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Arabia Before Islam: History & Society

The Land Of Arabia
Fauna And Flora
Arabia On The Map
Races Of Arabia
The Jahiliya Period
Political Life
Social And Moral Life
Position Of Women
Cultural Life
Religious Life
Arabia- biggest peninsula –
south-west of Asia
Length – 1500 miles
Breadth- 1300 miles
Total area – over 1200000 sq miles
Three deserts
• Nifud – north
• Dahna – central asia
• Rab’al khali - the empty quarter
Hejaz -----------------------North West
Najd------------------------east Of Hejaz
Yamaha--------------------center Of Arabia
Asir And Tihama-----------coastal Area Of Red Sea
Yemen---------------------south-west Part Of Arabia
Hadramawt---------------Indian Ocean Coast
Uman-----------------------south- East
Bahrain-----------------cost Of Persian Gulf And North Of Uman
Driest land
Rainless country
Vegetation is little
Water is low >>saline and bitter
Few bushes
Stunted tress > saline leaves >> animal
Rare animals>> horse and cow
Migrated birds
Wild animals>> reptiles
Jaziral Al-arab
West--------------------Red Sea
South--------------------Indian Ocean
East----------------------Persian Gulf
North---------------------Nifud Or Syrian Desert
Arab baida >> ancient >> Ad , the samood, the jadis
Banu Qahtan >> (himyarites/ yemanis)
Arab ariba >> the real arabs
Arab musta’riba’ >> The Naturalized Arabs>> descendant of
ishmael(son of Prophet Ibrahim and Hajra)
• Bedouins>> ahl-ul badiya>> the dwellers of the desert
• Ahl-ul hadharch >>the towns people>>The dwellers of the
• bedouins 80% of Arabia population >>they were divided into
• Town's Arabs: they are divided into tribes however they did not
lead a pastoral or Nomadic life but a settled life with a
permanent settlement in a town.
Two Century before the rise of Islam
age of ignorance
age of crisis
old tribalism broke down under the impact of powerful forces
• Disintegration of the Ancient matriarchal system
• Growth of money economy throughout Arabia
• Migration of the Yemeni tribes to Northern area which is intertribal war
• increased in imperialist intrigues of Rome and Persia among the
border tribe of north and Southern Arabs
Without any Central Government for single political authority
innumerable tribes headed by Shaikh
each tribe act as a state
each and every member bound by custom and tribal decision
• Sheikh was not absolute master he had to consult all the
tribesmen especially the elders in any decision
• this was the democratic spirit of equality and freedom
• Tribal security system and cause of inter tribal wars
• Long drawn tribal wars
• the causes of these wars were usually a petty affair such a
• a dispute over the boundaries of a pasture, a claim over spring
water or an injury to the person or animal of a tribe by another
• once it started the war would last for several years and even
• War of basus
The bedouin tribes were pastoral and Nomadic
towns people were mainly traders and Merchant
the society was tribal and matriarchal or patriarchal
Few slaves >>prisoners of War-capture on battlefield
male slaves are put to work such as attending the cattles
female slaves are made domestic servants
• According to the situations of war
• the bedouins developed many qualities of
• Fighters : they are brave courageous , hospitable and generous
• they love freedom and were deeply loyal to their groups clan or tribe.
• Some negative moral evils are brutality, lying, breaking of
promises or trust and many other immoralities of sexual nature.
• Women as worse than animal
• Regarded as chattel >>to be passed on from one owner to
• No right and no social status
• No honor
• Muta' or temporary marriage were too frequent
• Female infanticide was also prevalent
• Wine drinking, prostitution and gambling was also on peak
The Arabs of this period knew little or
nothing about art, culture and learning,
except of Arabic language and poetry
• Religious life and beliefs range from the
worship of one supreme god which they
significantly card allah to the worship of
rough stones and heaps and wooden stick
the ancient Arabs were polytheistic
every tribe has its own God and goddess
even every family had its own household god.
the most important of these Gods or Goddesses were
• Al- hubal, al- Uzza, al-Lat al- Manat
• Less important gods ----- yaghush, Wadd, Nasr
• Al- Hubal was special god of Qrraaish of makkah
• Their idols and temples
• Superstitions
• Christianity, Judaism, magianism or the fire worship of Persia,
star worship also exist in Arabia.
• The Christians were quarrelling among themselves
• As they are divided into two main sects the monotheists and nestorians
• On the question whether Christ was man or god
• They were morally week as they were involved in drinking and
• The Jewish >>religion was based on race racialism and a sort
of caste system
• The consider them self to be superior and call themselves as chosen
people destined to rule the world
• so we may conclude that the religious life of
jahiliya period was a dark as its political and
social condition. superstition idolatry And
degenerated forms of Christianity and Judaism
held the people's mind