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Auditing Sampling Test Questions

1. The application of statistical sampling techniques is least related to which of the following
generally accepted auditing standards?
a. The work is to be adequately planned, and assistants, if any, are to be properly supervised.
b. In all matters relating to the assignment, independence in mental attitude is to be maintained by
the auditor or auditors.
c. A sufficient understanding of internal control is to be obtained to plan the audit and to determine
the nature, timing, and extent of tests to be performed.
d. Sufficient competent evidential matter is to be obtained through inspection, observation,
inquiries, and confirmations to afford a reasonable basis for an opinion about the financial
statements under audit.
2. An auditor plans to test a sample of 20 checks for counter signatures as prescribed by the client's
control procedures. One of the checks in the chosen sample of 20 cannot be found. The auditor
should consider the reasons for this limitation and
a. Evaluate the results as if the sample size had been 19.
b. Treat the missing check as a deviation for the purpose of evaluating the sample.
c. Treat the missing check in the same manner as the majority of the other 19 checks, i.e.,
countersigned or not.
d. Choose another check to replace the missing check in the sample.
3. The tolerable rate of deviation for tests of controls necessary to justify a control risk assessment
depends primarily on which of the following?
a. The cause of errors.
b. The extent of reliance to be placed on the procedures.
c. The amount of any substantive errors.
d. The limit used in audits of similar clients.
4. Which of the following sampling methods is most useful to auditors when performing tests of
a. Discovery sampling.
b. Attribute estimation.
c. Variable sampling.
d. Unrestricted random sampling with replacement.
6. Given random sampling, the same sample size, and the same tolerable error for the testing of two
unequal populations, the risk of assessing control risk too low on the smaller population is
a. The same as the risk of assessing control risk too low on the larger population.
b. Higher than the risk of assessing control risk too low on the larger population.
c. Lower than the risk of assessing control risk too low on the larger population.
d. Indeterminable relative to the risk of assessing control risk too low on the larger population.
An underlying feature of random sampling is that each
Stratum of the accounting population be given equal representation in the sample.
Item in the accounting population be randomly ordered.
Item in the accounting population should have an opportunity to be selected.
Item must be systematically selected using replacement.
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7. At times, a sample may indicate that the auditor's assessed level of control risk for a given control
is reasonable when, in fact, the true compliance rate does not justify the assessed level. This
situation illustrates the risk of
a. Assessing control risk too low.
b. Assessing control risk too high.
c. Incorrect precision.
d. Incorrect rejection.
9. An auditor examining inventory may appropriately apply sampling for attributes in order to
estimate the
a. Average price of inventory items.
b. Percentage of slow-moving inventory items.
c. Dollar value of inventory.
d. Physical quantity of inventory items.
11. If the auditor is concerned that a population may contain exceptions, the determination of a
sample size sufficient to include at least one such exception is a characteristic of
a. Discovery sampling.
b. Variables sampling.
c. Random sampling.
d. Probability-proportional-to-size sampling.
12. Which of the following best illustrates the concept of sampling risk?
a. A randomly chosen sample may not be representative of the population as a whole on the
characteristic of interest.
b. An auditor may select audit procedures that are not appropriate to achieve the specific objective.
c. An auditor may fail to recognize errors in the documents examined for the chosen sample.
d. The documents related to the chosen sample may not be available for inspection.
13. In attributes estimation, a 10 percent change in which of the following factors normally will have
the least effect on the size of the statistical sample?
a. Population size.
b. Precision interval.
c. Reliability.
d. Standard deviation.
Which of the following is an element of sampling risk?
Choosing an audit procedure that is inconsistent with the audit objective.
Choosing a sample size that is too small to achieve the sampling objective.
Failing to detect an error on a document that has been inspected by the auditor.
Failing to perform audit procedures that are required by the sampling plan.
The tolerable rate of deviations for a test of controls is generally
Lower than the expected rate of errors in the related accounting population.
Higher than the expected rate of errors in the related accounting records.
Identical to the expected rate of errors in the related accounting records.
Unrelated to the expected rate of errors in the related accounting records. (AICPA ADAPTED)
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14. If the size of the sample to be used in a particular test of attributes has not been determined by
utilizing statistical concepts but the sample has been chosen in accordance with random selection
a. No inferences can be drawn from the sample.
b. The auditor has committed a nonsampling error.
c. The auditor may or may not achieve desired allowance for sampling risk at the desired level of
d. The auditor will have to evaluate the results by reference to the principles of discovery sampling.
15. In examining cash disbursements, an auditor plans to choose a sample using systematic selection
with a random start. The primary advantage of such a systematic selection is that population
a. That include irregularities will not be overlooked when the auditor exercises compatible
reciprocal options.
b. May occur in a systematic pattern, thus making the sample more representative.
c. May occur more than once in a sample.
d. Do not have to be prenumbered in order for the auditor to use the technique.
16. In attributes estimation, which of the following must be known in order to appraise the results of
the auditor's sample?
a. Estimated dollar value of the population.
b. Standard deviation of the values in the population.
c. Actual occurrence rate of the attribute in the population.
d. Sample size.
17. If all other factors specified in a sampling plan remain constant, changing the expected population
deviation rate from 1 percent to 2 percent would cause the required sample size to
a. Increase.
b. Remain the same.
c. Decrease.
d. Become indeterminate.
18. If a selected random number matches the number of a voided voucher, the voucher ordinarily
should be replaced by another voucher in the sample if the voucher
a. Constitutes a deviation.
b. Has been properly voided.
c. Cannot be located.
d. Represents an immaterial dollar amount.
19. Discovery sampling should be used to estimate whether a population contains
a. Errors of any kind.
b. Noncritical errors.
c. Critical deviations.
d. No errors.
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20. Which of the following factors is generally not considered in determining the sample size for a
test of controls?
a. Population size.
b. Tolerable rate.
c. Risk of assessing control risk too low.
d. Expected population deviation rate.
21. Assuming the tolerable deviation rate is 5 percent, the expected population rate is 3 percent, and
the allowance for sampling risk is 2 percent, what should an auditor conclude if tests of 100
randomly selected documents reveals 4 deviations?
a. Accept the sample results as support for assessing control risk below the maximum because the
tolerable rate less the allowance for sampling risk equals the expected population deviation rate.
b. Assess control risk at the maximum because the sample deviation rate plus the allowance for
sampling risk exceeds the tolerable rate.
c. Assess control risk at the maximum because the tolerable rate plus the allowance for sampling
risk exceeds the expected population deviation rate.
d. Accept the sample results as support for assessing control risk below the maximum because the
sample deviation rate plus the allowance for sampling risk exceeds the tolerable rate.
1. Explain the two components of audit risk.
Audit risk is a combination of two components:
 The risk that material errors will occur in the process by which financial statements are
 The risk that the auditor will not detect any material errors that occur.
2. Which two aspects of sampling risk are critical in the tests of controls? Explain why.
 The risk of assessing control risk too high is the risk that a sample deviation rate supports
assessing control risk at the maximum when, unknown to the auditor, the true deviation
rate in the population would lead the auditor to assess control risk below the maximum.
 The risk of assessing control risk too low is the opposite of assessing control risk too
high. It is the risk that a sample supports assessing control risk below the maximum
when, unknown to the auditor, the true deviation rate in the population supports assessing
control risk at the maximum.
3. Explain the difference between statistical sampling plans and nonstatistical sampling plans.
Statistical sampling plans apply the laws of probability to aid an auditor in designing an efficient
sample, in measuring the sufficiency of evidence obtained, and in evaluating the sample results.
Nonstatistical sampling plans rely exclusively on judgment to determine sample size and to
evaluate sample results. The one crucial difference between a statistical and nonstatistical
sampling application: Statistical sampling plans allow an auditor to measure sampling risk
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quantitatively; nonstatistical sampling plans do not.
4. Explain the difference between a deviation and an attribute.
An attribute is a characteristic of a control, and a deviation is the absence of an attribute.
5. The risk that material errors may occur and remain undetected is influenced by two categories of
uncertainties. Name and define these two categories of uncertainties.
 Sampling risk, which arises from the fact that, unknown to the auditor, a sample may not
be representative of the population tested.
 Nonsampling risk includes all aspects of audit risk not due to sampling, i.e. human error.
1. List and define five commonly used methods of selecting a sample.
 Random-Number Sampling – Uses computer-generated random numbers to select
sampling units from a population. Random number sampling is appropriate both for
statistical sampling and for nonstatistical sampling.
 Systematic Sampling – Involves selecting every nth item from a population of
sequentially ordered items. Systematic selection is useful for nonstatistical sampling and
can be useful for statistical sampling if the starting point is selected at random.
 Block Sampling – A block sample is a group of items arranged contiguously within a
larger grouping of sampling units.
 Haphazard Sampling – Consists of sampling units selected without special reason, but
also without conscious bias. Haphazard sampling is inappropriate for statistical sampling
but may be useful for nonstatistical sampling.
 Stratified Sampling – Involves subdividing populations into homogeneous subgroups or
strata, and selecting (and evaluating) separate samples for each subgroup. The samples
may be selected by random numbers, systemically, in blocks, or haphazardly. Stratified
sampling is based on the assumption that items in some population strata are more similar
to each other than to any other items in the population.
2. In evaluating the results of an auditor’s sample, the auditor will calculate the sample deviation
rate. Please complete the following requirements in respect to the sample deviation rate.
a. Define the sample deviation rate.
b. Explain how an auditor would arrive at the sample deviation rate.
c. Explain how the sample deviation rate is used in determining the maximum
population deviation rate.
a. The sample deviation rate is the auditor’s estimate of the true but unknown population
deviation rate.
b. The sample deviation rate is determined as follows:
Number of Deviations Observed
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Sample Deviation Rate =
Sample Size
c. The estimate of the maximum population deviation rate is determined as follows:
Maximum Population
Deviation Rate
Sample Deviation
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Allowance for
Sampling Risk