or a seer to diagnose reagent delivery problems.
6. Flow feedforward signals should be multiplied by pH controller outputs and
employed to operate reagent valves directly or to establish reagent flow control
7. Transportation delays to pH electrodes in analyzer houses will exceed mixing
deadlines - such that increasing comfort in checking the electrodes is offset by
decreasing comfort in checking trend recordings.
8. Injection electrodes should be preferred to sample holder assemblies whenever
possible to reduce maintenance problems and improve response times - but not all
injection electrodes are created equal.
9. Large tanks are fine if you don't have to control them; use the volume upstream to
reduce reagent consumption or downstream to reduce control error. If you can't makeup your mind where to use one, put it downstream.
10. Install one or three but never two electrodes for a pH measurement.
Sper Scientific Direct offers four types of pH meters depending on the specific solution
that needs to be tested, such as the Pens, Portable Meters, Data Loggers and Benchtop
meters. This is because they believe that “Due to the logarithmic nature of the measurement,
even small changes in pH are significant. The difference between pH 6 and pH 5 represents a
ten-fold increase in acid concentration; a change of just 0.3 represents a doubling of acid
concentration. Variations of pH can impact flavor, consistency, and shelf-life.” [19].
Fuzzy Logic
The fabricated pH meter will integrate fuzzy logic algorithm to analyze numerical
data into descriptive values. According to [20] “Fuzzy logic is a type of multi-assessed logic
in which the true values of variables are a number between 0 and 1, both inclusive.” It is
focused in determining the range in between values of true or false. This algorithm would
help regulate the expression of ambiguity into a more precise numerical value. As what [21]
mentioned in their study about the fusion of deep learning and fuzzy systems, results
indicated great effects in the aspect of “classification, prediction, natural language
processing, auto-control” which could be applied to various fields such as “computer
science, natural language, medical system, smart energy management systems and
manufacturing industry.” Since the focus of this study was to fabricate a pH meter for
carabao milk potability for future production.
[22] said that the best way to handle energy has been the subject of numerous
discussions worldwide. According to studies conducted by the World Nuclear Association,
the need for energy supply will rise over the next 20 years. The effectiveness of smart energy
management, starting with household appliances, has been demonstrated. One example is
smart lighting, which gives the system automated controls to better adapt to the current
situation and adjust on its own to increase energy efficiency by connecting other protocols
with PLC. The goal of the study is to create a gateway that will combine the wired and
wireless ZigBee technologies into a single, interconnected protocol. The PLC's
Programmable System on Chip (PSoC) is modified into a computer architecture as part of a
protocol conversion process so that Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitted (UART)
communication can successfully interact with ZigBee. The aforementioned connector was
tested for transmission and power consumption in a fuzzy logic-controlled lighting system.
The analysis's findings were presented, and they can be applied as a manual for connecting
different protocols to PLC.
According to [23] One of the agricultural crops that is most likely to succeed in the
market while also benefiting farmers is the mushroom. Currently, only traditional methods
are used to cultivate mushrooms. Mushroom yield can be improved in facilities by the use of
a microcontroller and fuzzy logic algorithm. In order to measure the production of the oyster
mushroom, the researcher created a controlled environment with temperature sensor and
humidity sensor using Arduino-Uno Microcontroller and Fuzzy Logic algorithm, as well as
combining sound with Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The study's execution is guided by
the experimental design and action research. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed
by the researcher to compare the productivity of the three treatments. The results showed that
a regulated atmosphere should have a temperature between 22 and 29 °C and a humidity
level of at least 70%. When the effectiveness of the automatic control system and human
control were compared, the automatic control system was more effective at controlling
humidity. The project's controlled environment using fuzzy logic will raise the standard and
output of the mushroom business.
According to [24], a plant can develop more quickly and produce a lot of lush, green
leaves thanks to nitrogen, which can result in higher yields and a crop that is more resistant to
pests, illnesses, and other unfavorable circumstances. Therefore, it's crucial to diagnose rice
plants in a timely manner in order to keep mineral levels balanced. Another issue is that a
farmer cannot take the necessary action without seeing a plant pathologist to ascertain
whether or not his crops are experiencing a loss of mineral balance. To find out whether there
was a significant variation in yield during a rice crop season, statistical tests were used. In
particular, using earlier studies of related research on color sensor, color analysis, leaf color
chart, and a microcontroller-based fertilizer dispenser for rice crops.
According to [25], many educational institutions have struggled to assess students'
ability and comprehension. Students' responses are tracked in real-time using response
devices like clickers, which can be used to determine whether or not they understand the
concepts and lessons that were given to them. The study's objective is to develop an offlinebased learning response system that makes use of RF technologies for transmission and
smartphone input. The technology may collect replies in real-time and show stacked bar
graphs to evaluate the data. The system's viability in terms of data transmission and reception
of information typed in from the smartphones to the master device connected to a base
terminal was tested through a number of trials. An efficient modulation method to transfer
data in high frequency bands without the interference of Wireless Fidelity is Gaussian
Frequency-Shift Keying. The method works effectively for colleges without a reliable
internet infrastructure as well as offline-based sessions. Both the size of the transmitting
devices' samples and the transmission of packets can be scaled.
As described by [26], non-renewable energy resources which are our main source of
energy are causing harmful effects to our environment, health, and are also running low.
