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Early Arabia: Worksheet on Bedouins, Ka'ba & Society

Early days of Arabia
Early days of Arabia
Test yourselves to see how much you know already.
Link the correct word to the correct meaning.
Test yourselves to see how much you know already.
Link the correct word to the correct meaning.
1. Bedouins –
2. Nomads –
3. Caravans –
People who travel around all the time and
had no fixed home.
Praying and respect.
Place to go and pray.
People who formed a tribe and were in
4. Altars –
charge of the town of Mecca.
5. Idols –
The most important religious building in
all of Arabia.
6. Worship –
A group of camels that carried all of the
people`s goods.
7. Ka’ba –
8. Koraish –
Like a statue that people would pray to.
People who lived in the deserts.
9. Bedouins –
10. Nomads –
11. Caravans –
a) What is infanticide? Find out on the internet. Then answer the
following questions:
b) Why did the Arabs practise female infanticide?
c) What is the difference between a Bedouin and a Nomad?
Praying and respect.
Place to go and pray.
People who formed a tribe and were in
charge of the town of Mecca.
13. Idols –
The most important religious building in
all of Arabia.
14. Worship –
A group of camels that carried all of the
people`s goods.
15. Ka’ba –
16. Koraish –
Arabia was a very poor area, mostly _____________ or
Some of these were ______________ who were nomads,
constantly moving their sheep, camels and tents from place to
The Arabs living in tents were called _______________
As they moved the animals around from market to market
they would take _______________ with them.
Many Arabs made a living from tending ___________.
Others used camels in groups, called _____________, to
carry goods from town to town to sell.
There was no single religion.
Most Arabs worshipped several gods and spirits that they
believed lived in __________________.
The Arabs were split into many _____________.
There was no single king who ____________ them.
The __________ was the most important building in all
Arabia. It was used as a temple for worship.
The Ka’ba had over _______________, statues and other
religious objects or idols which all the Arabs worshipped.
People would travel _______________ of miles to visit and
worship at the Ka’ba.
People who travel around all the time and
had no fixed home.
12. Altars –
Fill in the missing gaps with the correct words.
Like a statue that people would pray to.
People who lived in the deserts.
Fill in the missing gaps with the correct words.
Arabia was a very poor area, mostly _____________ or
Some of these were ______________ who were nomads,
constantly moving their sheep, camels and tents from place to
The Arabs living in tents were called _______________
As they moved the animals around from market to market
they would take _______________ with them.
Many Arabs made a living from tending ___________.
Others used camels in groups, called _____________, to
carry goods from town to town to sell.
There was no single religion.
Most Arabs worshipped several gods and spirits that they
believed lived in __________________.
The Arabs were split into many _____________.
There was no single king who ____________ them.
The __________ was the most important building in all
Arabia. It was used as a temple for worship.
The Ka’ba had over _______________, statues and other
religious objects or idols which all the Arabs worshipped.
People would travel _______________ of miles to visit and
worship at the Ka’ba.
What is infanticide? Find out on the internet. Then answer the
following questions:
b) Why did the Arabs practise female infanticide?
c) What is the difference between a Bedouin and a Nomad?