To: “” Subject: Green Team Planning - Status Meeting Opening: First of all, I would like to thank the team for all their hard work on the project> as seen from the survery we have made progress in several areas. Please be advised I have scheduled a meeting at 10:00 am on February 17, 2023. The purpose of this meeting will be to go over the results of the survey, noting our improvements as well as what else can further be accomplished. Below are the key data points On-time deliveries rose from 80% to 90% by the end of the survey—a solid improvement, but still short of our 95% target. Customers overwhelmingly prefer deliveries before normal business hours and early in the day. Satisfaction with support increased once we fixed the customer service software problem, but there is still room for improvement. Many respondents found the guides and tutorials helpful. A number of customers volunteered that a live chat option would further improve customer support. Closing: This will be not only a review but a brainstorming session on what can be done with remaining issues. I would welcome input for all attendees, so please be prepared to discuss what solutions you think are available. Thank you for your time. Signature: Name, Project Manager DKF Attachments: