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Powder Sample Prep for X-ray Diffraction

Why We Powder Samples
Particle size is inversely related to both the degree of randomness of the crystallites and the measured intensity. The figure below illustrates this
relationship for a single phase sample prepared properly, then poorly.
The well ground sample has a particles size of at most 44 microns. It would resemble flour such that if you were to rub the sample between your
fingers you would not be able to feel the individual grains. The underground sample you would be able to distinguish individual grain not only by feel
but sight as well. The resulting diffraction patterns of the two samples are shown below.
The most efficient way is to form a slurry in a highly viscous liquid such as nail varnish. In such a liquid, the random
orientation is retained on drying.
M3= Mponoclinic
T3= Triclininc
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