1900720279 19/U/20279/PSA QUESTION 1 – SECTION B Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer or robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment, even though they can’t do all things humans do, AI has an impact on society, they do tasks in a quick, safer and efficient manner. Artificial intelligence has also shortcomings such as exacerbating racism by standardizing people and costs people jobs resulting to a greater employment.1 Artificial intelligence has the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize and learn from past experiences however it is difficult to regulate it due to its problem characteristics associated with it and below are the explanations to the above assertion. Problem characteristics of Artificial intelligence make it exceptionally difficult to regulate, yet it has a great role it plays in the economy and society, the hurdle for regulation stem from the manner in which Artificial intelligence is researched and developed that by basic problem of regulation of the actions of the autonomous machines. This in some kind of way gives artificial intelligence an advantage since there is a high degree of proving harm done to the aggrieved parties that seek compensation. Any regulation that would attempt to tame Artificial intelligence define it however there has not been a standard definition that could be easily used for the regulation function. The definition hurdle lies not only in the artificiality concept but also in the intelligence ambiguity since intelligence is mostly tied to humans thus regulation faces lots of difficulties. 1 B.J CAPELAND AN ARTICLE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 1900720279 19/U/20279/PSA Below are the problematic characteristics of Artificial intelligence. First, the ability of Artificial intelligence to act autonomy, and being able to foresee2 this means, the software does various activities that are complex, such as assistance or supervision and each day that possess, it shows that more activities shall be --- by Artificial intelligence in the future, this is likely to lead in the decline in demand for human labour both for the educated and uneducated personnels. The concept of foreseeability also possess a challenge to the legal work this is because machines can reason like human beings this can be seen in various programs such as chess that are computer oriented using human techniques, such creativity are an outcome resources available to special A1 programs accompanied with Artificial intelligences power got from biases that affect humans. Secondly, there is a feature of research and development, discreet, diffuse, discrete3 and Opaque4. This guides on how Artificial intelligence does it tasks, under this Artificial intelligence operates with limited visible infrastructure, work on a single component of Artificial intelligence system could be designed in different places and of different times without need of coordination and opacity denotes the possibility that the inner workings of Artificial intelligence may be kept a secret and may not be susceptible to reverse engineering. Each of these features is shared to, varying degrees work on many technologies in the information age, but they present particularly unique challenges in the contact. 2 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 31, NUMBER 2 SPRING 2018 REGULATING AI SYSYTEMS, HARVARD JOUNAL OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY 4 OPAQUE VS TRANSPARENT AI AS EXPLAINED BY PEGA SYSTEMS, BY PREDRAG J. 33 1900720279 19/U/20279/PSA Thirdly, the problem of characteristic of Artificial intelligence is control5, humans cannot control machines that are programmed to act with considerable autonomy. It has a number of mechanisms by which a loss of control may occur, a malfunction such as a corrupted file/ physical damage to input equipment, a security breach raises the most interesting issues because it creates the possibility that a loss of control might be the direct but unintended consequence of a conscious design choice. Control once last may be difficult to regain if the Artificial intelligence is designed with features that permit it to learn and adapt. These are the characteristics that make Artificial intelligence, a potential source of public risk on a scale that for exceeds the familiar forms of public risk that are solely the result of human behaviour loss of control can be broken down into two varieties, this occurs when the Artificial intelligence system can no longer be controlled by the human/ humans legally responsible for its operations and supervision. A loss of general control occurs when the Artificial intelligence system can no longer be controlled by any human. Some artificial intelligence can’t align with those of the public at large. Unfortunately, ensuring such an alignment of interests and objectives may be quite difficult, particularly since human values are themselves nearly impossible to define with any precision. 5 DATA CYPHER.COM 1900720279 19/U/20279/PSA NUMBER 2 – SECTION A Forensic evidence is evidence obtained by scientific methods such as ballistics, blood tests and DNA test, for investigations and mainly for the purpose of court proceedings6. The evidence collected is subjected to a forensic laboratory for purposes of retrieval, authentication and analysis of digital information and its clearly an exact copy of the specific storage device where such information is stored. Forensic evidence plays a huge role in solving the most, violent and brutal of cases as well as completely non-violent cases thus it’s a very aspect in the administration of justice. Forensic evidence requires very critical analysis to be used in prosecution of criminal and civil proceedings7. Firstly, forensic evidence is used by investigators in cases of sexual assault and here there is use of DNA evidence to prove and disapprove allegations of rape/child molestation. DNA is an organic substance found in every living cell