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Meeting template completed

Team Meeting
July 21st / 10:00 AM / CONFERENCE ROOM
Financial Analyst
Fulfillment Director
Human Resources Specialist
Quality Assurance tester
IT Specialist
Inventory Manager
Training manager
Customer service Manager
Purpose and Expectations
The purpose of this meeting is to go over the goals that were reached after the completion of
the Four- Week survey mark. Expectations of this meeting will be to discuss any ways to
insights and proposed next steps that we as a team can make to meet the goal directly and to
celebrate the milestones that we did reach.
Topic #1: On-time deliveries rose from 80% to 90% by the end of the survey—a solid
improvement, but still short of our 95% target.
Topic #2: A number of customers volunteered that a live chat option would further improve
customer support.
Topic #3: Satisfaction with support increased once we fixed the customer service software
problem, but there is still room for improvement.
Will complete later on
Action Items