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Pre-Islamic Arabia Conditions: Marking Scheme & Answer

Instructions for candidates:
 -This marking scheme is compiled from Cambridge Past Papers for the guidance of students.
 -Candidates aren’t supposed to copy/paste the material given in the scheme
 -They’re instructed to get the idea of how to attempt the answer and what the examiner is looking for in
response to questions being asked.
 - Candidates are instructed to use the given the marking scheme to extend their answers according to the
examiner’s demand.
Question: Describe the conditions prevalent in the Arabia before Islam?
Marking Scheme & Sample Answer:
Pre-Islamic Arabia was the period before the coming of Islam in Arabia- ranging after the elevation of Prophet Isa
(AS) to the heaven till the spreading of Islam by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the age of 40. It was also named as
Jahiliya period as the Arabs were pagans and deeply rooted in all kinds of sins and immoralities.
Paganism was the religion of the Arabs before Islam. The Bedouins were Idol worshippers with the exceptions of
Christians and Jews who were the believers of monotheism. Every tribe had its own deity at home. Arabs before the
advent of Islam used to perform pilgrimage of the Kaaba in the state of nudity with their hands clapping and singing.
Kaaba being the center of worship was sacred to the pagans as there were 360 idols placed inside it. Arabs had many
gods and goddesses as Al-Habal being the chief of all those idols and Allah as the supreme God. They had been
committing shirk for centuries. They also worshipped the female goddesses such as Al-Manat, Al-Uzzah, and Al-Laat.
Arabs along with idol worshipping would also worship the nature including the sun, the moon, the stars. They considered
the caves, stones, the trees and other objects of nature as holy. They would also sacrifice animals as an offering to pay
homage to their idols or to be protected from the punishment of their gods. The pagans also considered angels to be the
daughters of Allah. There was one group the Hanifs was also living who believed in the ethical monotheism of Hazrat
Ibrahim AS.
Along with their religion, the social conditions of Pre-Islamic Arabia were undoubtedly pathetic. Socially, the
Arabs were corrupt and uncivilised. They were indulged in many evil practices; such as stealing, gambling, plundering,
looting, and drinking. Usury-a tool of oppression and a means to unjustly take others‘ money, along with fornication and
adultery were the common vices in Pre-Islamic Arabia. Might was right; only the strong would survive and the weak were
exploited. Slavery was commonly practiced in the whole Arabia and masters had complete authority over their slaves.
Injustice prevailed in the entire Arabia.
There was no political system in the Arabia before Islam as Arabia was a tribal society. They were scattered
nomadic tribes who would move from place to place. The tribal chiefs were the leaders of the tribes, and they were chosen
on the basis of their bravery, fluency in Arabic language, experience, age, wisdom, and loyalty towards their tribe. Every
member was bound to obey and honour the authority of the tribal chief. Inter-tribal jealousy and disputes were rampant
over trivial and insignificant matters. The tribal warfare would stretch to many years; Harb-al-Basus a fighting started over
killing a camel stretched to four decades. Similarly, Battle of Dahis started over horse racing continued for many
generations. Loyalty towards a tribe was the most prevalent feature of their tribalism. Only a few small settled
communities such as in Mecca being 'Haram', they relied on pilgrimage business as Mecca became the hub of trading. In
Mecca and Taif, the carving of idols became a profitable business.
The Bedouins' culture was highly venerated not only in the pagans, but also among the Christians and Jews.
Everyone would send their children to foster Bedouin nurses to imbibe in their children the Bedouin culture. Poetry was
the integral feature of their culture. Every year, the poetry competition used to be held in their annual fare called Ukaz. The
best poems were written in the golden ink and used to be hung on the walls of Kaaba to pay homage to the winners. Arabs
had immense pride in the eloquence of their Arabia language and considered others as inferior.
Lastly, the position of woman in the Pre-Islamic Arabia was nothing more than chattels. There was total
misogyny against women. The practice of female infanticide was very common. The Bedouins would bury their daughters
alive as they used to believe that a woman could bring disgrace to the family, whereas the male progeny was considered a
sign of honour. Wives had no right in the property of their husbands. Moreover, a husband could divorce a wife at any
time. Evil vices such as polyandry and polygamy were the common practices. Even a woman could have more than one
husband at the same time. Women had no social standing and rights in the inheritance.
All in all, the entire Arabia was steeped into many immoral and unethical practices. Every aspect of Pre-Islamic
Arabia was an antithesis to a civilised and morally right society.