and gives an individual a personal blue print it can be extracted from semen, hair, urine, body fluids among others and was first used in England in the Enderby case 8. In the case of Aunda Samson V Uganda9, the appellant challenged the court decision since they did not use DNA tests to arrive that impregnated however this was rejected in conclusion in forensic evidence is very vital in administration of justice. Secondly, forensic evidence is used in cases that are in line with loss of life that is to say murder, manslaughter among others basically the investigators’ concentrate on securing the finger prints of the offender, sweat, blood left behind by the offender and further tracing can be done using items used that is to say clothing, guns among 6 US LEGAL .COM LAW INSIDER.COM 8 1986 9 CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.36 OF 2015 7 1900720279 19/U/20279/PSA others.In the case of Godi Hussein V Uganda10, the appellant was convicted at murdering his wife, the evidence relied on was because the sail at the scene of crime matched with what was under his shoes offer it was subjected to laboratory test. Thirdly, forensic evidence, cases work of expert witnesses especially in drugs and DVI cases, these test unidentified substances that were found on an individual to confirm whether or not they are cocaine or any other prohibited substances. Forensic toxicology also determines whether a driver was impaired at the time they were involved in accident and lastly in anti-doping matters, forensic evidence has been used to realize the Athletes that use drugs to enhance their performance, in the case of hence Armstrong11, the USADA tack a decision to stop the renowned cyclist, after it was discovered that he had performance enhancing substances in his body. In addition, to the above, forensic evidence plays a great role in administering of justice in cyber-crimes, that are committed through circuits of machines such as phones, and computers, many offenders leave traces behind in data bases and documents scattered through the digital world. Forensic computer specialists use technology to discover the truth. In the case of Uganda V Guster Nsubuga and 3 others12, the accused were charged under the computer misuse Act that is to say for unauthorised use and electronic fraud, prosecution witness (10) was the manager of forensic investigations told court he used forensic imaging and analysis from attached disk to get evidence to held the accused accountable. Furthermore, forensic evidence to link crimes that are thought to be related to another here law enforcement authorities get to know the pattern of the illegal 10 11 12 CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.3 OF 2015 24 AUGUST 2012; ASPETAR SPORTS MEDICINE JOURNAL HCT-00-AC-SC 84 OF 2012 1900720279 19/U/20279/PSA activities carried out by the accused so as to be able to press various charges on the accused. DNA is used to know the person behind the various crimes. In England, in the case of Collin Pitch fork13, the forensic evidence was used to identify the murder of two girls who he has also raped, he was identified through using a semen sample. Forensic evidence is used in administration of justice where paternity of the child is in dispute by the technique of DNA is usually put to use to ascertain whether a particular child belongs to the decease/particular further and such technique is usually not challenged since its conclusive and it can rarely give biased results. In Re Nassozi Immaculate14, the Applicants challenged the guardianship order that was granted on grounds of the child was an orphan, however upon carrying out a DNA, the applicants were her parents thus forensic evidence plays a role in matters of percentage. Evidence can be presented to court through various modes mainly for the purpose of proving or disapproving a question under inquiry this comprises of testimonies, documents, photographs, maps and video tape this is usually accompanied by sworn testimonies on both direct and cross examination regardless of who called the witness exhibits received into evidence and the facts to which all lawyers have agreed or stipulated , arguments and statements by lawyers are not evidence therefore in order to support the evidence provided it must be collaborated very well to convince the judge forensic evidence is so practical in nature that it shall be make admission of evidence easily it is always backed up with reality i.e. in case of being held accountable he/she will have finger prints on the crime scene or their DNA in 13 14 1986 MISC APPLICATION NO.208 OF 2014. 1900720279 19/U/20279/PSA nature of sweat or blood left at the scene thus forensic evidence makes it easier to convince court to reach a decision. Lastly, forensic evidence is large when there is need for collecting evidence especially where the subject matter ceases to exist for example in case one has been found dead and there is need to identify the body, authorities shall apply DNA, to confirm the person identity, determine the cause of death. 1900720279 19/U/20279/PSA REFERENCES. COMPUTER MISUSE ACT CASE LAW AARON. M. KESSER, LAW LEFT BEHIND AS HANDS FREE CARS ARISE MAY 3RD 2015. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. WHAT IT IS USED BY JACKER FRANKEN FIELD ASPETAR SPORTS MEDICINE JOURNAL. WWW.LAW INSIDER.COM US LEGAL.COM DATA CYPHER.COM PROPUBLICA, "MACHINE BIAS: THERE’S SOFTWARE USED ACROSS THE COUNTRY TO PREDICT FUTURE CRIMINALS. AND IT’S BIASED AGAINST BLACK DENNIS J, BAKER, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE LAW MARK CHINEN, LAW AND AUTONOMOUS MACHINES KATE CROWFORD, ATLAS OF AI WOODROW BARFIELD RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON THE LAW OF AI BY WOODROW BARFIELD HENRY ARSLANIAN, FABRICE FISCHER, PALGRAVE M FUNDAMENTALS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 1900720279 19/U/20279/PSA COMPUTER AND THE LAW COURSE WORK (L4219) REG NUMBER; 19/U/20279/PSA STUDENT NUMBER; 1900720279.