Different studies have been done on possible alternative energy sources such as orange and
banana peels; however, such studies focus only on either the methane or electric potential
produced by the substrate. This study is focused on observing both variables, specifically
their relationship in terms of the amount produced during the anaerobic digestion of banana
peels. Data analysis shows that methane production and electric generation are independent
of each other, this means that conducting methods that would focus on enhancing the
production of methane would not affect the generation of electricity and vice versa; also, this
would significantly help us in researching for renewable energy sources by enabling us to
efficiently maximize the production of both variables in a single substrate.
Chapter 3
The proposed research project entitled, PH Meter: Microcontroller-based Device
Designed for Determining Potability of Carabao Milk aims to develop, a device that can be
used to test the pH of carabao milk by utilizing Arduino Uno Microcontroller using Fuzzy
Logic algorithm. Fuzzy logic is used for analysis event in microcontroller for control device
for the proposed pH meter. Also, the project will determine the efficiency of the fabricated
pH Meter in terms of functionality, accuracy and portability. For the statistical treatment,
descriptive statistics will be used to produce inferential analysis on the data gathered from the
survey on the impact of the device.
Figure 3.1 Procedure on the proposed research study
The research study consists of six phases as shown in Figure 3.1, such as, for Phase I,
refers to finding a practically relevant problem that also has research potential, which
includes review on literature and studies about pH Meter and consolidation of data from
literature and studies.
Phase II refers to obtaining a general and comprehensive
understanding of the pH Meter which includes studying the structure and functions of the
existing pH Meter and obtaining knowledge in analyzing pH readings. Phase III, this refers
to Innovate (i.e., construct a solution idea) which includes the planning, development,
mechanical design, hardware design, software design, testing and debugging. Then, Phase
IV, refers to demonstration that the solution works which includes performing an initial pilot
study by implementing the device in a selected carabao farm.
Phase V. shows the
theoretical connections and the research contribution of the solution concept which includes
Conduct Survey Evaluation to determine the efficiency of the pH Meter. Phase VI contains
the examination of scope of applicability of the solution which includes the conduct an
impact assessment on the implementation of the pH Meter.
The study uses constructive research. For the design, this is being conducted on the
process study to bring change, improvement and development on the area of agriculture
specifically on the production of carabao milk from the conventional way to the proposed
project which is the pH Meter: Microcontroller-based Device Designed for Determining
Potability of Carabao Milk. The research study will be conducted in Sta. Catalina Carabao
Farm in Botolan, Zambales, so that the researcher can have a closed monitor and record
performance of the research project.
Sta. Catalina is approximately 9.2 km from Iba,
Figure 3.2 Conceptual Framework
The researcher will use the Input – Process – Output (IPO) format for the Conceptual
Framework. Frame 1 includes the pH as the Input; Frame 2 presents the process showing pH
Test 6.9 – above, 6.7 – 6.8, 6.6 – 6.1, 6.0 – below were declared as indicators; and Frame 3
presents the output as Indicates Abnormality in Milk Production, Potable for Drinking;
Normal Acidity. Indicates Healthy Carabao. Potable for Drinking; Indicates Abnormality in
Milk Production, Potable for Drinking; High Acidity, Not Potable for Drinking.
Figure 3.3 Hardware Block Diagram
Software Development
The embedded program in the Arduino executes a simple systems operation. A .ino
file was created for containing the program in order to control the collection, processing and
output of data. The sensing period will be set to real-time. The data will be collected through
the pH sensor and will be sent to Arduino Microcontroller to process the data before the
results will be shown into the LCD screen.
Figure 3.4 Software Design
The research will use the Single Fuzzy If-Then rule assuming the of: If x is A1 Then y
is B2 where A1 and B2 are linguistic variables defined by fuzzy sets on the ranges (i.e.
universe of discourse) X and Y respectively. The If-part of the rule ‘x is A1’ is called the
antecedent or premise and the Then-part of the rule ‘y is B2’ is called the consequent. In
other words, the conditional statement can be expressed in a mathematical form If A1 Then
B2 or A1 → B2. This algorithm will decide if when the reading is within the applicable range,
then the desired output will be shown.
The fuzzy controls the system to determine the descriptive value of pH Meter
readings and display it on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) in order to easily and accurately
determine if the carabao milk is potable and is acceptable for human and calf consumption.
Experimental setup
Carabao Milk
pH Meter
LCD Screen
Figure 3.5 PH Meter: Microcontroller-based Device Experimental Setup
Figure 3.5 shows the system block diagram of the PH Meter: Microcontroller-based
Device Designed for Determining Potability of Carabao Milk where the carabao milk will be
tested through the pH Meter, the data gathered by the pH meter will then be analysed by the
Arduino microcontroller. The results will be shown through the LCD screen if the milk is
potable or not depending on the level of acidity detected.
The researcher will use two carabao milk samples one is potable and the other one is
not. Carabao milk will be purchased from the Sta. Catalina Farm in Botolan, Zambales.
Table 1 Testing of the Commercially Available pH Meter and the Fabricated pH Meter
with Descriptive Values
Measured by Commercially Available pH
Statistical Treatment
Measure of the fabricated pH Meter with
Descriptive Values
The researcher will use t-test is a statistical test that is used to compare the means of
two groups Measured by Commercially Available pH Meter and Measure of the fabricated
pH Meter with Descriptive Values. It will be used in hypothesis testing to determine whether
a process or treatment actually has an effect on the population of interest, or whether two
groups are different from one another.
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IEEE 13th International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information
Technology, Communication and Control, Environment, and Management (HNICEM),
pp. 1-6, 2021.